"It's okay to cooperate, but I need to see your sincerity!"

When Gu Chen heard this, after thinking about it, he planned to agree.

"I don't know what Mr. Gu means..." Ballton was overjoyed and quickly asked.

"I heard that your company's business is very extensive, and I need to open the channel to enter the United States!" Gu Chen said directly.

I have to admit that the current United States is still the economic center of the world, and he Gu Chen wants to go to the world, so he can't avoid this peak.

But although he is a horizontal existence at home, no one knows him abroad.

If you want to make a name for yourself quickly, you naturally need the help of Qualcomm.

"No problem!"

Bauer thought carefully for a long time, and then agreed happily.

After all, even without her Qualcomm, there will be Low-Pass, Skypass, etc., the world has entered a new era, who has high-tech technology who will stand at a high place.

Unfortunately, this Mr. Gu in his eyes is like this.

"Good! Let's talk about the specific news!

Afterwards, Gu Chen didn't want to say more on his mobile phone.

"No problem! Mr. Gu, I'll come right away! When Bauer heard this, he quickly said.

Then Gu Chen hung up the phone.

"Qualcomm Group! Interesting! Gu Chen muttered in his mouth.

Then he smiled mysteriously.

After that, he called Fox, the general manager of Tiandun Security.

"Hello? It's me Gu Chen! Far

away in a secret base in the Middle East, a resolute man in his thirties suddenly received a call on the table, and he was stunned and then quickly connected.

Hearing the voice on the phone, he was delighted: "Does Mr. Gu have any instructions?" "

Hmm! What happened to the Skyshield extension? Gu Chen nodded, and then asked.

"At present, branches have been set up all over the world, and the number of people has reached nearly 10,000, and with the funds provided by Mr. Gu, all of them are now on track and are operating normally." The fox reported.

"Yes! It's only been so long since Manager Ye, you arranged it so well. Gu Chen praised himself when he heard this.

"It's all the credit of Mr. Gu, if I didn't have that money, I wouldn't be able to do it!" The fox pushed back and said politely.

He is telling the truth, abroad is all money to open the way, that is really money can reach the sky.

"That's right! I may go to the United States after a while, and you know that I have conflicts with many local chaebols in the United States, so you try to increase my strength over there and force them not to make a move!

Then Gu Chen asked a few more words, and finally said the purpose of this time.


The fox hastened to assure.

He does not dissuade the boss anything, only carries out orders.

Gu Chen was very satisfied, and then hung up the phone.

After that, the fox arranged for many forces of the Heavenly Shield to rush to the United States, and he personally sat there.

With the expansion of the strength of the Heavenly Shield, his name of fox officially entered the world and was put on the table.

After the armed forces are linked to money, it is not as simple as one plus one, that is a trump card.

Therefore, as he entered the United States, the local forces suddenly became vigilant and did not know his intentions.

Gu Chen didn't know all this, and at this time, he had already gone home from work.

With the departure of Xu Shishi, Chu Xinyi's outing, the family has gradually become much deserted, but Gu's mother is not lonely at all, because she is now familiar with the community, and she is simply happy with many aunts every day.

Gu Chen was naturally happy like this.

The next day, as Qingming approached, the weather in Huahai was naturally hot and cold, sometimes rainy and sometimes sunny.

Gu Chen did not go to the company as in the past, but drove the newly obtained supercar all the way to the airport alone.

Needless to say, it is naturally the most beautiful boy to pick up at the airport.

At this time, there was still half an hour before the plane landed, Gu Chen's height of one meter and eight meters, and the privately ordered suit worn on him, was really full of aura, not to mention that he drove a handsome sports car, the lethality of the young lady was simply incomparable.

Gu Chen naturally didn't care about everyone's gaze, and wore sunglasses like an immortal falling from the sky.

At this time, a cool supercar was also parked next to Gu Chen, and a man with a bunny bag came down, with a flowery green shirt and a flamboyant appearance like a swan with his head up.

He enjoyed this feeling of wearing stars and moons very much, and suddenly he saw a man who was more prominent than him, and everyone's eyes were even more focused on Gu Chen, and he was suddenly stunned, and after looking at it for a long time, he walked over.

"Dude, your car is too handsome!"

When Gu Chen heard this, he found that the other party's gaze stayed on the super body, and his eyebrows were picked, and he was quite recognizable?

"Something?" Then said lightly.

"Hey, hey! In the vast sea of people, I met the same people at a glance, it seems that the buddies are also sports car lovers! The bun man said with a smile as if he was familiar.

Gu Chen didn't speak, and the bun man didn't feel embarrassed, and continued: "Buddy is here to pick up people, right?"

After glancing at it, Gu Chen's eyes seemed to be looking at the mentally retarded: "Nonsense, it's not picking up people in the airport pick-up room, is it picking up ghosts?"

"Ahem, buddy, meet my name Huangfu Ling, come and pick up my girlfriend!"

After seeing Gu Chen's eyes, the bun man quickly changed the topic.

"Gu Chen!"

Gu Chen was a little surprised when he heard this surname, after all, the surname Huangfu is not common.

Coupled with this man's super car and watch, he is not an ordinary person at first glance, but it has nothing to do with him.

"Gu Chen? Somewhat familiar with the name? Where does it seem to have been heard? The

bun man frowned when he heard this, thinking about the origin of the name, but after a moment he gave up.

"Brother Gu, add a contact information? I didn't expect Huahai to have such a handsome car? Then the

bun man couldn't think about it anymore, but looked at Gu Chen with a grin.

As Gu Chen was saying something, a shout suddenly interrupted them.

"Brother Ling!"

Suddenly, an ethereal sound sounded from afar, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Gu Chen also looked at it, and suddenly exclaimed, Rao was used to seeing beautiful women, and he also felt that the person in the distance was also a beautiful woman.


In Gu Chen's consciousness, the bun man next to him instantly rushed out.

The two hugged each other tightly, which instantly made the majority of men envious.

At this time, Gu Chen also hurried to find his sweetheart.

Soon, he found it, because Chu Xinyi's aura was too cold, so that no one around approached.

Gu Chen walked over.


Shouted softly.

Chu Xinyi suddenly melted like an iceberg, and suddenly smiled.

"Gu Chen!"

She shouted happily and ran to Gu Chen.

At this time, the surrounding scenery quickly regressed and blurred, and only Gu Chen was left in the whole world.

The two are also hugging each other tightly, like men and women in love, telling their thoughts and love.

However, Chu Xinyi had a thin skin in the end, and quickly reacted, and the people around were quietly looking, and suddenly their faces turned red, and they lowered their heads and let Gu Chen lead them.

"Let's go!"

Gu Chen rubbed the other party's head with a smile, and drove away directly.

The unique roar of the supercar instantly woke up the other pair, and the bun man reacted immediately, and when he saw Gu Chen who was far away, he suddenly beat his hands.

"What's wrong? Brother Ling?

At this time, the woman blinked her big watery eyes and asked in bewilderment.

"Nothing, let's go too!" Huangfu Ling shook his head and said.


Then the two also drove away.

Let the male compatriots who picked up the airport on the side gently breathe a sigh of relief.

On the locomotive highway.

"Did you have breakfast?" Gu Chen asked carefully.

"Not yet!"

Chu Xinyi looked at Gu Chen obsessively, and then shook his head coquettishly.

"Just know you didn't eat! At home I have already done it! Gu Chen said with a smile.

"That's right! Why did you come back alone? Then Gu Chen remembered something and asked curiously.

"Yes! Just me! How? Who else do you want to come back? When Chu Xinyi heard this, she immediately said angrily.

"How can you say now that you are also the general manager of the 100 billion group, how should you have a card!" Shouldn't it be with dozens of bodyguards, four or five assistants? Gu Chen suddenly rolled his eyes, and quickly exaggerated.

"Cluck, I'm not a big star!"

Chu Xinyi said with a smile after hearing this.

"By the way, I'm going to see the head office over there in the new district!" Then Chu Xinyi remembered something and said suddenly.

"No problem! Let's go after breakfast! Gu Chen agreed.

"Tomorrow is Qingming's holiday! How did you arrange it?

"How else to arrange, there is a holiday after today, and then I will come back home to visit the grave!"

"This way!"

Hearing this, Chu Xinyi expressed understanding, but there was also a trace of loss in her eyes.

"Don't worry! I'll be back soon! Gu Chen assured.

After that, his work arrangement was to inspect the construction of the central disaster area last year, so the two would be separated again, so she deliberately rushed back early.


Chu Xinyi said she knew.

Then the two chatted about other topics, and for a while the car fell into laughter.

After returning home and eating breakfast, Gu Chen accompanied Chu Xinyi to the headquarters of the new district.

Instead of driving, the two took the subway and then walked.

This way the two will have a little more time together.

When you arrive at the new area, you will see four high-rise buildings that plunge into the sky.

Today's weather is cloudy, so the top of the building is hidden in the clouds, swaying with the breeze, making the tall buildings flicker, like the heavenly fairy world, especially charming.

"How? Spectacular! Gu Chen looked at Chu Xinyi's appearance and suddenly asked with a smile.

"Hmm! Gu Chen, you want to leave me an office!" Chu

Xinyi's eyes were very happy, and then pulled Gu Chen to coquettishly.

The whole person looked pitiful, as if Gu Chen did not agree at the first time, tears would flow down his eyes.

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