He didn't expect his grandfather to be so powerful, which made him very happy.

In his opinion, as long as Old Master Chu agreed, then he had a great chance to catch Chu Xinyi.

After all, their Zhang family has developed rapidly over the years, far from being comparable to the Chu family.

At this time, Old Master Chu also said with a smile: "Yes, it is indeed time to get to know each other, so be it!" Xinyi, wait for the next time call my grandson-in-law and Xinyi to do their best as landlords, and treat Yunlong well!

As soon as these words came out, Father Chu and Mother Chu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and they were afraid that Old Master Chu's old eyes would be dizzy and directly do something confused.

Chu Xinyi also relaxed, she knew that her grandfather would definitely say this: "Don't worry!" Grandpa, Gu Chen just called me, he will come over later, just right! "

Oh? Xiao Chen will come over later? At this time, Chu Mu was overjoyed when she heard this, and couldn't help but ask.

"Of course! He just called me! Chu Xinyi replied with a smile.

Compared with the happiness of the Chu family, Old Master Zhang's grandfather and grandson were embarrassed.

"Oh? Lao Chu, did you just say that Xinyi has a boyfriend? Old man Zhang immediately asked.

"Yes, yes, yes! Old chapter! I almost forgot to tell you, my grandson-in-law is also a good young man, and there should be a lot of topics with Yunlong by then! Old man Chu immediately explained with a smile.

Zhang Yunlong had a haze on his face, and his heart was angry, in this short period of time, he had already regarded Chu Xinyi as his own woman, and he was full of cruelty and disdain for Gu Chen.

"This way!" When Old Master Zhang heard Old Master Chu praise him so much, he knew that his grandson might not have a chance.

He knew his grandson's character and knew he wouldn't give up, but he didn't speak up.

In his opinion, no one is as good as his grandson, and he is also very satisfied with Chu Xinyi, and it is more than enough to be his granddaughter-in-law.

And the Taiyu Group where the Chu family is now located, he is also hungry, and the three generations of the Chu family are single, plus there is only one woman in Chu Xinyi now, it is estimated that the property of the Chu family will be inherited by Chu Xinyi in the future, so he fully supports his grandson to chase each other.

And now that they are back, someone in the country must have a relationship to help them.

This is a lot of birds in one fell swoop, and he naturally supports his grandson.

"Then I'll meet this talent later, I want to see what can make you praise Lao Chu so much, what it is!"

Old man Zhang also wanted to create conditions for his grandson at this time.

After seeing Gu Chen, he let his grandson play freely, he believed in his grandson very much, and he was definitely better than Gu Chen.

Their main business of the Zhang Group is the clothing industry! The Group's operations are mainly in Southeast Asia and South America.

So they hadn't heard the name Gu Chen, after all, they were across the mountain.

"Haha! Good! Old

man Chu naturally knew what this old friend thought, and did not refuse.

He is full of confidence in Gu Chen, this old friend's grandson may be very good, but it is estimated that Gu Chen is not even worthy of carrying shoes.

At this time, Chu Xinyi was too lazy to stay here, and seeing the other party's eyes made her very disgusted, and directly accompanied Chu's mother to buy vegetables, ready to warm Gu Chen.

This is not comparable to Zhang Yunlong.

Gu Chen, who was far away in Tomson Yipin, didn't know that someone had moved his thoughts about his daughter-in-law, otherwise where could he lie so calmly on the sofa now.

Stay at home until the afternoon, directly bring a few bottles of good wine drawn in the previous lottery to the car, and then go to the top mall to buy some supplements and imported fruits before going straight to Chu Xinyi's house.

However, it made him slightly nervous, although he had seen Chu's father and mother before, and even Old Master Chu had seen her before, but this was the first time he went to her house as Chu Xinyi's boyfriend.

Although it is still during the Spring Festival, the flow of people in Huahai is still very large, and the cars on the road are even more endless.

More than half an hour later, the car drove into a special road, which was the villa of the rich man in Huahai City.

Because Gu Chen drove a super car, the security guard at the door didn't even check and let it go directly, this is a privilege, if you drive a Jetta, you can't check you!

"Hey, I'm here! You open the door to the villa.

At this time, Gu Chen had already arrived outside the gate of the Chu family's villa and directly gave Chu Xinyi a call.

"Huh? So fast? I'll open it for you right away! Chu Xinyi replied happily.

A few seconds later, the gate automatically pushed open to both sides, and Gu Chen directly stepped on the accelerator and drove in.

The Chu family villa is very large, in front of a huge garden and parking lot, at this time there is already a black Rolls-Royce parked next to it.

At this time, a beautiful woman standing at the door of the villa stood on the side, saw the car door open, and suddenly smiled like a flower, and quickly trotted down.

"Gu Chen!"

Chu Xinyi hugged Gu Chen.

She and Gu Chen have not seen each other for half a month, naturally they miss it immensely.


Gu Chen also smelled the woman in his arms, and the girl's fragrance slowly entered his nose.

The two hugged like this for several minutes, and finally Chu Xinyi was thin-skinned, and pushed Gu Chen away with a red face, which made Gu Chen feel reluctant for a while.

"Let's go! My parents were waiting in the hall. Chu Xinyi whispered.

"Wait a minute!"

Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and then opened the trunk of the supercar and took out the prepared things.

"Ah! How do you bring so many things! Chu

Xinyi watched Gu Chen keep taking things from the trunk, so she exclaimed.

At the same time, she was very happy in her heart, she was happy not a gift, but Gu Chen's attitude, from here it can be seen that Gu Chen attaches great importance to his family.

"Let's go!" Gu Chen said after mentioning it.

"Well, Gu Chen, there is something I will tell you, but don't be angry, I didn't know before!"

Chu Xinyi looked at Gu Chen, who had a happy face, thought about it and said.

"Huh? What's up? You say? Gu Chen was stunned, and when he heard this, he suddenly became interested.

Chu Xinyi bit her lower lip lightly, then said the matter, and then looked at Gu Chen uneasily.

Who knew that Gu Chen didn't care after listening to it, looking at the worried Chu Xinyi Gu Chen explained with a smile: "Don't worry!" I know! Rest assured, I haven't taken them to heart. Chu

Xinyi could hear the truth that Gu Chen said, and she was immediately very happy, so the two walked into the hall intimately together.

In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on Gu Chen, compared to the Chu family, Old Master Zhang and grandfather were scrutinizing, Gu Chen didn't look at them, and directly ignored the past.

"Old Mr. Chu, Uncle Chu, Aunt Duan, Happy New Year!"

Gu Chen immediately greeted with a smile.

"Hey, happy New Year Xiaochen!" At this time, Old Master Chu suddenly replied with a smile.

"Look at you, you have come, and what gifts are you carrying."

Chu Mu was the same, and suddenly said angrily.

"No, it's just a little bit of heart." Gu Chen waved his hand again and again and said.

Seeing Gu Chen and the Chu family talking happily, Zhang Yunlong's face suddenly sank, he didn't expect the Chu family to be so satisfied with Gu Chen.

"This is Gu Chen in Old Chu's mouth! It's extraordinary!

At this time, Old Master Zhang suddenly spoke up.

"Huh?" Gu Chen glanced over.

"Little dust! This is Zhang Guohuai, a friend of the old man when he was young, who had been abroad before and had just returned. Old man Chu introduced Gu Chen with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang!" Gu Chen bowed his head slightly, nodded and called.

When Old Master Zhang saw Gu Chen call him this, his sparse eyebrows suddenly wrinkled together, but he couldn't say anything here.

"This is Lao Zhang's grandson, Yunlong, you are all young people, and you all have your own careers, there should be many topics, you can talk more!"

Old man Chu said with a smile.

On the surface, he was speaking for Zhang Yunlong, but in fact, he knew Gu Chen's strength, as long as the other party dared not measure his strength, he would be humiliated.

"Oh? I don't know where Brother Gu is high?

At this time, Zhang Yunlong, who heard Old Master Chu's words, was overjoyed and couldn't wait to ask.

Old man Chu, who saw the scene, shook his head, and old man Zhang also sighed, his grandson is too anxious, and it is too obvious, it is really unwise!

On the other hand, Gu Chen, the light and breezy temperament of the clouds made him appreciate it very much, and the deep eyes made even his heart tremble, this young man is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Gao can't talk about it, just do a small business and barely make a living."

Gu Chen smiled and said without thinking.

"Brother Gu said and smiled, maybe he will cooperate with Brother Gu in the future!"

Hearing Gu Chen's words, Zhang Yunlong's face did not change color, and he still looked high.

"Brother Zhang said and smiled, I don't know which industry leader Brother Zhang is currently in?" Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"Haha! Nature is one of the four categories of clothing industry that people need every day. Hearing this, Zhang Yunlong suddenly said proudly.

Obviously, he is very satisfied with the current situation of his family.

"The costumes are good! This is one of the biggest consumables! Brother Zhang is really young and promising! I'm a role model!

Gu Chen's heart trembled, and then his face was full of admiration.

"Where, where!"

Hearing his love rival praise him so much, Zhang Yunlong was fluttering, and the corners of his mouth were grinning.

In his opinion, Gu Chen must be soft to himself, but do you think that saying a few words can let me let you go? Wish for the moon.

"Then Lao Chu, I'll come here first today, don't bother you, we'll talk next time!"

Old man Zhang, who was sitting on the side and couldn't stand it, suddenly said goodbye to Old Master Chu at this time.

Did he think his grandson was already very good? Now it seems really stupid, like a mallet.

"Oh? Old chapter, just go? Eat before leaving, right?

Old man Chu hurriedly retained.

"No thanks!"

Then he glared fiercely at his grandson, who did not know what he meant.

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