Dude, your car is new, right?" asked Xiao Feng with a smile.

"That's right, just arrived today, it's inconvenient to come here and run two laps.

Gu Chen did not put up any shelves at this time, and said kindly.

"By the way, buddy, is there any spare oil in the car? I was so excited that I forgot to look at the fuel gauge!

Gu Chen glanced at the other party's car, generally supercars are oil tigers, and most of the carriages have spare oil.

"This way!" Only

then did Xiao Feng react, why did the other party stop here, it turned out to be out of oil.

Then he smiled and said: "Yes, I see that the buddies love cars, I was the same before, a little oil is nothing, and it is worth seeing such a supercar today!" Then

he got out of the car and took out a bucket of spare gasoline from the trunk and sent it directly to Gu Chen.

"Buddy, thank you, my name is Gu Chen!" Gu Chen then thanked with a smile.

"My name is Nan Feng, everyone is a car friend, who has not encountered a problem outside!" Nan

Feng was very excited to watch Gu Chen's super car at this time, and said without care.

The two chatted a few more words and then dispersed, but after adding contact information, Gu Chen still felt a little good about him, thinking of returning this favor in the future.

The last way back was Hamandan driving, which excited him for a long time, and he almost agreed with him.

At this time, Euler was very anxious in the warehouse, looking at the road from time to time.

The unique engine sound of Renhuan Super Car sounded, and he quickly ran out, and saw that it was Gu Chen who returned.

"Mr. Gu, you can be considered to be back!"

Euler suddenly showed a smile.

"Haha, Mr. Euler I'm sorry, I was so excited just now.

Then Gu Chen saw a worried Euler and apologized with a smile.

"Mr. Gu is polite!" where

did Euler dare to do so, he quickly waved his hand.

"By the way, I wonder if there is anything else going on with Mr

. Euler?" then Gu Chen looked at Euler and asked in a good mood.

"Mr. Gu, please!" Euler quickly invited.

So he took Gu Chen to an office.

Then Euler made a cross-border phone directly, talked in a low voice, and then looked at Gu Chen: "Mr. Gu, our chairman asks you to answer the phone!"

and then handed it to Gu Chen.


Mr. Gu, I don't know how about the gift?"

asked Andriy, who was sitting in a foreign country at this time, smiling in the manor.

Thank you Mr. Andry for the gift!" Gu

Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth and said easily.

"It's good that Mr. Gu likes it, but how did Mr. Gu think about the cooperation?"

Andriy was also relieved to hear that Gu Chen was happy, and then he picked up his spirits and asked solemnly.

"Naturally, I am looking forward to cooperating with you!" Gu

Chen also nodded at this time, put away his mood, and said lightly.


was overjoyed, and then said that he had left the cooperation to Euler.

After the two chatted a few words, they returned it to Euler.

Looking at the other party for more than ten minutes.

"Mr. Gu, I am now fully responsible for the cooperation between Bosch and Longteng. Euler

was also a little excited, if he could complete the task, it would mean that he would go straight to the top.

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation!" said Gu Chen with a smile after congratulating himself.

"Thank you Mr. Gu, I think we will!" Euler

was full of pride at this time, looking at Gu Chen full of confidence.

After that, the two chatted for a long time.

To the end.

"Mr. Euler, I have another question.

Finally, Gu Chen sat on the chair and asked a question.

"Mr. Gu, please speak. Euler said immediately.

"Regarding this cooperation, last time I talked with Mr. Andry, it is about your machine tool, I think it is the latest model?"

Gu Chen looked at the other party's eyes and said seriously.


Euler was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Gu Chen would ask this question in the end, and he suddenly hesitated.

Is this question difficult for Mr. Euler to answer?" Seeing

the other party like this, Gu Chen's heart sank, and he knew that this matter was not so easy.

"Mr. Gu, about the machine tool, I think you should also know the current situation, so Mr. Andry means to give you the previous generation of machine tools, what do you think?

"Mr. Gu should know that our Bosch machine tools have always been the world's leading position, so even the previous generation of machine tools is first-class in the world!"

Seeing Gu Chen silent, Euler quickly explained.

Gu Chen also agreed in his heart when he heard this, of course he knew that what the other party said was true, but when talking about business, it is to sit on the ground and start the price, there are exchanges and exchanges!"

"Mr. Euler, does that mean that I will produce chips for you in the future?"


Euler's face changed greatly when he heard this, and he smiled sarcastically: "Mr. Gu said and laughed, the production of chips is naturally the latest generation!" "

Then why did Mr. Euler give me the previous generation of machine tools?"

Gu Chen said lightly after glancing at it.

Euler didn't know how to talk about it when he heard this.

"Mr. Gu wait a minute, I can't do anything about this, I have to report to Mr. Andriy!" Then

Euler said apologetically and went to call to report.

"What's wrong, Euler, are you done talking?"

Andriy's voice quickly rang out.

It turned out that he had been waiting before.

"Mr. Andry, I'm sorry! Euler heard the other party's anxious voice and did not dare to hesitate, and quickly reported.

"What? What impasse?"

Mr. Gu questioned the issue of machine tools. He asked us for the latest generation of machine tools!"

Euler said the problem.

Andriy on the other end of the phone was also silent at this time, and the sparse eyebrows sitting on the chair were tightly wrinkled, obviously there was also a great trick about this matter.

After all, the matter of targeting China is the default treaty of the whole world, if Gu Chen did not have the chip he needed the most, how could he risk so much to do this kind of thing?

Not to mention the latest generation of machine tools, so he is very difficult to deal with this request!

"Sir, sir?" Euler

called Andry because he was silent for a long time.

In this way, you tell Mr. Gu that the latest generation of machine tools is impossible, but I can increase the number of machine tools! Andry

finally thought of a way, the latest generation is impossible to sell, can only retreat, quantity in exchange for Gu Chen's consent.

After all, they have already sold the previous generation of machine tools, so the quantity is not so important.

"Yes, sir, I'll talk!" said Euler, who nodded.

Then he walked towards Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, our husband said, the latest generation of machine tools cannot be sold, otherwise he cannot afford the huge price. Gu

Chen's heart sank when he heard this.

"But Mr. Andry is sorry, so I can adjust the number of machine tools of the previous generation and sell more to Mr

. Gu!" Seeing Gu Chen's expression, Euler quickly explained.

You must know that this cooperation is related to their future direction, and naturally they do not want to talk about collapse.

Gu Chen's face was a little better when he heard this.

But I am a little happy in my heart, capitalism is extremely tight for the blockade of China, and now he has opened a small channel, which is a huge benefit for him and the countries behind him.

"Okay, but I need five thousand units a year!" Gu

Chen thought for a moment before saying his request.

Euler was directly stupid when he heard this, and looked at Gu Chen in disbelief.

Then he quickly shook his head: "Mr. Gu is not wrong, right, at most eight hundred!" He

did not expect that this Mr. Gu was also the lord of the black heart, and it directly doubled tenfold at first.

That's right, the original condition was five hundred units a year.


thousand!" "One thousand

!" "Three

thousand five?" "One thousand five

!" "Deal!" Gu

Chen looked at the other party and seemed to be the bottom line, and directly agreed.

There was also a smile on his face.

Euler also wiped the cold sweat on the top of his head at this time, and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he asked the lawyer to draft a contract, and Gu Chen read it again and agreed. However, it was not signed immediately.

"Mr. Euler, then we will officially sign a cooperative relationship tomorrow?"

said Gu Chen with a smile at this time.

"No problem, Mr. Gu!"

Euler naturally agreed.

So Gu Chen and Hamandan left.

Needless to say, everywhere you go is the focus of the audience.

Tens of meters in front and behind, no car dared to approach.

Then Gu Chen stopped blowing up the street and drove back directly, of course, Gu Chen installed another hand in the doorman.

The next day, witnessed by lawyers from both sides, Gu Chen and Euler formally signed the contract.

"Mr. Gu, I want to ask, when can your chip go?" After

that, Euler finally relaxed and asked with a smile.

"You can go now!"

Gu Chen was also in a good mood at this time, and replied with a smile.


was overjoyed when he heard this: "Mr. Gu, rest assured, our cargo ship will also set off today, and it will arrive in about half a month!" Gu

Chen nodded, and then ordered the assistant to go down and order, the cargo ship is naturally under his own flag.

At this time, Longteng Group broke the blockade of the United States for the first time, and has a branch in the Middle East, and this time to Europe will naturally establish a branch and slowly radiate all over the world.

Academician Chen, on the other hand, got the news early in the morning.

"Mr. Gu, I heard that a cooperation agreement has been signed with Bosch?"

asked Academician Chen eagerly.

"Haha, it seems that Academician Chen's news is quite well-informed!" Gu Chen

teased and readily agreed: "That's right, we signed the contract a few hours ago.

"Really, that about machine tools?"

Mr. Gu, I sincerely thank you this time!

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