"Good! Old Liu, stop!

Father Ma said to the driver.

"Yes! Mr. Ma! Old Liu suddenly pulled over skillfully and steadily.

Gu Xiao and Gu Chen got out of the car.

"Thank you, Mr. Ma!"

Gu Chen also thanked him.

"It's okay! Just along the way! Father Ma replied and left directly.

"Phew, fortunately I met this student, otherwise I probably wouldn't have come back today!" Gu Xiao sighed with emotion.

Gu Chen did not speak.

"Haha, if you let the media know that Mr. Gu Chengu, a new upstart in business, actually needs to take a ride, it is estimated that the news will break tomorrow!"

Then Gu Xiao thought of something and joked with a smile.

"Okay! It's so late, let's take a taxi back!

Gu Chen stopped the car on the road after a blank glance and sat up directly.

"Oops! Wait for me!

Gu Xiao also quickly opened the rear door.

Gu Chen, who returned home, was naturally questioned, and then went back to his room to sleep.

As for Xu Shishi returning to her home early in the morning, Gu's mother was originally going to ask Gu Chen to send it, but fortunately, Shishi's father personally drove here, otherwise he would have shown his stuffing.

I have to say that Shishi's father, that is, his uncle, has a good relationship, and their family is not in the city, but in the county next door.

The next day, Gu Chen did not go anywhere, but was arrested by Gu's mother at home and cleaned all the places in the house.

Looking at the newly renovated house, Gu Chen was also very satisfied.

Although it is not as comfortable as Huahai's house, it is full of memories of Gu Chen's childhood, and for him, this is a real home.

At this time, Gu Chen was sitting in the courtyard basking in the warm winter sun, drinking a cup of light tea, and the whole person was extremely enjoyable.

Suddenly, the mobile phone on his coffee table buzzed, and a pleasant ringtone floated in the courtyard.

"Hello? Who is it?

Gu Chen opened it and found that it was an unfamiliar phone, and after thinking about it, he answered it.

"Is it Mr. Gu Chen?"

A thick voice came out.

"I am, are you..."

asked Gu Chen curiously;

"Hello Mr. Gu, I am Wang Cong, the director of the Yongshi Commercial Bureau, I wonder if Mr. Gu has returned?"

The Secretary for Commerce explained with a smile.

At the same time, he was also very excited and unbelievable in his heart, he did not expect that the chairman of Longteng Group was still a person from their quack.

"Been back for two days." Gu Chen said lightly.

He is not surprised that the other party knows his identity!

"I wonder if Mr. Gu has time to attend our business party in Yongshi City?"

Hearing Gu Chen's admission that he was in Yong City, the director of the Commerce Bureau was excited, and then issued an invitation.

"This, Director Wang, I'm sorry, I may be a little busy when I just came back!" So..." Gu

Chen didn't want to think about it when he heard this, so he refused.

After all, these evenings are the least interesting.

"Mr. Gu, it's not today, it's the night of the seventh."

Hearing Gu Chen's refusal, Wang Cong was suddenly anxious and quickly explained.

For Gu Chen's identity, it is not something that a municipal commercial bureau chief can threaten.

"Oh... All right! When

Gu Chen heard the other party say this, he couldn't refute the other party's face, so he could only reluctantly agree.

"Good, good, good! Thank you Mr. Gu! Then I won't bother Mr. Gu! The invitation will be delivered to Mr. Gu's home in a while, please pay attention to check!

Wang Cong said in surprise.

He naturally found out Gu Chen's identity when he checked Gu Chen before, but he didn't expect that he was still the former rich son of their city.

Son of Gu's Real Estate Group.


Gu Chen nodded.

He then hung up.

Shake your head, this is the celebrity trouble!

Put down your phone and continue to bask in the sun.

About half an hour later, a bell rang outside the gate of the courtyard.


Gu Chen saw a young man dressed in gray standing outside the gate.

"Is it Mr. Gu Chen?"

Seeing Gu Chen walking over, the man in gray asked after taking a look.

"Hmm!" Gu Chen nodded.

"I was sent by Director Wang to send you an invitation!"

The man in gray immediately took out a bright red book from his handbag and handed it to Gu Chen.

"There is work!" Gu Chen looked at it and thanked him.

"It's okay!"

Then he said goodbye to Gu Chen, and at the same time was very curious about Gu Chen's identity, after all, it was not simple for the person who could be solemnly invited by Director Wang to see it, but he didn't see what was different about Gu Chen.

"Mingyuan Hotel!"

Looking at the address above, Gu Chen shook his head.

This place he used to come to often, the most famous hotel in Yong City.

"But after my Huatian Hotel is repaired, you will have to give way!"

Gu Chen thought in his heart.

Then he didn't care about it, casually put it on the coffee table, lay on the chair and soaked up the sun and slept.

Little by little, the sun is sliding to the west.

"Hey! Wake up!

Suddenly, Gu Chen, who was sleeping, heard someone calling him, and opened his eyes in a daze.

Finding that it was his father, he rubbed his eyes, raised his wrist, and looked at the time to five o'clock in the afternoon.

"How did you fall asleep?"

Father Gu sat next to him and asked.

"The sun is so comfortable!" Gu Chen stretched.

"Huh~ Who sent this?"

Father Gu saw the invitation on the coffee table and picked it up.

"Hey, the official sent by Yongshi City, what kind of business party, if you want to go, let you go!" Gu Chen said nonchalantly.

"If I go, I guess people won't hate me? The person people want to see is you, not me, a bankrupt old man! Hearing

Gu Chen's words, Father Gu joked with a smile.

"I really don't want to go!" Gu Chen waved his hand.

"Okay! Since the invitations have been sent, naturally they want to take a look! Also help me see if the old guys are still there! Father Gu looked at Gu Chen and said.

"Hmm!" Gu Chen nodded.

Then the father and son chatted for a while and then entered the house.

In the evening, Gu Chen and Gu's mother talked about going to the party the day after tomorrow.

"Isn't the day after tomorrow a small year? How did you pick this time? Mother Gu asked with a frown after hearing this.

"Who knows!" Gu Chen shrugged.

"Okay, okay!"

Mother Gu didn't ask anything.

On the sixth, Gu Chen accompanied Gu's mother to the mall for a day and bought all the New Year goods he needed.

In the evening, I received a message from Gu Xiao.

"The meeting place is set, right at the Mingyuan Hotel! Six o'clock in the evening! Come or not! Seeing

this, Gu Chen was stunned, this is really coincidental.

But he happened to be there tomorrow, and he wouldn't mind checking it out if time permitted.

So he didn't explain it to Gu Xiao either.

Fast forward to the night of the seventh.

At this time, Mingyuan Hotel can be described as the existence of fragrant food.

The business party in Yongshi is held every year, but it is really not as lively as today.

Because the director of the Commercial Bureau said that the chairman of Longteng Group will also come over tonight, this news is like an earth-shattering wave!

Just as the water in the pot boiled instantly, the upper circle of Yong City exploded, and they did not expect that the chairman of the famous Longteng Group was actually a person from their Yong City.

With the official recognition, the business party that was not desired in the past has become a paradise that everyone wants to go to.

At this time, Wang Cong had just hung up the phone with a local tycoon in Yongshi City, and his face had not stopped smiling since Gu Chen agreed.

He knew that he had made the right move, and in the past, he had invited no one to come, but now, all the businessmen wanted to get an invitation from him and wanted to participate in this business party.

"Haha, I didn't expect this Mr. Gu to have such a great reputation!"

Wang Cong muttered.

Just then his phone rang again.

"Hello? I'm Wang Cong! He

didn't look at it and replied directly.

"Director Wang! Where?

Suddenly, an old man came over.

"Secretary Shen!"

Hearing the voice, Wang Cong was stunned for a moment, and then shouted respectfully.

"Haha, I don't know if I can go over and take a look at this business party!" Secretary Shen smiled and said.

"Of course you can! The opening remarks of this party are just a heavyweight away, and Secretary Shen is just right!

Wang Cong also did not expect that this incident would also alarm his superior, the parent official of Yong City.

"Haha, that's good!"

Then Wang Cong said a few more words and hung up the phone.

Then he smiled bitterly, originally he wanted to go up by himself at this great opportunity, but now...

On the other side, a large group of people stood in front of the Mingyuan Hotel, and it seemed that there was a dispute.

"Why don't you let us in?"

"Exactly! We booked it a long time ago! "

A group of people spoke up for themselves.

"I'm sorry guys, this incident was our mistake! But not really here today! Not open to the public!

A middle-aged man dressed as a manager stood in front and explained.

"Since it's not open today, why don't you say it earlier! Didn't say until we came?

"This..." Hearing

this, the hotel manager glared fiercely at a waiter next to him.

"This matter is the responsibility of our hotel, he forgot to inform you! But in this way, tomorrow, you will come over tomorrow and I will give you a five-fold discount! What do you think? Today this place has been contracted. The

hotel manager bowed to everyone.

That's right, this group of people is Gu Chen's high school classmates, and they also booked the night of the seventh night of the Mingyuan Hotel.

Hearing the hotel manager say this, they couldn't say anything, and for a while they didn't know what to do.

Approaching the New Year, all major hotels are full, and reservations are required in advance to have a place.

"How about we come tomorrow?"

Then a young man asked.

If Gu Chen was here, he would definitely know that this person was the class leader of his high school class, Ding Zhiwei!

"What a come! We're going back tomorrow! What should I do if I don't have a car by then?

"It is!"

After that, some people began to object, after all, many of them are not local, some are from the countryside, some are from the county next door, and they finally found time to attend the class reunion but did not expect this result.

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