Then the two chatted a lot, and finally Gu Chen took a new quilt and laid it out for Hamandan before entering the kitchen to prepare dinner.

After all, the first time a guest comes to the door, he naturally needs to make it himself.

Just kidding, the takeaway he delivered for a year last year was not for nothing, but he learned the craftsmanship of several people, and integrated it, and then innovated.

"Wow! Gu Chen, you still cook? Hearing

the movement, Hamandan was surprised when he saw Gu Chen, who was tied up on his apron.

Gu Chen gave him more and more surprises.

"Nonsense! What do you think! The boss of my group personally cooked for you as a prince, so I didn't wronged you!

Gu Chen said with a smile while skillfully washing rice.

"Gu Chen, in your Huaxia words, you are a good husband of Huaxia!"

Hamandan immediately praised.


Gu Chen's face darkened when he heard this.

Then I went to the supermarket downstairs to buy some ingredients and began to prepare a big meal.

An hour later, the table was filled with fragrant meals, and the fragrance of Hamandan worked up his appetite.

“good! Gu Chen, I have never eaten such a delicious food! You made it so delicious!

Hamandan showed a satisfied look while eating, and he did not hesitate to appreciate.

"Of course!"

Gu Chen is naturally very happy, who else can be happier than praising the delicious food you cooked?

In fact, he knew that although what he made was delicious, it was much worse than those chefs, but this prince had eaten a big meal since he was a child, and he had never eaten these home-cooked side dishes, and he naturally felt very delicious when he ate it for the first time.

After the meal, it is naturally digested while sitting on the sofa.

Hamandan held up his bulging stomach and was very satisfied.

"Gu Chen, I didn't expect that the rice cooked by one of your chairmen was really delicious! It's different than anyone I've seen before!

Hamandan hummed.

"How different! That's you didn't make deep friends with them! Then

several people began to talk.

At this time, the door clicked open, causing the two to be stunned.

"It should be my fiancée here!" Gu Chen guessed.

Suddenly, a loud voice came out, and the people arrived before the voice.

"Little dust! Missed me!

Suddenly, a breathless female voice came.

A woman carrying a large bag came over and looked at Gu Chen with a smile.

At this time, Hamandan looked at Gu Chen, meaning "This is your fiancée?" Are you kidding me?

"Mom! Why did you come back today and don't make a call!

Gu Chen didn't care about him, but smiled and helped take the things.

"Naturally, it will surprise you again!"

Then hugged Gu Chen directly.

"Huh? This is..."

At this time, Gu's mother finally found Hamandan sitting on the sofa, and immediately asked curiously.

At this time, Hamandan also guessed that this should be Gu Chen's mother, and immediately stood up very nervously.

"That's right! Mom, let me introduce you, the identity of this international friend is not simple! Don't be surprised!

Gu Chen explained with a smile.

"What identity?" Gu's mother asked curiously.

"This is a certain prince in the Middle East! Hamandan!

Gu Chen said directly.

"What?" Hearing this, Gu's mother directly exclaimed.

After accepting Gu Chen's words, he directly looked at Hamandan.

"Gu Chen, what should I call it?"

Hamandan suddenly looked at Gu Chen for help.

"You can call me mother, aunt!"

"Hello Aunt Gu!"

Hearing this, Hamandan suddenly said to Gu's mother in a friendly manner.

"Mom, he said hello to you!" Gu Chen acted as an interpreter at this time.

"Ah! Hello hello hello! Mother Gu was very excited at this time.

It was the first time she had seen a foreigner with such a distinguished status!

"My mom said hello!" Gu Chen continued to translate.

Then a few more people chatted.

Then the gate slammed again.

It was Father Gu who also came in.

The same expression, Father Gu is also very curious and excited, which is not something he can see in ordinary times.

Fortunately, Father Gu still understands English, although many of them can't, but communication is still possible, although stumbling.

"Prince Hamandan, I'm glad you can be a guest at my house!"

At this time, Father Gu replaced Gu Chen and helped Mother Gu translate.

"I'm glad too, uncle and aunt, you can call me Hamandan."

Hamandan replied abruptly.

At the same time, he knew that this family was headed by Gu's mother, but he still envied such feelings.

In such a short period of time, he felt very warm, as a prince, even if it was modern, he did not experience such warm family affection.

"Good! Hamandan! "

Father Gu and Mother Gu are also very happy when they hear this.

Basically, Gu's father and mother asked, and Hamandan answered, but he was not impatient at all, but very happy.

Then everyone went back to their rooms to sleep.

As soon as he returned to the room, his phone rang, and when he opened it, he saw that it was Academician Chen.

"Hello? Academician Chen, it's so late, what's the matter?

Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"Haha! I'm sorry to disturb Mr. Gu, I don't know if Mr. Gu has time tomorrow, I want to see Mr. Gu?

Academician Chen's familiar voice came over.

"No problem, see you tomorrow then?"

Gu Chen thought about it and agreed.

He guessed in his heart that it should be about the Tiandun Group after he went abroad, and he had never doubted the country's intelligence.

The two said a few words and hung up separately.

The next day, a relaxing tea plantation.

"I wonder why Academician Chen is looking for me?" Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"Mainly for the chip, in addition, I am curious about how Mr. Gu met the fox of Tiandun Security?"

Academician Chen did not hide it, he was very curious.

"I didn't expect Academician Chen to have such a curious heart!" Gu Chen smiled, and then quipped.

Academician Chen shook his head and did not explain.

"Since Academician Chen asked, then I will no longer hide it, and I have a stake in Tiandun Security."


Academician Chen was stunned, a little surprised, to know that Gu Chen had never contacted the other party before, how could he suddenly become a shareholder?

It's incredible.

"Mr. Gu is not kidding, right?"

Although he asked this, he also believed it in his heart when he saw Gu Chen's expression.

"Naturally! Academician Chen can check this matter and find out! Gu Chen said very naturally.

"Mr. Gu... It's really powerful! Hearing

Gu Chen's agreement, Academician Chen shook his head and smiled bitterly, and then sighed.

You must know that Tiandun Security is not just a company, it represents a private army! The meaning of what it represents is very significant!

"That's right! I went to Europe this time not only to have fun, I also have a cooperation here, I believe Academician Chen you will be interested! Seeing

that Academician Chen was still there and sighed, Gu Chen smiled and then said mysteriously.


Academician Chen suddenly looked up at Gu Chen and became interested.

"Hey, hey! Academician Chen should know that Bosch in Europe has always wanted to cooperate with me, right?

Academician Chen nodded, he naturally knew.

"This time I went to meet their chairman, he wanted to cooperate with me, I sold him chips, and he helped me open up the international market!"

"Congratulations to Mr. Gu for stepping out of the world!" Academician Chen congratulated.

However, he was still a little strange, although this was a good thing for Gu Chen, he was not very interested.

"Of course, I don't think Academician Chen is too concerned about this, but he also mentioned something, precision machine tools!"

Gu Chen smiled and directly gave Academician Chen a surprise.


Sure enough, when Academician Chen heard the back, he stood up directly in shock.

Looking at Gu Chen incredulously.

"Academician Chen, don't get excited, don't get excited!" Gu Chen smiled and persuaded.

"What Mr. Gu said is true?"

Academician Chen glanced at Gu Chen and asked anxiously.

You must know that precision machine tools have always been a weakness in China, and have always been blocked and monopolized by foreign countries, and now he suddenly heard that Gu Chen could help get this thing, how not surprised him.

"Naturally! I think in a few days, the Bosch delegation will come over, and then Academician Chen can come in person!

Gu Chen nodded and said with a smile.

He knew what this meant domestically, and it was an important factor in his willingness to agree at the time.

"Good! Mr. Gu, if this is true, then you are our hero! On behalf of the organization, on behalf of the country, I thank you! Academician

Chen was very excited, thanked Gu Chen very much, and said solemnly.

"Academician Chen is serious, as a member of Huaxia, I naturally want to contribute to the country!"

Gu Chen didn't expect to be so excited to Academician Chen, and he also had a straight face.

"Mr. Gu is a true patriotic entrepreneur! Pride of the country! Hero!

At this time, Academician Chen was unstinting in his praise of Gu Chen.

"Ahem, there is one more thing I have to tell Academician Chen!"

Gu Chen was embarrassed by the other party, and quickly changed the topic.

"Mr. Gu, please say!"

Academician Chen was really happy at this time, and he replied directly when he heard Gu Chen's words;

"Even yesterday I talked about cooperation with the heir to the crown prince in the Middle East." Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Oh? Unexpectedly, Mr. Gu's business is now so extensive, even the crown prince has sought Mr. Gu to cooperate! What a congratulations! Academician

Chen misunderstood what Gu Chen meant, and thought that this was Gu Chen giving him good news!

"Rejoice together! The other party also said that it would increase the share of locally produced crude oil and ore and sell it to Huaxia! Do you say that Academician Chen is the same joy?

Gu Chen also smiled and congratulated.

"Oh?" Academician Chen was stunned, but he didn't expect that there were too many surprises given to him by Gu Chen today, and he couldn't wait to report this matter.

"Mr. Gu! You gave me so much shock today! "

Academician Chen is like a happy child at this time!

Then Academician Chen chatted with Gu Chen for a few words and immediately left to report to the above and ask Gu Chen for credit.

But Gu Chen didn't care at all, after all, he was not in the system!

"Hey, chief, I have a major happy event to report to you here!"

As soon as he walked outside, Academician Chen couldn't help but congratulate the old leader.

"What's the matter! It's about Mr. Gu! Right! It's him, he's meritorious again! , OK, I'll report in person right away!

Then he said a few words and rushed to the chief.

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