"President Gu is overjoyed!"

Mei Jiale was overjoyed, and then a maniacal smile appeared on her face.

"Oh, it seems that the test data is very good!" Seeing

his expression, Gu Chen's heart moved, his face was also a little calmer, and he asked easily.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, we tested all day yesterday, and through the comparison of various data, all the new energy vehicles on the market were completely exploded, even some high-end fuel vehicle data could not compare with our energy vehicles!"

"Let's go, take a look

!" "Let me see your results during this time!" Hearing this

, Gu Chen was also interested, although he had long known that this was the result, but now he would be interested when he heard it.

Then the crowd rushed to the test shop.

Through the layers of workshops outside, Gu Chen led by Mei Jiale to an open-air square in the northwest and built a ring road, where several Shenzhou brand cars were parked at this time.

"President Gu, you are finally here!"

At this time, Elder Liang also saw Gu Chen, and immediately said excitedly;

if Gu Chen hadn't said that he would come over today, he would have wanted to call Gu Chen yesterday.

Then he handed over the data of yesterday's whole day test to Gu Chen.

After Gu Chen took it, he looked at it with Chu Xinyi, and the above had been compared and explained with the outside, so Gu Chen also saw it very clearly.

"Elder Liang, is this true?" Gu

Chen also had a smile on his face at this time.

"Naturally, Mr. Gu, you can also operate it yourself!" explained Elder Liang confidently.

Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, he directly got into a car on the side of the road, sat up, felt a little uncomfortable, it should be the fabric of the seat, after all, he is used to sitting in sports cars and luxury cars, these civilian cars naturally sit less.

But everything else is pretty good, skilled in ignition.

"Buzz!" drove forward, feeling very smooth, accelerating to change gears, the speed gradually increased, Gu Chen ran directly for a lap, the horsepower power is not comparable to what he drove before, but it is very powerful in other civilian cars.

"How is it, Mr. Gu?" Seeing

Gu Chen coming down, a group of people went up and asked the result with a smile, and at the same time they were very nervous and expectant.

After all, they say that it is not enough to be satisfied, but it is only possible if the boss is satisfied.

"Not bad!"

Gu Chen nodded, very sure.

"You have worked this matter, I will celebrate everyone in the evening!" Hearing this

, all the employees present immediately shouted happily, in order to fulfill Gu Chen's request, they have been staying here for the past two days and have not returned.

Then Chu Xinyi also went up and opened a few handfuls, and had a good time.

Gu Chen asked many other questions during this time.

For example, what happens on a broken dirt road, how about horsepower on a hill, what about protective measures in terms of safety in a car accident, what about the cost of a car, and so on.

Liang Lao and the others had naturally thought about these questions for a long time, and answered them very smoothly.

Although some of them did not meet Gu Chen's requirements, there was basically no problem.

He dares to say that as long as the reputation of the car goes out, there is absolutely no shortage of sales, not to mention that this is still a new energy vehicle, green and environmentally friendly, grasping the policy support, using his identity can definitely become a hit.

Then Gu Chen and the others held a detailed meeting in the nearby conference room.

At the same time, Lawyer Lin also arrived here.

"Liang Gong, after my internship and thinking, I decided to put the battery production workshop here, but the core technology will still be produced in Huahai, and then processed by you and then installed on the car

!" "At the same time, I have decided to put all four models you have studied into production from now on, and it is expected to produce 100,000 units for pilots!"

Gu Chen said, while Lawyer Lin recorded.

The people below are naturally very excited, seeing that the drawings they have researched have finally become real objects, I think everyone will have a sense of accomplishment!

Finally, Gu Chen signed a new contract with Liang Lao and others, after all, new energy batteries must not leak out.

Then Gu Chen left his assistant here to coordinate other things, and returned directly to Huahai by himself.

Because the crown prince of the Middle East had arrived, he had to go back, and he wanted to stay here to continue talking.

On the plane, Gu Chen asked Hamandan on the side.

"Hamandan, you said that if I sell my car to your country, will anyone buy it?"

"It's a little difficult, because my country produces oil, and the domestic oil price is much cheaper than here, plus our environment over there is not as good as here, so the car is easily damaged."

Hamandan thought for a moment and said seriously.

Gu Chen also felt that it made sense when he heard it, but he firmly believed that the car would be produced all over the world in the future.

After all, his new battery technology has a complete technology, plus Yan Shu has been researching, it can definitely be achieved.

"By the way, Gu Chen also has a huge problem, that is, my country is not as safe as yours, and there is no electricity in many places where I have no electricity, so I think your car market must have no market in the Middle East!" Then Hamandan continued as if thinking of something.

"Hmm?" Hearing

this, Gu Chen's eyebrows jumped, he didn't pay attention to this, it seems that his new energy vehicle development path still has a long way to go!

It didn't take long for the plane to stop smoothly at Huahai Airport.

"Mr. Gu. "

The person who came to pick up the airport was an executive of Longteng Group.

"By the way, where is Prince Rashid?" Gu Chen nodded and asked with majesty.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Rashid is already waiting for you in the conference room!" the

executive replied respectfully.

When Gu Chen heard this, he took the lead and walked towards the outside of the airport.

The car was speeding on the highway, and there were few cars on the road at this time, and it arrived at the company unimpeded.

At this time, Wang Wei, the general manager of Longteng Group, was already waiting downstairs.

"Mr. Gu.

Wang Wei quickly stepped forward and said respectfully.

After that, he finally met the Crown Prince of the Middle East, Rashid.

"Mr. Gu, long time no see!"

said Rashid with a smile after getting up directly after seeing Gu Chen.

"I'm sorry to keep Prince Rashid waiting for a long time!" said

Gu Chen with a chuckle, after reaching out and shaking it.

"Where!" Rashid

naturally did not dare to raise it in front of Gu Chen.

After some politeness, the two entered the subject.

"I wonder what happened to Prince Rashid?" asked Gu Chen after sitting down.

"Mr. Gu, my father has completely agreed to the thing we talked about before, and he has already entrusted everything to me to handle, so I can't come to ask Mr. Gu for understanding.

Rashid said happily when he heard this.

After all, the impact of this incident was of great benefit to him.

"Your Majesty is polite!"

Gu Chen was also very happy when he heard this.

After that, he talked about many details of the cooperation in detail, and chatted for nearly two hours.



The two reached out and shook their hands hard, and then each laughed.

"By the way, my brother has caused you trouble during this time, thank you Mr. Gu!" Rashid remembered something, and his face was full of sincere thanks.

"The prince is polite, and Prince Hamandan is also quite good! Gu Chen waved his hand and said modestly.

Finally, the two walked out of the conference room, and Hamandan saw his brother.

"Brother Wang!" Hamandan also shouted with a smile.

"Well, how's it going here?"

asked Rashid with a smile, patting his brother's shoulder and laughing.

"It's like heaven!"

Hamandan exclaimed, remembering what he had seen and heard during this time.

When I came to China, I thought it was a representative of poverty and backwardness. Rashid agreed.

There was a memory and sigh on his face.

"By the way, since you like it here, I can call the shots and you can stay here in the future."

Then he came back to his senses and saw Hamandan looking at him and said with a smile.

I came to discuss cooperation between my father and Mr. Gu, so if you want to stay here, I will let you sit in the east to ensure our interests."

Rashid explained.

"Okay, I'm right here!"

Hamandan agreed.

Huaxia's food has been lively and has deeply attracted him, and naturally he does not want to leave.

"Okay, I'll arrange it for you later!" After

that, Gu Chen also ordered Wang Wei and came over.

"Prince Rashid, since we have finished talking about cooperation, as the host of Huahai, I will treat you to a meal!" Gu Chen proposed to invite.

"It's an honor!"

Rashid agreed.

In the following days, Gu Chen and Rashid confirmed many meetings, many high-level meetings between the two sides were held many times, and the two sides finally signed a cooperation agreement under official witness.

This signing ceremony can be described as huge international news.

It's a pity that Gu Chen didn't show up in person to hold a press conference, and only let Wang do it for him.

However, Rao is so, Longteng's reputation has once again soared, and under the guidance of a group of patriotic feelings, the products of the Shenzhou series have once again sold well.

At the same time, this news naturally spread to the world.

Intel Group, in the highest-level conference room.

At this time, a group of capitalists are furious.

"Damn! The Middle East should be damned

!" "That's right, it actually broke our blockade of China

, severely punished! "Must be severely punished!" "Ask the parliamentarians to put pressure and threaten the other party to cancel cooperation

!" "Yes

!" "We must be severely punished, otherwise we will lose face, what majesty will there be in the future?" "

That is, we must give each other a good look!" For

a while, the conference room was like a noisy vegetable market.

However, the reputation and influence of the United States in the Middle East have long been rotten, and the local government does not give them the slightest face.

The threat to the United States is not at all wrong.

And today's world seems to be surging with dark tides, on the bright side, there is a thriving situation of hello, hello, hello, everyone.

The United States did not dare to risk the world's scorn to launch a military strike on the Middle East, let alone a Huaxia watching from the sidelines, so this farce ended in failure.

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