He still remembers yesterday vividly.

"Manager Mei, have the agent's affairs been handled?"

At that time, he thought that it was Gu Chen's casual question, so he didn't think much about it.

"After processing, President Gu, I have passed the list of agents of various provinces and cities to Assistant Xu!" That's how he replied.

Then Gu Chen asked again: "Did you personally investigate and select this matter?"

Without thinking, he replied, "Yes!" I personally handled the matter!

At that time, Gu Chen was silent, which puzzled him in his heart.

Then Gu Chen said the previous thing again, and he was so frightened that his whole body broke out in a cold sweat.

"Manager Mei, I said this to you, not to blame you, but to give that Nanfeng kid a chance, if what he said did not impress you, then forget it." Gu Chen said.

It made him feel at ease, and in the end, he directly promised that he would definitely investigate it well.

After the memory ended, he thought of this and his heart cleared.

What to give a chance, the boss said that he is not yet knowledgeable, it is estimated that he will be demoted in the future because of the advanced company on the left foot.

Then he pressed the landline and instructed the assistant outside: "Call Vice President Qian to come to me!" "

Just wait for the other party to arrive.

A few minutes later, a middle-aged man with a relatively handsome appearance walked in.

"Manager Mei, are you looking for me?" Vice President Qian didn't know about this, and asked suspiciously after coming to the office.

"Vice President Qian, please sit!"

Mei Jiale didn't organize the wording for a while, so she told him to sit first.

"Is there something going on with Manager Mei?" Vice President Qian asked puzzled after sitting down.

"Hmm! I heard that you are friends with Mo Wen and Fang Yi in Jiang Province? After

thinking about it, Manager Mei planned to go straight ahead, after all, the boss said that he would not blame him.

"Huh? I am classmates with them, the relationship is not bad, how did Manager Mei know?

Vice President Qian looked different and asked curiously.

Mo Wen and Fang Yi were the two who framed Nan Feng's family before.

Then he pointed out the matter, causing Vice President Qian's face to change, and he immediately looked at Mei Jiale with trepidation.

"Don't be nervous, President Gu didn't blame you, although what you did was a little unfair, it was not a violation!"

Manager Mei naturally knew the other party's worries and explained with a smile.

"That's good! This incident was indeed my mistake! Vice President Qian suddenly felt relieved when he heard this, and then shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He has left a bad influence on that boss now, and it is estimated that the future will be difficult.

Where did he think of helping his classmates, casually, but that one actually knew the boss, what did he help!

"Don't worry! The boss you haven't seen before, he is naturally not that kind of person, you can rest assured! Manager Mei heard this and dissuaded.

"That's right! How did Mr. Gu arrange it in the end? Vice President Qian nodded at the thought of Gu Chen's appearance, and then asked.

"He didn't give much order, he only said that Mr. Nan Feng asked us to give him a chance when he came over." Manager Mei shook his head and explained.

Then the phone on his desk rang.

"Hello? I'm Mei Jiale!

"General Manager, there is a gentleman named Nan Feng who wants to visit you!"

The voice of the front desk came out respectfully.


Manager Mei was stunned for a moment, and shouted in surprise.

Such a coincidence? Say Cao Cao Cao will arrive.

"Bring people up! I'm waiting for you in the reception room!

Then he said something and hung up.

"What's wrong with Manager Mei?"

Seeing Manager Mei's surprised expression, Vice President Qian was curious in his heart and couldn't help but ask.

"Nan Feng is here!" Manager Mei said with a smile.


Sure enough, Vice President Qian was the same, very surprised.

"Let's go! Meet the one with me! At this time, Manager Mei got up and said.


Vice President Qian hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

The two left the office.

Gu Chen, who was thousands of miles away, naturally did not know, at this time, after a bumpy journey, he finally arrived at the city that Tiansheng Real Estate wanted to build, full of tents, and pieces of greenhouses.

The crowded and noisy place is opposite a ruined city, but at this time, it is full of all kinds of mechanical sounds.

"President Gu, it's already here, do you want to notify them!"

At this time, the assistant also asked Gu Chen with a pale face.

As Gu Chen's assistant, he naturally followed, but after this journey, it made him very uncomfortable.

"Forget it! Let's go over and see for ourselves! Gu Chen thought about it and refused.

It's too troublesome, after all, if his identity is passed on, it is estimated that it will attract many onlookers.

If you can expose late, expose late!

"President Gu, this should be a temporary stronghold established by the official!"

Then the assistant followed Gu Chen and introduced.

"Hmm! It seems that their mental outlook is quite good! "

Most of them are old people and children along the way, but Gu Chen is desperate after seeing that they don't have any disaster, but they are full of hope!

"Yes! As far as I know, the official will come to publicize every day, and guarantee that the state will definitely build them a home, and ensure that it will return to the situation before the disaster area, so now the people here are full of energy, not only can they get new houses, but now they are still recruiting a large number of laborers and can earn money! "

The assistant has already done enough work before he came, and now when he hears Gu Chen's inquiry, he naturally knows everything.


Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, this method is good, it can not only speed up the disposal of ruins, urban construction, but also prevent chaos.

Finally, Gu Chen passed through the temporary stronghold and gradually walked to the base camp of Tiansheng Real Estate.

"Hello! Can I go and inform me? Said Gu Chen is coming! Gu Chen walked to the door and said to the security guard with a smile.

After all, Tiansheng Real Estate has rarely paid attention to it since it was handed over to his father, and Tiansheng has expanded rapidly, so most Tiansheng people have never seen Gu Chen.

"Okay, please wait!"

The security guard saw that Gu Chen's group did not look like ordinary people, and a security guard did not talk nonsense.

It didn't take long for a large group of people to come out inside, startling the security guards.

At a glance, it's all leadership.

"Welcome Mr. Gu to come and inspect the work!"

It was Father Gu who was the leader.

"Good work guys!" Gu Chen looked at his father and the others coming over with white hats, and immediately nodded and said.

Many other people in Tiansheng looked at Gu Chen very curiously, they didn't expect this boss to be so young.

"When did you get here? Why don't you notify! Then Father Gu glared at Gu Chen and said softly.

But the corners of his mouth kept grinning.

The two walked in the front, followed by a large group.

Coming to the temporary office, a large group of people was directly filled.

"On behalf of the company and on behalf of the individual, I would like to express my warm thanks to all of you for coming here from far away."

As soon as Gu Chen finished speaking, there was applause below, giving Gu Chen enough face.

Afterwards, Gu Chen said a lot of official words, expressing very positive support for everyone's work.

In the end, everyone dispersed, knowing the relationship between the general manager and the boss, so they left the space for the father and son.

"Dad, are you still comfortable here?"

Looking at my father, whom I had not seen in January, he became darker and thinner, but also tougher.

"Naturally! Don't say it, the air here is much better than Huahai! Father

Gu nodded and said with emotion.

"Good!" Gu Chen looked at the green water and green mountains and nodded in agreement.

"It's okay at home!"

"Everything is fine." Gu Chen replied with a smile.

"That's good!"

Father Gu looked at Gu Chen and nodded very gratifyingly.

"It's mom, saying you don't go back if you don't go back!" Then Gu Chen joked with a smile.

"Ahem!" Father Gu coughed when he heard this, and thought in his heart that it was time to go back once.

Then the father and son chatted a few more words, obviously the atmosphere was very good.

At this time, the assistant ran over.

"President Gu, the local leader is here! I heard you're here to meet you! The assistant reported.

"Eh!" Gu Chen knew that if he appeared, he would definitely attract everyone, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Where have they been?"

"In the conference room!" The assistant said.

Gu Chenguan smiled, and then returned the same way.

It is still necessary to see each other, otherwise it will not be good for people to put a big hat on your head.

Then we came to the conference room.

"Presumably this is Mr. Gu, right?"

As soon as he walked in, the middle-aged tall and thin man at the head took the lead and said with a smile.

"Yes! I'm so sorry, I've been waiting for a long time! Gu Chen smiled and stretched out his hand and said.

"Wherever, we have long wanted to thank Mr. Gu here, but we have never had the opportunity, and now we can finally thank him in person!"

The leader immediately thanked him very sincerely.

"The leader is polite!"

Gu Chen quickly waved his hand.

Later, it turned out that the leader was called Tang Zhongquan, a local, who had been serving locally.

"I wonder if Mr. Gu is interested in investing here?"

Finally, Leader Tang said the purpose of this time, and looked at Gu Chen very eagerly.

After this disaster, the city's economy can be said to return to before liberation.

"I wonder what specialties Leader Tang has here?" Gu Chen did not refuse, thought about it and asked.

"We're close to the mountains, so we have a lot of Chinese medicinal herbs! I don't know if it counts! Leader

Tang naturally knew what Gu Chen meant, and after thinking for a moment, he looked at Gu Chen with a hopeful expression.


Gu Chen nodded with a smile: "I don't know how the output of medicinal materials you have here?"

"I don't know about this, but I know that there are many people outside who have just come here to buy medicinal herbs, and many of us here are very familiar with medicinal herbs, and if they are cultivated, they have great experience!"

Leader Tang quickly said what he knew.

"Good! After the city is built, I can invest in the medicinal herb factory here, and I hope that the leaders will support me a lot! Gu

Chen nodded when he heard this, and readily agreed.

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