"You are?" Gu Chen had some doubts.

Suddenly found Wei Xuan before, and then carefully saw that the middle-aged man and Wei Xuan's eyebrows were somewhat similar, and understood.

"Under Wei Cheng, I came here specifically to apologize to Mr. Gu!" Sure enough, Wei Cheng introduced himself next.

"The rebel son has not come to apologize to Mr. Gu!" Then he turned his head to Wei Xuan and scolded in a deep voice.

Wei Xuan shrunk his neck when he heard this, and at this time, he had long lost his original aggressiveness.

"Gu, Mr. Gu, I didn't understand things before, I bumped into you, and please don't take it to heart." Lowered his head and apologized to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen didn't look at him, but left directly.

Wei Xuan didn't know what he meant, his face was confused, only Wei Cheng's heart suddenly stopped, and he suddenly followed Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu! Please wait! Hurry up and shout.

"Is there anything else going on with Mr. Wei?"

Gu Chen frowned, and replied indifferently.

Wei Cheng sweated coldly, he didn't expect this Mr. Gu to have such a big aura, but this was not the time to hesitate.

"Mr. Gu, this matter is the fault of the dog, and I also ask Mr. Gu to raise your noble hand and let go of a horse, my Wei family is grateful!" Gritting his teeth and saying with his face.

"Doing something wrong naturally costs you!"

Gu Chen looked at Wei Cheng indifferently, making him dare not look directly.

"Naturally! Please also Mr. Gu to speak clearly! Wei Cheng was overjoyed and hurriedly asked.

"I see this factory is good!"

Gu Chen glanced at the factory next to Zhixia and mentioned.

Wei Cheng immediately knew what he meant: "Please rest assured, Mr. Gu."

Gu Chen nodded and left directly.

Seeing this, Wei Cheng's mouth opened, not knowing what Mr. Gu meant.

"There is a debt and a master in this matter, and if President Xia forgives, everything is good to say!"

Then Gu Chen's voice floated from a distance, causing Wei Cheng to instantly realize.

Looking at the car that was far away, he quickly replied loudly: "Please rest assured, Mr. Gu!"

He understood Gu Chen's subliminal meaning.

It is to let the protagonist of this matter, Xia Ning, forgive this matter.

It didn't take long for Xia Ning to come out of the gate, she didn't know what happened before, and she was suddenly startled when she saw Wei Xuan.

Wei Cheng looked, what a woman in the city!

He only now knew why that Mr. Gu came back here, and he also knew that his own people only had to be so persistent.

"Presumably this is Miss Xia Ningxia! I'm Wei Cheng! Suddenly

said to Xia Ning with a smile.

"Ah! Wei...... President Wei, you... Hello you!

Xia Ning was immediately startled when she heard this, she only recognized Wei Chenglai now, wasn't this Wei Cheng, the richest man in their Cloud City?

"Miss Xia is polite, I came to make amends to Miss Xia on behalf of that rebel, all the things before were wrong with my Wei family, so Miss Xia doesn't remember the villain, and will definitely not disturb Miss Xia in the future!"

Wei Cheng immediately apologized.


Xia Ning was instantly stunned, what happened? Why would this big man apologize to me?

But when she saw Wei Cheng's half-bent look, it wasn't a joke.

"This, Mr. Wei is polite!" She quickly dodged a step and suddenly said nervously.

"Don't hurry up and apologize to Miss Xia!"

Wei Cheng directly turned his head and glared at Wei Xuan, who was stunned on the side, and scolded.

Wei Xuan reacted, glanced at Xia Ning with a complicated expression, and slowly said: "I did something wrong before, and I ask Miss Xia's forgiveness!"


Xia Ning's big eyes looked at the scene in front of him, not knowing what to do.

"Don't worry, Miss Xia! I will compensate Miss Xia for what the dog did before, and I only ask Miss Xia to forgive him.

Wei Cheng stood aside and continued.

At this time, he had already misunderstood that Xia Ning was the woman of my Mr. Gu, and naturally did not dare to have a trace of thought.

"Well... All right! As long as Wei Gongzi doesn't look for me again!"

Although she didn't know that the Wei family had such an attitude towards herself, she still thought about it and said so.

She guessed in her heart that this might have something to do with that Gu Zong.

"Miss Xia, please rest assured! The dogs won't bother you in the future. Wei Chengyixi assured directly.

In the end, Xia Ning chose to forgive Wei Xuan, and left separately, leaving only Captain Xiang and the others of the law enforcement team, who he had already understood at this time.

The owner of this Zhixia textile factory can't even afford to mess with the Wei family, but what is he doing now?

Immediately dumbfounded.

"Wei Xuan, I'll draft Uncle!"

Captain Xiang was about to cry at this time, and he had already scolded Wei Xuan as a dog in his heart.

Now you have solved the problem, but you have harmed him.

"Captain, I... Do we still check?

At this time, a team member came to the captain and whispered.

After the previous scene, they also knew that this factory was not something they offended.


After saying something to the captain immediately, he drove away alone.

Needless to say, he was taken away by the police as soon as he returned to the bureau, and he was directly stripped of this official uniform.

The next day, Gu Chen arrived at the textile factory early in the morning, but there was another person earlier than him.

"Mr. Gu, this is what President Wei told me to hand over to you!"

At this time, a man with the appearance of a butler stood at the gate, and after seeing Gu Chen, he immediately stepped forward respectfully and said.

At the same time, he handed over a file bag in his hand.

Gu Chen glanced at the assistant on the side, and the latter immediately took it willingly.

Gu Chen couldn't see it, and as expected, it was the transfer share certificate of the factory next door.

"Okay, go back and tell Mr. Wei, this matter is like this!"

Gu Chen closed the document, said a word, and strode in under the respectful gaze of the doorman.

"Mr. Gu is good!"

Along the way, after seeing Gu Chen, the employees all greeted politely.

Gu Chen nodded.

"By the way, after President Xia came, call her to my office!"

After a director's greeting, Gu Chen ordered.

"Yes!" The director immediately assured.

Looking at Gu Chen's back in his eyes was very respectful, because he was one of the people who saw Wei Cheng apologize yesterday, Wei Cheng! But they are the richest man in Yun City! With such a high status in his boss, he must also apologize, and it is not difficult to imagine how high the identity of this boss is.

He is full of fighting spirit at this time, and he must work hard seriously to attract the attention of his boss.

Finally, I went to work with passion.

Gu Chen didn't know that it caused an employee to work enthusiastically because of this.

At this time, he stood in Xia Ning's office and looked around, which had now become his office.

No way, only this one in the office is more in the past, which barely fits Gu Chen's identity.

It's small and a little old, but it still looks clean.

Half an hour later, there was a noise outside the door.


Xia Ning walked over quickly.

"Mr. Gu, are you looking for me?"

At this time, she looked at Gu Chen and asked.

Her eyes were full of curiosity, the more she thought about it last night, the more she felt that it was related to Gu Chen, no, the compensation given to her by the Wei family this morning had come, and the seven-figure arrival prompt made her startled.

"Hmm! Take a look at this first!

Gu Chen nodded, and then handed over the documents on the table.

Xia Ning opened it and looked at it, and suddenly Cherry's small mouth opened wide enough to stuff his fist.

"President Gu, this..."

That's right, it was the document sent by the Wei family before, and the factory next door was transferred free of charge.

"Well, now it's also mine over there, you can arrange to receive it later!"


Next, everyone in the factory knew that the factory next door also belonged to Zhixia, and there was a heated discussion and excitement.

Two days later, Xia Ning showed super leadership and solved the two factories in one without a single loophole.

High-level meetings.

Gu Chen, who was watching, nodded again and again, and sighed: "I found another talent!"

"Mr. Gu, you may not know that Mr. Xia was a famous design director in China before he inherited Zhixia Textile Factory!"

At this time, a material supervisor said with a smile.


As soon as these words came out, Gu Chen also looked at Xia Ning, who was a little embarrassed, in surprise.

He didn't know before, and the assistant didn't find out.

"I used to be a design director at Kinser." Seeing Gu Chen looking at him, Xia Ning replied in a low voice.

Gu Chen's heart suddenly moved, "Is there a garment factory in Yun City?" The

people below heard the words and talked a few words.

"Mr. Gu, there is no garment factory in Yunshi."

Although I didn't know what Gu Chen meant, someone still answered.

"In that case! I announced the establishment of a garment factory, and at the same time bought all the factories in the back and on the right! Minister Zhu is in charge of this matter! Guys, I'm going to set up a brand company that integrates everything from fabrics to clothing, and I hope you can work hard. When

Gu Chen heard this, he stood on the rostrum and said with great enthusiasm.

Suddenly stunned, and then there was a heated discussion, they didn't expect this Gu to have such great courage, especially Xia Ning's eyes flashed a different color at this time.

Everyone's mood is very high, after all, upgrading from a factory to a brand company, whether it is status or salary, is much better, they naturally agree with both hands.

There will be major personnel changes in the future, and I hope that everyone will actively and seriously work in the next work.

Subsequently, Gu Chen called his assistant to appoint a series of positions.

Xia Ning has no doubt that the company's general manager and design director needs her to be re-recruited.

Most of them are more or less improved.

Back in the office, Gu Chen was thinking about where to move the new company headquarters building, after all, this is really not on the table.

At this time, Xia Ning walked in.

"Mr. Xia, you came just right, where do you think the company's headquarters is located?"

Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"Huh? I think Yunshi can do this! After all, garment factories and textile factories are here, which can reduce transportation costs, and it is still very close to Huahai, and there is no high rent fee of Huahai.

Xia Ning thought for a moment when he heard this, and said slowly.


Gu Chen flashed a flash of appreciation, and Xia Ning's thoughts coincided with him.

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