At this time, in the luxurious suite of the hotel, Chu Xinyi walked through the corridor and came to the bedroom, and Gu Chen slept soundly.

Looking at Gu Chen's stretched sword eyebrows, the tiredness she had hurried over all the way to this trip had receded a lot, and she did not wake up Gu Chen.

Instead, he sat in front of the bed with his jade hand, quietly looking at Gu Chen, and couldn't help but be fascinated.

I don't know how long it took, she couldn't help but feel sleepy for a while, lying on Gu Chen's side.

At this time, the sun shines through the thick clouds, shining on the earth, and through the glass windows of the hotel room, it spills on the comfortable and soft bed.

At this time, Gu Chen's eyebrows were clustered, his eyelids jumped a few times, he slowly opened his eyes, and when he was about to get up, he found that something was wrong, and his left arm seemed to be pressed by something.

Turning his head, a black and smooth hair came into view.

Suddenly startled, the huge movement woke up the shallowly sleeping Chu Xinyi.

"What's wrong?"

She was still a little confused at this time, and suddenly thought of something to wake up instantly.

"Xinyi, when did you come?"

At this time, Gu Chen also saw the appearance of the person coming, and was immediately stunned, and then asked in surprise.

The star-like eyes could not hide their love.

"It's early in the morning! How not to be surprised? Chu Xinyi also looked at Gu Chen with a smile.

I can't see a little bit of the general appearance of business in the eyes of outsiders, like a cat that has done something and waited for the owner's praise.

"Surprised, so surprised!"

Gu Chen suddenly hugged Chu Xinyi into his arms with a smile, holding it tightly in his heart, smelling the unique fragrance and feeling gentle in his heart.

And Chu Xinyi also stretched out her hand to hug Gu Chen with a red face, clinging to the powerful beating heart, and felt extremely peaceful for a while.

The two hugged each other quietly, no one spoke, but they both felt very enjoying this moment.

The golden yellow light of the sun shone on the two of them, feeling like a layer of hazy golden light, which seemed extremely gentle and sacred.

Suddenly, Gu Chen's mobile phone rang, shattering this artistic conception.

Chu Xinyi also quickly left Gu Chen's embrace red, got up and sorted out her loose hair and wrinkled clothes.

"Why is this Niko still so blushing?"

After Gu Chen joked with a smile, he took the mobile phone on the table and opened it to see that it was Yang Feng.


"Mr. Gu is sorry to disturb you, but I have news for you here!"

Yang Feng sat on the sofa at this time and said excitedly.

"Oh? What's up? Gu Chen raised his eyebrows and asked flatly.

Since last night's contact, he felt that Yang Feng was okay.

"Mr. Gu, just now I received news that the few who offended you last night have all been investigated at this time!"

Yang Feng quickly said the matter, and his tone still could not hide the shock and ecstasy.

The devil knows how shocked he was when he learned the news.

Originally, he told his grandfather about it last night, but Mr. Yang didn't say anything when he heard this, he was still puzzled, and as a result, he was directly woken up by the phone this morning, and after being stunned for a while, he thought of telling Gu Chen about it.


Gu Chen was also a little surprised when he heard this, it seemed that Academician Chen's efficiency was still quite good, but he was only slightly stunned and stopped speaking, after all, this matter was really not worth mentioning to him.

"Eh? Good! Then I won't bother Mr. Gu!

Yang Feng was also stunned when he heard Gu Chen's tone, and then reacted, and said in a timely manner.


Then Gu Chen hung up the phone flatly.

At this time, Chu Xinyi also looked over.

"Since you're awake, then I'll go to the company."

After that, he returned to his previous decisive appearance, but when he looked at Gu Chen, his eyebrows were faintly tender like water.

"Uh-huh! I'll come to you at noon!

Gu Chen also got up and agreed.

Then Chu Xinyi left to go to the company, and after Gu Chen washed up, he also came to the hall to eat breakfast.

At this time, Mr. Gong, chairman of the Gong Family Group, returned to the office with a gloomy face after sending off the joint investigation team with a smile.

"Check it for me! See who did it? "

Directly instruct the assistant to investigate.

He himself also thought about it for a long time without thinking clearly when he had offended such a powerful person.

You must know that his Gong family is also slightly famous in Yangcheng, and his background and contacts are also complicated, and there are generally few officials who come to investigate.

The assistant came back half an hour later.

"But the investigation is clear?"

Mr. Gong couldn't wait to ask;

"President Gong, I can't find out, I only know that it was the order that personally gave it!" The assistant shook his head and whispered.


Mr. Gong sat back in the chair with a disappointed expression, and his expression was very solemn.

"But I also investigated a piece of news, maybe it is related to this!" At this point, the assistant continued to report.

Seeing his boss's eyes sweeping over, the assistant quickly said it.

"It's not just Mr. Gong's family that has been investigated! The Qian family, the Liu family, and the Ma family were also investigated by the investigation team! Now the whole Yangcheng knows about it! The

assistant honestly said what he knew.


Hearing this news, he was stunned, and then took out his mobile phone and made a few calls, and immediately confirmed the news.

Suddenly, a flash of essence flashed in his eyes.

"Go, check for me how many of us are investigated, and whether there are any disciples who are together at the same time in the past few days!"

Then President Gong immediately deduced a direction and ordered directly.


When the assistant heard this, he also understood this matter, and then went down to report.

Several other people, after learning the news from each other, also issued this order.

After all, there can be no coincidence in such a coincidence, then there is only one reason, that is, several of them offended someone at the same time.

Those who can become the chairman of a group are not mediocre, they are far from those who can compare with the children of the younger generations.

At noon, Gu Chen went directly to Grandview Group in the name of inspection.

Using the authority in his hands and Chu Xinyi, the two told their emotions in the office.

If outsiders knew, they would definitely be extremely surprised that the cold general manager in their eyes still had such a side.

In short, all of Chu Xinyi's guidelines had lost their effect on Gu Chen.

And the Gong family and the others also knew the target of dealing with them - the Yang family.

After investigation, it was found that the three generations of their children actually got together to take a bath and drink last night, and only after a forced confession did they understand the cause of the matter.

Then he beat several of them directly.

After that, the chairmen of several of them also gathered in a tea house, frowning one by one, and no one wanted to be the first to speak.

"Let's talk about it! How should this matter be resolved? Finally, Mr. Gong took the lead and asked in a deep voice.

"I didn't expect that the Yang family was already so lonely and had such connections, it was really tricky!"

Qian Zong also frowned and said.

"That's not right! As far as we know, how could the Yang family climb that person? Why didn't they see that person in trouble when the Yang family was in danger before?

Suddenly, Mr. Ma shook his head in opposition and voiced his doubts.

"It seems that we have offended someone else! It is understood that in addition to the Yang family last night, there was also a foreigner and a young man, foreigners should be impossible, only that young man is the most suspicious!

Everyone then analyzed in unison.

"But who is that man? Can you even mobilize that person?

Mr. Gong asked puzzled.

As far as they know, Yangcheng doesn't seem to have a big man with the surname Gu!

"Just go to Yang's house and ask!"

"Yes! Then let's go visit Yang Tianci's old fox together!"

"Yes! Walk! Several

people decided in an instant.

At this time, the Yang family.

Yang Tianci was still resting, and suddenly received news that someone was coming to visit him, and he sat in the hall, and couldn't help but sneer, his expression was very disdainful.

"Sir, there are a few friends outside who claim to be your friends and want to see you!"

At this time, a servant came from outside the door and reported.

"Invite them in!"

Yang Tianci thought about it and ordered.

If he hadn't needed to be so polite before, but now they Yang Clan couldn't withstand any turmoil.

"Mr. Yang, my body is still tough! I'm waiting to interrupt! "

Before anyone arrives, the voice comes first.

A hearty voice came from the hall outside the door.

"Who am I! It turned out to be a few of you! I don't know what kind of expensive thing I came to my Yang family!

Yang Tianci watched several people rush in and asked lightly.

"Haha! Naturally, it's time to visit the old-timers! I heard that the Yang family is now in the wind and rain, I don't know if there is any way I can help the old gentleman!

At this time, Mr. Gong said with a smile.

After all, Yang Tianci was their old-timer.

"I see if the help is fake, and the inquiring news is true!"

Yang Tianci suddenly opened his eyes and said sarcastically.

"It seems that Mr. Yang does know the identity of that young man?"

Hearing this, several people looked at each other and said with a smile.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that Mr. Gu is not something you can offend."

Yang Tianci's tone was very calm, as if he was saying something unusual.

"Oh? What is the identity of that Mr. Gu? Please also tell the truth Mr. Yang!

President Gong was also stunned, but he didn't expect Yang Tianci to call people Mr. , and he suddenly had some bad premonitions in his heart.

"Haha! That Mr. Gu, I don't think you can investigate either, maybe, for the sake of everyone being Yangcheng, I will tell you!

Yang Tianci laughed and said loudly; Mr. Gu is from Huahai, as for the identity, you can naturally know it by inquiring yourself, but those juniors of yours have offended Mr. Gu so much, the old man is here to remind you of this, or prepare to apologize! Subsequently

, regardless of the expressions and reactions of several people, he directly asked people to send them off.

Several people had different thoughts, but they could all see the curiosity, what kind of identity this Mr. Gu was, which made Yang Tianci so respectful.

"Guys? Next, let's launch our respective relationships to investigate this Mr. Gu! Out

of the villa, several people did not separate, among which Ma Zong suggested.

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