The Yiyue Group next door has long been bidding online, and companies will enter this month, and various snack shops around have long been opened.

Although it is not in this financial district, it is not far away, and there will never be a shortage of bright people this year.

Time passed in Gu Chen's leisurely handling of affairs.

Fast forward to the end of March.

Gu Chen went to the cloud market several times and found that Xia Ning took care of the company very well, and even the new fabric Xia Ning was researched very smoothly, and I believe that it will come out soon.

At that time, Xia clothing will have a good reputation in the industry, without him, the wealth is also strong.

Among them, according to the order of taking care of dust, several textile factories and garment factories were directly acquired, and the company's strength has been greatly enhanced.

The company has expanded several times and is currently producing nearly 10,000 cars per day.

At this time, Gu Chen went directly to Yangcheng to sit in Shenzhou.

"Mr. Gu, at present, our advertisements have been dragged and dropped, and the Chinese people have a general understanding of us, and there are nearly 100,000 messages on the official website."

At this time, the office of the general manager of Shenzhou Group.

Gu Chen sat in his seat, listening to Mei Jiale's report, and nodded repeatedly.

"This time has been hard for Manager Mei!"

Gu Chen praised.

"Mr. Gu is serious, and it is those employees and Mr. Gu who work hard." Mei Jiale smiled when she heard this, and then said loudly.

At this time, his horse fart skill had broken through a layer of realm and reached the point of advancing by retreat.

"Don't worry! Wait a few more days, I will personally celebrate everyone! Gu Chen said with a smile when he heard this, very satisfied with the other party's attitude.

"I thank Mr. Gu for everyone in advance!" Mei Jiale assured loudly.

"By the way, how many cars does the company have now?" Gu Chen thought about it and asked.

"There are still more than 50,000 warehouses now. At the same time, nearly 20,000 units have been shipped in Shenzhen City, nearly 30,000 units have been transported in the imperial capital, and more than 30,000 units have been transported in Huahai City. Hearing this, Mei Jiale quickly replied.

"Good! Now it's ready, it's up to tomorrow! When

Gu Chen heard this, his eyes flashed a halo, and he said confidently.

"Don't worry! Mr. Gu, this time I have the confidence to make our Shenzhou new energy vehicle a hit! Mei Jiale assured directly.

"Good! The company needs this attitude and confidence of Manager Mei! Gu Chen appreciated.

The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning, at this time, Gu Chen, the executives of Shenzhou Group, Liang Lao and others were eagerly paying attention to the news on the Internet.

Unlike others, cars are not the most important way to trade online.

After all, like the amount of hundreds of thousands of cars moving, many people do not believe it.

So an hour after the online purchase channel was opened, the data was really miserable.

After experiencing the popularity of the previous Shenzhou brand mobile phone, this online shopping is really unbearable to look at directly.

National sales: 1550.

Seeing this, there was silence in the conference room at this time.

"President Gu, I overestimated this time!"

At this time, Mei Jiale suddenly turned pale.

"All right! It's only been an hour, what are you in a hurry, besides, I have a lot of confidence in you! Gu

Chen saw that Liang Lao and the others were also a little pale, and immediately waved his hand with a smile, not paying attention to it at all.

He knew that the car was not his, and it didn't happen overnight.

The next time passed little by little, near noon, the online sales slowly exceeded 10,000, and at this time the news from the Yangcheng direct sales store was that many people came to visit, but the real number of transactions was not as much as online!

For a while, everyone was not even in the mood to eat, except for Gu Chen.

After asking several times, everyone was not in the mood to eat, and Gu Chen shook his head and went to eat alone.

By three o'clock in the afternoon, the room was already lifeless.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, and an assistant hurried over.

"President Gu, good news for President Gu!" The assistant shouted.

"What good news is Xiao Liu, is it a car sale?"

At this time, Mei Jiale's face suddenly changed, and he quickly came to the assistant's side, grabbed him and quickly asked.

"General manager, just now there is news from Huahai City, it has been sold out over there, tell us to hurry up and transport the car!" The assistant quickly reported.

"Good! Good! Mei

Jiale was overjoyed when she heard this, and her heavy heart was slowly rising and falling.

Liang Lao and the others were the same, and the tight heartstrings were released at this time.

Only Gu Chen was light at this time, and nodded to indicate that he understood.

"What about the imperial capital and the deep market? What do you think? Mei

Jiale asked a little dissatisfied after being excited.

"General Manager, this... I don't know, they didn't pass on the news! The assistant shook his head when he heard this, and said slowly.

When Mei Jiale heard this, she couldn't wait to call the news to inquire about the situation, but after looking at Gu Chen on the side, she couldn't help but stop.

Wait patiently for news from the other party.

Another hour or so passed, and the gate was opened again.

"Mr. Gu, Manager Mei, good thing! Good news came from the imperial capital and the deep market, and the cars have been sold out! The assistant reported excitedly.


Mei Jiale shouted happily, and at his age he couldn't help but be excited, their newly created new company in Shenzhou, without being tested by the market, had sold nearly 100,000 units in less than a day.

Although it is not as good as those large car brands, for a new car brand, it is still led by new energy electric vehicles, and it is already very good to be able to achieve this result!

"Good! The notice goes down, starting from today, increase the production volume and increase the production line.

Gu Chen also stood up at this time and ordered cheerfully.

"Yes!" Mei Jiale immediately replied directly.

One night passed, and early the next morning, Gu Chen came to the company early and held a meeting about yesterday's release.

Look at the excited crowd below.

"Guys, the success of Shenzhou Auto is inseparable from your efforts, so here, I am very grateful for everyone's work, so this month's bonus I will call the finance side."

Gu Chen stood at the front and said to everyone.

Suddenly, there was an excited roar from below, after all, it was linked to their relevant interests.

Then Gu Chen said many things, and after saying the next group trend and development strategy, he announced his dissolution.

In the evening, I took everyone to celebrate and relaxed, and then returned to Huahai.

At this time, the news circle of the automotive industry has exploded, and they did not expect that this company, which was not in the eyes before, would do such a big thing.

I originally thought that this new energy vehicle was a kind of technology and shoddy product, but I didn't expect to solve the most difficult problem today, the battery power problem.

For a while, it suddenly caused a huge movement.

Before the publicity, they thought that this was an exaggeration by Shenzhou Auto Group, but they didn't expect it....

Even the world environmental protection organization noticed this Shenzhou group, and in an instant the word Shenzhou spread all over the world, and as time passed, this reputation became louder and louder.

This was a surprise for Gu Chen.

Because Gu Chen was in Yangcheng and not in Huahai in early April, he did not intervene in the relocation of major groups.

At this time, when he came to the new district, looking at the building that was already quite popular, Gu Chen was very satisfied.

After going up to inspect, I found that everyone was excited and proud to work here, and Gu Chen was very satisfied.

Although the current new area is not as bullish as Huahai Financial Street, the reputation here has been booming recently, especially the four buildings newly built by Gu Chen, and young people from the Internet will come to check in every day.

Then back to his office, the location with a super bright view made his whole mood very happy, working here, really even the work efficiency can be improved a lot.

"Knock knock!"

Not long after Gu Chen sat down, he heard a knock on the door.


After that, the door clicked open, and a very young-looking woman walked in a little shyly.

Gu Chen looked at it and shook his head, this is a newly graduated female senior student from one of the assistant rooms recruited before, but her personality is indeed a little shy and timid.

"Xiao Wu, what's wrong?"

"Gu... Mr. Gu, many people have just called and said they want to meet you! The

assistant heard Gu Chen's gentle voice still trembling, and replied softly.

She was very satisfied with this job, and when she submitted her resume before, she just wanted to give it a try, but she didn't expect it to really succeed.

Not only her roommates, but even the teacher praised her luck, she was also full of joy, so she worked very hard, but she was born with thin skin and timidity, and she was also very distressed.

I am afraid that this hard-won job will be lost because of this, so the whole person is always cautious.

"Huh? For what did they say? Gu Chen was stunned and asked.

"Having said that, they are all car dealers in various provinces and cities in China."

Xiao Wu naturally does not make low-level mistakes, and he only reports after the investigation is clear.

"This way! You directly tell them that if you want the agency of my Shenzhou Automobile, just find the general manager of Shenzhou! Gu Chen thought about it and replied.

He knows that he can't open a car outlet store all over the country, right?

This is obviously unrealistic, the financial and human resources spent are too large, and it is obviously a thankless task.


Xiao Wu was stunned when he heard this, so he went down to report.

Gu Chen did not pay attention to this matter and continued to deal with affairs.

At this time in a high-end villa in Huahai.

Two men sat in the hall talking.

"Xiaofeng, what do you think about Shenzhou Group's new energy vehicles?" At this time, a middle-aged man suddenly asked.

On the opposite side is a young man, the two look like they have a seven-point resemblance between their eyebrows, and they can tell by their age that they are a father and son.

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