Then all kinds of applause also sounded, and after some speech, there were already many impatience below, and the gold necklace brother shouted.


he muttered a long paragraph, and Gu Chen listened to the clouds and fog, and the others were the same.

It was inexplicable to listen, but fortunately he reacted, this is not his country, and the native language he speaks cannot be understood.

He then switched to the international lingua franca, English Gerrich.

It means to hurry up, everyone is here to see the supercar, not to listen to your nonsense! You hurry down and so on.

Gu Chen, who listened, laughed loudly.

Perhaps the manager recognized the identity of this person, did not get angry, but apologized, said a few words hastily, and began various supercar auctions.

This time, a total of seven were taken out, and there were originally eight.

All-round pictures and performance of various supercars, all kinds of introductions are displayed under the projector behind the wall.

Then all kinds of fierce scramble began, but Gu Chen did not participate in a single auction during the whole process.

Zhang Yunlong, who was watching, despised it.

Then he began to deliberately behave in front of Chu Xinyi, frequently speaking, looking at the slightly surprised eyes around him, and suddenly glanced at Gu Chen very proudly.

However, there is more money here, and he did not photograph several cars in succession, which embarrassed him.

Especially Gu Chen also said something that made him vomit blood.

"Brother Zhang, why didn't you continue?"

Listen, is this what people say?

Those cars have all been auctioned at prices much higher than the market, wouldn't it be unjust for me to buy again?

Do you think it's a wet market?

Seeing everyone's skeptical gazes, at the sixth car, he directly gritted his teeth and shouted 20 million!

Suddenly, the scene was instantly quiet, and all kinds of eyes looked for the owner of this voice, and Zhang Yunlong was very comfortable watching it.

Then looked at Gu Chen, wanting to see the shocked expression in Gu Chen's eyes, but he thought too much.

Gu Chen was not only not shocked, but looked at the fool's eyes.

"Brother Zhang, won't you? This car is worth up to 10 million outside! Why are you shouting 20 million! Hearing

this, Zhang Yunlong's heart was also dripping blood, but his face was unconcerned: "It's okay!" Not bad money! It's hard to buy, I'm happy! "

Brother Zhang!" Gu Chen exclaimed after hearing this.

"That is!"

Zhang Yunlong was very proud, but maybe his luck was not good today.

"Thirty million!"

At this time, he was proud for only three seconds, and he originally thought that he was in his pocket, but he didn't expect to kill a Cheng biting gold behind his back.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned to the bidder, who was the prince of the golden necklace that everyone was familiar with.

"Look at what, if you want to continue to quote!"

Noticing everyone's gaze, the golden necklace prince looked around, and then noticed Zhang Yunlong, who had an ugly face.

Zhang Yunlong was furious when he heard this, but the strong reason in his heart suppressed his desire to be angry.

I couldn't help but glared at the prince of the golden necklace fiercely, and kept silent.

It seemed that he also knew that the prince of the golden necklace was not something he could offend.

The prince of the golden necklace saw Zhang Yunlong's retreat, and couldn't help but scold loudly, "Waste!"

"What did you say?"

At this time, Zhang Yunlong's blood rushed to his head and roared loudly.

Gu Chen, who was watching the play on the side, laughed loudly, and then pretended to persuade: "Brother Zhang, forget it, I see that person seems to be a certain prince!"

Chu Xinyi saw that Gu Chen had bad intentions, but she didn't stop it, after all, she also hated this Zhang Yunlong very much.

"I'll give out forty million!"

Zhang Yunlong did not pay attention to Gu Chen, but directly quoted the price, and suddenly the scene was in an uproar, which caused everyone to watch the play.

After all, the scene of the rich second generation tearing up is very good-looking, even Gu Chen is the same, and he has nothing to do with himself to watch the play.

After saying that, Zhang Yunlong regretted it, and immediately felt afraid in his heart that he would know how he had so much money, and if he had to pay later, he would be embarrassed and lost to the world.

Suddenly, his head broke out in a cold sweat, and he begged the prince of the golden necklace in his heart to continue to quote.

"Fifty million!"

It seemed that his prayer was heard by the heavens, and suddenly the prince of the golden necklace directly quoted a sky-high price, and it seemed that fifty million was only five dollars.


Then everyone looked at Zhang Yunlong, but everyone didn't know that he was relieved, and then he kept silent.

Until the voice from the rostrum came, everyone "booed" to indicate that it was not interesting.

Ling Zhang Yunlong's face was very ugly, and he fled the scene directly.

"Brother Zhang? Why are you going?

Gu Chen looked at the departing back and suddenly shouted.

Who knew that people ignored him at all, Gu Chen shook his head and stopped paying attention.

After that, there was nothing more to say, and the people dispersed.

The next day, Gu Chen got up early in the morning and went straight to the airport, but Manager Ye did not follow, after all, the country is not another place.

It's just that he will have the security personnel with the identity of Huaxia and will return to China to protect Gu Chen.

Airports, departure lounges.

"It's been hard for Manager Ye these days!"

Gu Chen thanked Manager Ye.

"It is incumbent upon you to serve Mr. Gu!" Manager Ye suddenly said seriously.

Gu Chen smiled and patted the other party's shoulder without speaking, after observing in the past few days, he was very sure that this Manager Ye was a rare talent, and the most important thing was to be very loyal to him.

"After that, you can expand the Sky Shield! Hopefully I won't have these troubles the next time I come out!

Gu Chen looked at the early morning sky, thought about it, and ordered.

"Yes! I promise not to disappoint Mr. Gu!

Manager Ye was overjoyed when he heard this, and then assured loudly.

You must know that their Heavenly Shield has not expanded for a long time due to lack of funds, and the previous leader is old and cautious, and he has long lost his previous development intention.

"Good! You don't have to worry about the funds, after that I will give you ten billion funds, I don't care about the rest, leave it to you!

Gu Chen waved his big hand and said directly arrogantly.

After that, Gu Chen took Chu Xinyi on the plane and left.

Leaving the excited Manager Ye looking at the distant plane in the sky, he was silent for a long time.

It was already afternoon when he returned to China, looking at the familiar compatriots and familiar air, Gu Chen couldn't help but sigh: "It's still good in China!"

"yes!" Chu Xinyi also felt this way.

Then he sent Chu Xinyi back, and also bought many gifts for his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

After resting overnight, Gu Chen went to the company.

It's not that Gu Chen is very diligent, but more than a dozen calls a day, which makes him annoyed.

After finally handling all the affairs, President Jiang came over at this time.

"Mr. Gu, those international suppliers have all arrived, they asked me to ask you if you are free tomorrow, they want to meet you!" By the way, about cooperation.

President Jiang said with a smile after saying hello to Gu Chen.

"Huh? Those two princes arrived?

Gu Chen was stunned and asked curiously.

He came back directly, but he didn't expect that the two princes were the same, and they came over the next day after attending the exhibition.

"Uh-huh, arrived yesterday! But didn't Mr. Gu meet them?

Mr. Jiang said with a smile.

He also knew that Gu Chen had gone to the exhibition and had also come back yesterday.

"Nope! There were too many people there, but I did meet a strange prince, but our partner must not be the one! Gu Chen shook his head and said with some amusement.

"So it is! I wonder if I want to see them tomorrow?

President Jiang nodded, and then asked about business.

"Nothing happens tomorrow, just meet them!"

Gu Chen thought about it and replied.

"Good! I'll tell them! Then

Mr. Jiang went down.

The next day, a loft of Huatian Hotel.

Inside is a huge round table, which is beautiful, and at this moment it is already filled with representatives of international parties.

At this time, everyone was already in place, only the host Gu Chen had not yet arrived.

"President Jiang, I want to ask if your chairman will come over?"

At this time, someone couldn't help it, so he opened his mouth to ask President Jiang.

"Nature will come!" President Jiang replied without hesitation.

"In that case! Why is your chairman still late!

At this time, a medium-height fat man dressed in luxurious dignity and wearing a heavy gold necklace around his neck asked in fluent English.

"Your Excellency Prince, the time has not arrived, so what you said is late is not true!" President Jiang explained with a smile, his aura was not at all inferior.

Just kidding, I'm backed by Mr. Gu, and I'm afraid of you a little prince?

Seeing what the prince wanted to say, a man next to him who was seven points similar to him interrupted him.

"You shut up!"

He was another prince.

Then the prince of the golden necklace was stunned, so he kept silent.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, my brother Wang is not sensible, I hope you don't mind!"

Then turned to Mr. Jiang and apologized.

"It's okay!" Mr. Jiang was surprised in his heart, but waved his hand to indicate that he didn't mind.

After a few more minutes, Gu Chen was late at this time.

"Sorry, guys, it's late!"

As soon as Gu Chen came in, he apologized.

"Hey, it's you!"

At this time, a voice sounded instantly.

Gu Chen looked at it, and a golden bright color came into his eyes, and he was immediately stunned.

It's that coincidental.

That's right, this is the prince of the gold necklace that Gu Chen saw at the exhibition.

"President Gu, this..." At this

time, the other people in the box did the same, and then the prince of the golden necklace said the general passage.

President Jiang also smiled, it turned out that the strange prince that President Gu said yesterday was this ah! He looked at it again, and it was indeed strange.

"Hey, Sir, turns out we've met before, my name is Hamandan! Nice to meet you! The

prince of the golden necklace greeted Gu Chen with a smile at this time.

"Hello! Prince Hamandan, my name is Gu Chen. Gu Chen also said hello directly.

Then everyone introduced each other again, and they did not expect their partner to be so young.

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