At this time, Gu Chen felt that the New Year was really good! Seeing my parents happy, it was all worth it.

After that, Gu Chen sent a Chinese New Year's Eve happy text message to Chu Xinyi.

During this period, the two of them called every day to make soup.

Then Gu Chen and Gu's father went to the cemetery, sent lamps to their ancestors to sweep the tomb, and told them about the good life of their descendants.

After a busy time, it was already noon.

Then Gu Chen, who had nothing to do, began to go to the neighbors who had a good relationship to pay New Year's greetings, and Gu Xiao's family was naturally the first.

In the evening, he began to observe the New Year with a few well-connected playmates in the community, and a few people chatted and played mahjong until the early hours of the morning.

Suddenly, the official salute sounded.

Gu Chen naturally went out and watched the fireworks in the sky bloom with the wind and sway around.

Ten thousand cannons shook for nine days, and the golden dragon and phoenix danced.

Shenzhou celebrates sleepless nights, holding up poetry and tapping spins.

Then Gu Chen's mobile phone seemed to have turned on some mechanism, and various message prompts were heard endlessly.

To see whether a person succeeds, it depends on how much information he receives on the Chinese New Year's Eve night.

This moment is a day of happiness and a time of blessing for all.

"Happy New Year!"

At this time, Gu Chen directly saw the blessing sent to him by Chu Xinyi at zero tenth, and his heart warmed, and he directly called over.


A few seconds later, the end connected, and Chu Xinyi's soft and sticky voice came out.

"Happy New Year! Xinyi! Gu Chen listened to the other party's noisy background voice and said loudly.

After all, the fireworks explosion is too loud.

Then the two chatted a few words and hung up the phone separately, telling both parties to rest early.

In the following days, Gu Chen's home was very lively, and all kinds of relatives and friends came to pay New Year's greetings.

That is, relatives who are extremely distant and distant, I don't know how many generations apart, have emerged.

Gu Chen sighed with emotion, it was also the case when his family was not bankrupt before, but since his father's business went bankrupt, these so-called relatives except for a very small number of them have all retreated.

It's really poor in the busy city and no one asks, rich in the mountains have distant relatives!

Then Gu Chen's aunt's family also came.

To Gu Chen, Gu Chen had the best relationship with her aunt.

"Aunt, uncle, happy New Year!"

Gu Chen greeted with a smile.

"Happy New Year Xiaochen!" The two also replied with a smile.

"Brother! Happy New Year! Bring the red envelope!

At this time, Xu Shishi smiled and stretched out her hands to look at Gu Chen.

"You are so old and need red envelopes!"

Gu Chen directly clapped his hand and said speechlessly.

"Little dust! How to speak! Came to Aunt gave it to you! I wish you a happy day this year.

At this time, Gu Mu glanced at Gu Chen, took out a bulging red envelope from her pocket and handed it to Shishi.

"Thank you aunt!" Xu Shishi looked at Gu Chen proudly and took it with a smile.

"Mom, where's mine?"

Gu Chen blinked and looked at Gu Mu.

"Go and go, such a big person still need red envelopes?"

Who knew that Gu's mother waved her hand directly and said with disgust.

In an instant, Gu Chen was depressed, which made everyone laugh.

Later, Gu Chen's uncle also gave Gu Chen a red envelope, which made Gu Chen smile.

The family is happy, chatting about the past year and looking forward to the future.

Gu Chen liked this feeling very much.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, the weather is sunny, so it is suitable for traveling.

It is also the day when many migrant workers go out.

On this day, Gu Chen also received a call from the company's assistant, saying that some large foreign groups wanted to cooperate with Gu Chen.

Then Gu Chen told his parents and flew back to Huahai alone.

After all, the relatives in the hometown also finished the New Year's greeting, plus they also went to Huahai anyway, so Gu Chen had no emotions.

Left the car to Father Gu, Father Gu naturally smiled.

It is worth saying that the car was repaired two days ago.

However, Gu Mu'er said dozens of times that he must go to Chu Xinyi's house to pay New Year's greetings after he passed.

There are many people traveling today, not to mention that the destination is Huahai!

The same goes for plane tickets, which are basically not available except for business class.

Without saying a word, the plane arrived at Huahai Airport smoothly.

"Mr. Gu! Over here! The

assistant, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly shouted after seeing Gu Chen dragging his suitcase.

Then he took Gu Chen's box with one hand and said to Gu Chen with a smile: "President Gu, Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

Gu Chen replied with a smile.

Then he drove directly to Gu Chen's house.

"By the way, which companies are looking for me to work with?"

On the way, Gu Chen asked the assistant curiously.

It was not clear to explain on the mobile phone before, so Gu Chen didn't ask more.

"Mr. Gu, it's like this, several major chaebols over there in Europe have sent you requests for cooperation."

"Oh? What about the American side?

Gu Chen nodded and continued to ask.

"This... No movement for the time being! The assistant shook his head.

"It seems that Intel and Google have a lot of influence?"

For the news that there is no Mi Group, Gu Chen said with a smile.

The assistant nodded.

These two are giants, and they are both from the United States, so the group on the other side of the United States will naturally not go against them without opening their eyes and contact Gu Chen privately.

Gu Chen, who returned to Huahai, did not go to the company, but went home directly.

Originally thought that there would be a lot of dust if no one lived in half a month, but he didn't expect to open the door and see that it was unusually clean, which made him stunned for a moment.

"Is it property?"

Then they denied it, because they didn't have permission here, didn't they...

That's right, he thought of Chu Xinyi, so he took out the phone and called.

It is switched on after a few seconds.

"Where are you?" Gu Chen asked gently.

At this time, in the Chu family's courtyard, Chu Xinyi, who was playing with her mobile phone in the boudoir, suddenly received a call from Gu Chen, and when she heard Gu Chen's voice, she was suddenly excited and got up and leaned on the bed.

"Am I at home? Have you arrived in Huahai? Chu

Xinyi smiled and said lazily.

"Hmm! Just arrived, you cleaned my house? Gu Chen nodded, and then asked.

"Well, I'll clean up when I'm okay!"

Chu Xinyi did not deny it when she heard this, and replied flatly.

"By the way, I'll visit your house in the afternoon."


Hearing this, Chu Xinyi suddenly panicked, and her previous calm expression was gone.

"Oh what? Not welcome? Gu Chen's voice was low, pretending to be angry.

"Didn't... Are you really coming?

"Of course, I'll come over after I've put my things away, but you'll have to show me the way."

Gu Chen smiled and then said.


Chu Xinyi felt a burst of joy in her heart, and said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Xinyi quickly dressed and went to the hall, at this time everyone was sitting on the sofa, her grandfather, her parents, but there were two guests.

Along the circular staircase, Chu Xinyi slowly came down, and the crisp voice fell on the stone step and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Xinyi, you are finally willing to come down!"

At this time, Old Master Chu suddenly greeted with a smile.

"Grandpa!" When Chu Xinyi heard this, he ran directly to the side of Old Master Chu and shouted coquettishly.

"Hey ~~ Come on, let me introduce you, this is your grandfather's old guy back then, you just call Grandpa Zhang."

Old man Chu's old face smiled and folded, and then he took his granddaughter's hand and introduced it to an old man next to him.

Chu Xinyi saw that a spirited old man was looking at him gently, and then shouted politely: "Grandpa Zhang is good!"

"Good, good, good! I didn't expect that the little dolls back then had already grown so beautiful! Old Chu! It's really a shuttle, more than ten years have passed!

Old man Zhang also smiled and nodded at this time, and then looked at old man Chu and sighed.


Old man Chu was deeply touched.

At this time, Chu Xinyi noticed that there was a young man sitting next to the old man, but his gaze made her very uncomfortable.

"By the way, Grandpa, why haven't you seen Grandpa Zhang before?"

Chu Xinyi was slightly stunned, and then asked curiously.

"Your Grandpa Zhang has been abroad before, and he only recently came back, of course you haven't seen it!" Old man Chu said with a smile.

"No matter how good it is abroad, how can there be a good hometown!" So now I plan to return to my roots and don't go! Old man Zhang also sighed and said.

"All right! Old chapter, in the future, there is finally someone who can talk well! Old

man Chu was also very happy to hear this, after all, for him, there was no happier than seeing his old friend back then.

"Haha! You can rest assured! After a lifetime of hard work, it's time to relax! "

Haha!" The two said with a smile.

Father Chu, Mother Chu and Chu Xinyi were also very happy to see Old Master Chu's expression.

"That's right! You see, both of us are confused, come, this is my undisputed grandson Zhang Yunlong, who is now also in charge of part of the group's affairs.

Old man Zhang pointed to his grandson next to him and introduced him with a smile to Old Master Chu.

The satisfaction in his eyes was not hidden, and it was obvious that he was very satisfied with this grandson.

"Grandpa Chu is good!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yunlong withdrew his gaze that secretly looked at Chu Xinyi, and then looked at Old Master Chu and said politely.

"Oh? Good, good, good! At a glance, it is a talent, old chapter! You're the successor! Old

man Chu glanced at Zhang Yunlong and nodded repeatedly, and replied enviously.

"Haha, Chu Yatou is not bad! But I heard that Chu Yatou is also famous in Huahai!

Old man Zhang touched his beard, looked at Chu Xinyi with praise, and said slowly.

"Haha! Is that! "Old man Chu was naturally very happy to hear someone say good things about his precious granddaughter.

"Yes! Yunlong! You have to talk to Xinyi! After all, you young people should have a lot to talk about.

Old man Zhang turned his head to look at his grandson and said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Chu family suddenly changed, they were all thoughtful, and they couldn't hear the words of Old Master Zhang.

"Yes! Grandpa, rest assured! I will get along well with sister Xinyi!

Zhang Yunlong suddenly looked surprised, and immediately patted his chest and assured.

He was deeply attracted to Chu Xinyi from the first time he saw her, he didn't expect to be able to see such a beautiful person, and he was also the granddaughter of his grandfather's friend, and there was no need to talk about his family lineage, so he begged his grandfather to bring him over.

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