"Mr. Gu met again! I didn't expect you to be Gu Chen!

At this time, Father Ma also had complicated eyes, but he was still happy to say hello.

The people around are very strange, has anyone seen Mr. Gu before?

"Haha! And thank you Mr. Ma for the hitchhiker!

Gu Chen smiled and thanked him.

Mr. Gu said and smiled! Raise your hand! Father

Ma waved his hand, he didn't dare to raise it.

Hearing this, everyone was even more curious, even Father Xu on the side was the same, he didn't expect that Father Ma had also seen Mr. Gu before, but Father Ma didn't know Gu Chen.

"Lao Ma, this is..." asked Father Xu curiously.

"Alas! Coincidentally, I met Mr. Gu on the way back to dinner two nights ago, and Mr. Gu didn't have a car, so I took a ride, but I didn't know it was Mr. Gu at that time.

Father Ma glanced at Gu Chen, and then explained with a wry smile.

"This way!"

Hearing this, everyone was also sympathetic to Father Ma, and it was a pity that they did not seize such a good opportunity.

"So that's it!" Father Xu suddenly realized.

Then a few people chatted a few more words, Gu Chen was really overwhelmed by everyone's enthusiasm, so he found an excuse and went directly to the bathroom.

After thinking about going out again, I am afraid that this is also the case, it is better to leave, so I sent a text message to Director Wang.

Just as he was about to leave from the safe passage, his mobile phone rang again, he thought it was Director Wang's reply, but he didn't expect to open it and see that it was sent by Gu Xiao.

"Your party is over, everyone still wants to see you!" Do you want to come up and sit! Seeing

this, Gu Chen thought about it and agreed.


After sending a message, Gu Chen walked towards the box.

It was a fairly spacious private room with two large round tables, which were already full by this time.

It was Gu Chen's high school classmates before, many of them had not seen each other for a long time, and when they met at this time, they naturally had many topics to talk about.

At the same time, for the time in high school, everyone remembered it for a long time and missed it very much.

Among them, Gu Chen, the soul figure at that time, was naturally indispensable, and the current Gu Chen can be described as famous, so the topic of everyone is more enthusiastic.

In the end, they wanted to see me, and they also knew that Gu Chen was attending the party at the Mingyuan Hotel, so they called Gu Xiao to ask if Gu Chen was coming.

"How? What did Gu Chen say?

A boy on the side asked.

"He said he'll come over later!"

Gu Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

"Good!" Hearing this, everyone's interest at this time was even higher, as young people, they liked the products of Longteng Group more, and they also knew that Longteng Group's strength was very strong.

As the founder of the group, their old classmates are also more curious.

Everyone is an ordinary person, and everyone naturally wants to meet a world-famous person among their classmates.

About ten minutes later, the door of the box opened directly.

Everyone looked, isn't it the master of their mouths?

"Hey! Are you okay everyone? Gu Chen greeted happily.

"Groove! Gu Chen?


"The big guy is coming?"

"Our Gu University grass can now be described as the national school grass?"

Suddenly, the box was quiet for a few seconds, and then an even higher mood erupted.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited!" Gu Chen also smiled when he saw everyone's enthusiasm, looking at the familiar faces, and the picture of campus time slowly surfaced in front of him.

I said hello to everyone and started chatting.

"Gu Chen! That Longteng Group was really opened by you?

At this time, a woman with a beautiful face was also curious to ask;

Gu Chen saw that it was the class flower in his high school class, Luo Ya.

"Haven't you been on the news?" Gu Chen replied with a smile.

Although Gu Chen did not answer, the meaning was that meaning.

"Wow? That Shenzhou mobile phone is much better than other mobile phones!

"Good! Listen to my colleague say that the performance aspect is very good! Even Apple can't compare.

"Hey! Lao Wei, can't you buy one yourself and feel it? Just support your old classmates!

"It is!"

For a while, everyone criticized the classmate named Lao Wei.

"Ahem, am I not nervous at hand? Wait for the New Year, Gu Chen, I will definitely support you! Ha ha!

Old Wei smiled shyly, and then assured.

"Haha! OK! Then I'll wait! Gu Chen also responded with a big laugh.

He really likes this atmosphere.

Although everyone was more restrained at first, now they are open.

"Big guy, is there still a pendant missing on your body?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Count me in!

"That's right! PendantsWe are professional! "


For a while, everyone naturally chatted very happily, and Gu Chen also said many interesting things in business.

In the end, everyone began to pour wine.

According to their words, you can't win in a lifetime in terms of money, but it's hard to say in the wine market.

The so-called money field is frustrated, and the wine market is proud.

Where did they know that Gu Chen's physical fitness today is extremely perverted, and the decomposition enzymes in the body break down alcohol very quickly.

As a result, most of them were drunk, and Gu Chen still blushed.

The female classmates who didn't drink were shocked, and they were still laughing at the male classmates, and they couldn't drink Gu Chen in a class.

In the end, Gu Chen directly opened many rooms for everyone in the Mingyuan Hotel, anyway, the party in the hall was almost over, plus the hotel room did not have the slightest impact.

After all, these people don't live here.

However, Gu Chen did not live here, but took advantage of his consciousness and took a taxi directly home.

On the other side, after Father Xu and Father Ma found that Gu Chen had disappeared, they knew that the people had left, so they stopped staying and went home separately.

However, Father Ma made a decision in his heart.

Glancing at Ma Tao, who was not arguing.

"That's right! Next semester, you will study a class with Xiaoyang! I'll find a teacher to change classes! Hearing

this, Ma Tao was stunned, and he didn't understand why his father did this?

"Dad, this... Forget it?

Then he swallowed and asked cautiously.

"What counts? I told you too! After going to Xiaoyang's class, I was honestly a student. If I hear anything you don't listen to the teacher, Lao Tzu, I'll come back and smoke you!" Hear no!

Father Ma was immediately furious, and Ma Tao, who listened, was startled, and then agreed under his father's pressure.

"Talk to Xiaoyang more in the future, if I hear Xiaoyang say that you don't study well or something, you wait for me!"

Then Father Ma also added, he appreciated Xu Yang very much!

"What?" When Ma Tao heard this, he suddenly felt that the sky was spinning.

Looking at his father's appearance, he knew that this matter was not negotiable, and he was full of apprehension for the days to come.

Just by relying on the contradiction between the other party and him, he would know that Xu Yang would definitely say bad things about himself at that time.

The next day, major media and news networks in Yongshi City reported on last night's party.

"The chairman of Longteng Group appeared at the scene?"

"You actually invited him at the Yongshi party?"

"In this small city, this figure actually appeared!"

"The chairman of Longteng Group is from Yongshi City?"

"The façade of Yongshi City!"

Various headlines are really how eye-catching and how to write.

At the same time, the people of Yongshi City were also shocked, and then they were even more proud.

"I didn't expect that there were such big people in my Yong City?"

"Groove! The chairman of Longteng Group is from my Yong City?

"I'm Dayong City Wuwei!"

"666, I don't have to say, hometown people, naturally have to support a wave!"

"Plus one!"

For a while, various comments, hot comments directly put these news on the hot search, and then swept the country.

Everyone also did not expect that the mysterious chairman of the famous Longteng Group was from Yongshi City.

That's right, many netizens are very curious about Gu Chen.

It attracted many computer experts to want to check Gu Chen's information, but they couldn't find it, which undoubtedly made everyone more curious about Gu Chen.

Now suddenly rumored Gu Chen's hometown, so the news about Gu Chen was overwhelming for a while.

Gu Chen's previous affairs have also been picked up by many netizens.

This was naturally the contribution of the people who knew Gu Chen, and before they were not sure if the Gu Chen they knew was Gu Chen on the Internet, so they did not speak.

But now it is certain, so the news about Gu Chen has spread out.

At this time, Gu Chen was sitting in his yard, holding his mobile phone and looking at the news about himself.

Suddenly smiled bitterly, many of them were fabricated at random, and his face turned black when he saw it.

In the following days, Gu Chen stopped surfing the Internet and chatted with his family, but every day in the community, neighbors came to visit the door, but more often to see Gu Chen.

They were naturally a little skeptical about the news on the Internet, until Gu Chen personally admitted it, they completely believed it.

So the whole community was boiling, and Gu Chen was completely famous.

But fortunately, the neighbors were all understanding, just curious to see and dispersed.

The time went all the way to Chinese New Year's Eve day.

Since the custom on Gu Chen's side is to eat a reunion dinner in the morning, the sooner the better.

Therefore, everyone got up early, and Gu's father and mother got up before dawn, and from time to time they heard scattered firecrackers in the distance, representing the reunion and joy of family after family.

In recent years, the state has repeatedly banned fireworks, so the taste of the year has become weaker and weaker.

However, there are still people who do not listen to the ban and set off firecrackers.

Although Gu Chen's family also felt that this ban was very bad, they still did not set off firecrackers in the end.

Gu Chen, who got up this morning, missed the New Year atmosphere of his childhood.

Maybe it's not him who was looking forward to the New Year!

Then I went to the kitchen to help.

At about seven o'clock in the morning, Gu Chen's reunion dinner was also ready.

"Cheers! Chinese New Year's Eve happy!

Gu Chen's family of three sat on the chair, raised the wine glass, touched it lightly, and the three said with a smile.

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