On the other hand, Gu Chen naturally did not know, according to his speculation, when Bosch's cargo ship departed from Europe, it would take at least half a month to reach the Huahai terminal.

At this time, he sat comfortably under the bright window, watching the traffic coming and going, taking a sip of tea, sighing with pleasure, it was really a sneak of leisure.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

"Hey, Mr. Gu, are we in trouble?"

After connecting, Liu Ying's eager voice came over.

"Manager Liu, don't worry, what happened?"

Gu Chen was stunned, and then said unhurriedly.

In his impression, Liu Ying has always been calm and calm, and it seems that this time she really encountered trouble that could not be solved.

"Mr. Gu, didn't I follow your orders to build a chain of Huatian Hotels in major first-tier cities and provincial capitals across the country? Originally, everything was in order, but in the imperial capital we were in big trouble.

"Originally, one of my team leaders said that the business procedures were stuck, so I went to do it myself, because all our procedures were legal, but we couldn't do it, and I finally found a relationship and asked it, saying that we had offended the big people, and people wanted to jam us."

After Liu Ying's initial anxiety, she calmed down and began to calmly say things.

"Oh? Offended people? What's going on? Hearing

this, Gu Chen was stunned, he had never been to the imperial capital a few times in total, how could he offend people!

"That's right, Mr. Gu, at first I wondered how I could offend people, but after the exact news, it was said that our competitors did it."

"President Gu may not be clear, originally the imperial capital is a huge competition place, so there are many peers to compete, this time I finally found a hotel on the verge of bankruptcy, naturally there are many hotels are aimed here, but the general manager of this hotel is a friend of my classmate, so through the relationship, plus I won with a market higher than ten percent."

"But I didn't expect that in this competition, there was another second-generation with a deep background, so the other party was upset and directly stuck us, and now we can't even start construction!"

Liu Ying directly said the cause and effect of the matter.

After listening to it, Gu Chen's eyebrows stretched, he thought that he didn't know when he offended people, it turned out to be like this!

In Liu Ying's eyes, it was a big thing, but in his eyes, it was nothing at all.

Compared with the background, who has his relationship hard now, backed by the country, not to mention that now he is a hero of the country!

As long as he talks about this matter, there is no need for him to bring it up, and someone will help him handle this matter.

"You can talk to him! Just use my name! Let's see if it can be resolved. After thinking about it, Gu Chen said.

After all, Liu Ying has no background behind a weak woman, people are naturally unscrupulous, but he is different, Gu Chen, in the upper class, is absolutely thunderous!

But Huatian Hotel is Gu Chen, and few people really know it.

"Okay! Mr. Gu, I'll try! When

Liu Ying heard this, she nodded.

Then Liu Ying hung up the phone.

Far away in a high-end hotel in the imperial capital, behind a conference room, a beautiful woman in a suit sat in the front, and she had just hung up the phone.

Several other imperial capital responsible groups looked over one after another.

Liu Ying had previously divided the major cities into groups, and one group was responsible for all the affairs of a city, and she led the overall situation.

"Okay! Get ready! Liu Ying ordered directly.


The others were curious, but very eye-catching.

Due to the expansion of the hotel, except for the people of the original hotel and several executives, no one else knew Gu Chen's identity.

Liu Ying left the hotel and took her assistant Xiao Wu to a department manager.

In the past few days, because Liu Ying has come over frequently, she has come to the office of a section chief.

"Miss Liu, why are you here again? Didn't I tell you? It's useless for you to look for me about this?

At this time, in the office, a thin man wearing glasses looked up at the person who came, and suddenly said with a wry smile.

Generally speaking, as a local official, he naturally wishes that someone would come to invest, so that their performance would be greatly increased.

But it's just an ordinary place, where is this, but the imperial capital, the political, cultural and economic center of the country!

Coming here every day to invest is like crossing the river, once there are more, it is not worth much, so a small person naturally has a lot of power.

"I know, Chief Li, but I'm not looking for your help this time!"

Liu Ying said with a smile.

It's funny to say, she has always been treated the same way in other places before, but here, I have to laugh, it's really impermanent!

"Oh? Hearing

this, Chief Li was very surprised, but he knew that the identity of this offended person was not ordinary, otherwise he would not have stuck the formalities of a five-star hotel! Isn't that the old birthday star eating arsenic?

"I came this time to ask Chief Li to help introduce that gentleman, I wonder if Chief Li can help with this favor?"

Liu Ying said with a smile.

"Huh? Well, naturally, it's no problem! Hearing

Liu Ying's words, Chief Li directly agreed.

But he is not optimistic that this one can say the one who moves!

But when he saw Liu Ying's confident face, he didn't hit people.

So he took out his phone and dialed it directly.

Liu Ying naturally stood quietly on the side, waiting.

"Hey, Xie Shao! I'm Li Yuan, right! The general manager of the Huatian Hotel before wants to meet you! Right! Yes, good!

Then Chief Li hung up the phone.

"How? Chief Li "

It's done!" Xie Shao said that he is now in the No. 1 club, if you want to see him, go quickly! Chief

Li told the truth.

"Thank you Chief Li!"

As soon as Liu Ying heard the name, she knew that it was not a good place, but since people were there, she naturally wanted to go.

Anyway, she is not afraid of the other party in this blue sky and daylight.

The imperial capital is a large-scale building that occupies a very large area and is very luxurious.

At a bar, several young people are sitting on the sofa.

"Xiaochang! Who called?

At this time, a young man sitting in the middle asked curiously.

I saw a trace of officialdom between his eyebrows, faintly full of aura.

"Brother Deng, the head of a business management section, didn't I say I wanted to open a big hotel before? The position originally chosen was cut off, how can I endure this, so I said hello, all the procedures were stuck for him, this no, it is estimated that there is no way, said to come to see me, I heard that it is still a big beauty.

Xiao Chang suddenly explained with a smile.

This Brother Deng, whose status is much higher than them, is still the head among them.

"This way! But don't go too far, just ask him to transfer the hotel to you! Brother

Deng waved his hand when he heard this, and said.

"Don't worry, Brother Deng, I understand!" Hearing Brother Deng's words, Xiaochang nodded and said.

Then several people talked about other things, and they did not pay attention to this little episode.

About an hour later, a waiter came in.

"Dear sons, I'm sorry, a lady outside the door said that Xie Shao called her over." Xiao Chang, that is, Xie Shao, nodded suddenly: "Bring her in!" "


Not long after, the waiter went and returned, followed by the generous Liu Ying and her assistant.

At this time, the eyes of Xie Shao and others also looked over, and suddenly a stunning color flashed from their eyes, and they were also impressed by Liu Ying's temperament.

"Presumably this is Xie Shao! Hello, I am Liu Ying, General Manager of Huatian Hotel!

At this time, Liu Ying frowned, looked at Xie Shao, who the waiter introduced to him before, and immediately greeted him calmly.

"Hello Miss Liu! I don't know if you're looking for me..." Xie Chang and the others reacted quickly, and then showed a playful smile.

"I heard that we Huatian offended Xie Shao before, so this time we came to apologize, I don't know if Xie Shao can let Huatian go, our boss is grateful!" Liu Ying lightly pursed her lips and said slowly.

"Oh? Your boss?

At this time, Xie Chang changed his mind the first moment he saw Liu Ying.

Brother Deng and the others sitting in the middle also saw Xie Chang's meaning and couldn't help but scold secretly.

"Our boss is Mr. Gu Chen!" Liu Ying's face was still light.

"Why didn't your boss come over in person?"

"Our boss is busy with business and is not in the imperial capital!"

"This way! That's a bit of a hassle! Xie

Chang hadn't heard of Gu Chen, so he didn't care.

But he didn't see Brother Deng's face change behind him.

"I don't know what Xie Shao means?" Liu Ying's face suddenly turned cold.

"It's not interesting, I can't do anything about Miss Liu! As for why the hotel can't be opened, maybe there are some hidden dangers in your hotel. Xie Shao said lightly.

"Xie Shao! Everyone is a smart person, why not turn the fight into a jade and hurt the peace?

At this time, Liu Ying heard Xie Chang's meaning, and immediately said coldly.

"Hah! What did I hear, you are threatening me? What a joke! It's the first time I've grown up so big in Sijiu City! Hearing

this, Xie Chang suddenly smiled and immediately said with disdain.

Several other people also laughed when they heard Liu Ying's words, but they didn't expect that this person actually threatened Xie Chang, I really don't know what to call it!

Only Brother Deng was a little surprised.

Liu Ying knew that there was no point in talking any further, so she planned to turn around and leave.

"How? Want to go? Seeing

that Liu Ying wanted to leave, Xie Chang suddenly did not agree.

"Oh? Could it be that Xie Shao still intends to restrict my personal freedom?

Liu Ying sneered when she heard this.

"Ahem, Miss Liu said and smiled, we are all good law-abiding citizens, how can we do this, but we lost something worth millions here, it is not good to say that it is on Miss Liu!"

Xie Chang suddenly said lazily.

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