"Oh? How did I not know that our Longteng Group is trapped in China?

Gu Chen's heart was shocked, but his face did not show it.

"I think Mr. Gu has long known that although your products are better than Intel and Google, the influence of the other party is far from being comparable to Longteng Group."

"Although I know that Mr. Gu has done his best to defeat the other party's conspiracy in your country and also drove the other party out of your country's market, I think Mr. Gu should understand the problem."

Euler suddenly said it, which made Gu Chen shocked, yes, this Euler was all right, so that he had to look at each other squarely.

It's actually easy to explain.

The domestic factor has a natural advantage, coupled with the strong support of the state, as well as the influence of his Gu Chen's other groups, coupled with the performance of the previous Natural Calamity Longteng Group, all kinds of factors will add up to such dazzling results.

Otherwise, people's decades of fame and influence, why lose to you, a company that has not been established for half a year?

But this success is impossible to replicate, in foreign cities Longteng Group may be famous in the eyes of some people, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it is extremely strange.

Coupled with the natural disadvantage of Huaxia products, and the commercial giants watching from the sidelines, Longteng was directly trapped in the country and could not get out.

"Now that Mr. Euler knows, what else can be done to break this blockade?"

Gu Chen turned straight at this time and asked with a serious face.

"Of course! Mr. Gu, don't doubt our strength! Although we are not as famous as Intel and Google, we have a huge reputation in Europe and North Africa. When

Euler heard Gu Chen's words, he suddenly came to his senses and quickly said.

"So what? How does Mr. Euler plan to work together?

"Mr. Gu may not know us Bosch, we Bosch has a huge position in high-end machine manufacturing, and the same is true in electronic chips, but electronic chips are far less famous than the machine manufacturing industry due to their short development."

"However, the year before last, our group developed a new machine board, but because the chip performance did not meet the requirements, so it has not met the requirements, and last year suddenly heard that Mr. Gu's chip exceeded any chip in the world today by more than a thousand times, which attracted our attention."

"In the end, I got a few chips through the relationship and found that it perfectly met our requirements, so we needed to cooperate with Mr. Gu."

"As long as Mr. Gu provides us with chips, then we can use the cooperative relationship to help Mr. Gu's products go out of the world, other places dare not guarantee, but there is definitely no problem in Europe, as long as Mr. Gu's products are easy to use, I believe they will definitely sell!"

Euler gushed.

Gu Chen nodded while listening, this method is indeed possible, and he can also rely on the objects of cooperation of other groups to help.

"This solution can indeed be solved, but I believe that others can solve it, I think Mr. Euler should have heard of it, the Childe family and the mafia!"

Seeing the other party's face change, Gu Chen smiled and continued: "They also sent me an invitation to see me a long time ago.

Euler also smiled bitterly after hearing this, he knew that Gu Chen was telling the truth, and people didn't have to be him, but he couldn't do it.

"Mr. Gu, your age does not match your mind!"

Euler could only smile bitterly and said, and then said positively: "I can call the shots and let Bosch Group fully support Longteng Group."

Before he came, the adults on the board of directors also discussed for a long time, and also analyzed Gu Chen's personality factors, so the bottom line given was about their Bosch fully supporting Longteng Group Group and signing a strategic partnership.

But after he saw Gu Chen, he immediately underestimated him, so he planned to lobby Gu Chen with his own eloquence, maybe he succeeded?

But the results showed that he was still too young.

"What about this? I'm going to think about it first!

Gu Chen was overjoyed in his heart, but his face did not show it, and he still said very hesitantly.

"Okay! Please also Mr. Gu consider contacting us!

Euler was disappointed, but he also knew that Gu Chen could not give him an answer right away for such a big matter.


Gu Chen nodded and agreed, and finally the two sides shook hands and Gu Chen asked the assistant to send them away.

He sat in his office chair and pondered the feasibility.

The assistant returned a few minutes later.

"President Gu, why didn't you agree to his request just now?" At this time, the assistant couldn't help but ask.

In his opinion, the Bosch company is full of sincerity.

"No rush! Now it's not us who are in a hurry, but them! After all, the domestic market is not yet stable, and I don't want to go out so early unless the interests are great.

Gu Chen shook his head and said with a smile.

"This way!" The assistant suddenly realized.

"Let's go! Go to another company!

Then Gu Chen looked at the assistant and said with a smile.

After that, Gu Chen went to other groups one by one and held a meeting.

After Ora, who left with Gu Chen, returned to the hotel, he immediately dialed a transoceanic video with the directors of the group.

"Hey, Euler, how's it going? Have you seen Mr. Gu Chen?

"Yes! What did Mr. Gu Chen say?

"Did he agree to our cooperation?"

Suddenly, the problems of several bigwigs were ushered in, and Ola felt bitter in his heart, so he said all about today's meeting with Gu Chen.

Then everyone in the video fell silent.

They have all experienced shopping malls for decades, and they don't know Gu Chen's thoughts.

"Damn it! Why is this Oriental so cunning?

One of the white-haired old men cursed.

"No, we can't wait any longer, you know, once we can get this chip, then our group will enter a new area of development."

"Yes! The longer it takes now, the more money we lose!

"We must strive for cooperation with Mr. Gu Chen!"

Everyone was talking and talking, and Euler naturally did not dare to speak.

"Euler, I can give you power, as long as it is not a great relationship, you can meet that cunning Mr. Gu, there is only one request, that is, to get the cooperation of the chip as soon as possible!" You should know what this means for us! The

last big man commanded to Euler.

"Understood! Mr! Euler promised.

This time, they really asked for Gu Chen, and they had to condescend to Gu Chen.

If Gu Chen wasn't in Huaxia, then they would have directly made a black hand, using the methods they often used before.

After all, they are also a huge gangster group in Europe, and the Italian mafia, the British paladin, and the Round Table Council represent the entire underground power in Europe.

On the other side, Gu Chen did not know about Bosch's change to him.

At this time, he was sitting in the general manager's office of Huatian Hotel, listening to Liu Ying's report.

After returning to her previous position after several months, Liu Ying was very surprised.

At this time, she seriously reported to Gu Chen the task form she had done during the holiday.

Gu Chen nodded again and again when he listened, and sure enough, he looked at Liu Ying with great appreciation, and her ability did not say.

"Good! Just do as you say! As for finance, I will give you an initial capital of 30 billion. Gu Chen waved his hand and gave power to the other party the whole time.

When Liu Ying heard this, she suddenly breathed heavily, three hundred billion! Give it to her, give it to her, this huge trust is what they are most touched by the workers.

"Please rest assured! Mission accomplished!

Liu Ying took a deep breath of air and said solemnly to Gu Chen.


Gu Chen nodded, he was very satisfied with his loyalty to the subordinates.

After that, Liu Ying went to dig people, after all, she would definitely not be able to complete such a big task alone.

That's when the importance of talent is reflected.

Gu Chen, who was about to eat in Huatian , suddenly received a call from Jiang Dongqiang, president of Taiyu Group.


"Mr. Gu, several big employers in the world want to meet you! Talk about this year's cooperation!

Mr. Jiang leaned against the window, looked at the scenery on the river, and said with a smile to Gu Chen.

Now he is getting more and more energetic, and he is very respectful and grateful to Gu Chen.

Let him radiate a second spring in his career.

"Oh? Who are they?

Gu Chen asked curiously when he heard this.

"Southeast Asia, several suppliers of raw materials in the Middle East and South Africa jointly initiated, I heard that the advocate is the king of a certain country in the Middle East!"

President Jiang said what he knew.

"Oh? Kings of the Middle East? When did we develop a cooperative relationship with them?

Gu Chen asked in surprise when he heard this.

"Mr. Gu, didn't you read the annual report I gave you before?"

When President Jiang heard this, he was speechless and said.

"Eh! Isn't that too busy? You also know that I am more than one group!

Gu Chen touched his nose and explained embarrassedly.

Jiang Dongqiang: "..."

I have ample evidence that you are showing off your wealth!"

Jiang Dongqiang was speechless in his heart.

"Then General Staff Gu doesn't participate?"


"It seems like five days from now! When they heard that the king was old, he sent his two sons over, but they seemed to be saying that they were going to buy a supercar, and they heard that it was the world's top ten limited supercars, so they went to bid.

Mr. Jiang explained.

"What? Top 10 supercars in the world? Gu

Chen was very surprised to hear this news, he remembered that it seemed that Taobao had also issued a task for him, wasn't it to collect the top ten super cars?

"Yes! Mr. Gu, so the other party sent a sincere apology, saying that this year's price can be reduced by one percent! President Jiang thought that Gu Chen was angry, so he explained.

Gu Chen, who listened, shook his head.

Alas, it seems that his road to Shenhao is really a long way to go!

You don't see that these princes do not care about official affairs for their own interests and hobbies.

"It's okay, but where is that supercar sold?" Can you help me ask?

Gu Chen sighed for a while and then came back to his senses and asked.

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