With Hamandan, a living treasure, the lively atmosphere, this meeting with everyone is naturally very relaxed.

Then everyone chatted a lot, they didn't expect that this young Gu Chen was so knowledgeable and could talk about any topic.

After some dispersal, only two princes remained.

"Mr. Gu, can we talk?"

At this time, Hamandan's brother Rashid, standing opposite Gu Chen, asked expectantly.

"It's an honor!" Gu Chen replied with a smile.

Finally, Gu Chen took him to the conversation hall of the hotel.

"I wonder what Prince Rashid said?" Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"I heard that Mr. Gu owns more than Taiyu Group, so I want to cooperate with Mr. Gu!" Rashid turned up.

"Oh? I wonder how His Excellency the Prince wants to cooperate? Gu Chen was very curious.

"I heard that Mr. Gu is now being suppressed by the damn Americans, so I think, with my status as a prince, in the Middle East, they can't block it, so I want to cooperate with Mr. Gu on chips and Shenzhou series of electronic products!" At the same time, I am willing to introduce your system in China! Rashid said directly in one breath, and then looked at

Gu Chen, and what about Gu Chen?

He also did not expect this prince to be so far-sighted, but he was soon relieved, worthy of being the crown prince.

"I wonder why the prince asked me to cooperate? I think that by doing this, I should offend the United States! Gu Chen asked rhetorically.

"Naturally! I don't hide Mr. Gu anymore! Because those capitalists have been too ugly in recent years, I plan to teach them a lesson, as for offending, I naturally don't worry! Rashid said proudly.

Apparently he did not care about the threat from the American side.

In fact, there were many others that he did not tell Gu Chen.

It is his third brother who received the help of the other party's capital, which greatly lost his prestige in China, so he urgently needed external capital to enter the country and suppress the other party.

And this is still the meaning of the father, otherwise if this continues, sooner or later they will be devoured by that group of capitalists.

But it is not what capital has the confidence to carry the other party, he looked for a long time before hearing Gu Chen's name, and then after investigation, he found that this Mr. Gu is not an ordinary person, his capital strength is not worse than the other party, and the most important thing is that the other party still has hatred.

Coupled with the fact that he came from a country with a long culture, he was very relieved, and he also heard about Gu Chen's good deeds.

All in all, Gu Chen is a good partner.

Gu Chen pondered for a long time, thinking about the gains and losses and the consequences.

"Mr. Gu! I can also call in charge of our ores and crude oil, and I can increase the annual quota for your country! Seeing

Gu Chen silent, Rashid said another huge temptation.

However, it is of no use to Gu Chen, but as a patriotic entrepreneur, he naturally has to work for the benefit of his country.

"Good! Since His Excellency the Prince said so, then naturally I have nothing to say. Gu Chen got up and said with a big laugh.

"So we have a good time working together?"

"Happy cooperation!"

The big hands of the two clasped together, and although they did not sign any documents and contracts, they felt that the other party was a trustworthy gentleman.

The two walked out of the reception room with a smile, and Hamandan came to see him at once.

"Brother, is he done talking?"

Talking in his native language.

Unfortunately, Gu Chen couldn't understand, so he shrugged and walked to the side.

I talked to the man for a long time before I came over.

"Mr. Gu, I'll go back and report to my father first, and then come over with the contract, my brother will stay here for a few days during this time, trouble Mr. Gu!"

Rashid then said apologetically to Gu Chen.


Gu Chen was stunned, he looked at Hamandan's excited expression, and knew that he himself wanted to stay here.

However, in order to cooperate with the other party, Gu Chen waved his hand: "Don't worry!" Your Excellency Prince, I Gu Chen still has a bit of face in Huahai!

"Thank you, Mr. Gu! If this younger brother of mine does something ridiculous, Mr. Gu doesn't need to give me face, he can teach me a lesson instead of me!"

Rashid said with a sincere look.

Gu Chen looked at Hamandan and found the other party's depressed expression, and accepted it with a smile.

The crown prince then left alone.

"Gu Chen, I wonder if you have any supercars?" At this time, Hamandan said to Gu Chen with a smile.

It's not out of sight at all.

"I'm afraid the prince will be disappointed, although I am interested in supercars, there are no great sports cars at the moment." Gu Chen shrugged.

Hamandan, who listened, looked disappointed.

"But I'll have a supercar coming over in a few days, and it won't disappoint you then!"

Then Gu Chen said confidently.

According to his calculations, Bosch can't wait to cooperate with him right away, so they should have started shipping here by freight long ago, or they will come in a few days.

"Really? Gu Chen! Hamandan was pleasantly surprised.

"Hmm! Yes! But now do you have a place to live? Gu Chen nodded, and then asked.

Hamandan shook his head: "No, my brother and I have already checked out!" And not even clothes! "

Eh?" Gu Chen was stunned, "So be it!" This hotel is mine, I'll open a room for you here! Can you just live here? If

ordinary people heard that this five-star hotel was his, they would immediately exclaim, but this brother not only did not have any surprise, but was very disgusted.

"Nope! Gu Chen! I don't want to live here! Hamandan simply refused.

"I stayed in that seven-star hotel in my house, so I don't stay in a hotel!" Later added.

The corner of Gu Chen's mouth twitched.

Listen! Is this what people say? It is worthy of being a prince, it is simply inhumane in the trenches!

This is the real Versailles literature!

Gu Chen's heart, which had long been calm, was also full of ups and downs, and then he thought about it and said: "Then since this is the case!" Just go to my house! But let me say first, my home is definitely not as comfortable as yours, so don't be disgusted.

"No problem! Gu Chen! Don't worry! Hearing

Gu Chen say this, Hamandan directly assured.

Gu Chen nodded, thinking that this guy was still quite interesting.

Then he took Hamandan to the supermarket to buy a lot of personal items before going straight to Gu's house.

Watching the car not only did not go out of the city, but went to the busy city.

"Gu Chen Gu Chen, did you drive wrong?"

Hamandan suddenly shouted and asked.

"Nope!" Gu Chen asked puzzled.

"Isn't your house an estate?"

"This is not abroad!" Gu Chen explained after glancing at it.

"Ah! Yeah! Sorry, I misremembered, here it should be said villa! Yes, villa.

Hamandan reacted, a little embarrassed, and then remembered something and said suddenly.

"Sorry! I didn't live in a villa either, just a small house!


Hearing this, Hamandan was shocked, but he listened to his brother, Gu Chen is very rich, he didn't expect that he didn't even have a villa, how not to shock him.

"Is it weird?"

Gu Chen still stared ahead without squinting.

"Oh my God! Gu Chen! It's the first time I've seen someone as rich as you turn out to be like this..."

Hamandan seemed to have discovered something surprising.

"What's the fuss! I am used to living there, naturally I don't want to change villas!

Gu Chen explained after glancing at it.

"This way!" Hamandan immediately understood when he heard this.

Then Hamandan didn't say anything anymore, and followed Gu Chen to live in the big flat layer, all of which made him very strange, after all, how could he come into contact with these before.

Seeing the respectful expression of the security uncle at the door, he found that this Gu Chen made him more and more unable to see through.

Looking at the unique building, he looked left and right along the way.

"Gu Chen Gu Chen, these four floors are all interconnected! Wow! Coming

to the hall at this time, Hamandan suddenly shouted in surprise.

Other waiters and other tenants looked over.

Gu Chen, who was watching, wanted to cover his face and escape, but he was too humiliated.

"You have a small voice!" Quickly sit down beside him and whisper.

Just kidding, who comes here as a waiter doesn't know English yet?

"Hello Mr. Gu!"

At this time, the foreman on duty was Sister Xue, who had had several encounters with Gu Chen before.

"Sister Xue is good!" Gu Chen nodded and replied with a smile.

Then he took Hamandan, who experienced the life of ordinary people, and directly entered the elevator.

"Wow, Sister Xue, that was Mr. Gu just now?"

As soon as Gu Chen left, the other waiters leaned over one after another, chattering and asking the foreman.

"That's right! It's Mr. Gu! Sister

Xue naturally knew the thoughts of these little girls and said with a smile.

"Wow! I actually met Mr. Gu himself!

"yes! Mr. Gu is more handsome than in the photo.

"Yes, yes! The foreigner next to Mr. Gu is also so handsome! It's just a bit silly! It's like I've never seen the world!

Immediately, several waiters began a lively discussion.

The elevator "ding" reached the floor, and Gu Chen walked in directly with Hamandan.

"Okay, I live with my parents, you can choose one of those rooms!"

Gu Chen sat directly on the sofa and pointed to several empty rooms and said.

"What! Gu Chen! Why didn't you tell me earlier! Hearing

this, Haman Denton was stunned, and at the same time admired Gu Chen even more, but he didn't expect that this Gu Chen was still a filial son.

"How? Inconvenience? Then I'll take you somewhere else! Gu Chen waved his hand and asked.

He hadn't remembered it before.

"No, no, no! , I mean you didn't tell me earlier, I didn't prepare a gift! Wouldn't it be bad!

Hamandan shook his head, then a little embarrassed.

He had heard about Huaxia for a long time, so he often knew about Huaxia culture before, and knew that the first time he went to someone's house, he had to prepare a gift, and he would be polite.

"Don't worry! My parents are still in their hometown and have not come back!

Gu Chen listened, and then said with a smile.

"This way!" Hamandan was relieved.

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