Several forces led by Intel can be said to hate Gu Chen to the point of gritting their teeth.

Hate can't eat its flesh and drink its blood.

However, Gu Chen did not pay attention to them at all, and at this time he was talking to Academician Chen on the phone.

"Mr. Gu, this time Longteng Group can be said to have made a big face in the world! Congratulations to Mr. Gu!" Academician

Chen was also in a happy mood at this time, laughing and joking with Gu Chen.

"Haha, where, I guess now Intel's group of people must hate me to death!" Gu

Chen sat on the chair and said with a smile.

This time, he slapped the capitalists in the face, and he smiled comfortably when he thought of this.

"Haha, don't worry, Mr. Gu, they can't make big waves in China!"

Academician Chen also smiled when he heard this, obviously he also knew something.

"By the way, Mr. Gu, the Middle East is indeed full of sincerity, not only increasing our crude oil volume, but also selling all kinds of ores, which greatly alleviates the domestic resource situation!"

Then as if remembering something, he said to Gu Chen with appreciation.

"That's good!" Gu Chen was also full of affection for Rashid at this time.

Gu Chen, who hung up the phone, was very relaxed at this time, looking at many foreign emails on the desktop, and all of them were forked off with great disdain.

Now he wants to work with me? Sorry! Now he has no shortage of partners.

It turned out that after taking the lead in cooperating with Longteng Group in the Middle East, it broke the planned deployment of Intel and other chip groups, so some small chip groups secretly had different intentions and quietly sent Gu Chen the intention to cooperate.

But for this kind of wall grass, Gu Chen can't look at it.

What's more, they have a high meaning, and Gu Chen doesn't bother to look at it.

After all, he still has a confidence.

That is the Bosch of Europe, thinking of this, they should have arrived if they thought so, right?

Gu Chen's heart moved, what did you want

? "Hey

?" "Is it Mr. Gu?" "

Yes, it's me!"

I am Euler from Bosch, does Mr. Gu remember me?" a

blonde man said cautiously into the phone at a warehouse in Huahai City, a temporary location rented by Bosch.

"Naturally, is there something wrong

with Mr. Euler?" "Mr. Gu, your sports car in Paris has arrived, I don't know when you have time to come over and sign it, by the way, our chairman still wants to talk about cooperation with Mr. Gu?"

"Okay, Mr. Gu, we're here at warehouse three!" After

hearing the location, Gu Chen got up and went straight to his destination, but when he left, he also called Hamandan next to him.

Two days ago, Hamandan, as the supervisor of the Middle East in China, had settled down on Gu Chen's side.

However, he did not live in Gu Chen's house now, but very proudly bought a luxury villa, but he still often ran to Gu Chen's house.

However, his office location is to follow Gu Chen.

According to the news, Gu Chen and the two soon arrived at a huge warehouse.

At this time, several Bosch leaders of Euler were already waiting outside.


. Gu, hello!" After seeing Gu Chen's figure, Ola suddenly greeted with great joy.

"Hello, Mr. Euler!"

Gu Chen replied politely, flattering Euler.

"Mr. Gu, please here, our chairman's gift is inside!" Then

Euler didn't talk nonsense, and took Gu Chen to the warehouse.

Walking into the warehouse, there were various boxes slowed down, and after a few people turned left and right for a few bays, they came to a relatively small and empty warehouse, only a huge box in the middle.

"Mr. Gu, it's here!" said Ola to Gu Chen with a smile.

Gu Chen was also faintly excited in his heart at this time, and he didn't talk nonsense, took the other party's tool and opened the box directly.

Suddenly, a silver supercar gradually revealed its true face.

The powerful and cool body instantly attracted everyone's attention, and the smooth lines were full of sci-fi sense, which was very fascinating.

"Oh my God, Gu Chen, this is the one in Paris before, is it in your hands?" At this

time, Hamandan was even more shocked, envious and jealous.

Hands caress, eyes shining, like a peerless beauty.

"Hehe!" Gu

Chen was also very satisfied at this time, although he still had two supercars at home, but it was a little worse than this one.

After all, this is LyKanHypersport, one of the top ten supercars in the world

!" "Mr. Gu, this is the relevant documents and formalities certificates of supercars, all of which are Mr. Gu's name!"

At this time, Ola saw that Gu Chen was very satisfied and immediately stepped forward, handed a file bag to Gu Chen, and said respectfully.

He was also envious at this time, looking at this blood-boiling supercar, how could he not want to own one.

"Well, there is work!" After

Gu Chen took it, he glanced at it, and all the formalities of this supercar were his name.

In other words, the owner of this supercar is him, and now he can only go to the road after filing and getting a license plate.

Seeing this, Euler ordered people to clean up the foam next to him, and Gu Chen took out the key from the file bag and didn't talk nonsense.

Suddenly, the sleeping steel behemoth immediately revived, the cool car door slowly opened, and Gu Chen sat up without hesitation.

Hamandan on the other side is not nonsense, since there is no chance to drive, but how to feel it!

"Wow, Gu Chen, can you let me drive it in the future!"

After Hamandan sat down, the seat full of technology made him extremely envious, and then asked expectantly.

"Yes!" Gu

Chen nodded, at this time he was also replaced by excitement, and he didn't even notice the vibration of the mobile phone on his body.

Then Gu Chen signaled the other party to open the door in front, and Gu Chen directly opened out.

At this time, Gu Chen felt that the super car under him seemed to be revived, which made him gradually surge in his heart.

Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, drove directly to the ring road, looking at the endless super-large road, Gu Chen suddenly stepped on the end, emitting a beast-like cry, and suddenly like a silver arrow, cutting through the sky, meeting the resistance in the air suddenly buzzed.

Gu Chen also revealed the madness that he usually hid at this time, let alone Hamandan, and his mouth made an excited roar.

At this time, Gu Chen saw that there was also a supercar racing in front of him, and suddenly showed a young posture, directly kicked the accelerator, and instantly surpassed the other party, like a gust of wind.

"Xiao Feng, what just happened?"

a woman in the co-pilot asked in shock in the supercar that was overtaken by Gu Chen at this time.

"Just now... Just a car overtook us?" At

this time, Xiao Feng slowly reduced his speed, rubbed his eyes, and replied with some uncertainty.

Suddenly, the two looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes.

"No, what supercar can run so fast?"

asked the woman in the co-pilot at this time, a little puzzled.

You must know that she is also sitting on a

super car!" "Xiao Yun, super cars also have levels! I estimate that super car is definitely very bullish!"

Xiao Feng explained with a wry smile.

His supercar is more than five or six million at most, and according to his estimates, the supercar that just surpassed him is at least tens of millions of supercars.

The heart was shaken, when did Huahai appear such an expensive supercar again?

At this time, Gu Chen had already stopped taking this matter to heart, and was still wantonly on the road.

It's really cool,

Gu Chen thought energetically.

But they forgot that this was a new car, and there was only a little oil in it, so when they found that the system showed that the amount of fuel was insufficient, it was too late, and watched the car gradually slow down.

The two were immediately stunned, looked at each other, and Gu Chen coughed a little embarrassed.

"It is estimated that someone will have to send oil over now!" Gu

Chen's flush on his face gradually receded at this time, and the excitement in his heart slowly disappeared, and he said calmly.

At this time, Hamandan was the same, he was still in a bit of a trance.

After hearing Gu Chen's words, he was also stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Gu Chen, I didn't expect you to have such a side!"

After Gu Chen glanced white, he pulled over and stopped.

Looking at the endless mountains and wilderness around me, I suddenly felt comfortable.

Then I opened my phone and suddenly found a message popping up.

"Congratulations to the user for collecting a super car, and the current side quest has completed one-tenth of

the task! Seeing this, Gu Chen was stunned, calculated it, it should have been sent when he got on the car, he was in a high mood at the time, and did not notice.

The previous task page opens.

Main quest: Please strive to become the richest man in the country, current ranking: 15th.

Side Quest: Top 10 Famous Car Collector Title: 1/10.

Watching his ranking advance so much, jumping from a hundred to fifteen, is very comfortable.

I guessed in my heart that this should be caused by my layout during this period and the increase in industry.

If you wait for the release of new energy vehicles, it is estimated that you will soon become the richest man, right?

At this time, the supercar that Gu Chen had surpassed before also drove over slowly.

Looking at Gu Chen, he slowly stopped.

At this time, Xiao Feng looked at the cool sports car on the side of the road, his eyes suddenly fiery, and he stopped directly next to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen woke up instantly.

"Hey, buddy, your car is too cool, right?" At

this time, Xiao Feng took the lead in envying Gu Chen.

"Brother, you are not bad!"

Gu Chen replied with a smile.

"Eh?" Hearing

Gu Chen say, Xiao Feng was suddenly a little happy in his heart.

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