"This..." Ding Zhiwei didn't know what to say when he heard this, after all, the truth they said.

The hotel manager also heard everyone's conversation at this time, and he was no stranger to their class reunions.

He didn't know how to deal with the batches of people who came here to gather during this period.

So he was very angry with the waiter who had made a mistake.

"Don't ask Gu Chen! See if he has a place? At this time, Gu Xiao saw that it was not a way to go on like this, so he spoke.

"Yes! How did you forget that big guy!

"Gu Xiao, where is Gu Chen? Why didn't he come? "

For a while, everyone thought about it, there was a big guy among them!

They all started talking.

"Ahem! I don't know where he is, but I can ask! Seeing everyone looking at him, Gu Xiao touched his nose and said.

Then, under everyone's expectant gaze, Gu Xiao dialed Gu Chen's phone.

The phone rang for a few seconds and was connected.


Gu Chen's familiar voice came out.

"Gu Chen, where are you?" Gu Xiao glanced at everyone and asked.

"At home!"

"Why don't you come to the party?"

"What a coincidence, I have a business party to attend today! You guys have a lot of fun!

Gu Chen did not say that he would also be at the Mingyuan Hotel, intending to surprise everyone.

"Alright! But I'm afraid we won't be able to participate this time! Gu Xiao also said regretfully.

"Oh? What's wrong? Canceled? Gu Chen asked curiously.

"Nope! Mingyuan Hotel was chartered so we can't go in, now there is no place to go, this is not to call you, I want to ask if you have a place to let us go? Gu Xiao directly said the problem.

"Eh?" Gu Chen was stunned, he was a little worried after seeing the location of the business party before, and he thought that the organizer did not charter it!

"So are you still staying at the Ming Garden Hotel?" Gu Chen asked with a smile.


"Okay! I'll help you ask! "Good


After that, Gu Xiao hung up the phone.

"What did Gu Chen say?"

At this time, everyone looked at Gu Xiao, and Ding Zhiwei also asked anxiously.

Gu Chen was a legendary figure in the school back then, plus he was generous, and everyone's relationship was quite good.

It's not like in the novel, but after college, everyone has less contact, and the relationship has gradually faded.

"He said he had a party to attend today and might not be able to come, but he would help us ask!"

Gu Xiao said.

So several people began to wait.


Gu Chen sat on the sofa and hung up the phone with a smile.

After thinking about it, he directly called the director Wang that day.

"Hello? Mr. Gu, have you arrived?

Wang Cong's hearty voice suddenly came out, and he was very grateful to Gu Chen.

If it weren't for Gu Chen's business party this year, it is estimated that no one would have attended.

Like now, all the people with heads and faces in Yong City want to participate here.

It made his face bigger.

"Not yet, but I want to ask you for a favor?" Gu Chen smiled and said.

"Mr. Gu, please say!"

"It's that I was originally going to attend a class reunion today, but since I promised Director Wang, I naturally won't go!" Gu Chen explained.

Director Wang was startled when he heard Gu Chen say that the class reunion, for fear that Gu Chen would not go again, but he was relieved when he heard it.

"Originally, my classmates booked the Mingyuan Hotel, but isn't it wrapped by Director Wang now? What I want to ask is to see if you can open a private room for me at the Mingyuan Hotel. Gu Chen asked.

He knew that the Mingyuan Hotel was quite large, and even if it was a private venue, there would definitely be many places that could not be used.

"No problem! Mr. Gu, please rest assured, I will definitely arrange it for you!

Director Wang directly agreed when he heard this.

"Okay! Then thank you Director Wang!

Gu Chen smiled and said thank you.

Wang Cong had already arrived at the Mingyuan Hotel at this time, and after hanging up the phone, he rushed to the door according to Gu Chen's news.

Sure enough, I saw dozens of people crowding at the door and walking directly over.

The hotel manager was very anxious at this time, and as the party time got closer, the group of people crowded here, and if he was seen, he would be cool.

Suddenly, he saw a big man walk out, his eyelids jumped, and he quickly shouted: "Director Wang!" "

Well, Manager Zheng!"

Director Wang nodded, and then looked at Gu Xiao and the others.

"You are Mr. Gu Chengu's classmates!"

Gu Xiao and the others were stunned when they heard the voice of the comer, and then nodded.

"I'm really sorry to keep you guys waiting, so be it! Come with me! Mr. Gu told me to prepare a private room for you! Director Wang said with a smile.

"Director Wang, this..." said the hotel manager in embarrassment.

"It's okay, I'm responsible if something happens!" Director Wang said indifferently.

Hearing this, the hotel manager said nothing more.

Ding Zhiwei, Gu Xiao and the others did not expect Gu Chen to find a place for them so quickly, and they sighed for a while, and followed in amazement.

For Gu Chen's sake, Director Wang personally took this group of students. Delivered to a fairly large private room.

And said that today's consumption is all paid by him.

This group of people was very grateful, they knew that all this was Gu Chen's credit.

Director Wang also didn't care about using this group of people to win Gu Chen's favor, after all, today's consumption here has long been a commercial evening in the city, and he has no guilt at all to use other people's money to pat Gu Chen's.

The time finally slowly came to six o'clock, and Gu Chen also put on a set of formal clothes.

When he came back, how did he know that he was going to the party in the city, so he didn't bring any clothes, but fortunately he could still wear his old clothes.

I saw a sound of brakes, and a green-bodied taxi stopped on the edge of the hotel garden.

"Peng!" Gu Chen closed the car door, thanked the driver's master, and then turned to look at the bright and brilliant Mingyuan Hotel.

"No car is trouble!" Gu Chen muttered.

Then he walked forward.

At this time, the gate was a revolving gate, and several security guards and waiters stood at the entrance, and from time to time someone walked over with a female companion.

"Hello sir! Please show your invitation!

At this time, Gu Chen walked in front of him, and a waiter asked with a smile.

Light cars are familiar with the road, and you are used to it at a glance.

Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, took out the invitation directly from his pocket and handed it over.

The latter took it and looked at it to know the authenticity, closed it and handed it back with both hands.

"Sir inside, please!"

At the same time respectfully answered.

"Thank you!"

After Gu Chen, he stepped in.

Light and slow music sounded out of nowhere, and the glorious lights were unusually elegant on the carefully arranged hall.

At this time, there were groups of three or two in the hall, each talking softly, and when Gu Chen came over, everyone's eyes just glanced at it and lost interest.

If they knew that the person they were searching for was in front of them, they would probably regret it!

At this time, a text message from Director Wang was sent.

"Mr. Gu, are you here?"

Gu Chen looked at it, sat in the corner and smiled and replied: "Here, people in the hall!" "

Ah! I'm really sorry, Mr. Gu, I'll come to you right away!" Hearing

Gu Chen's reply, Director Wang was obviously anxious.

"Nope! Do whatever you have to do! Gu Chen quickly refused.

"Alright! Let's arrange things first, and then we will come to you!

Director Wang heard Gu Chen's refusal, and after thinking about it, he replied.


Somewhere upstairs, there were eight or nine people sitting in the conference room.

Director Wang smiled bitterly after seeing Gu Chen's answer.

"Huh! What happened to Director Wang? One next to him asked suddenly.

"yes! Director Wang, what about Mr. Gu? Why hasn't it come yet? It wouldn't be a lie to us, would it?

"The King's Bureau! What is the situation?

Several others were also full of doubts.

In addition to Director Wang, he is the top figure in the business of Yong City, and Director Wang naturally cannot offend him.

"How so! Mr. Gu just said, let's start first! He has already reached the hall! Director Wang quickly explained.

"I can testify to this!"

Seeing that the others didn't believe much, a middle-aged man who had not spoken all this time spoke.

Instantly, the conference room fell silent, because this person's identity was not ordinary.

"It's not that we don't believe President Yu, but now we haven't even seen that Mr. Gu's face."

One of the bosses said with a embarrassed face.

That's right, the one who spoke was Yu Xiaochuan, the helmsman of the Yu Group who had eaten with Gu Chen before.

"I've seen Mr. Gu! I also know that Mr. Gu is from our Yong City! Yu Xiaochuan said lightly.


Hearing Yu Xiaochuan's words, everyone was shocked, even Director Wang.

Although he had contacted Gu Chen before, he still had never seen Gu Chen, and now he heard that someone had already seen Gu Chen one step ahead of him, how could he not be surprised.

"President Yu, when did you meet Mr. Gu?"

Director Wang immediately asked the doubts in everyone's hearts.

"When my father invited Mr. Gu to a banquet a few days ago!"

Seeing everyone coming over, Yu Xiaochuan suddenly said nonchalantly.

Looking at the shocked gazes of everyone, my heart was extremely proud.

Hum! When you were still anxious to see Mr. Gu, I had already eaten with him, and suddenly a sense of self-satisfaction arose in my heart.

Sure enough, hearing Yu Xiaochuan's words, everyone's faces changed greatly.

For a while, Yu Xiaochuan's gaze changed.

"Ahem, what Mr. Yu said is true?" Someone asked incredulously.


Yu Xiaochuan nodded.

Suddenly, everyone had different thoughts, and they all kept silent, not knowing what they were thinking.

Director Wang also did not expect that someone in Yong City knew Gu Chen earlier than him, which was strange.

At this time, the door of the conference room opened, and a man with a solemn face, about fifty or so, walked in.

"Hello everyone!"

He didn't seem to notice the tension in the conference room, but greeted him with a smile.

"Secretary Shen is good!"

Everyone suppressed their inner thoughts and greeted each other in unison.

After all, this is not something they can be presumptuous.

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