"This matter is a bit complicated!" Leader

Fang looked at Wei Cheng with faint sympathy at this time.

"Well, although Leader Fang said!" a

bad thought arose in Wei Cheng's mind, but he was still silent on the surface.

"Well, since President Wei is so good, then I won't hide it, I wonder if President Wei has ever heard of Huahai's Longteng Group?"

said Leader Fang after moistening his throat.

"Naturally!" Although

he didn't know why Leader Fang said this again, he still nodded, and a flash of eagerness flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, Long Teng's size was far from what his small earth snake could compare.

"President Wei, that Mr. Gu of the Longteng Group is inspecting our Yun City at this time!"

"What?" Hearing

this, Mr. Wei was stunned, and then he was happy, if he could talk to the other party, wouldn't it be a skyrocket?

But what he wondered was that he had been unable to deal with this leader Fang before, and now why was he so kind to tell himself the news.

"Yes, Mr. Wei, speaking of which, that Mr. Gu has also dealt with you!" Seeing

the other party's puzzled look, Leader Fang continued: "President Wei's son is really daring, he dares to threaten that Mr. Gu, I really don't know if it is Mr. Wei's order?"

"What does Leader Fang mean

?" "Doesn't President Wei know?" asked Leader Fang in bewilderment.

But his heart was very comfortable, when did this old fox have such a discoloring look.

Leader Fang said and smiled, the old man really didn't know what happened, and asked Leader Fang to tell the truth. Wei

Cheng was panicked in his heart at this time, his face was fickle, and Yang Zi reacted when he saw that the other party was not crowded at all, and his attitude was immediately very sincere.

When Leader Fang saw this, it was like drinking a sip of iced watermelon on a three-volt day, and his whole body was completely cold.

So I told the story of the previous incident.

Hearing this, Wei Cheng's face turned pale and his face showed sweat, and he did not doubt the other party's authenticity at all, because there was no need.

"This rebel..."

at this time, Wei Cheng suddenly roared in seven points of fright and three points of anger.

At this time, he really didn't know what to do

, because his relationship could not find the other party's head, just when he was anxious, he was stunned after seeing Leader Fang's unhurried expression.

The Wei family is grateful!" At

this time, he didn't know what he meant, obviously the other party had already taken a countermeasure.

"Mr. Wei said and laughed, this matter is very difficult, you must know that that person is not what you want to see!"

Leader Fang was very satisfied with the other party's reaction, and still said unhurriedly.

Finally, after the other party promised many benefits, the leader agreed and told him the solution.

"President Wei, this matter is because of your son, and naturally it needs your son to end it. Leader

Fang then explained all the solutions to the matter.

Hearing this, Wei Cheng nodded repeatedly.

"Thank you Leader Fang for your guidance, my Wei family personally thanked after this time!" and

then Wei Cheng left in a hurry.

At this time, Zhixia Textile Factory, Assistant Xu returned to report to Gu Chen with the official guarantee of Yun City.

Gu Chen nodded to indicate that he understood.

Afterwards, Xia Ning took a complete tour of the factory, especially the research department, which really made Gu Chen very satisfied! Xia Ning

even spent a lot of money to invite several experts over, which made Gu Chen very confident in developing the fabric he won by the lottery.

Just when he was leaving work, when Gu Chen was about to go back to the only five-star hotel in Yun City, a shout came over.

"What's going on?"

Xia Ning did the same, and instructed the assistant to inquire.

It didn't take long for Xia Ning's assistant to return, his face still a little ugly.

"President Gu, President Xia, it's a member of the law enforcement team, they said that they received a report of our factory violations!"

"What?" Xia

Ning understood when he heard it, his face was very ugly, what kind of violation, it was that Wei Xuan's revenge came.

Then she looked at Gu Chen with a cautious face, wanting to see how he solved it.

"Let them investigate!" Gu Chen did not pay attention to it at all, and ordered lightly.

At this time, outside the Zhixia textile factory.

Under a large tree, several young people saw people from the Law Enforcement Office investigating at the Zhixia Textile Factory.

"Wei Shao, haha, this time Zhixia should be in trouble!" At this time

, a young man with a very strong eye asked Wei Xuan for merit.

"Hmph, this is just the beginning!" Wei

Xuan suddenly flashed a flash of pride, and Sui Ou remembered something very cruel.

Suddenly, his mobile phone rang, which stood out under the quiet tree.

Wei Xuan opened it and looked at it, and was immediately taken aback.

"You guys stare first!"

said a word, walked into the distance, and picked up.

"Dad..." "

Where are you bastards now?" Before

he could finish speaking, a roar came from the other end of the phone, which made Wei Xuan stunned.

"I'm outside!"

he replied honestly, even though he didn't know why his dad was so angry.

Growing up, he was afraid of his father.

"Are you looking for trouble with the Zhixia Textile Factory?"

said Wei Cheng as he just came out of the city building at this time, sitting in the classic car and gritting his teeth.


this time, Wei Xuan was a little surprised, usually he didn't care why his father suddenly knew what he was doing, but he was interrupted this time.

Did you offend a young man before?" Hearing

this, Wei Xuan was a little stunned, he didn't expect that Gu Chen could find his father, no wonder he was so arrogant.

You rebel, do you know that my Wei family was almost dragged into the abyss by you!"

Wei Cheng cursed all the time.

After knowing Wei Xuan's location and instructing him not to act rashly, he hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, a classic car parked safely next to Wei Xuan's luxury car, and he still knew his son's car.

After Wei Cheng came down, he saw that his son was surrounded by several young people, who still did not know his son's plans, and suddenly turned pale with fear, fortunately he rushed over, otherwise the consequences could not be believed.


Wei Xuan exclaimed honestly.

"Snap!" was

met with a loud slap.

Wei Xuan suddenly looked at his old father incredulously.

"You guys me at once.

Wei Cheng frowned and said in a low voice to the few people behind his son.

Several people did not dare to put one, and immediately ran away from here, and today they were also shocked.

Who told you to interact with them!" Then

Wei Cheng stood on the street, severely disciplined Wei Xuan, and then told him what had happened.

After listening to it, Wei Xuan was also dumbfounded, he didn't expect that the person he casually met offended was that his old son couldn't afford to provoke.

He has naturally heard of it, rising rapidly in just half a year, fiercely killing the sky with an unstoppable momentum when the domestic market is full, and ascending to the leading position in the electronics industry.

It is said that the chairman of this group has a deep background and a mysterious origin.

"Dad, I... I don't know!" said Wei Xuan as he swallowed his saliva and turned pale.

"Hmph, when this matter is over, you will send me abroad for further study, and then don't blame me for ruining you!"

said Wei Cheng with hatred that iron is not steel.

Wei Xuan naturally did not dare to refute.

At this time, Wei Cheng saw Wei Xuan like this, and he had nothing to say.

He has been busy with company affairs since he was a child, resulting in his son being like this, and he himself has a lot of responsibilities, and his face is gentle when he thinks of this.

Suddenly, when he turned his head, he saw several cars of the law enforcement team diagonally opposite, and he was suddenly stunned, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Is it the Zhixia Textile Factory?" asked Wei Cheng as he pointed to the opposite side and looked at Wei Xuan.

Wei Xuan was also stunned at this time, and he forgot to call the other party over.

"You rebel!" Seeing

that the other party did not speak, Wei Cheng's little guilt in his heart disappeared in an instant, and his face suddenly turned very livid.

Then he strode over, and the butler followed, and Wei Xuan was stunned.

"From now on, everything in your factory will stop me!" Before

Wei Cheng reached the door, he faintly heard the other party's voice coming, and he secretly shouted in his heart.

Hurriedly looked, sure enough, it was someone he was familiar with, a captain under his brother-in-law, why the other party was here, he didn't have to think about it, he knew what was going on.

"What a great official to the captain!"

he suddenly shouted loudly.

When the law enforcement team heard someone mocking him, he suddenly wanted to turn his head and curse, and when he saw that it was Wei Cheng, his face suddenly changed.

"President Wei, why are you here?"

said Captain Xiang with a smile as he immediately trotted over.

"Captain Xiang, I wonder why you are here?" asked Wei Cheng directly after glancing at it.

"Mr. Wei, didn't you receive a report from someone that this textile factory violated the quality standards, which is inconvenient.

"Who told you that this house violated the law, how did I not know, and besides, is that how rogue law enforcement is enforced?" Xiang

Xiang wanted to behave well in front of Wei Cheng, but he didn't expect to be questioned by Wei Cheng for a while.


Captain Xiang was dumbfounded!

At this time, he saw Wei Xuan walking over with a dejected face, and without looking at him, he knew that it was not good.

At this time, several people from Zhixia Textile Factory also walked out, led by an imposing young man, which shocked Wei Cheng's heart, guessing that this should be the Mr. Gu.

So he hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Presumably this is Mr. Gu!"

Originally, he planned to go back to the hotel because he was already off work.

As for the people of the law enforcement team, he didn't pay attention to it at all, and he didn't expect to be stopped by a middle-aged man just after he went out.

Gu Chen looked up and saw a middle-aged man.

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