There were three people in the office, except for an imposing man sitting at his desk.

Next to this tough man was a middle-aged man in civilian clothes, who was Academician Chen.

"By the way, you and Academician Chen have good communication on this matter!"

The sitting general said kindly at this time.

"Yes!" Academician Chen and the tough man immediately replied loudly.

Gu Chen didn't know that he had already attracted the secret protection of the state, otherwise he would be very shocked, after all, not everyone can have such a special honor.

On the other hand, Bosch's Euler also got the news that Mr. Gu would go to Europe, which surprised him, followed by ecstasy.

Europe is their territory, it will be much easier to see Gu Chen at that time, maybe they can make Gu Chen agree to cooperate, take 10,000 steps back and say, even if Gu Chen does not agree, then they can use other means to force that Mr. Gu to agree.

But they will not do this until the last step, otherwise they will bear the wrath of the country under his feet.

So he sent the news directly back to the headquarters, and as for how to do it, let the adults on the board discuss it!

However, he also had to rush back to China, after all, he had met with Mr. Gu.

Longteng Group high-rise office.

Gu Chen directly called the person in charge of Tiandun.

This number is specially encrypted, and no one else can get through except Gu Chen's mobile phone.


Suddenly, a formal English speech came out.

"Gu Chen!"

Gu Chen was stunned, and then said in English.

"Mr. Gu?"

The other end of the phone was suddenly surprised, and then reacted immediately.


Hearing Gu Chen admit, at this time, near a secret military base near the equator, in a room full of concise and capable, a strong man about thirty or forty years old suddenly stood up.

He is the current external manager of Tiandun, responsible for handling various orders and other things, and is absolutely in a high position.

There is no name in Celestial Shield, and his code name is Fox, which means resourceful, very cautious and cunning.

Tiandun became the first existence in the industry in the next step under his leadership.

"I'm sorry Mr. Gu! I am a fox, currently equivalent to the position of general manager of Tiandun, the former leader should tell you, right?

The fox immediately introduced himself.

What he couldn't understand was why the previous leader solemnly told them that Gu Chen was their next boss, and he had to respect and obey Gu Chen as he did.

Although they were extremely puzzled in their hearts, they directly obeyed the order.

After all, the former leader is not only their master, but also their father.

"Eh? So what should I call it? Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and then asked curiously.

"Mr. Gu can call me Manager Ye, or you can directly call me Codename Fox!"

The fox thought about it when he heard this, since the previous leader was so at ease with Gu Chen, there was no need for him to hide.

"Good! Manager Ye, I'll call you this time! It's one thing you need to do!

Gu Chen then was also not polite and ordered directly.

He believes that since Taobao gave him this group, it will not harm him.

"Please Mr. Gu!"

When the fox heard this, he suddenly looked like a soldier and directly listened to the order.

"Ahem! I will go to Paris tomorrow, but I expect that many people will want to find me, so I need the protection of Skyshield!

Gu Chen explained the general situation of the matter.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Gu! Tomorrow, the people of Tiandun will wait for Mr. Gu's arrival in Paris, and I will personally lead the way!"

The fox did not ask anything, but directly assured.

After he knew that Gu Chen was their new boss before, he went to find out.

However, the more he understood, the more shocked he became, he didn't expect this Mr. Gu to be so powerful, and he knew that there were many people in the underground forces who wanted to contact this Mr. Gu now.

It was no wonder that the previous leader would give the Heavenly Shield to Gu Chen, so he quickly accepted it.

Another reason is that he is from Huaxia, and so is Mr. Gu, which gives him a natural sense of intimacy.


Gu Chen was overjoyed, and then the last worry in his heart disappeared.

Then he went about his official business with peace of mind.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Southeast Asia, the Lion City.

A luxurious and quaint house in an extremely large manor.

An elderly man and teenager were sitting opposite.

"Little dragon! The news of returning to China last time also made it clear that the low-end clothing in China is too rough, and it is a good time for our Zhang clothing to enter. This time I will give you the task! Hope you can open the situation smoothly!

At this time, the old man said flatly.

"Don't worry, grandpa! This time, I will improve my reputation as soon as possible and open the market as soon as possible! Xiaolong assured excitedly.

That's right, the two are the old man Zhang and Zhang Yunlong that Gu Chen saw in the Chu family before.

After several days of investigation, they have long been clear about the domestic clothing market.

"Good! But I hope you still have to be steady, think twice about things, and never be like before! After

Old Master Zhang left the Chu family, he personally adjusted for a few days, and finally made up his mind to leave this matter to his grandson.

"Yes! I know! I will discuss it with Forber!

Zhang Yunlong bowed his head and agreed.

However, his hatred for Gu Chen did not disperse at all, but deepened a lot.

"Good! Then go and prepare! Let grandpa return home as soon as possible!

Old man Zhang then waved his hand, and Zhang Yunlong left directly.

Outside the door, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a middle-aged butler had been waiting for a long time.

"Little Young Master!"

This person is Fubo, the housekeeper of the Zhang family, and he is deeply trusted by Old Master Zhang.


Zhang Yunlong nodded and walked outside.

This time, the old man sent Fubo over because he was afraid that he would be angry, and the culprit of all this was that damn Gu Chen, and he would not let Gu Chen go.

"Little young master, the old lady told us to go to Huaxia as soon as possible, I don't know how the little young master arranged it?"

Fu Bo naturally followed Zhang Yunlong and asked closely following the pace.

"Wait! I'm going to Europe soon! I'll go to Huaxia when I come back!

Zhang Yunlong explained.

"This... I wonder what the little young master went to Europe for? Forber was stunned, and then asked puzzled.

You must know that the order given by the old lady is to open the Huaxia market as soon as possible!


Seeing that Fubo still wanted to say, Zhang Yunlong suddenly said impatiently: "Okay!" You go to Huaxia first! I'll go to Europe for a day and go directly to Huaxia!

Then he left quickly, and Forber did not know what to say, so he could only agree.

The next day, in the afternoon, the weather in Huahai was clear, just right for air travel.

Suddenly, a huge plane took off from the international airport, and its destination was Paris.

Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi are like ordinary couples, but the couple's appearance is very high, which provokes the eyes of passers-by frequently.

That's right, this time Gu Chen only planned to go with Chu Xinyi and the two, and he could accompany her on a trip to deepen the relationship between the two.

"Let's rest for a while!"

At this time, Gu Chen glanced at the two ordinary men behind him without showing a trace, and said to Chu Xinyi.

He knew that these people should be sent by the authorities to protect him, which made him very moved.

As for how it was discovered?

Just kidding, since his body has been strengthened, his five senses have long been very sensitive, definitely beyond the current limits of human beings.


Chu Xinyi nodded obediently.

I no longer worried, and after reading the book, I gradually fell asleep.

All the way to Paris very safely, there were no terrorists hijacking planes and dropping bombs.

Gu Chen carried the box, took Chu Xinyi's thin hand, and got out of the plane, and suddenly a gentle sunlight shone on his face, which made Gu Chen and the two very comfortable.

The value is that Paris and the Huahai are seven hours away at this time, so it is still morning.

In a foreign country, everything is extremely curious, the two looked left and right to see the airport, at this time a pair of strong men, standing straight to the side, provoking others to dare not approach.

As soon as Gu Chen came out, a man in his thirties at the head suddenly walked over.

"Welcome Mr. Gu to Paris!"

Suddenly, a burst of Mandarin with Shonan came out, which surprised Gu Chen for a while.

"Manager Ye? Are you from Huaxia? Then he asked curiously.

"Yes! However, since he was a child, he followed his elders across the ocean to the United States. Manager Ye suddenly said with a smile.

"This way!"

When Gu Chen heard this, he suddenly realized.

"That's right! Mr. Gu! Over here please! I've arranged it!

Then Manager Ye turned sideways and let Gu Chen go first.

"Good! There is work!

Gu Chen was also not polite, leading Chu Xinyi, who was puzzled and confused, strode forward, but he was surrounded by this group of strong men.

After getting into an extended version of the Lincoln sedan, Chu Xinyi reacted.

Slowly leaning into Gu Chen's arms, he asked in Gu Chen's ear, "What's going on?"

"It's okay! They are people under my company! Gu Chen explained with a smile.

Seeing Chu Xinyi's eyes, he continued: "They are from a security group!" This time I went abroad and got news that someone would secretly attack me, so I bought a security company! "

Isn't that dangerous?"

Hearing this, Chu Xinyi suddenly panicked.

"Don't worry! Since I dare to come out, I am not afraid! Don't be afraid of me! Gu Chen squeezed Chu Xinyi's hand and said gently.

"Uh-huh!" When Chu Xinyi heard Gu Chen say this, she relaxed her heart.

At this time, Manager Ye, the co-pilot, saw that his boss had quietly finished talking, so he coughed.

Seeing Gu Chen looked over.

"Mr. Gu, I wonder if you want to meet other people?" So he began to inquire.

"Oh? How many of you are there? Hearing this, Gu Chen was also very interested.

Manager Ye reported truthfully; "There are currently 3,564 people in the group, excluding those who are still on duty, and there are 68 people in Paris! But I've already transferred a team of two hundred people from the headquarters, and they will arrive tonight!" "

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