After the symposium is completed, it is the well-known business evening.

A group of bigwigs listened to music together, drank wine together, and blew cowhides on each other.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that your project last year made more than a billion yuan!"

"Where is it comparable to Boss Liu, he actually took the Dragon Teng Group! Where to go now is not the focus!

"What? Old Liu, you are not kind! It was able to catch the Longteng Group!

"Haha! Just luck!

"I heard that Mr. Gu was also invited this time?" It's a pity that the one didn't seem to come!

"yes! The one who has always only heard his name has never seen it! I wanted to see the real face this time, but it's a pity! "

For a while, the atmosphere was lively.

Gu Chen and the others also gradually returned to the hall.

"Brother Gu, then I'll lose company for a while!"

At this time, the bun man said apologetically.


Gu Chen nodded and pulled Chu Xinyi to a corner, and the two watched detachedly as these business bigwigs pushed cups one by one.

At this time, suddenly there was a quarrel at the corner of the first floor.

Gu Chen saw that due to the large number of people, it covered his vision, but he didn't care.

"Hey, Gu Chen, you found no, there are many more people here now, which was not available at the previous symposium." At this time, Chu Xinyi saw several acquaintances, and suddenly said to Gu Chen.

"Hmm! This should come later! Many people at the previous symposium were not qualified, so they couldn't come in, and now they should come in after the end, which is officially divided into two batches. Gu Chen nodded after looking around and guessed.

Then Gu Chen saw a general manager or executive under him, and he saw many people from the Huahai Chamber of Commerce.

However, he did not say hello, if his identity was exposed, it is estimated that there would not be such a quiet environment.

I can't see him, several of his executives are surrounded by a sea of people!


At this time, he suddenly saw a young man walking out with a lost soul, and suddenly snorted in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

Chu Xinyi also looked over, but she didn't know the young man.

"I know that!"

After speaking, he pulled Chu Xinyi and chased him out.

"Hey buddy!"

Gu Chen smiled and patted the other party's shoulder.

The man was startled, directly jumped naturally, turned his head to look, a little familiar, thought about it when he saw it, and tried to pull out a smile.


"Haha, isn't it quite a coincidence!"

Gu Chen said with a smile.

"yes!" The man nodded, and then fell silent.

"Huh? What's wrong? How do you look like this when you attend the party? Did something happen? Gu Chen raised his eyebrows and asked.

That's right, this person is the car friend who helped Gu Chen once before.

It was the last time Gu Chen ran out of oil in a supercar, and this buddy directly gave Xiao Feng, who had a barrel of oil.

"It's okay!"

Xiao Feng shook his head, and did not say, firstly, everyone is not so familiar, and secondly, people should not be able to help him, let alone help him, after all, this is not an ordinary thing.

"Haha! Dude, that's not interesting! How like a, such ink! I saw you quite cheerful before! Gu Chen waved his hand and said with a smile.

Before he and Hamandan said that they would help him once, after all, Gu Chen didn't like to owe others anything, although a barrel of oil was nothing, but he did things like this.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a sharp pain in his waist, and he quickly looked at it, it was Chu Xinyi who looked at Gu Chen with a smile.

It made him smile bitterly, and he accidentally offended her by speaking just now.

"This... All right! Xiao

Feng was silent for a while when he heard this, then smiled bitterly, and then took Gu Chen to a remote place and roughly explained the previous things.

Chu Xinyi immediately looked at Gu Chen when she heard this, but Gu Chen did not move, very calm.

It turned out that he had gone to Yangcheng before and wanted to be an agent, but there was no way, he didn't even see Mei Jiale, the general manager of Shenzhou Automobile Group.

Unwillingly, he heard about the party and begged his father to get him an invitation.

Although his family is now in decline, he still got it for his son with its old face for many years.

So with the belief of fighting a battle, he wanted to meet Mei Jiale here and persuade him, but he didn't expect that he was not well-informed, and Mei Jiale couldn't come temporarily, so he sent a vice president over, and it happened that this vice president was a friend who caused his family to go bankrupt, and naturally he would not give him a chance.

The quarrel in the previous party hall was caused by him.

"That's it! Nabs!

Xiao Feng smiled bitterly, and then said hatefully: "Don't even give me a chance!" Just give me a chance and I will have the confidence to convince the other party! It's a pity..." In

the end, it was very declining.

Gu Chen thought thoughtfully.

"Okay buddy, thanks for listening to me! I'll go first!

Finally, Xiao Feng came back to his senses, smiled bitterly and left.

"You just gave up?"

Gu Chen looked at his departing back compared to the last time, and immediately asked.

"Don't worry! I won't give up! Xiao Feng stopped and said firmly.

Then the pace of departure became more steady.

Gu Chen smiled, and he had some bottom in his heart.

"What are you going to do about it?"

Chu Xinyi looked at the other party's distant figure, tilted his head and looked at Gu Chen curiously.

"Naturally, it is to follow the rules! That Qian always did not do anything wrong, after all, the previous agency had long been stipulated. Gu Chen shook his head and said.


Chu Xinyi thought thoughtfully when she heard this, and those in power do not do things with self-satisfaction and feelings, which is the greatest ability.

"But well, that kid helped me before, so ah! I'll give him a chance too! Besides, wasn't he very confident before? Then give him a chance! See if it's really what he says. Gu Chen continued.

"Uh-huh!" Chu Xinyi didn't understand anything, and naturally understood what Gu Chen meant.

Then the two hid in the corner for a while.

"Let's go!" Gu Chen looked at the time and said.

"Hmm!" Chu Xinyi nodded, and then the two quietly left the place.

Back to Tomson Yipin, the two left separately, as for what to live together, it is naturally impossible, it's not that Gu Chen doesn't want to, but he doesn't want to.

The next day, Gu Chen left Huahai early in the morning under Gu's mother's instructions and returned to his hometown of Yong City.

First, I went directly to worship my ancestors.

The Chinese people emphasize ritual religion, and the patriarchal system of thousands of years can be arbitrarily eliminated.

After some time, Gu Chen visited his sister-in-law's family again and had a family banquet meal during the Qingming season.

Then he met with Yu Xiangui again.

"Mr. Gu, but his demeanor is still the same!"

In an attic, Yu Xiangui looked at Gu Chen with a slightly respectful face, and said with a smile.

"Haha, Mr. Yu is not bad, his body is getting tougher!"

Gu Chen glanced at Yu Xiangui, who was still in good spirits, and replied with a smile.

That's right, the current Yu Xiangui is a popular figure in Yong City, and somehow he actually hitched a ride on the chariot of Taiyu Group, faintly known as the richest man in Yong City, and who does not give a little thin face in the huge business world.

Therefore, people are in good spirits at happy events, and they can see that they are much better than before.

"This is all thanks to Mr. Gu's blessing!" Looking at Gu Chen's graceful and handsome appearance, Yu Xiangui sighed with emotion.

After speaking, he arched his hand to Gu Chen.

"Haha, it's all a cooperative relationship, Mr. Yu is polite." Gu Chen waved his hand and said indifferently.

In the end, the Yu family will do business.

After that, several people still talked a few words and left separately.

Although the Qingming season is a three-day holiday, there are still many people who do not take a holiday, and still run for life and family.

Therefore, after Gu Chen stayed in Yong City for a day, he immediately rushed to the central disaster area, because he had not been here once, and his Tiansheng Real Estate had already been promoted for nearly a month, so this time he was an inspection.

Huaxia is a vast land, and its territory is more than 100,000 li.

The vast land has naturally created different customs and different living habits.

The central disaster area is located in the middle of China, which is sparsely populated and mountainous, resulting in slow economic development but great potential.

Gu Chen is coming to a certain city located in Gan Province, because of the natural disaster a few years ago, it is like a plough, all kinds of roads are broken, if it were not for the reopening of a gravel road during the previous disaster relief, where can you enter now.

After four or five hours of bumpy driving, the car finally saw a silhouette.

Gu Chen and several people were very encouraged, and they planned to drive directly to their destination in one breath.

At this time, on the other side, Yangcheng, Shenzhou Auto Group Building.

Due to the high praise of new energy vehicles, Shenzhou Group has become a leading upstart in the domestic automotive industry.

In addition, the agents of various provinces and cities have all obtained the channel, so many big people in the industry have affirmed, followed by the outbreak of Shenzhou Group, other brands are even more jealous of the separation of the quality wall, but Shenzhou Group is not afraid of any cows, ghosts, snakes and gods in Huaxia, they can only see Shenzhou Group slowly eroding their interests and occupying their market.

The major giants are even more called wolf, exactly the same as the previous Longteng Group, the difference is that they can tie with the Shenzhou Group, after all, fuel vehicles cannot all disappear, and some large vehicles are still the world of burning oil.

It's just that all kinds of private cars are the world of new energy, official policy support, plus slowly guide the transition of oil-burning vehicles to new energy vehicles.

Therefore, in time, private cars and daily cars will gradually become the world of Shenzhou Group.

Therefore, the current new energy can be said to attract the attention of the world, and various new energy research institutes are worth twice as much.

In a word, Shenzhou Group has driven the development and growth of new energy.

The employees of the group are full of passion, one by one, the spirit is high, and the state of work and efficiency have increased several times.

At this time, inside the general manager's office.

Mei Jiale is even more happy to show her every day, and she is gentle and soft-spoken when she sees anyone.

But now he can be said to have put away this expression and become unfathomable.

Because yesterday he received a call from his boss, he thought that the boss wanted to praise him again, but he thought too much.

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