"Good! I called you here this time to tell you something!

Gu Chen looked at Xia Ning with satisfaction.

"President Gu's order!" Xia Ning asked a little strangely and puzzled.

"About the textile industry, I heard that your family has been making fabrics for generations? I wonder how the technology of Xia Zong's workshop is?

Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"Yes, my family's textile technology has a history of hundreds of years, but due to the breakthrough of chemical technology and the decline of traditional industries, it has gradually not adapted to the times." Xia Ning said with some loss.

"President Xia, you can take a look at my information first!"

Gu Chen smiled mysteriously, the notebook on the table turned, and the display screen was facing Xia Ning.

Xia Ning looked at Gu Chen puzzled, not knowing what he meant, but his eyes still fell on the notebook.

She had been exposed to it since she was a child, and it didn't take long for her to be taken aback, and then looked at Gu Chen in disbelief.

That's right, this is the "breathing natural fabric" technology that Gu Chen obtained before.

"Gu... Mr. Gu, this..."

"Hmm! What do you think?

Gu Chen asked very indifferently.

"If this technology is true, then it will greatly improve the comfort of clothing, and it will absolutely shock the fabric industry!"

Xia Ning took a sharp breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said with a flushed face.

"I wonder if Xia always has the confidence to study it?"

Gu Chen naturally knew this, and the system had already explained everything.


Xia Ning was very happy when she heard this, but in the end she hesitated.


Seeing the other party's hesitation, Gu Chen was stunned and asked puzzled.

In his opinion, the other party should directly agree to ah.

"President Gu, although I can understand it, it will definitely be very difficult for me to study it myself!"

Xia Ning bit her lower lip and said with an embarrassed face.

Somewhat embarrassed.


Gu Chen suddenly froze, feelings you said so much before, all.

"But I know someone who can figure it out!" Xia Ning then quickly spoke.

"Who is it? Are we people in the factory?

"No, it's my dad! He has been working with textile fabrics all his life and has a wealth of experience and technology! He will definitely be able to study it! Xia Ning said quickly.

"Your dad?" Gu Chen was a little difficult, he guessed that people's families were passed down from generation to generation.

"Yes! But my dad is now retired at home, but he will be interested if he knows this information!

"Okay! I'll ask you for this! But before you can sign a contract.

After Gu Chen finished speaking, he handed over the contract in his hand, which he had just printed out before.

After reading it, Xia Ning did not hesitate at all, and signed his big words.

He immediately went to contact his father.

At this time, the assistant also happened to walk in.

"President Gu, I have already understood the general situation of Yun City! Because it is close to Huahai, the business here seems to be not as prosperous as other cities, but a little declined. "

Oh? What's going on?

Gu Chen asked curiously.

In his opinion, this should not be ah, it stands to reason that close to the most prosperous city, how can business be said to be more prosperous!

"That's right! Although Yunshi is close to Huahai, but the geographical environment here restricts the development of the other party, plus here is close to Huahai, the consumption level has risen sharply, compared to Huahai is only weaker, through sexual comparison, it is better to come here than to go to Huahai, so the economic development here is slow! The

assistant said, and Gu Chen suddenly realized that this was the case.

"So several buildings in the city center are also empty, Mr. Gu, these are a few buildings, you can take a look!"

The assistant handed the investigation to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen saw that a total of three buildings were empty, which showed that the economy of Cloud City was really incomparable to ordinary cities.

The three places are all in the city center, each with its own merits, and it is difficult to choose for a while.

"By the way, is there an Grandview Mall here?"

Gu Chen asked.


The assistant nodded, and then said the location of Grandview Plaza, one of the high-rise buildings was the closest, called Zifeng Building.

"That's it! See if you can buy it! Gu Chen said directly.

For him, renting something is too troublesome, it is better to buy it directly.

The assistant looked unsurprisingly, it was the Zifeng Building.


The assistant went down to arrange it.

At this time, after Xia Ning left Gu Chen's office, he went straight to his hometown for a hundred years.

The Xia family used to be a powerful party in Yun City, but in the end it fell down, but the hometown is a villa located halfway up the mountain, and its heritage can also be seen from here.


Xia Ning shouted directly after returning.

Although this place is also in Yun City, she has always lived in the urban area before, and she will only come back once during the holidays.

But since the incident with the Wei family, she has come back less, and she is naturally very happy to come back this time.

"Xiao Ning? What are you doing here? A

very kind middle-aged man was weeding in the front garden of the villa area at this time, looking casual, and after seeing the sound at the gate, he was also very surprised and happy.

"yes! Come back and see you!

Xia Ning said with a smile.

Father Xia also put down the tools in his hand at this time and came to Xia Ning's side.

"Good! More spirit! How do you have time to come here today?

After sitting down, Father Xia looked at Xia Ning carefully, with a smile.

"Naturally, something is looking for you,"

Xia Ning said after seeing his father's physical state.

"I knew you girl was okay, how could she come over! Go ahead! What's up? Father

Xia smiled fondly, took a sip of the tea on the coffee table, and said.

After that, Xia Ning roughly explained the previous matter.

"In short, now that I have sold the textile factory to President Gu, dad, you won't blame me!"

Xia Ning looked at her father nervously.

"What? Why didn't you tell me so much happened? Father

Xia was stunned for a moment, and then furious, he didn't expect that his daughter had been bullied to this point, he didn't know.

"Am I not afraid that you are worried?" Xia Ning's heart was very warm, but she still said delicately;

Like a white lotus swaying in the wind, it is dazzling.

"This..." Father

Xia was also stunned, yes! The other party was the Wei family, far from what he could offend, and suddenly sighed.

"Dad, don't you think I'm okay?"

Xia Ning suddenly got up and stood behind Father Xia, pinched his shoulders and said;

"Good! It's good to sell it! Now the fabric is the era of chemical technology, and the traditional fabric textile technology is also time to be eliminated! Father

Xia shook his head after hearing this, and said with a dejected expression.


Father Xia waved his hand, "Forget it, but this Gu always listened to you say so, the identity is definitely not simple, even the Wei family has to bow their heads and admit their mistakes!" He

was also a little curious about Gu Chen.

"Good! The Wei family also specially compensated me for one million.

Xia Ning said with a smile.

Thinking of that Gu Chen's figure, his expression turned slightly red.

"It was also a mistake when I specifically asked you to come back and take a look, since the textile factory is no longer there, then do whatever you want!"

Father Xia then also looked at Xia Ning with an apologetic expression;

If he didn't ask her to come back, it is estimated that his daughter has become a famous designer now.

"Dad, it's okay! That Mr. Gu, he has hired me as the general manager of the company and also the design director!

Looking at Father Xia's puzzled expression, Xia Ning explained with a smile: "By the way, Dad, I forgot to tell you, that General Manager Gu has already created a company, which is a brand company. Father

Xia was immediately surprised when he heard this.

I didn't expect that President Gu was so bold, and he suddenly had a bad premonition, looking at his daughter like that, is he a rich second generation who wants to chase his daughter?

"Isn't that Gu always very young?"

He asked suddenly.

Xia Ning was stunned: "Yes!" That President Gu looked very young, but the aura on his body was very powerful! Seeing

her father's expression, she immediately reacted: "Dad, you think too much!" That Gu is not an ordinary person. He

immediately looked at his father angrily.

Father Xia coughed tactically.

"Actually, I mean to find you this time!" Xia Ning said with a smile.

"Oh? What are you looking for me for? Could it be that you want to invite me out of the mountain?

"Oh, Dad, how do you know?"

Hearing this, Father Xia was stunned, is it really?

"Dad, this is my proposal." Seeing that his father wanted to refuse, Xia Ning quickly blocked the road.

"Huh? Your proposal? Father

Xia was very puzzled when he heard this.

"Dad, that President Gu took out a technique, you must be interested?"

Xia Ning's eyes smiled and said.

"Oh? Tell me, what technology? "

Nature is the new fabric technology, made with traditional craftsmanship."


Father Xia was really surprised when he heard this, stood up directly, and turned his head to look at his precious daughter.

"Good! It's the new fabric making technology, how about it? Is Dad interested?

Xia Ning was very satisfied with her father's reaction.

"You read that right?"

Father Xia still looked disbelieving.

"If I see it wrong, won't I embarrass you, I also grew up under your ears." Xia Ning said with a confident look.

After a long time, Father Xia believed Xia Ning's words, and there was no need to say more.

So when he heard his father's promise, Xia Ning was also relieved and stayed at home for one night.

I went to the company early the next morning to report.

Inside the office.

"President Gu, this is my dad Xia Chun! Also the former Head of Fabric Research!

Xia Ning explained to Gu Chen with a smile at this time.

"Hello! Mr. Xia! I'm Gu Chen!

Gu Chen suddenly showed a smile and introduced.

"Hello! Mr. Gu, it's nice to meet you, thank you for helping the little girl before! The old man is grateful!

Xia Chun naturally did not dare to raise it, and quickly thanked him.

He was also very shocked in his heart, he didn't expect that what his daughter said yesterday was true, this Mr. Gu's aura is really not what ordinary people can bear, just a trace makes him like this, if the aura is fully opened, what will it look like?

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