"Wei Xuan, this is the new boss of Zhixia Textile Factory, Gu Chen!"

At this time, Xia Ning introduced in a cold voice.


Wei Xuan was furious when he heard this, as if he had been picked up by someone, and looked at Gu Chen with a sneer and cruelty.

In his heart, he has long regarded Zhixia as his own thing, and he spent a huge price to finally get Zhixia to this point, originally thought that he would get both stolen money, but he didn't expect to kill Cheng to bite the gold halfway and grab food in his mouth.

"Boy, did anyone tell you to investigate which people you can't afford to offend before doing things!" Wei Xuan suddenly gritted his teeth and said coldly.

"Oh, are you talking about you?" Gu Chen looked at the other party like a fool when he heard this.

"You are looking for death!" Wei

Xuan had suffered this grievance since he was a child, and he suddenly became furious.

However, seeing that there were so many people on the other side, and he was the only one himself, he quickly stopped and glared at Gu Chen fiercely.

"You wait for me!" said

a cruel word and planned to leave.

"Did I let you go?" said Gu Chen slowly at this time.

Saw Wei Xuan turn around.

"You suppressed my factory before, naturally this matter can't be just settled!"


Wei Xuan laughed angrily: "Oh, what do you want?" Gu

Chen thought for a while, and glanced at the factory next to him: "Just pay me this factory you opened!"


Wei Xuan was very angry at this time, his hands clasped together, his nails fiercely embedded into the flesh, and his knuckles were faintly white.

"Boy, you have a kind!" said pointing at Gu Chen through gritted teeth.

After speaking, it seemed to remember Gu Chen's appearance in his heart, and then turned away without hesitation.

As the other party left, Xia Ning and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief, they were afraid that the son of the richest man would make a move, but they could also be regarded as having seen the means of this boss, and they were really angry.

"President Gu, this..."

Xia Ning asked with some concern.

You must know that in Yun City, his father Wei Cheng is a big man who covers the sky with one hand.

"Don't worry, I will solve this matter! A young man is not a concern!" She

wanted to remind Gu Chen, but Gu Chen didn't pay attention to it at all.

"Okay, I'll solve this matter for you!" Seeing

Xia Ning and the others' still somewhat worried expressions, Gu Chen knew that Wei Xuan probably left a deep memory in their hearts, and if they wanted to eliminate it, they had to let them see their strength.

"Xiao Yan, this matter will be left to you, I hope I will see him come over and apologize before I leave work today!"

Gu Chen glanced at the assistant on the side and ordered lightly.

These little things don't require him to shoot.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, I'll solve it right away!" Then

the assistant left with Xia Ning's surprised eyes.

"Could it be that this General Gu is really very powerful, stronger than the richest man in Yun City?"

Xia Ning's mouth opened slightly at this time, and he thought with some surprise.

"By the way, you first report to me the current situation in the factory!" Gu

Chen glanced at Xia Ning, who looked very cute but a little silly, and then walked inside, slowly saying.

Although he had learned a lot from the news before, the director's personal report was naturally much more detailed.

The flowers bloomed twice, and Wei Xuan, who left here at this time, had a distorted face, driving on the highway, slapped the steering wheel fiercely, and the car he drove swayed left and right like a drunk driver.

"Damn it, I must make you kneel in front of me!" Wei Xuan was furious in his heart.

Finally, he turned the steering wheel sharply, directly changed a lane, and stopped on the side of the road, startling the owner behind him.

"Silly X, how did Nima drive!

Then he was a little angry, watching a very troubled young man get out of the car with a gloomy face, and then look at the other party's car and license plate, and suddenly stopped in his mouth, and directly stepped on the accelerator and left here quickly.

Knowing that he is someone he can't afford to mess with, he has long passed his childish age, and if he doesn't leave, he is estimated to be unlucky.

Wei Xuan looked at the distant car and kicked the wheel twice angrily.

Then he pulled out his phone and made a call.

"Hey, Brother Xuan, is there something wrong?" suddenly

came a flattering voice.

If he was usually very happy, but now he directly scolded: "Rat, believe it or not, I really made you a dead rat!

I didn't dare to be angry at all, but I smiled a little: "Brother Xuan, how is it possible?

"This... Brother Xuan, I'll go and inquire first! Don't worry!" When the rat heard this, his heart trembled, and he quickly assured.

"Check out the new boss for me, I'm going to kill him!" Wei Xuan calmed his mood for a moment, and then ordered.

Hearing Wei Xuan's gloomy voice, his eyelids jumped wildly, and he quickly assured: "Don't worry, Brother Huang, I'll ask right away!" Then he

heard the beep from his mobile phone, and he was immediately full of curiosity about comforting Zhixia's new boss, who gave him the courage to make this young man angry like this.

After hanging up the phone, Wei Xuan thought about it and continued to call.

"Hey, Captain Xiang, is it

me?" "Well, Wei Shao, what's the matter?" "

Let me check on the Xia Textile Factory, I won't be able to drive him!" said Wei Xuan grimly.

"Okay!" Xiang

Captain heard this a little strange, you must know that Zhixia Textile Factory said that it was not allowed to investigate

, but when he heard Wei Xuan's voice, he knew that the other party was probably angry now, and did not ask.

His top boss is Wei Xuan's uncle, so he will listen to the other party in many things.

"Xia Ning, since you'd rather sell to outsiders than sell to me, then I'll destroy you!"

said Wei Xuan a little crazy at this time.

But before that, he had to deal with Gu Chen first.

Thinking of this, he directly called a few gangsters and then went straight to the Zhixia Textile Factory, he wanted to teach Gu Chen a hard lesson.

At this time, Gu Chen's assistant also went to visit the local parent official.

And the local parent officials, who heard that it was the assistant chairman of the legendary Longteng Group, came to Yunshi and warmly received the assistant.

"I wonder if Assistant Xu came to my Cloud City for something?"

a middle-aged man asked Assistant Xiang with a smile at this time.

"On behalf of President Gu, I came to meet the leaders of Fang.

The assistant was also very polite, he knew that if it weren't for Gu Chen's name, people wouldn't call herself, so she naturally didn't put up any shelves.

"Oh, is

Mr. Gu also coming to Yun City?" Hearing this, the leader of Yun City suddenly came to his senses and asked very positively;

"Yes, Mr. Gu is inspecting the company and can't come in person, so he asked me to express my deep apologies to Leader Fang."

"Assistant Xu is polite, Mr. Gu is busy with work, so don't disturb him!" This

place is very close to Huahai, so his news is also very sensitive, he knows that this Mr. Gu has a very strong background, even the leadership circle of Huahai City knows this famous Mr. Gu, he naturally does not dare to snub.

However, he also knows that the other party just said it well, he is an ordinary municipal leader, where will people remember him.

"I don't know what happened to Assistant Xu?" He

is also a human spirit who knows that the other party is looking for him, it is estimated that he has encountered something, and he doesn't mind helping him.

"I really can't hide Leader Fang's witty insight!"

Assistant Xu said a kind word with a smile, and then said the whole thing that happened before.

Leader Ling Fang was stunned, and the expression on his face was very rich in a short time.

He didn't expect that Mr. Gu actually bought a textile factory from him, which made him ecstatic.

Then he heard that someone was asking him for trouble, which startled him and he was very angry.

If that Mr. Gu mentioned it to his superiors in the future, then he would be speechless.

Finally, when he heard that the other party was the Wei family, he hesitated again, and then he was even more happy.

You must know that the Wei family's strength in Yun City is greater than him, and the real soil emperor makes him very unhappy.

Before, he didn't grab the other party's little feet, but now he killed two birds with one stone, and let that Mr. Gu owe his favor.

"Assistant Xu rest assured, I didn't expect that this kind of thing would occur under my rule, please rest assured, Mr. Gu, I will definitely give him an explanation!" Leader Fang directly assured.

"Okay, then I'll thank Mr. Gu for the leader!" Assistant Xu said with a smile.

Finally, sending the other party away politely, Leader Fang asked the secretary to invite Wei Cheng, the head of the Wei family, over.

An hour later, Wei Cheng arrived at Leader Fang's office, where he was still dealing with things in the company, when he suddenly received a call that Leader Fang wanted to see him, which made him strange.

You must know that the other party has always wanted to deal with himself, but he did not let him seize a chance, and now he suddenly wants to see himself, how to look at it is a little strange, but he can't miss it.

"I wonder if Leader Fang is looking for me?" asked Wei Cheng with some curiosity.

"Haha, President Wei has been dealing with official business before, so I'm really sorry to see President Wei for so long!"

said Leader Fang very politely at this time.

"Leader Fang said and smiled, I Yun City has a leader Fang to lead, naturally it is smooth sailing!" Although

he didn't know what medicine was sold in the other party's gourd, Wei Cheng still smiled and praised.

"Haha, President Wei is worthy of being a big entrepreneur in my Yun City!" Leader

Fang immediately smiled and extended his thumb when he heard this.

"Is there something going on with Leader Fang?"

Wei Cheng thought about it and asked anyway

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