Several others agreed.

So they each dispersed to find out Mr. Gu's identity.

Several bosses began to use their contacts to inquire about Gu Chen's background.

"Hey, Lao Jiang, it's me, Gong Kun, yes! I want to ask you something. Mr. Gong in the car said with a smile.

"What? That Mr. Gu is the chairman of Longteng Group?

Mr. Gong was immediately surprised when he heard this: "It's nothing, that's right!" Thank you Lao Jiang!

Then his face changed for a while, he didn't expect that the famous Longteng Group, the national signature group would be that Mr. Gu's, no wonder he could ask that person to help.

There is no doubt that people and the official are closely related!

In an instant, he had a plan.

At this time, the other people, like him, were immediately shocked, and they all knew Gu Chen's news through their own channels.

Coincidentally, the relationship they were looking for was different, and the results of the investigation were different, but the results were true.

That is, the Qian family investigated that Mr. Gu turned out to be the chairman of Taiyu Group!

This is a fast-growing large group, far from what their money family can compete with.

The Liu family investigated that Mr. Gu is the chairman of the remote group! It is also a large group with a national presence.

The Ma family investigated that Mr. Gu is the chairman of Grandview Group!

Although this group has recently stagnated in development, it is also a well-known large group in the country!

Suddenly, the hearts of several people were very shocked, no matter which one they could offend.

At the same time, for the sake of the death of the Taoist friends and the poor road, they had different thoughts, and no one said the news they had investigated.

On the contrary, they all say that there is no investigation and so on, anyway, as long as they are fine, other people's lives are not their own business.

After hanging up the phone, he apologized to several friends in his heart, and then took the disciple who offended Gu Chen last night and went straight to Gu Chen's hotel, wanting to get to know Gu Chen and apologize by the way.

But they are destined to be disappointed.

Because Gu Chen is not in the hotel.

So they each told the front desk of the hotel that they must call them if they have news.

It is worth mentioning that they all just missed it, as if they were holding a script, you sing and I take the stage.

At this time, Gu Chen was accompanying Chu Xinyi to deal with affairs until the end of work.

"Let's go! Would you like to take you outside? Watching the affairs be processed, Gu Chen asked with a smile.


Hearing this, Chu Xinyi was also very happy.

Then Gu Chen pinched Chu Xinyi's nose spoiledly, and the two took the special elevator to leave quietly.

At this time, Yangcheng has warmed up, day and night are equinox, and the sunset outside is faintly visible at five o'clock, and the soft orange light covers the entire city.

The two of them held hands and wandered around without purpose, perhaps because of the end of work, the sidewalk was bustling, and the noisy sound reached the ears, a sign of noise.

Ling Gu Chen was very relaxed, he hadn't been like this for a long time.

Put down all the disguises and show a sincere smile, looking at Chu Xinyi next to him who is also like this, the two look at each other from time to time, smile heartily, and everything is silent.

Walking to a bustling pedestrian street, the large and small roadside stalls are very lively, and all kinds of fragrances compete with each other, alternately emitting various delicious smells that attract people's water.

"It's so fragrant! Gu Chen, I want to eat this!

"Gu Chen, I'm going to eat that!"

Gu Chen suddenly found that he seemed to recognize Chu Xinyi's side again.

"I can't even take it in my hands!"

Gu Chen said with a wry smile.

That said, he enjoyed it.

"I don't care!"

Chu Xinyi showed a coquettish tone at this time, which made Gu Chen agree again and again.

"Good, good, good! Buy! "

The road was filled with cheerful sounds, and the night swallowed the last rays of sunset, and now the evening came, but the streets were lit up with all kinds of neon, lighting up the streets.

Man fought against nature with his wisdom, and there was no doubt that in this battle, mankind won, and in the steel cities, the great light dispelled the night that should have been dark.

The two returned to the hotel happily, and Gu Chen directly opened a room opposite him for Chu Xinyi to live.

At the same time, the other few also knew that Gu Chen had returned to the hotel, so they continued to rush to the hotel one by one.

Because, in the afternoon, the officials of various departments sent representatives to investigate their group.

Although they don't have much problem, there is no doubt that they are also annoyed and can't even do business, so the sooner they solve it, the better it is for them.

Gu Chen naturally didn't know these things.

At this time, he smelled of food, so the first thing he did when he came back was to take a bath.

After washing, Gu Chen came to Chu Xinyi's room, and the two snuggled together and said the words between the couple, which was not warm.

Unfortunately, another phone call broke this warmth.


Therefore, Gu Chen was a little unhappy, frowning and not angry.

The light tone sounded full of aura.

The front desk suddenly felt a huge pressure through the phone.

"Gu... Mr. Gu, someone wants to see you! The

front desk said nervously.

At this time, she was very nervous in her heart.


"It's a man named Gong Kun, and he said he came to apologize to Mr. Gu!" The front desk said quickly.

At this moment, she felt like she was back in class, and the teacher asked what she said, but the teacher's pressure on her was very high.

Hearing this, Gu Chen was stunned, Gong Kun? He doesn't know? How to apologize to him, but finally remembered, it is estimated that it was one of his parents who offended him last night.

"Tell him to wait in the hall!"

Gu Chen replied and hung up the phone.

The front desk was not only not angry but relieved, when facing that Mr. Gu, her pressure was very huge, that is, her boss did not have such a big aura.

"Who is it?"

Chu Xinyi on the side asked curiously.

"A person who offended me before, now he probably found out my identity and came to apologize!" Gu Chen smiled and rubbed Chu Xinyi's hair, spoiling and explaining.

Then he recounted what happened last night.

And at this time the hotel lobby.

After hanging up the phone, the front desk wiped a cold sweat, calmed down his emotions and showed a professional smile to Gong Kun in front.

"Mr. Gong! Mr. Gu said to wait and tell you to wait in the hall first!

"Okay! Thank you! Mr

. Gong was overjoyed when he heard this, no matter what he said. When Gu Chen came down to see him, he said that there were still things to be discussed.

Then he walked to the side with his pale-faced son.

Sitting in the rest area opposite, I suddenly saw an acquaintance coming to the door.

"Old Liu?"

He screamed, but regretted it.

The middle-aged man walking suddenly paused when he heard this, and turned around to see that it was President Gong.

"President Gong? Why are you here? His

face changed, and then he reacted and asked with a smile.

"Haha, I'm waiting for someone here! What about you? President

Gong naturally did not say his purpose, and casually found a reason.

As soon as these words came out, the son next to him was stunned, and looked at his father very puzzled.

"This way! Ha ha! Me too, there is an acquaintance here, then you are busy first, I'll go! When

Mr. Liu heard this, he would not say what he meant, and after a laugh, he was ready to leave.

Then he went to the front desk and communicated with the front desk.

Mr. Gong thought thoughtfully, turned to look at his son and asked; "Did the young man who followed Uncle Liu with you last night?"


Seeing his son nodding, he immediately smiled, it seems that everyone is smart and has the same purpose.

Sure enough, I saw Mr. Liu walking over with someone.

For a moment, the two looked at each other and then left separately.

When President Gong was about to speak, two more people walked in at the gate, and they were familiar people again.

It was Ma Zong who took his junior disciples, and after asking questions like them, he walked towards them.

So the three of them intertwined their eyes, and the atmosphere was very awkward, and they didn't expect to meet together so coincidentally.

Without waiting for them to speak, Qian Zong also walked over, saw several people in the hall, and was immediately stunned.

The last few people sat here, silent.

The awkward atmosphere quietly rose, but they were all old foxes in the mall, and they no longer knew what their faces were.

"Ahem, since I got here, I will say it bluntly, it seems that everyone knows the identity of Mr. Gu." Mr. Gong took the lead and said.

"That's right!"

"It seems that everyone is like this!"


several people readily agreed.

And the front desk was also very curious to look here, she did not expect that there would be so many people looking for Mr. Gu at this time.

At this time, Gu Chen also took Chu Xinyi out of the elevator and came to the hall, and the front desk naturally saw Gu Chen, so he quickly trotted over.

"Mr. Gu, when you come, they are looking for you!"

This is still the front desk came to Gu Chen's side with some restraint, and said nervously.


Gu Chen nodded, looking at the front desk a little strangely, I don't know why she has changed so much, you know, she was not so nervous before.

And President Gong and the others also discovered Gu Chen. Suddenly, they immediately stood up and quickly walked to Gu Chen's side.

"Mr. Gu!"

"Mr. Gu!"

Suddenly, one voice after another sounded.

"Huh? You guys are..." Gu Chen frowned slightly after glancing at it.

"Hello Mr. Gu! I am Gong Kun, the chairman of Gong's Group, I came to apologize for yesterday's incident, and last night the dog did not understand and provoked Mr. Gu, so I came to apologize this time! Mr. Gong put his posture firmly and apologized seriously.

Then he turned his head and glared at his son behind him: "Don't come over quickly to apologize to Mr. Gu!"

The latter looked at Gu Chen in awe, and stepped forward with a worried face: "Yes... Sorry, Gu Gu... Sir, I was ignorant last night, please forgive me a lot, my lord! At

this time, he was very scared in his heart, and after knowing that he had provoked a big person last night, he almost peed on the spot in fear, and he has been nervous and scared until now.

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