The last few people chatted a few words, then separated, added contact information, and finally said that they would pick up Gu Chen and the two at the hotel at night.

Then Gu Chen went to the company of Shenzhou Automobile Group.

After inspecting the style and atmosphere of the company, I found that everyone was quite good, and I couldn't help but have a more intuitive understanding of Mei Jiale's ability, not bad!

"Mr. Gu go slowly!"

Before leaving, everyone also shouted in unison.

There were many people in the middle who were also seeing Gu Chen for the first time, and they didn't expect their boss to be so young and handsome.

"President Gu, the next thing is to go..." Mei

Jiale naturally followed Gu Chen.

At this time, he was very satisfied in his heart.

"Go to the factory!"

Gu Chen said with a smile.

Mei Jiale quickly instructed the driver to go to the factory.

"Manager Mei! You're doing a great job!

"It's all the credit of President Gu, hehe!"

Mei Jiale quickly patted the horse's butt.

"You, you!"

Gu Chen suddenly smiled like a flower and enjoyed it very much, but he still scolded with a smile.

Sure enough, everyone loves to hear, and hearing Gu Chen's laughter, Mei Jiale was suddenly full of motivation.

"If it weren't for President Gu standing behind to fix the Seagod needle, I wouldn't have been so smooth! So to speak, this is all the credit of Mr. Gu!

Mei Jiale climbed up the pole.

The driver and assistant driving in front tried not to laugh, and the two had different expressions.

The driver brother did not expect that his own manager was still a sycophant with profound skills, and suddenly the whole person was stupid.

And the assistant did not expect that there was such a strange person around Mr. Gu, the key is what did he find? I found that President Gu actually enjoyed it, and suddenly the three views were not normal.

"How about I try it later?"

The assistant secretly glanced at the elated Gu Chen, and thought to himself.

Gu Chen on the side naturally didn't know what his assistant thought.

All the way to Mei Jiale's unrestrained.

"President Gu, it's here!"


Then Gu Chen also got off directly.

It was found that several leaders of the factory had been waiting for a long time.

"Welcome Mr. Gu to come and visit!"

Suddenly, one of the plant directors at the head shouted loudly with great insight.


Gu Chen smiled and nodded.

Then he strode forward.

The assistant noticed that Mei Jiale's expression was green, and glared fiercely at the happy factory director.

Then he strode up.

The corner of the assistant's mouth twitched, and then patted the overwhelmed plant director and followed.

Alas! Poor factory elder brother, with such a manager, what a bad luck!

"Mr. Gu, this is our parts production area, mainly producing all kinds of small parts of automobiles."

Before he reached a workshop, the director of that workshop introduced it loudly.


Gu Chen nodded, looking at the workers working hard and being very satisfied.

Sometimes he also personally started, the worker was still very scared, usually where did he come into contact with so many leaders, but looking at Gu Chen's way of asking for advice, he was immediately relieved and nervous, and he explained very professionally to Gu Chen.

In his own field, he is not afraid.

Gu Chen patted him on the shoulder with great satisfaction: "Young man has a future!" Good job! Whether you can become the richest man depends on you! "

Finally, I went to the most rigorous place in the factory to study the design workshop.

"Old Liang, Old Qian, Old Gong, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Seeing everyone who was still studying and discussing, Gu Chen greeted with a smile.

"Mr. Gu?"

"Mr. Gu, why are you here?"

Suddenly, several people looked back, it was Gu Chen, and suddenly said cheerfully.

Then several people paused the discussion and took Gu Chen to the office.

"By the way, you're okay here!"

After Gu Chen sat down, several people talked for a while and asked with a smile.

"It's ok! Don't worry!

Elder Liang said with a smile.

"That's right! Mr. Gu, you should have read all the pictures we have studied, right?

"Good! A few are worthy of being masters,"

Gu Chen praised with a smile.

"But Mr. Gu, having drawings does not mean that it can be produced, and it also requires a lot of technology, which is not available in this factory, and is the core secret of a large company."

Among them, Qian Lao's brows frowned, and he said with some shock.

"Oh? I don't know which processes?

Gu Chen's heart also sank.

"The biggest problem is the engine problem, if there is no powerful engine, the car we developed is good-looking, the performance is perfect, and it is still useless!"

Qian Lao put on his glasses and said bitterly;

When Gu Chen heard this, he suddenly returned to the sky from the valley, and the whole person relaxed.

Looking at the sluggish office, Gu Chen cleared his throat.

"Guys, don't worry about the engine." Smiled and said to everyone.


Everyone looked at Gu Chen with a puzzled expression.

"Because my plan is to enter the new energy automobile industry!"


Although Gu Chen had mentioned this question before, everyone thought that Gu Chen was just to study, not the main aspect.

Looking at everyone's gaze, Gu Chen continued: "Because I already have a new type of energy battery in my hand!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone was stunned.

"President Gu means..."

At this time, Elder Liang's face changed, and he looked a little hesitant.

"You are right, this time I also brought a newly developed battery product, Liang Lao and others can also install it by themselves to see the effect!" I can only say that I will never disappoint you! And don't compare those energy batteries on the market with mine!

Gu Chen took a large hand-held box from the assistant behind at this time, put it on the table and opened it and said proudly.

Naturally, everyone gathered around, looking at a boxy black box and unique installations.

"Mr. Gu, this is the newly developed battery?"

After everyone admired it, Gong Lao asked with emotion;

"Hmm! This time I specially brought it here to let you install this battery and test it, and this matter will be handed over to you! I just want detailed data!

Gu Chen nodded, and then said with a smile.

"Don't worry! Mr. Gu, as long as this battery is exactly like what you said, then our Shenzhou can be a hit!

Elder Qian said excitedly.

Since the engine technology is not mastered, then change the idea.

"Good! How many days do you need to test?

Gu Chen asked.

"Is President Gu in a hurry? Almost all the parts of the car have been produced, so if you assemble it, you only need to change the engine there, and the day after tomorrow Gu can get detailed test data.

After thinking for a moment, Elder Liang gave time.

"Okay, then I'll come back the day after tomorrow!"

After Gu Chen got the news he wanted, he chatted with everyone about something else and left here before leaving work.

In the car.

The assistant sitting in the co-pilot stopped talking.

"Xiao Yan, what do you want to say?" After Gu Chen saw it, he asked with a smile.

"Mr. Gu, if you take out the battery directly this time, will it leak the news?"

Hearing Gu Chen's words, the assistant thought about it at this time and said the worries in his heart.

Gu Chenwan smiled: "Haha, you don't have to worry about this, there is no problem with the confidentiality of the battery." Seeing

that Gu Chen was not worried at all, he relaxed his heart.

"Should I boast about President Gu at this time?"

Then the assistant's heart fell into a tangled state.

Fortunately, Gu Chen did not see it at this time, and he was sending news with Chu Xinyi at this time.

Chu Xinyi: "You went to Yangcheng?"

Gu Chen: "Yes!" Take a look at the factory! Chu

Xinyi: "When will you come back?"

Gu Chen: "It's almost a few days!" What's wrong? Chu

Xinyi: "Nothing to ask!" Chu

Xinyi, who was thousands of miles away, was sitting in the office at this time, and Qianqianyu quickly clicked the screen.

Then he smiled, then closed the computer and shouted into the landline.

"Xiaoqing, come here!"

A few minutes later, the office door rang.

A delicate woman in a professional suit walked in and asked with a smile; "President Chu, what's wrong?"

"Prepare, go back to Yangcheng today!"

Chu Xinyi nodded and ordered with a smile.

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away!"

When Yan Qing heard this, he did not ask anything, but directly obeyed the order;

As an assistant for so long, she has a deep truth, that is, ask less and do more.

And Gu Chen naturally didn't know Chu Xinyi's actions, and not long after he returned to the hotel, Yang Feng's phone called.

"Mr. Gu, good evening!"

Hearing the voice, Gu Chen smiled: "Hmm! Is it to hang out?

"Uh-huh, I wonder what Mr. Gu has in mind?"

Yang Feng was at the door of the hotel where Gu Chen was staying at this time, and asked with a smile.

"Huh? Let's talk about it! Where are you going?

Gu Chen thought for a moment and asked.

"Mr. Gu, I'm already at the door of the hotel!"

"Eh? I'll come down right away, you wait first!


Hanging up the phone, Yang Feng sat in the leisure area of the hall at this time, waiting for Gu Chen to come down.

On the other side, after Gu Chen changed his clothes, he went directly to the next room and called the hungry and thirsty Hamandan three to go straight to their destination.

At the same time, in a private hall not far away, several young men were sitting together in the bath, chatting about the sky.

"I said Zhang Gongzi, I heard that your Lion City side is much more fun than in China!"

At this time, a young man hummed comfortably and asked with a smile.

"It's so much more fun! In the future, when you go to the Lion City, I can take you to have a good experience!

At this time, Zhang Gongzi suddenly patted his chest and said.

Later, several people even smiled that they all understood.

"Since Zhang Gongzi is so atmospheric, we can't be stingy, right? Everyone, today we will invite Zhang Gongzi to play in the largest bar in our Yangcheng, how about it?

At this point, the other person proposed directly.



Others echoed.

Then several people quickly got up and prepared to change venues to continue playing.

So the crowd roared towards the bar.

At this time, Gu Chen and the others had already arrived at the door of the bar, and then the atmosphere of the bar was not the highest at this time, but Gu Chen and the others could already hear various sounds inside.

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