Then looked back at Gu Chen and said with a smile: "Mr. Gu saw the smile, the old man left first, see you later!" "

Mr. Zhang go slowly!" Gu Chen looked at the other party and said lightly.

Watching the two walk out of the hall and hearing the sound of the car starting outside, I knew that the two had gone away.

"Little dust! I'm sorry I haven't seen this for more than ten years, before he told me that he was coming to visit me, I thought it was a reminiscence, but I didn't expect..."

At this time, Old Master Chu looked at Gu Chen and said apologetically.

After all, Chu Xinyi is already Gu Chen's girlfriend, and it is a little bad for Gu Chen to spread it out like this, not to mention that Gu Chen's identity is not ordinary now.

"It's okay!"

Gu Chen didn't care, thought about it and asked, "I don't know where this old Mr. Zhang came from?"

"Zhang! You may not have heard of it, because they have always been abroad, and their reputation in China is very small, mainly in the clothing industry, and the international market has been turbulent in recent years, so they have set their sights on China and intend to enter the country. Old man Chu said slowly.

Although he is retired at home, his vision is not bad at all.

He naturally knew what the other party was thinking, it was nothing more than looking at the influence and relationship of their Chu family in the country.

"This way!" Gu Chen suddenly realized, and then stopped paying attention.

However, he remembered in his heart that he would not let Zhang go.

Then several people chatted about daily life.

For a while, the atmosphere in the hall was very harmonious.

On the other side, the Zhang clan who left the Chu family.

"You! What a fool! In vain, I thought you were my Zhang family's Qilin'er!

On the way, Old Master Zhang was no longer the gentle face of the Chu family, pointing at Zhang Yunlong and said with an angry face.

"Eh? Grandpa, what's wrong with me? Zhang

Yunlong still didn't understand why his grandfather wanted to leave, and now he cursed himself even more.

"You were chatting with that Gu Chen just now, can't you still see it? People are just setting your information, and you! And stupidly tell people directly! Old man Zhang looked disappointed and explained.


Hearing this, Zhang Yunlong understood at this time, and suddenly became angry.

"Gu Chen!" Gritted teeth shouted.

"Okay! It seems that the Chu family has found a good son-in-law, you don't care about this matter, or go back and think about how to open the market in Huaxia!

Old man Zhang waved his hand, he knew that his grandson must not be Gu Chen's opponent, and he didn't bother to say anything.

Originally, he was still looking forward to his grandson snatching the other party over! It seems that it is better not to think about it now.

But he didn't see Zhang Yunlong's eyes full of hatred and anger.

The car gradually drove away from the villa area, merged into the traffic and finally disappeared.

At this time, on the Chu family's restaurant, the family was eating happily.

"That's right! Little dust! What's your mother coming over? At this time, Chu Mu suddenly asked.

When they met before, the two said that they were quite close.

"It's going to be a few days!" Gu Chen thought about it and said uncertainly.

"Then when did you and Xinyi get engaged?"

Chu Mu nodded, and then asked again.

This question immediately attracted everyone's attention.

This made Gu Chen very embarrassed and proud.

Have you ever seen a man who went to each other's house for the first time and urged you to get married?

"Ahem, you have to talk to my mother about this aunt!"

As a last resort, Gu Chen could only pull Gu Mu over to block it.

"Too! I'll message her and ask later! "

Mother Chu has a point! Then nodded in agreement.

"Okay, okay! Today is Xiao Chen's first time here, so don't be inhibited, just treat this as your own home!

At this time, Old Master Chu spoke, he was the second person in the Chu family to know Gu Chen.

"Yes, yes, yes! You're welcome to be little dusty!

At this time, Father Chu also rarely said a word.

Where did Gu Chen dare to hold it up, he directly raised his glass and drank it.

Originally, Father Chu still wanted to get Gu Chen drunk and wanted to see Gu Chen's personality after drinking.

But the result is self-evident, in the end, Gu Chen was still sober, but Father Chu was drunk first.

Finally, after drinking, Gu Chen couldn't drive the car, was directly stopped by Chu's mother, and slept in the Chu family for one night.

Ling Chu Xinyi was very embarrassed, and she was red the whole time.

Don't get me wrong, naturally I slept in the guest room.

The next day, before Gu Chen woke up, Chu Xinyi carefully came to Gu Chen's room, looking at Gu Chen's handsome and quiet face, she couldn't help but be obsessed with the past for a while.

With a red face and courage, he stretched out his white jade hand and touched it.

The touch with temperature is incredibly real.

At this time, Gu Chen suddenly directly grabbed the thin hand on his face.


Startled Chu Xinyi, she wanted to break free immediately, but Gu Chen would not let her get her wish.

"How? Have the guts to admit it!

Gu Chen directly forced, Chu Xinyi instantly lay on him, looking at the trembling body in his arms and smiled faintly.

This niko really made him like it more and more!

"You let me go!"

Chu Xinyi suddenly trembled and made a milky sound.

"Don't let go!" Gu Chen refused with great enjoyment.

So the two fell silent like this, listening to Gu Chen's powerful heartbeat, Chu Xinyi stopped struggling for a while, and a sense of security in his heart was born.

"Gu Chen! Do you think we are a real couple?

Then Chu Xinyi muttered.

"Of course! Little fool! Don't worry, I will accompany you well in the future! Gu Chen naturally knew the other party's worries, hugged her tightly and said gently.

He and Chu Xinyi seem to have never done anything between couples, and phone calls don't count.

Dating, shopping, eating, holding hands, kissing are all nothing, a girl no matter how strong she looks on the outside, but deep down she still looks forward to perfect love.


Hearing Gu Chen's words, Chu Xinyi directly believed it, and stopped thinking about this question.

Then Gu Chen directly picked up Chu Xinyi and leaned on the back of the bed, and whispered, most of them were Gu Chen said, Chu Xinyi listened.

Most of them are Gu Chen's previous experiences, to make a person believe in you, then let her understand your past.

For a while, the room was full of Chu Xinyi's laughter.

The slightest estrangement between the two also disappeared completely.

Gu Chen was secretly ashamed that what he had done before was too unqualified.

Neither of them noticed a eavesdropping figure outside the door, only to see Chu Xinyi's laughter coming in bursts, and this figure also showed a gratifying smile on his face, and then quietly left.

It was Chu Mu.

After lunch, Gu Chen still left, but this time he was followed by Chu Xinyi.

After the heart-to-heart conversation between the two in the morning, the relationship between the two also heated up rapidly.

In the afternoon, the two went shopping, eating, and watching movies like ordinary couples.

Come to night.

"Gu Chen, thank you today!"

Chu Xinyi looked at Gu Chen with a happy face.

"What did you say?" Gu Chen said angrily.

Then, Chu Xinyi gritted her teeth and kissed Gu Chen directly, and hurriedly ran to the elevator.

Ling Gu Chen was stunned in place for a long time without moving, and then showed a long-lost smile.

The next day, the two went to the company after breakfast in the morning.

Seeing that everyone's state was not bad, Gu Chen was also very satisfied and held the first meeting of the new year.

"It seems that everyone is having a good year!" Gu Chen quipped.

"Haha! Mr. Gu is not bad! It's always laughing!

At this time, an executive who had a good relationship with Gu Chen joked with a smile.


Suddenly, there was laughter underneath, and the strangeness that had not been seen for half a month also disappeared.

Then Gu Chen affirmed last year's achievements, and also said about this year's goals and development strategy.

After the meeting ended, not long after Gu Chen returned to the office, the assistant walked in.

"Mr. Gu, a representative of a multinational group downstairs wants to meet you!"

The assistant said with a smile.


"A European group that makes electronic chips. International business is very extensive! The assistant replied.

"Oh? Was there an appointment before? Gu Chen nodded, and then said.


"Okay, see you then! Their news is also quite well-informed, don't come to Longteng to find me, come to Taiyu to find me! Interesting! Gu Chen said with a smile.

Then the assistant went out.

A few minutes later, Gu Chen came to the reception room, where two white people with European characteristics were already waiting.

"Oh, Mr. Gu, it's so hard to see you!"

A fluent German came out of the mouth of the European man at the head.

At the same time, the man behind him quickly translated.

"It seems that the preparations are quite complete!"

Gu Chen said with a smile.

"I don't know why this gentleman is looking for me!" After sitting down, Gu Chen asked directly.

The translator quickly translated Gu Chen's words to his employer.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I am Euler, from Germany, currently a vice president of Bosch Group, I want to talk to Mr. Gu about cooperation." Euler looked at Gu Chen and said sternly.

Gu Chen looked at the other party's serious face and suddenly secretly complained, did you come to me to cooperate or what?

Sure enough, the Germans are so meticulous and serious.

"Oh? I wonder how Mr. Euler wants to cooperate?

"We have long heard that Mr. Gu's Shenzhou chip is the most cutting-edge technology at present, and we wanted to find Mr. Gu before, but it was close to Mr. Gu's biggest festival in the country, so it was delayed." Euler explained.

"How do you want to cooperate, just now Mr. Euler also said that my chip is currently the most powerful chip, and can cooperate with many companies!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

Hearing Gu Chen say this, the other party was anxious.

"Mr. Gu, we have great sincerity, and cooperating with us Mr. Gu is definitely the best choice!"

"What sincerity?"

Gu Chen asked nonchalantly.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Euler said that they can solve the situation that the Tenglong Group is now trapped in China." Translate the way in real time.

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