"It's okay!"

Gu Chen didn't care, waved his hand with a smile, and then motioned for Hamandan to follow.

The passerby sister who stopped on the side of the road and secretly watched saw Gu Chen get into a luxury car and leave, and her face was immediately very regretful and envious.

Alas, such a good-looking and rich little brother was next to me, and I didn't even seize the opportunity.

Gu Chen, who had long left, naturally did not know that he had become a regret in the hearts of many young ladies.

"By the way, you haven't asked for advice yet?" At this time, Gu Chen sat back and asked with a smile.

"Mr. Gu is polite, just call me Old Wei." The co-pilot's butler turned his head and said with a smile.

"Old Wei, I don't know if there is always something wrong with you Yang?" Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and then asked.

"It's not something I can know!"

"After Mr. Gu goes, he should know!"

Old Wei paused, then added.

Gu Chen nodded and said no more, as for Hamandan, he was silent the whole time.

The car turned a few streets, then entered a fork in the road and came to a relatively quiet courtyard.

"Mr. Gu has arrived!" After the car stopped, Old Wei said respectfully.

Then Gu Chen followed Old Wei, passing through a blue water wave attic and came to the second floor of an ancient building.

At this time, Mr. Yang, who had already received the news, naturally stood at the door.

"Mr. Gu, excuse me! I'm so sorry!

Yang Zong said to Gu Chen with a smile.

"President Yang is polite!" Gu Chen replied.

After some shush, President Yang noticed Hamandan.

"By the way, Mr. Yang, this is a friend of mine, and Mr. Yang won't blame me for bringing him with him this time!" Gu Chen introduced to President Yang with a smile.

"Haha! Mr. Gu said and smiled, since it is Mr. Gu's friend, it is naturally also my friend! Yang said without thinking.

Then he invited Gu Chen into the house.

Looking at the table full of wine that had already been served, Gu Chen smiled.

"I wonder what Yang always looks for me?" Then looked at Yang and asked.

Mr. Yang paused, and then said lonely: "I think Mr. Gu should also know that any prosperous family or business cannot escape the end of bankruptcy!" Gu Chen did not speak.

"I think Mr. Gu should also know about our Yang family's recent situation!" Then Mr. Yang asked.

Hearing this, Gu Chen was stunned, and then shook his head, he really didn't know this.

"I also want to thank Mr. Gu for the funds that acquired the factory last time, which gave me a little life for the Yang family!"

"Mr. Yang is polite, this is just a transaction!" Gu Chen waved his hand and said indifferently.

"I wonder if something always happens to Yang?"

Then Gu Chen was still a little curious and asked.

"Alas~, Mr. Gu should know that our Yang family is mainly manufacturing!"

Seeing Gu Chen nodding, Mr. Yang continued: "But in today's situation in Huaxia, Mr. Gu should also know that various international blockades against us have caused our Yang's craftsmanship to gradually fall behind other international manufacturers. Hearing

this, Gu Chen also nodded, he was very clear.

Although it seems to be very harmonious now, there are various technological blockades and economic suppressions in the secret.

"Maybe Mr. Gu doesn't know that the current other manufacturing industries in China are either transformed, or controlled by foreign capital, or bankruptcy, if it were not for my Yang family's savings for many years, it would have ceased to exist a long time ago, but now it finally can't hold on!" Mr. Yang was very excited and said lonely.

"Mainly because of what?"

When Gu Chen heard this, he also understood the other party very well, and asked curiously;

"Mainly because of the fineness of the machine! Now the machine tools are getting more and more refined, but our country has always been that old-fashioned, if it were not for the domestic market support, where would we Yang clan still insist on it for so long! It is really sad that the processing and manufacturing industries are estimated to be controlled by foreign countries in the future.

Mr. Yang explained.

Hearing this, Gu Chen's heart moved, although he knew the importance of domestic machine tools, he still underestimated it.

Now he knew why Academician Chen was so excited last time.

"Don't worry! President Yang, the state will shoot!

Looking at President Yang's expression, Gu Chen said.

Yang always thought that Gu Chen was comforting him, so he smiled bitterly without care.

"Doesn't President Yang still believe me?"

Gu Chen said seriously.

"Huh? Did Mr. Gu get any news? Hearing

this, Yang Zongton was stunned, and then asked very excitedly.

You must know that this Mr. Gu is not comparable to him, maybe there are already some countermeasures above.

"Hmm!" Gu Chen nodded.

Seeing that President Yang still wanted to ask again, Gu Chen took the lead and said: "President Yang knows this matter himself!" I don't know anything else! Hearing

this, Yang always reacted, with an expression that I understood.

"I'm sorry Mr. Gu, it's me who is abrupt!"

Mr. Yang quickly apologized.

"It's okay!"

Gu Chen waved his hand.

Then Mr. Yang's mood suddenly relaxed, very happy, he did not expect this Mr. Gu to bring him such a big news.

Originally, he planned to cooperate with Gu Chen, and he knew that this Mr. Gu was powerful, and it was completely fine to support their manufacturing industry.

After all, he does not want the country to completely lose its status in the processing and manufacturing industry in the end, and it is better to let the countrymen come directly to the cheap others.

Now Gu Chen directly gave him a reassuring pill, making him give up this opportunity, after all, no one wants to lose their ancestral property, right?

However, what he didn't know was that his Yang family had lost a chance to stand tall in the east.

Then the two talked happily, and as for Hamandan, who was an incarnated foodie, he did not expect that the food in this country was so delicious.

"That's right! Mr. Yang, I don't know what fun nightlife you have in Yangcheng?

Gu Chen glanced at Hamandan next to him, and suddenly vomited, and then remembered something and asked with a smile.


Hearing Gu Chen say this, President Yang was stunned suddenly, only then did he remember that this Mr. Gu's age was so young, naturally it was a fun age, but the strength of others made him forget the age of the other party.

Now that he suddenly heard Gu Chen ask like this, he remembered it, and his heart suddenly moved.

"Ahem! Mr. Gu is probably going to be disappointed, after all, where are you young people when the old man is about to enter the soil! Mr. Yang said with a smile.

Gu Chen was also stunned when he heard it, and he remembered the other party's age, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"However, my grandson is also a young man, and he definitely knows what is interesting in Yangcheng! If Mr. Gu doesn't mind, I can call that bastard over."

Then Mr. Yang changed his tone and asked with a smile.

Mr. Yang said and smiled. Gu Chen waved his hand.

"Okay then!"

Hearing Gu Chen's agreement, President Yang was overjoyed, and then quickly asked Lao Wei to call his grandson over.

Not long after, there was movement outside the door.

A young man with a bright face walked in, but when he saw President Yang, his face suddenly straightened, and he instantly became extremely honest.


Put away the expression on the outside, and shouted with a smile.

"Hmm! The breeze is coming!

Mr. Yang also showed a smile and said.

Although this grandson is extremely delicate, he still likes it in his heart.

"Mr. Gu, this is the grandson of the old man, Yang Feng!" Then introduced to Gu Chen with a smile.

"This is the one from last time?"

When Gu Chen heard this, he had some impressions, and then thought of something and asked;

"Ahem! That's what doesn't argue! Yang always replied with some embarrassment.

He was deeply afraid that Gu Chen would be angry and quickly explained: "Don't worry, Mr. Gu! After that incident, I have a good education.

Yang Feng on the side was very surprised, why did the young man who looked about the same age as him treat his grandfather very solemnly?

You know, even the son of the number one in Yangcheng is not so in front of his grandfather.

There was only one explanation, that is, this person's identity was extremely noble, and he instantly figured it out.

Don't think he's stupid, as a family lineage, they have a talent that ordinary people can't match in terms of detecting words and looks.

"No problem!"

Gu Chen nodded, indicating that he knew that he didn't care if the other party changed.

"Xiaofeng, this is your name Mr. Gu!"

Then Mr. Yang said to his grandson happily;

"Hello Mr. Gu! My name is Yang Feng, just call me Xiaofeng!

Yang Feng was very witty and quickly took the words.

"Hmm! Hello! My name is Gu Chen!

Gu Chen replied with a smile.

"Okay! In the evening, Mr. Gu wants to go to Yangcheng to play! You are familiar, so you will take Mr. Gu to a fun place to play in the evening!

Mr. Yang then said.

"Don't worry, grandpa! This piece, I am good at it! Yang

Feng's eyes immediately lit up when he heard this, and he directly assured.


This statement directly made several people laugh.

"Hmph! Mess with stuff! After laughing, Mr. Yang glared at his grandson.

After that, Gu Chen left, of course, Yang Feng was accompanied by him.

"Mr. Gu, I wonder where you want to go at night?"

Walking outside, Yang Feng saw that there was no grandfather there, and immediately sighed with relief and asked with a smile.

"Hamandan, what do you want to play at night?"

Gu Chen smiled and turned to Hamandan and said.

"Oh? Naturally, I went to the bar! When

Hamandan heard Gu Chen ask like this, he was naturally interested.

Gu Chen shook his head and smiled when he heard this, and when he was about to speak, Yang Feng could even speak English.

"The biggest bar in Yangcheng is naturally CatWalk, which has the first international dance club, full of atmosphere, and completely the most lively bar."

Yang Feng spoke fluent English at this time.

“go! go! go!

Hamandan was thrilled when he heard this.

"Mr. Gu, when he was forced by his family to go abroad to gild gold, he can also order English."

Looking at Gu Chen's somewhat surprised expression, Yang Feng quickly explained.

"Haha! It is worthy of being the third generation of the Yang family! Gu Chen waved his hand and said with a smile.

I have a better understanding of these second generations in my heart.

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