President Jiang, who heard Gu Chen's voice, was stunned, and then reacted and quickly replied, "Okay!"

After that, Gu Chen instructed his assistant to apply for a passport for him to go abroad, and he also planned to take a look.

He hasn't been out of the country yet! It's a bit humiliating to say it, after all, as a 100 billion bigwig, it's really a bit of a price drop.

The sports car was sold in Paris, the romantic capital of the world.

It's time to talk about business and see how capable Bosch can be.

After three days, the super car was completely enough for Gu Chen to go through some formalities abroad.

At the same time, President Jiang also knew that Gu Chen would also go to the supercar sales place, which he did not expect.

After all, Gu Chen was completely mature and stable before, and he didn't have the nature that young people should have.

So now that he knew Gu Chen's thoughts, he had more of an understanding expression, it turned out that his boss did not dislike others, but loved and persisted in sports cars.

Three days passed, and at the same time, as the contact person who cooperated with Gu Chen, Academician Chen also knew that Gu Chen would go to France, and he was suddenly shocked.

Quickly called Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, I heard that you will go abroad in two days?"

"yes! Academician Chen even knows about you?

Gu Chen was slightly surprised and replied with a smile.

"Mr. Gu, now your identity is completely different, and it will be dangerous for your safety and others after going out! What's more, they will detain you! Academician

Chen hurriedly told Gu Chen about the many dangers after going out.

"Huh? No way! Hearing

this, Gu Chen was a little surprised, although he knew that he would definitely have a little trouble going out, but it was not as terrifying as Academician Chen said.

"Mr. Gu, you underestimate your identity too much, the holder of Longteng Group, the owner of Shenzhou chip, this is something that has a major impact on the world! Maybe you don't know, many spies from abroad have come a lot, but they have all been taken down by us.

But now that you're going out, isn't that a great opportunity for those forces? Academician

Chen saw that Gu Chen didn't believe it, and immediately opened his mouth to explain.

Gu Chen was silent when he heard this, he didn't expect his identity to be so sensitive now.

"Mr. Gu, of course, maybe what I said is too dark, but if you insist on going, we will also provide you with protection, besides, now your reputation will also cause other countries not to use force."

Then Academician Chen still said.

After all, it is impossible for Gu Chen not to go abroad all the time, with the information they officially checked, this Mr. Gu is incredible!

Its assets are extremely powerful! And they are all legal, and they are giants in any industry.

Or their big taxpayers, if Gu Chen goes out and can't come back, it will also be a huge loss for Huaxia, so they will also do their best to protect Gu Chen.

"Hmm! Thank you Academician Chen for explaining, I will consider this matter!

Gu Chen thought for a while and thanked him.

He naturally thought of it, after all, his industry will definitely become bigger and bigger in the future, and it is inevitable that he will go to the world, and he will also go out at that time, and it is impossible not to go out for the rest of his life!

"Okay! Then don't bother Mr. Gu.

Academician Chen nodded, and then hung up the phone.

Gu Chen sat in the office and pondered for a long time.

He didn't think of any good way until after work.

If it weren't for Academician Chen's reminder this time, it is estimated that he would not have seen the potential crisis.

Fortunately, his new battery technology has not yet been taken out, otherwise he would be really dangerous at that time, which is a technical breakthrough!

It is estimated that at that time, all countries in the world will send top spies and assassin killers to find him trouble.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, and he opened it to see the message sent by Chu Xinyi.

"Are you off work? Do you want to go together? Seeing

this, Gu Chen pressed his mind down and revealed a relaxed feeling.

"It's down! Aren't you in Grandview? How to stay with me?

Then Gu Chen gently returned the past.

"yes! But today I happened to have something to do with Taiyu Group, so I came over!

"So you're using public for personal gain?"


Seeing this, Gu Chen laughed, and the previous things also dispersed.

Then take the elevator directly to the underground car park.

Seeing the familiar body and familiar figure, Gu Chen didn't say a word, and directly sat in the co-pilot.

Gu Chen obviously saw the joy in Chu Xinyi's heart, but his face showed an expression of ignoring him.

"Ahem, I said it wrong before!"

Gu Chen turned his head to look at Chu Xinyi and apologized with a smile.

Chu Xinyi then showed a look of recognition, and the atmosphere in the car gradually warmed up for a while.

After eating dinner with Chu Xinyi, and then snuggling warmly for a while, in the evening, back to the room, he opened the long-lost Taobao.

Want to see what good things are available today.


"Congratulations to this user for winning a 100% controlling stake in 'Tiandun' today!"

Suddenly, the prompt tone of the mobile phone sounded one after another, and Gu Chen was stunned, what kind of company is this Tiandun?

Then the introduction text message about Tiandun also sounded.

After reading it, Gu Chen was overjoyed, he really needed what to come.

He had to suspect that this mutated Taobao was conscious and knew what he lacked.

That's right, Gu Chen just selected a security group, and it is also the world's most famous security group, because of the domestic situation, the headquarters of Tiandun is not in the country, but in the Middle East, which is extremely chaotic.

From here, it is enough to see that the strength of the Heavenly Shield is definitely very powerful, it is simply a private armed force that crisscrosses all over the world, and its strength is strong.

"No wonder Heavenly Shield has its headquarters in the war-torn land, with his strength, no matter what country he is not allowed in, only there will he exert great strength."

Gu Chen sighed after reading the introduction.

"Grandma's! I got such a powerful force, as long as it is not those countries that directly tear their faces, I can go to the world! "

Gu Chen is overjoyed.

This Tiandun has departed from the category of terrorists, and its business is mainly based on security tasks, specializing in protecting foreign disciples of major forces and some government officials.

Sometimes a regular army is also cameo to help establish power in small countries.

Anyway, in general, under the security of Tiandun, there has never been a failed mission, and its reputation in the industry is extremely high, and the cost is naturally several times that of other security companies.

However, this did not have any pressure on Gu Chen, even if the Heavenly Shield was not Gu Chen's, it would have no effect on his financial resources.

Looking at an equity transfer letter and an identity certificate that appeared out of thin air, Gu Chen found that the founder of Tiandun seemed to be extremely mysterious, and the current several responsible persons of Tiandun were cultivated by that founder since childhood, in other words, extremely loyal.

There is no need to worry about stabbing in the back and being a ghost inside.

Now with this identity certificate, it is estimated that he can take over this underground powerful force intact.

Sure enough, in the end, this Taobao gave him a message, that is, it would help him arrange his identity, so that the founder directly endorsed him.

Then Gu Chen completely let go of his heart, and he didn't have to worry about this anymore.

The next day, Gu Chen directly gave Academician Chen a message, saying that he would still go out, but there was no need to worry about safety, as long as they used the coercion of the state to block the bright face when they arrived.

Although Academician Chen was puzzled, he still agreed.

It was incomprehensible to him that yesterday Gu Chen was still worried, and now he didn't sound worried at all, but he didn't ask.

At this time, Gu's father and mother have not yet come, Xu Shishi has come, but she has already moved out to live with her two girlfriends, and there was no money before, but the bonus issued by Gu Chen a few years ago made her full of confidence, so she also moved out directly.

There were only two people at breakfast, him and Chu Xinyi.

"That's right! I'll be going to Europe tomorrow, do you want to go and have fun together?

At the dining table, Gu Chen took a sip of millet porridge and looked up at Chu Xinyi.

"Huh? What are you going to Europe for? Chu

Xinyi was stunned when she heard Gu Chen's words, and then looked up at Gu Chen and asked curiously.

"Ahem, I heard that there will also be a supercar auction in Paris, so I want to go and see it, and just to check the strength of Bosch."

Gu Chen coughed and drank porridge and said it.


Hearing this, Chu Xinyi thought for a moment, she didn't expect that Gu Chen, who had always been mature and stable, liked supercars.

"Do you like supercars?"

Then he asked curiously.

"It's okay! Now I want to collect the world's top ten supercars!

Gu Chen didn't know what to say, and thought about it truthfully.

After all, if there is news of other sports cars in the future, he also has an excuse.

"This way!"

Chu Xinyi nodded, having no doubt about Gu Chen's words, after all, with his current value, there was absolutely no problem at all.

"So are you going?"

Gu Chen continued to ask.

"But I still have a job on my hands..." Chu

Xinyi wanted to go when she heard this, but she was a little hesitant.

"This is naturally no problem, just go for two days, it can be handed over to others!"

Gu Chen said without care.

"Good! Then I will reluctantly accompany you! Hearing

Gu Chen say this, Chu Xinyi's pretty face also showed a smile, and then said playfully;


Gu Chen glanced at it, he only recently found out, Chu Xinyi still has such a side, but he still likes it.

People who are very concerned about Gu Chen in the outside world also know that Gu Chen will go to Paris recently, and suddenly the world is in turmoil.

The capitalists who were very interested in Shenzhou chips also began to show their fierce fangs, and suddenly more and more people went to Paris.

All this Gu Chen did not know.

At this time, in a military base in the north, in the office, a man in military uniform with a hard figure assured loudly.

"Yes! Please rest assured! We will definitely secretly protect Mr. Gu's safety!" "

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