"I think this is going to be an opportunity! The development trend of the world today is the era of new energy replacing old energy! Therefore, I estimate that Shenzhou Group will be a giant enterprise in the automotive industry in the future! The

young man named Xiao Feng said slowly after hearing this and thinking for a moment.

The middle-aged man's eyes suddenly flashed with appreciation.

"Oh? Why Shenzhou Group? You know, this is a new group! And there are more research on new energy in the world. The

middle-aged man continued to test Xiao Feng.

"I don't know if you have found it, I specifically went to the other party's official website to look at it before, and found that a few days have passed, all of them are all praise, even if there are problems, they are small problems, and they are very easy to solve, and secondly, this group is different from other new energy groups, and their level of science and technology is obviously very high."

"One of the most difficult problems is the power energy problem, and they have solved it intact, so I have a hunch that this is just the beginning for them!"

Xiao Feng was a little restrained at first, but now he is talking eloquently.

"Good! It seems that your level is getting better and better now! The

middle-aged man immediately laughed happily after hearing this.

"Good! But there are a few points you haven't said. "


Seeing his son's doubtful eyes, he cleared his throat.

"First, I don't know if you have investigated the chairman of this group, he is very mysterious, and he is privately held, he must have a deep background, second, before the release of Shenzhou Group, you should forget that local governments have personally stood on the platform, what does this mean? Represents the full support of the country.

"So domestically, I can say with certainty that they definitely have no opponents."

The middle-aged man added Xiao Feng's shortcomings.

Xiao Feng thought thoughtfully when he heard this.

"So now the agents in various provinces and cities are like sharks that smell fishy, and they want to cooperate with Shenzhou!" But the market is so big, naturally it can't satisfy all people, so some people will lose their position in the next interests. The middle-aged man continued.

"Huh? Then we don't go soon, won't there be no place for us then?

Xiao Feng said eagerly when he heard this.

Who knew that the middle-aged man showed a wry smile.

All the previous momentum dissipated at this moment.

"Alas, although your father and I have seen it thoroughly, but that is because someone has dug a hole and calculated, and now the company can no longer take a penny on its books!"

The middle-aged man said with self-deprecation.

Fighting eagles all day long, but being pecked in the eye.


Xiao Feng was taken aback when he heard this, obviously he didn't know.

"Two months ago, your Uncle Mo and Uncle Fang suddenly found me, saying that they had found a foreign-funded technology company with great development potential, saying that they had developed a virtual helmet, and now they lacked capital injection, and after their joint efforts to dissuade me and my financial obsession at the time, and at the same time saw that it was a real virtual helmet, I was enthusiastic and invested all the money on the books."

"Who knows that all this is a bureau, please enter the calculation of the urn! In the end, foreign capital suddenly ran away, because they were foreign capital, so all our money was lost, and there was no legal support or return.

"Originally, I thought that this was it, but after my investigation, I found that all this was the calculation of those two people, and they are really my good brothers!"

When the middle-aged man said this, he immediately gritted his teeth, and there was a downfall in his eyes that Xiao Feng could not see.

After all, more than ten years of friendship are there.

Xiao Feng suddenly fell silent when he heard this, he didn't expect that his uncle, who usually looked so kind, would be such a person.

"Originally, I planned to use this opportunity to fight again, directly mortgage the company, and act as an agent of Shenzhou Auto to definitely make a comeback, but I didn't expect that the other party knew a vice president of Shenzhou Group."

The middle-aged man fell silent as he spoke.

"So, now there is no company?"

The first time Xiao Feng saw the god-like man in his eyes like this, his heart suddenly hurt.

"Uh-huh! Xiao Feng, you can only rely on yourself in the future! The

middle-aged man looked at his son apologetically.

The ability of his own son is much stronger than him, if there is no such thing, it is estimated that their Nan Group will rise again, but unfortunately...

"It's okay! Dad, since Shenzhou Group is such a big company, then their public rules are also very strict, maybe there will be a chance! This time, let me carry it for you! A

light flashed in Xiao Feng's eyes at this time, as if he said it to his father, and it seemed to say it to himself.

The middle-aged man wanted to say something when he heard this, but when he saw his son's appearance, he immediately swallowed.

He knows what this light is, yes, the light of hope! Once upon a time, he also had it in his eyes! Remember how many years ago!

Then Xiao Feng went to prepare, although the chance is slim, but at least there is still a chance, isn't it?

Gu Chen naturally didn't know about this situation, and at this time he was calling Chu Xinyi.

"I heard that you have moved to the new district!"

At this time, in a high-rise building in Yangcheng, a beautiful woman was sitting on the office chair with a smile and making a phone call.

"Yes! I'll take you over when you come back!

Gu Chen was the same, his expression was very gentle, and there was a trace of longing between his eyebrows.

"Okay! But I heard about the new district in Yangcheng. Chu

Xinyi's crisp voice sounded from the bottom of her heart, traveling thousands of kilometers, with a strong sense of love.

"Of course, this is my elaborate headquarters!"

Gu Chen heard this with strong confidence.

"By the way, when are you going back to Huahai?"

The two whispered to each other again, and Gu Chen thought about it and asked.

"I'll be back tomorrow!"

When Chu Xinyi heard this, an urge to return to Huahai immediately surged in her heart, but she still suppressed her thoughts.

"Good! Then I'll pick you up tomorrow! Gu Chen was overjoyed when he heard this, and said with a smile.

The so-called one day is like three autumns, which is a couple like them.


After knowing that they would be able to meet their heart-to-heart lover tomorrow, the mood of the two was completely high.

Finally hung up the phone and after dealing with some affairs, Gu Chen received another call from abroad.

"Hello? Is it Mr. Gu? "


Gu Chen replied lightly.

Compared with the previous one, it is almost like two people.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I'm sorry to disturb you! I'm Bauer, from Millikan across the ocean. A

thick foreign accent came out of Mandarin.

"Oh? Is there something to look for me? Hearing

this, Gu Chen's face became even more cold.

"Sorry, I forgot to say, I am a director of Qualcomm Group, and I want to cooperate with Mr. Gu this time."

"I wonder what we work with?"

Gu Chen raised his eyebrows when he heard Qualcomm, obviously he was no stranger to this name.

Qualcomm, one of the world's most well-known chip companies, is mainly engaged in 3G chips and system software development of a comprehensive giant enterprise, is a real giant.

However, why he was found was a little strange.

After all, he has many opponents in the United States!

"Chip! We would like to represent Mr. Gu's Shenzhou model chips for sale in the Americas! "

Bauer gets straight to the point.

"Oh? As far as I know, I am at odds with many groups in your country, and if you want to cooperate with me, you are not afraid of their isolation? Gu

Chen was interested when he heard this, and asked curiously.

"Mr. Gu thinks too much! We are the most inclusive country in the world, and although some people are hostile to Mr. Gu, there are also people like us at Qualcomm who welcome Mr. Gu here!

Bauer was stunned when he heard Gu Chen's words, and then explained with a smile.

With a strong pride in his mouth, Gu Chen who listened to it disdainfully, but also the most inclusive? The most disgusting thing is you!

"What kind of cooperation is that? Or what can you offer?

Gu Chen suppressed the disdain in his heart and asked lightly.

The Americas is a huge market, he has long wanted to reach there, but it is the hometown of Intel and Google, operating like an iron barrel, and now when he hears someone looking for him, he naturally has his own ideas.

"I think Mr. Gu should have a hard time dealing with the joint crackdown and blockade of Intel and Google! If Mr. Gu cooperates with us, then the pressure brought by these should be borne by us together, I think Mr. Gu should know the meaning of the word Qualcomm! Bauer said proudly at this time in a splendid private estate.

"Doesn't Mr. Ball know? Now the pressure and lockdown they have caused me has been greatly reduced, IMHO, with you and without you are the same, at most for a long time!

Gu Chen sneered, and what he said made Bauer's face blush.

"If Mr. Gu is like this, then he is probably underestimating them! You must know that in Huaxia they can't exert any strength, but in the international community their energy is too great, I believe Mr. Gu can feel it!

Ball then defended.

Gu Chen was silent.

"As an opponent who knows them best, Qualcomm is naturally willing to help the opponent of the enemy." Bauer continued.

"Okay, if Mr. Bauer continues, I don't think I need to listen!" Gu Chen interrupted directly.

"As Mr. Gu wishes, we at Qualcomm sincerely want to cooperate with Longteng Group!" Hearing this, Bauer paused and continued.

"It's not interesting for Mr. Ball to say this, but I know that Qualcomm is not happy recently!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

Lin Bauer's heart was shocked, he didn't expect that this Mr. Gu's news was already so sensitive?

"Alright! Mr. Gu, let's be honest! We Qualcomm are now suppressed by Intel and Google, and it just so happens that Mr. Gu is also the enemy of the other party, so I think we should also unite and give them a fatal blow! Bao

Er couldn't guess how much Gu Chen knew, but after thinking about the rumors on the information, this Mr. Gu was extremely smart, not an ordinary person! So he said directly.

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