"Oh my God! I already smell the restlessness! At

this time, Hamandan was very excited.

Gu Chen shook his head, at this time he was also faintly expecting.

At this time, under the guidance of the little brother, park the car, into the eye is a row of luxury cars, just like a car show, all kinds of luxury cars sports cars are really everything.

At this time, a young man wearing overalls recognized Yang Feng at a glance, and immediately trotted to his side very enthusiastically.

"Hey, Yang Shao is here! I haven't been here for a long time! Said with a bright smile.

"Hmm! It's Little Five! Is there a location?

Yang Feng asked with a smile after glancing at it.

He was a frequent visitor here before, and most of them knew him, but he was later grounded by Old Master Yang, if it weren't for Gu Chen coming this time, he really wouldn't be able to come at this time.

That's why he's so proactive.

"Of course! It is a great honor for Yang Shao to come, how can there be no place! Xiao Wu suddenly said very face-saving.

These words made Yang Feng's face widen, and the smile on his face was very happy.

Gu Chen, who was watching, nodded secretly, he really could speak.

"Okay! Give me that spot to vacate!

Then Yang Feng said something and ordered him to lead the way.

Hearing this, Xiao Wu was very happy, his income was linked to the commission, and the higher the other party's consumption, the more he naturally took.

I was very happy to hear that Yang Feng wanted that position, you must know that that location is the most expensive position in the bar, and usually where can anyone else afford to spend except Yang Feng, who is rich.

The cheapest set menu starts at more than 100,000, and then orders a little wine and the like, and he can get thousands in one night!

"Please! Yang Shao please! Little

Five led the way very briskly ahead.

Today he was lucky, he had already thought of what price in his heart, and the last time he had more than a thousand made him linger!

The others at the door watched Xiao Wu disappear here with great envy.

It was suddenly dark inside, except for a colorful glimmer, at this time, large and small booths, many people have sat at the bar, and the stage in the middle is also full of atmosphere, plus dynamic music.

It accelerates the flow of blood in the human body, but it is very exciting on the outside.

"Yang Shao has arrived!"

At this time, Xiao Wu took the booth that Yang Feng and others had been beside and reached the best position in sight, which was the prime position of the bar, and today it ushered in the owner.

Xiao Wu originally thought that Gu Chen and the two were the ones who followed Yang Feng, but he didn't expect Yang Feng to sit down but instead looked at the person he didn't care about.

"Mr. Gu, how do you see this?"

Yang Feng came to Gu Chen's side at this time and asked loudly.


Gu Chen also nodded with interest at this time, and when he was about to say something, Hamandan on the side suddenly shouted excitedly.

At this time, he sat down directly and looked at Gu Chen: "Gu Chen, it's good here!"

"Right here!"

When Gu Chen heard this, he also sat down and said to Yang Feng;

Only then did Yang Feng turn to face the shocked Xiao Wudao.

"Well, take that brilliant life!"

Only after hearing this did Xiao Wu react, "No problem! Yang Shao! That's what I commanded!

Hearing this, his face turned red with excitement, knowing that this brilliant life is the signature of their bar, which is the high-quality wine specially ordered by the owner of the bar from abroad in order to force Ge.

A set of eighteen bottles, taken out separately, a bottle without 350,000 that cannot be taken down.

When he was about to go to report, at this time, he was already thinking about going to the special thousand, this time Lao Tzu wanted to fight one by two!

Suddenly Yang Feng stopped him, making him clear his consciousness, shouldn't it be that Yang Shao regretted it?

"Yang Shao, what other orders?"

At this time he showed a worried smile and asked;

"Give me some more barbecue!"

Yang Feng said with a smile.

At this time, he was also full of spirit and spendthrift.

You must know that he was reluctant to order that package before, but now with Gu Chen accompanying him, the old man of his family naturally asked him to come according to the highest service and have family support, so he floated.

"No problem!"

Xiao Wu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and hurried to prepare.

"Mr. Gu, do you need anything else in this way?"

Then he turned around and asked Gu Chen.

Gu Chen shook his head, listening to the DJ's DJ at this time, his blood was surging.

"Yang Feng, I didn't expect that the place you were looking for was really good!"

At this time, Hamandan shouted excitedly.

"Hey, hey! Not bad!

Yang Feng also smiled.

Then he looked at the huge location and found that it was a little empty, so he looked at Gu Chen again: "By the way, Mr. Gu, do you want to call some atmosphere groups over?"

After glancing at it, Gu Chen shook his head: "No need!" I just wanted to get a feel for the atmosphere! Fortunately

, Hamandan didn't understand Chinese, otherwise he would have agreed to this plan.

Yang Feng was a little sorry when he heard this, but since Mr. Gu didn't agree, he didn't dare to do much.

Then Xiao Wu brought the manager over in person to deliver the wine, after all, few people buy a complete set.

After seeing Yang Feng, the manager had no doubts, after all, the golden sign of the Yang family is still very useful in Yangcheng.

After a few people ate something and drank some wine, Hamandan and Yang Feng went to the dance floor.

Due to the special reason of this location, no one dares to come to talk to each other at that time.

At this time, Gu Chen also looked a little lonely sitting here alone, after all, this is a big seat, which can seat more than a dozen people.

At this time, as the night deepened, the atmosphere of the bar became more and more high, and several people who had come out of the private hall before also arrived here.

"Brother Zhang, it's not me who blows, this is the most lively bar in our Yangcheng, I promise not to let you down!"

At this time, after several people arrived, after looking at the colorful and deafening voice, a man dressed in exaggerated clothes said with a smile.

"Oh? Then I'd rather take a good look! Brother Zhang laughed when he heard this.

Then several people walked towards the door.

"Qian Shao, Liu Shao, Wang Shao, Ma Shao, rare guest!"

At this time, the door of the bar naturally recognized the identities of these people, and immediately said flatteringly.

After Xiao Wu took Yang Shao first, they envied it for a long time, and now there are a few big young people, although their identities are not as good as Yang Shao, but they are not ordinary people, so they are very enthusiastic.

"Is there a place?"

One of the men asked.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The sales quickly said.

"Good! Take us to the Angel Deck!

One of the flamboyantly dressed men ordered directly.

When the salesman heard this, he hesitated for a while, "Everyone, the angel has already been ordered!" In

the end, he told the truth.


Several people were a little surprised when they heard this, you must know that this booth is not cheap! The minimum consumption is a hundred thousand, and they have not been there a few times.

"Who ordered it?"

"It's Yang Shao!"

"Who? The one from the Yang family? The

salesman nodded.

"Isn't he grounded?"

At this time, Ma Shao frowned and asked a little tricky.

"What are you afraid of, but I heard that the Yang family has been uncomfortable recently! I don't think he will offend us either! Will give us a face!

Among them, the pompous man said without care.

His family's source informed the Yang family's recent difficulties, and if one didn't get it right, it might sink the ship directly, so he was not afraid of the Yang family at all.

If he hadn't dared to offend the Yang family before, but now...

"Also, I also heard my father say that the Yang family has encountered a huge crisis! At this juncture, I believe Yang Feng will give us face.

Liu Shao also said with a smile.

Before, their family told them to have a good relationship with this Zhang brother.

"Then go! Lead the way! So

a few people discussed, young and vigorous, for the sake of the so-called face decision, directly stubbornly stubbed the Yang family.

"This..." The

sales naturally heard the conversation of several people, this is a big news, if he is usually very curious, but now how can he have the heart!

Even if the Yang family is no matter what, he can't offend.


Seeing the difficulty of sales, one of them suddenly showed unhappiness.

"No problem! Boys, come with me! "

At this time, the sales heart regrets why he ran so fast! Looking at the envious expressions of everyone next to him, he had bitter words, showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and walked in with a few people.

Five or six minutes later, I was now next to the Angel booth.

"Everyone, it's already here, but Yang Shao doesn't seem to be there, only his friend is there!"

At this point, the sales stopped here and said to several people.

Watching a few people walk over, he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly left this place, not thinking of any commission.

At this time, Gu Chen suddenly noticed a group of people walking towards him, and suddenly frowned, ready to turn around.

"You are the friend brought by Yang Feng?"

At this time, the pompous man took the lead in questioning.

When Gu Chen heard this, he looked over, and through the rotating light, he saw clearly that the people who came were several young and flamboyant people.


Suddenly asked calmly.

There was not a trace of emotion on the expressionless face.

"I want this card seat, trouble brother to give up a position, as for the previous consumption, I also helped you out, how?"

The pompous man was also unceremonious, sat directly opposite Gu Chen, and said with a smile.

But the tone is with an irrefutable look.

"Not how!"

"This friend, they all come out to play, and eyesight is very important!"

Hearing this, Gu Chen smiled, someone actually threatened him?

Does he count this as meeting the person in the face in the novel?

He was about to say it.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Gu? How did you get here? A

familiar voice came from behind.

At this time, a man squeezed over and came to Gu Chen's side.

"Brother Zhang, do you know?"

The next few people are also very curious.

That's right, this person is Zhang Yunlong, who has had a two-sided relationship with Gu Chen.

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