Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi were stunned when they heard this, they didn't expect so many people.


Hearing that there were nearly three hundred people protecting him, Gu Chen didn't believe that any underground force could secretly deal with him.

Then Manager Ye glanced at Chu Xinyi, Gu Chen didn't know what he meant, and directly waved his hand: "This is my fiancée!" Chu Xinyi! You can say it with confidence! Chu

Xinyi was very happy in her heart, but she didn't expect Gu Chen to say this.

Hearing Gu Chen say this, Manager Ye no longer kept it secret, and said many confidential things about Tiandun, Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi were surprised one after another.

The official secret protection personnel were stunned when they saw this scene, and then transmitted the news back to China.

At the same time, the supervisors of other forces at the airport also passed the news back.

Somewhere in the country.

At this time, Academician Chen and the resolute man before saw the photo of Gu Chen meeting Manager Ye, and they immediately looked at each other.

"This is..."

Academician Chen finally reacted at this time, no wonder Mr. Gu didn't panic at all before, it turned out that there was someone to protect ah!

"Captain Hu, do you know who this is?"

Academician Chen then asked curiously.

"Academician Chen, wait for that, I'll ask the people of the Intelligence Department to check it."

Captain Hu directly asked someone to pass the picture over, and through big data and cloud computing comparison, the news about Manager Ye was immediately tuned out.

"This is his real name, age, nationality is not clear, only know that the code name is Fox, is the general manager of the security group, and has great power in the Middle East!"

Captain Hu immediately read out the news.

"What? Skyshield security? When did Mr. Gu meet? Academician Chen was stunned when he heard this, and asked puzzled.

"Is it employed?" Then he guessed.

"Academician Chen may not know, this general manager of Tiandun Group has a great position in the world, if he is hired, he will definitely not come out to greet him personally, I don't know if Academician Chen has observed it, this fox is very respectful when he sees Mr. Gu!"

Captain Hu shook his head suddenly, and then turned the previous video back and said.

Academician Chen took a closer look at this time and found that this was indeed the case.

"This... Is there anything we don't know about Mr. Gu?

Academician Chen also frowned at this time and said strangely.

The two were silent for a long time, not knowing how to deal with it, and reported it directly.

The above did not know this situation, and then directly said that he would act according to the original plan and secretly protect Gu Chen.

This scene also played out in various other places, and for a while all forces canceled the operation.

Although Gu Chen didn't know all this, he could also guess it.

At a glance, it is the deterrent power of the Tiandun Group.

Then he didn't care, and directly took Chu Xinyi and the two to visit Paris.

Notre Dame Cathedral, Versailles Palace and other representative buildings have been visited.

However, early the next morning, he was told that someone under the hotel wanted to see him, which surprised him, after all, he did not seem to have friends in Paris.

It wasn't until the other party said the name that it dawned on him.

It is Euler who wants to see himself.

"By the way, Manager Ye, do you know Bosch?" Looking at Manager Ye who came to report, Gu Chen suddenly asked.

"Mr. Gu, Bosch is very famous in Europe, they are still an extremely powerful force underground, plus a huge consortium on the surface, and the government officials of many countries are their people."

Manager Ye nodded, and then said what he knew.

"Oh? So powerful? Gu Chen was slightly surprised.

"Alright! Meet him! Gu Chen then agreed.

A few minutes later, in the conference room of the hotel, Gu Chen saw Euler again.

"How is Mr. Gu? I didn't expect Mr. Gu to come here!

Euler said directly and happily.

"Mr. Euler, I didn't expect to see you here, aren't you in my country?"

Gu Chen also showed a smile.

"God forbid, of course I want to follow Mr. Gu!"

"Oh? Follow me for what? If I still say cooperation, I still have the same sentence as before, and I have to consider it!

Gu Chen said lightly.

"Mr. Gu misunderstood, this time is not here, our boss Andry knows that Mr. Gu is here, specifically wants to meet Mr. Gu."

Euler quickly waved his hand and then explained.

Manager Ye on the side changed his face slightly, he did not expect that the extremely famous Andry would actually want to see their boss.

"Oh? Chairman of Bosch? Gu Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! Mr. Andry has arrived in Paris, and this time he invited Mr. Gu!

Euler said with a smile.

"Okay, let's meet your boss!" Gu Chen thought about it and agreed.

"Mr. Gu!"

At this time, Manager Ye on the side couldn't help but shout.

Gu Chen looked over puzzled.

"Presumably, this is Mr. Fox, the general manager of the famous Tiandun!"

Euler returned to his previous seriousness at this time, and looked at Manager Ye and said calmly.

"Good!" Manager Ye glanced at it, and then said in German.

Several people were stunned, but they didn't expect Manager Ye to speak German.

He didn't know what the other party meant, naturally a little worried that Gu Chen would encounter danger in the past, if he was somewhere else, he was not afraid, after all, their Tiandun was not vegetarian, but this part of Europe was the back garden of people.

"It's okay!" Gu Chen knew Manager Ye's thoughts, and gave a look that was fine

, "Mr. Ora, please lead the way!" Then Gu Chen looked at Euler and ordered.

"Mr. Gu, please!" Euler suddenly returned to his previous expression.

Half an hour later, Gu Chen took the other party's car and turned into an ancient castle.

Gu Chen who watched it sighed with emotion, is this the life of foreign capitalists?

Led by the servants, through the layers of gates, you reach the depths of the castle, a medieval decoration with several ancient sofas in the middle, which you can tell at a glance that it is worth a lot.

In the middle sat an old man full of spirit, he sat there quietly, but gave people a terrifying momentum, like a sleeping beast.

Manager Ye and Ola were both disturbed, only Gu Chen was not affected in the slightest, but he was better.

At this time, Manager Ye finally saw the momentum on Gu Chen's body, that majestic thing, full of majestic momentum was stimulated from the depths of his bones, and Manager Ye couldn't see it.

Gu Chen smiled and sat step by step opposite the old man. No more words.

"Presumably this is Mr. Gu Chengu! What a long-time daimyo!

At this time, the old man's momentum retracted, and he said to Gu Chen with a smile like an old man next door.

However, his heart was turbulent, and he didn't expect how such a young person could have such a powerful momentum, even he couldn't suppress it.

"Good! Mr. Andry, I don't know what is wrong with me?

"Haha! When I heard that Mr. Gu came to Paris, I naturally wanted to do my best to entertain the landlord. Andry shook his head, full of enthusiasm.

"Is it? Thanks a lot! But now this is also entertaining, if Mr. Andry has nothing to do, then I will not accompany him!

Gu Chen looked at the other party with a smile and said playfully.

After saying that, he planned to get up and leave.

"Mr. Gu wait! Young people still don't be so impatient!

Andry shook his head when he heard Gu Chen's words, and then continued: "Since everyone is a smart person, I won't go around in circles, and the purpose of meeting Mr. Gu this time must be known to Mr. Gu."

When Gu Chen heard this, he sat down again and said slowly: "Naturally!" However, if you want to cooperate, you must be able to do it, and it is not limited to Bosch!

"Naturally! If I am Mr. Gu, I will definitely shop around, and whoever gives the most benefits will cooperate with whom!

Andry nodded in agreement.

"Sir!" At this time, Euler couldn't help but shout, and Andry took a look at it and then kept silent.

"That's right!" Gu Chen nodded and smiled, he thought the other party would be angry!

"But I also have great confidence in Bosch, after all, the conditions given by Bosch are definitely not given by other people!"

Andry then said confidently.


"I heard that Mr. Gu is currently entering the automotive industry? I think Mr. Gu should know that Bosch's machine lathes are famous all over the world, as long as Mr. Gu nods, then I think, we will cooperate happily! An essence flashed in his eyes, and he said with a smile and Gu Chen.

Gu Chen's heart moved, he didn't expect the other party to know him so well.

But to tell the truth, people's lathes are absolutely incomparably fine.

These lathes are extremely scarce in China, because of the blockade of the United States and the suppression of other countries, Huaxia's lathes are still before, and they are not used by others.

If he agrees to cooperate this time, then he will not be able to break this blockade, and the country will not protect itself in vain.

Seeing that Gu Chen did not speak, Andry smiled slightly, he was very sure that Gu Chen agreed to cooperate.

"Good! It's just that I want to see Mr. Andry's sincerity first! Gu Chen said with a smile.


"The purpose of my visit must already be known by Mr. Andry, right?"

Looking at Andriy nodding, Gu Chen continued: "Then let this be a keepsake!" As long as Mr. Andry takes this to Huahai to find me, then I will cooperate! "

Anyway, it's all about cooperation, so it's better to take some benefits directly."

"Yes!" Andry thought about it and agreed.

In his opinion, this top ten supercar is completely incomparable to the cooperation with Gu Chen, and besides, this matter is a matter of words for him.


Then Gu Chen chatted with the other party for a long time before coming out of the castle.

Andry looked at Gu Chen's departing back and couldn't help but sigh, this young man is not simple!

He is already old, and he will be Gu Chen's world in the future.

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