"Brother Zhang is so clever!"

Gu Chen looked very surprised, but he didn't expect to meet this person again.

"Brother Gong, I've seen a few times, but I'm not familiar!"

Zhang Yunlong saw that Gu Chen had offended these people around him at this time, and immediately showed his gaze watching the play.

"Since that's the case! This friend, since you know Brother Zhang, then we don't care, give up this position, forget it! The pompous man stared at Gu Chen at this time and continued.

Gu Chen glanced at Zhang Yunlong, who was watching the play, and was about to say something at this time.

"Hmph! You guys are really bold and grabbed my head!

At this time, when Yang Feng, who was tired, was about to go down to rest, he was stunned when he saw a group of people around the booth, and quickly walked over, not wanting to hear these words.

"Yang Feng?"

Hearing the voice, several people were instantly startled, after all, Yang Feng's name was quite intimidating before.

"Yang Feng, we don't embarrass you either! Give up this position.

Then several people reacted, suddenly looked ugly, and said directly.

"Just a few of you waste?" Yang Feng immediately mocked when he heard this.

"Yang Feng, you!"

As soon as these words came out, several people instantly became angry, and the pompous man pointed directly at Yang Feng.

"All right! Yang Feng, I know that your Yang family has had a hard time recently, and I won't embarrass you, give up your position, otherwise don't blame us for joining forces at that time..."

said a young man at the head at this time.

"Ma Tengfei! There is a kind of you try! Yang Feng suddenly said with an ugly face.

He just doesn't pay attention to his own group anymore, and he knows some news.

At this time, Gu Chen was watching all this on the side, "It seems that the pressure of the Yang family is even greater than I thought!"

And Zhang Yunlong can now be described as raising his eyebrows, looking at Gu Chen's backer like this, his heart is no less than drinking a sip of the same comfort as Sprite in 82 years.

He directly regarded Yang Feng as Gu Chen's backer.

He also knew about the Yang clan, and he was definitely stronger than his Zhang clan, but that was before, now? It is becoming more and more declining, and even these second-rate families can ride on the head of the Yang family.

At this time, Yang Feng's faces were different, the strength of these few was not weak, if they really joined forces, their Yang family would really be difficult to escape this time, so he hesitated.

And the other party saw Yang Feng like this, and suddenly became even more mocking.

"Okay! Little wind, since they want it, give it to them!

At this time, Gu Chen stood up, stretched his waist, and said lazily.

To be honest, he came here to accompany Hamandan, and by the way, he just wanted to leave, which was really boring.

"Mr. Gu?"

Yang Feng's face changed when he heard this, he knew that Gu Chen's identity was not simple, so after hearing Gu Chen's words, he was ashamed, and he definitely lost Gu Chen's face.

"It's okay! But the previous consumption of this table is all out of your pockets!

Gu Chen shook his head, he didn't care so much about face and so much about these family disciples, but he wouldn't let them go like this, after all, he came to Japan.

"Haha! Nature! Or this friend is interesting! The

pompous man was immediately very happy when he heard this, and it was a little pleasant to look at Gu Chen.

"Let's go!"

At this time, Hamandan also walked down, very comfortable, Gu Chen explained to him and patted Yang Feng's shoulder to leave.

"Brother Gu, do you want to continue to sit for a while?"

At this time, Zhang Yunlong, who had watched the good show, stopped Gu Chen with a superior appearance.

Gu Chen looked at it for a few seconds and left without saying a word.

Zhang Yunlong's eyelids jumped suddenly, and he had a bad premonition, but seeing Gu Chen leave so grayly, it really made him very happy, and he quickly forgot about it.

Walking out of the hall, the manager was also pulled over at this time.

"Yang Shao..."

the manager quickly stopped Yang Feng, who was leaving, with a hesitant expression.

Yang Feng didn't know what this manager meant, his face suddenly changed, and he said directly coldly: "Don't worry!" They pay for the consumption of that table! They said, many can testify! The

manager immediately shouted that it was not good, it seemed that his bar was going to lose a big customer in the future.

But he didn't regret it, after all, he also knew that the Yang family had a bad time recently, maybe it would go bankrupt one day.

He was not distressed to lose such a one, and then quietly left.

"Wang Baegg!" Yang Feng suddenly cursed.

Their Yang family has not fallen! What a dead tree!

"Let's go for a late-night snack first! So late!

Gu Chen looked at the time and suggested, "Is there a good place to eat?" "

There is one!"

Although Yang Feng was very upset, he still did not dare to complain about Gu Chen.

Then a few people went directly to a fairly good night market.

Hamandan also knew what happened before, so he was speechless.

Although he is a prince, he has nothing to do with it here.

After a few people chose a seat, after ordering a large table full of delicacies, several people drank three rounds and five flavors of dishes.

"Where did those people come from?"

Gu Chen suddenly asked.

"The pompous man sitting down is called Gong Chunlong, and his family runs a garment factory! The other is Ma Tengfei, who has dozens of textile factories, and Liu Mingwei, who has dozens of channels at home. When

Yang Feng heard this, after taking a large sip of wine, he told the news of those people.

Gu Chen suddenly realized, no wonder Zhang Yunlong wanted to mix with them.

Gu Chen was silent when he heard this, and Yang Feng didn't say anything anymore, drinking stuffy wine without thinking about it.

He knew that this Mr. Gu was not simple, but the line was like a mountain, he was king in other industries, but there was no way to do it in another unrelated industry.

He understood that this Mr. Gu probably couldn't do anything.

That's right, Gu Chen really doesn't have any way now, after all, he doesn't have any roots in the clothing industry, to be precise, he hasn't had time to lay out here.

But is there really nothing he can do?

Gu Chen directly took out his mobile phone and called Academician Chen.

After a few seconds, the phone is connected.

"Hey, Academician Chen, good evening!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Mr. Gu, did something happen?"

Academician Chen directly asked the matter at this time.

It made Gu Chen a little embarrassed.

"Eh? Why did Academician Chen ask that?

"Mr. Gu has looked for me several times, and he only remembers me as an old man when he encounters something, so now Mr. Gu should go straight to the point!"

Academician Chen's resentful voice came over instantly, causing Gu Chen to cough a few times in embarrassment.

Sighed in my heart, this old man is not cute at all, some things have to be picked out, is it not good for everyone to have a tacit understanding?

"I didn't expect that Academician Chen would predict the future, what an admiration!"

Gu Chen smiled and made a joke.

"I would like to ask Academician Chen to help check a few enterprises."

Then Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and directly explained his intentions.

"Huh? What does Mr. Gu mean?

Academician Chen was stunned and asked puzzled.

Then Gu Chen said the general situation again, meaning that I worked for the welfare of the country, but I met such a gentleman, should I give an explanation.

Academician Chen was silent for a long time when he heard this, and Gu Chen did not urge him to wait quietly.

"Mr. Gu, where did I do this as a scholar! Are you looking for the wrong person!

Academician Chen said with a wry smile.

At this time, he put down the literature in his hand and had a speechless expression.

However, Gu Chen does not eat this set.

Still ordinary scholars, do ordinary scholars have such great skills?

"So be it! I will report this matter, as for the result, I can't guarantee anything!

Then Academician Chen replied.

"Naturally! Thank you, Academician Chen! I believe in the organization! Gu Chen said with a smile.

Academician Chen hung up the phone directly, and he found that this Mr. Gu was a master who grabbed the pole and climbed up.

Then he shook his head, put down his phone, looked at an office that was still lit, and walked over.

Fortunately, he had to report the situation before, so he did not leave.

At this time, Yang Feng looked at Gu Chen, who hung up the phone, and his heart moved, but he didn't ask.

But my heart is full of expectation.

After eating, several people were not interested in playing anymore, so they left separately.

Yang Feng wanted to quickly tell his grandfather about this, after all, the matter of those few joining forces was not a trivial matter.

Time gradually passed, and Zhang Yunlong, who was very happy to play, and several people were also a little tired, but their mood was also very excited.

Because tonight is a day worth celebrating for them.

Zhang Yunlong, he lost face in front of him when he saw Gu Chen two times before, but today, he was found in his eyes, and he was very happy.

Needless to say, the Yang family was a giant mountain before, and Yang Feng, who was a concubine, was not something they could offend, but now! Not only snatched his booth, but also humiliated him well, naturally it was a proud spring breeze!

"Brother Zhang, how is it? It's no worse than the Lion City!

At this time, the pompous man hugged left and right, and said to Zhang Yunlong with a smile.

"Haha! Not bad! Much livelier than the Lion City! Zhang

Yunlong was very satisfied.

"Haha! Of course!

The crowd laughed and agreed.

Then they planned to disperse.

"Guys, you had a lot of fun tonight!"

At this time, the manager said to everyone with a smile;

"Haha! Not bad! How much is the manager? Ma Tengfei said with a smile.

"Ma Shao, please wait!"

The manager said with a smile, and then asked his subordinates to settle the account.

"Hello Ma Shao, today the angel booth spends a total of 1.22 million!"

The manager said to Ma Shao with a bright smile.

The higher the bar consumption, the greater his ability, and he is naturally very happy.


Ma Shao, who was still smiling on his face, almost didn't stand firm when he heard this number, and thought that he had heard it wrong.

"Ma Shao, a total of 1.22 million, this is a consumption list, you can take a look at it!"

Hearing this, the manager handed the list over.

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