"Mr. Gu, I have already investigated the several textile factories you want me to investigate, two of them have a good business, they are all technologies synthesized by means of science and technology at a huge cost, and three are customized for others, as for the last one, they seem to be old-fashioned workshops that have been passed down for many years, all of them use pure natural technology to weave fabric, but now some of the technologies are outdated and are on the verge of bankruptcy!"

The assistant came to Gu Chen and reported.

You help me make an appointment with their boss, I want to meet them!" Gu Chen heard this, nodded, and ordered the assistant.

"Yes!" The

next day, Gu Chen, led by his assistant, came to a factory in a neighboring city.

"Mr. Gu, I have already said to the owner of this textile factory to meet today, this is the information, you can take a look!" The

assistant turned his head and handed a document to Gu Chen.

After Gu Chen took it, he looked over at a glance and found that the owner of this textile factory turned out to be a woman with a double decade.

Slightly curious, he turned over to see the reason for the ruin of their factory, and suddenly the corners of his mouth twitched.

Without him, Bloody.

It turned out to be the richest disciple in the local area, and when he saw the factory director at a certain time, he was immediately shocked, and then began a crazy pursuit.

But this factory director is also a high-minded lord, and he is very disdainful of this gentleman.

Suddenly, this disciple directly suppressed the woman's textile factory.

Originally, this textile factory still had many old customers, barely getting by.

But after the son of the richest man, he directly built a textile factory and robbed those old customers.

"Ahem, when I investigated Mr. Gu, I also felt a sense of déjà vu of reading a novel, but that textile factory definitely meets your requirements, has rich experience in traditional textile technology, and the difficulties they are facing now, it is the best time to acquire!"

Seeing Gu Chen's expression, the assistant immediately touched his nose in embarrassment and quickly explained.

"Let's take a look first!" Gu

Chen glanced at it and said lightly, then looked out the window.

The assistant immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then did not dare to disturb Gu Chen.

All the way without words.

The driver followed the instructions of the assistant and parked gently in a medium-sized factory.

"President Gu, we have arrived!" the assistant suddenly turned around and reminded.

"Hmm!" Gu

Chen didn't talk nonsense, and walked directly over.

Suddenly, I found that there was also a textile factory next to it, several times the size of this one, and I understood it after thinking about it.

This should be the one opened by the disciple of the family, which suppressed the Zhixia Textile Factory.

Zhixia Textile Factory is the name of the factory that Gu Chen wants to buy.

Then the assistant made a call and came to Gu Chen's side.

"President Gu, I have notified the other party, and the other party will come over immediately. The assistant explained.

Then he saw Gu Chen looking at the gaze next to him, and thought for a while: "President Gu, this should be the textile factory that bankrupted the Zhixia Textile Factory."

Gu Chen nodded, thoughtfully.

"Check this guy's background for me!"

This is no pressure on him, after all, as Gu Chen's assistant, every word and deed represents Gu Chen, and many people in the outside world will give him a face.

A few minutes later, several people came out of the gate.

"Assistant Xu!"

was led by a young woman, I saw that her skin was like coagulation, three-foot hair, sorghum nose, cherry mouth, and the whole person gave people an intellectual beauty.

"President Xia, this is my boss Gu Chen.

At this time, the assistant hurriedly introduced.

Xia Ning turned his head and looked, a handsome and elegant man was looking at him, and suddenly he frowned, feeling that Gu Chen's body was so powerful.

"Hello Mr. Gu!"

but she still politely stretched out Qianqianyu's hand and smiled.

"Hello, President Xia!" Gu Chen smiled gently, and quickly separated with a gentle squeeze.

Then, accompanied by Xia Ning, everyone walked directly into the textile factory.

Come to the office.

"President Xia, I believe you should know our intentions, right?" asked Gu Chen directly after sitting down.

"Hmm!" A complicated look suddenly flashed in Xia Ning's eyes when he heard this, and then he nodded.

"In this case, I won't talk nonsense, I will directly buy at a price ten percent higher than the market, and I want everything about the factory!"

Xia Ning didn't speak for a while when he heard this, and Gu Chen took the teacup and took a sip, without urging.

"Okay, I agreed!"

Then Xia Ning's face flashed with hesitation, and finally agreed.

At this time, the assistant took out a document from his handbag and handed it to Xia Ning.

Ling Xia Ning was stunned, and he looked at Gu Chen with some surprise, and the latter's expression did not change.

"Does he know I'll sell?" after

thinking about it, he took it.

She glanced at the table a little surprised, because the contract was too good for her acquisition.

At the same time, he was very curious about Gu Chen in his heart, what kind of identity was he not afraid of suppression?; Wei Xuan!

You must know that their richest son in Yun City personally suppressed her, otherwise how could she sell her ancestral property, if she didn't want to know that Xia fell into the hands of the other party, she would not sell it to people in other cities.

Suppressing the thousand worries in her heart, she shook and finally breathed a sigh of relief and signed her name.

She had known that there would be today, so she packed her things early, signed and took her things and planned to leave.

"Wait!" At

this time, Gu Chen finally made a move.

"I wonder if Xia is always interested in staying and continuing to work?" Seeing

the other party's puzzled expression, Gu Chen said with a smile.

Xia Ning was stunned, she saw Gu Chen's smile for the first time, and the sadness in her heart was washed away a little, only "Wow, this Gu is so handsome!" But

she was not a flower idiot and quickly came back to her senses and said with a wry smile: "No, if I were still here, it is estimated that the person would not easily let go here!" Although she was a

little moved, she still refused reasonably, because she didn't want to be bankrupt because of her.

"Haha, Miss Xia, please rest assured, as long as you want to continue to stay here and work, I will solve that person.

Gu Chen laughed loudly when he heard this, and said very confidently.

Xia Ning raised her eyebrows when she heard this, and looked at Gu Chen with some curiosity, she didn't know what background Gu Chen had, and she was not afraid of the other party.


So she was a little hesitant, after all, she has been obsessed with it since she was a child, she likes to make fabric fabrics when she was a child, and she is still the main technician of Zhixia at present.

"Don't worry, even if that wants to find trouble, then it depends on whether he has this ability!" Gu

Chen also valued her experience and skills, so he would keep it like this.

"Well... Okay!" Xia

Ning heard this and immediately agreed.

Because she doesn't know where else to go after leaving here.

"Okay, Miss Xia turned out to be what position it was now, but I'll send a few treasurers over!" Gu

Chen nodded when he heard this.

"Good!" Xia Ning was a little surprised, I don't know why Gu Chen believed him so much, and let her hold the power as soon as he came up.

The next thing was to hold the company's personnel meeting, and Xia Ning took Gu Chen to the front desk of the hall and looked at the crowd.

"Everyone, starting today, Zhixia Textile Factory has changed owners, and presumably some of you should also know.

Xia Ning stood on the rostrum, looking at the workers and managers in the audience, two or three hundred people.

"That's right, it's this Gu Chen Gu next to me. He introduced with his right hand.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were staring at Gu Chen in unison.

"Hello everyone!" Gu

Chen stepped forward, smiling, and looked at the employee below who saw him for the first time.

"My name is Gu Chen, I will be your boss in the future!

"Mr. Gu!" suddenly

everyone shouted in unison.

Gu Chen nodded, and then announced his dissolution after talking for half an hour.

Back in Xia Ning's office, before sitting down, a woman walked in.

"President Gu, President Xia, Wei Shao is here outside!" said the woman with a very anxious face.

"What?" Hearing

this, Xia Ning's face also changed, and he couldn't help but turn his head to look at Gu Chen.

"It's the one next door who suppressed Zhixia!" asked Gu Chen lightly.

Xia Ning nodded with a complicated face.

"Go! will he go!" Gu

Chen was interested, so he walked out first.

Xia Ning's mouth opened, and then he followed in.

At this time, at the gate of the textile factory, a man wearing blue trousers and a pink shirt was standing there impatiently, and the doorman next to him stood aside with a smile, forming a sharp contrast.

Not long after, just when the sullen man wanted to break in, there was a movement next to him.

Gu Chen and several people walked out.

The sullen man frowned when he saw Gu Chen, a little puzzled.

He had never seen Gu Chen, and he was very strange.

Suddenly, after seeing Xia Ning behind him, a flash of fire flashed in his eyes, and then he said with a smile: "President Xia, you have finally come out."

Xia Ning glanced at it in disgust and hid behind Gu Chen.

"This is?" said the sullen man with a sudden narrowing of his eyes, his voice sinking, giving a dangerous look.

"You are Wei Xuan who suppressed my factory?"

Gu Chen asked lightly without any waves in his heart, without the slightest emotion for his actions.

The flat eyes made the sullen man pause, and he took a step back with some fear, and his heart was shocked.

Why does it give me a great sense of oppression, even my father does not have this momentum. "

The aura is such a thing, very mysterious, you can't see or touch, but you can clearly feel it.

Just like Wei Xuan now, he could clearly feel that the front of him gave him a sense of soul oppression, which made him very uncomfortable, and he had a feeling of wanting to surrender.

"Who are you?"

he reacted suddenly, trying to think that Yun City didn't seem to have Gu Chen, and remembered his performance just now, and suddenly became angry.

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