"Good! Please rest assured, Mr. Gu! Our city will definitely give the most preferential support! Hearing

Gu Chen's agreement, Leader Tang was also very happy, and then assured loudly.

He knew that this Mr. Gu had just invested in building a factory here, which gave him a lot of face.

Otherwise, why are people built here?

Is there money to panic?

Besides, as far as he knows, this Mr. Gu doesn't seem to be in the business of medicinal herbs, right?

Thinking of this, he was even more moved by Gu Chen.

This is the High Wind Bright Festival! O patriotic entrepreneur! O Charity Ambassadors! O living Buddha!

If Gu Chen knew his thoughts, he would definitely cry and laugh, after all, you also think too highly of me.

He just remembered that he also had a pharmaceutical group with Chinese medicine and Western medicine, but the current environment has led to a significant reduction in Chinese medicine materials, so he thought of building a medicinal materials factory here.

Subsequently, the city became more enthusiastic about Gu Chen, making Gu Chen very embarrassed.

In the distant Yangcheng, a conference room.

"Good! Mr. Nan, your idea is very good! Perfect fit for our China Automotive Group! I decided, in the channel of Jiang Province, I will represent you! After

Manager Mei and Vice President Qian listened to Nan Feng's words, they immediately stood up in surprise, and then decided even more happily.

They didn't expect that the person the boss was looking for was so level, even when recruiting agents at that time, they could also get a channel!

It made Vice President Qian very ashamed.

"Thank you Manager Mei and Vice President Qian!"

Nan Feng originally didn't have hope, but he still couldn't bear his father's disappointment, plus he was unwilling to fail, so he planned to keep grinding hard bubbles in the Shenzhou Group.

But he didn't expect that the character actually promised to see him, which made him ecstatic.

He knew that this was an opportunity to turn over, depending on whether he could grasp it, but fortunately he grasped it and directly impressed these two.

Originally, when he first came in and saw Vice President Qian, his heart suddenly burst out, and he thought that he had no chance! Unexpectedly, Vice President Qian was not what he thought.

"This is Mr. Nan's own ability to convince me!" Manager Mei waved his hand.

"That's right! Mr. Nan, I want to apologize to you here for what happened before! Vice President Qian also got up and said positively.

Ling Nanfeng was stunned, he did not expect that this Vice President Qian had such courage, and at the same time had a greater feeling for the Shenzhou Group.

"Vice President Qian is polite."

However, he will naturally not be ignorant.

Then he signed a contract with Shenzhou Group, until he walked out of the door of Shenzhou Group, he was still a little in a trance, if not holding the contract in his hand, he thought that he had fallen into a fantasy before.

It wasn't until he stood in the sun that he could feel a trace of hot energy that he decided

, "Hey, Dad! I took it!

So he took out his phone and reported to his father.

"Really! I met the general manager of Shenzhou, Dad, I succeeded!

Gu Chen didn't know that one of his calls made Nan Feng extremely happy, and at this time, accompanied by his father, he inspected the previously built project and comforted the staff.

After staying here for three days, he once again met Zeng Tao, the secretary he had seen in Huahai before, and it turned out that the one who also knew that he was coming here to inspect and wanted to invite him over to meet him.

"Mr. Gu! We meet again! Welcome to Gan Province! Secretary Zeng Tao said enthusiastically.

"Haha! Thank you Secretary Zeng.

Gu Chen nodded with a smile.

He was still grateful to him and the one behind him, who strongly proposed to give him a project.

"I wonder if Mr. Gu is interested in going to the provincial capital next!" Zeng Tao invited.

"Secretary Zeng may have to be sorry! Just now I got a call, and something from the company told me to go back.

Gu Chen showed an apologetic expression.

"Eh? That's a shame!

Secretary Zeng had a regretful expression, and then said: "It's okay! We come to Japan, and the people of Gan Province will always welcome Mr. Gu's arrival!

"Good! I will definitely come to Gan Province when I have the opportunity in the future!

Then Gu Chen took his assistants and several people to continue to return the same way, running towards the nearest airport city, he wanted to hurry back to Huahai.

Because the Qualcomm Group of the United States came and wanted to cooperate with him, Gu Chen originally thought that the other party would come the next day, but he waited for a few days without moving and thought that the other party would not come, but he didn't expect to come now.

Without saying a word, as the plane crossed the clouds, Gu Chen left Gan Province.

About two hours later, the plane stopped safely in Huahai.

Looking at all kinds of high-rise buildings, Gu Chen has the feeling of returning to modern times from the last century.

"President Gu!"

At this time, the person who picked up the airport also saw Gu Chen.

"Hmm! What about the other person!

Gu Chen nodded and asked after getting into the car.

"The other party stayed at the Mingan Hotel!" The caller reported.

Then Gu Chen closed his eyes and recuperated.

The car returned directly to the new area, and Gu Chen went home immediately after dealing with some affairs.

In Gan Province, he was very unaccustomed to it.

The next day, the weather was clear, and as spring gradually passed, the temperature of the earth was gradually warming up, and slowly it was time for the men to enjoy it the most.

After all, in summer, the long legs of a street on the street are not casual to see?

At this time, a group of people in the new area were visiting.

"How? Mr. Bauer, my headquarters is okay!

Gu Chen looked at Bauer's amazed look and was immediately very satisfied, and asked very modestly.

"Oh, buy Ka! Mr. Gu! You really surprised me!

Bauer looked at Gu Chen and praised without hesitation.

Then Gu Chen took Bauer straight to his office.

"Thank you Mr. Bauer for coming all the way to the East."

Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Of course! We are the people who love the world the most! Bauer said proudly.

"I don't know how much sincerity Mr. Bauer brought this time!" Gu Chen asked.

"Mr. Gu! Please rest assured of this! I came with the best sincerity of Millikian! Bauer said very seriously.


"This time, our board of directors has made great determination to cooperate with Mr. Gu to fight against that group of bastards!"

Mr. Bauer gritted his teeth at the end.

Apparently that group of bastards caused him quite a bit of trouble.

"I wonder how Mr. Bauer plans to cooperate?"

"Naturally, I hope that Mr. Gu will hand over all the international agency rights of chips to us Qualcomm, I think our Qualcomm strength Mr. Gu should not doubt it, right?"


Gu Chen didn't want to refuse directly.

What are you kidding, all over to you? I'm not afraid to die!

"We can make a profit of five pips!" Bauer tempted again.

As we all know, the profit of imports is very huge, and it is normal to double several times, so the profit of five points is absolutely astronomical.

"This is impossible! Mr. Power, I can give you the right to represent the Americas! Gu Chen was unmoved.

"Since Mr. Gu doesn't agree, the Americas can too! But five pips of profit is gone!

Bauer knew that Gu Chen would not agree to his request, so he retreated.

"Three points!" Gu Chen said directly after glancing at it.

"Mr. Gu, is this excessive?"

"Mr. Bauer, I don't think it's too much, you know, my core is unique! If it weren't for my feud with Intel, how could I possibly find you, you must know this! Gu Chen stretched out a finger and waved it and said.

"Mr. Gu also said that because of the vendetta with Intel, you have lost the market in the Americas, so you need us Qualcomm!" Bauer found Gu Chen's loophole and retorted.

"No, no, no!"

Gu Chen's head suddenly swung like an ancient wall clock.

"I can still cooperate with other companies, not that you have to be Qualcomm!"

Bauer's tone froze when he heard this, but he couldn't refute it when he looked at Gu Chen's calm appearance.

"Mr. Gu, this is not sincere." Bauer said sullenly.

"Of course I have sincerity! As far as I know, your company is now competing with Intel in the South American market! And still downwind! Urgent need for assistance, and my chip is a new force to complete the performance of the other party. Gu Chen said with a smile.


Ballton's face changed, I don't know why he could know, but he remembered the identity of the other party.

"Good! Three points are three points! I agreed! Bauer hesitated for a moment and decided.

"Wait, Mr. Bauer, I'm not done yet!"

"What else does Mr. Gu want?"

Bauer's face was ugly.

"I also need your full help to open up the American market, and Mr. Bauer should know that I have more than one company!"

Hearing this, his face slowed, this request was acceptable.

"No problem! We are partners! This is naturally possible!

He smiled, like a vampire in a movie.

"Then it's no problem!" Gu Chen relaxed and said.

You must know the terrain of the Americas, but it is very suitable for his new energy vehicles!

That's a huge market, if he goes by himself, it is estimated that it will be difficult to move an inch, but with the name of Qualcomm, it has a huge influence.

"Mr. Gu, I found that you are really a cunning fox, and negotiating with you really does not take advantage of it at all!"

Then the cooperation was determined, and Bauer also continued to smile, looking at Gu Chen and quipping.

"Haha! If I hadn't been smart, I would have been eaten by the market a long time ago, and where would Mr. Ball know me now! Gu

Chen also relaxed.

Mr. Bauer agreed with Gu Chen's words that the power of capital is evil, and he deeply understands it.

"But before I came, I also received a mission, that is, I want to invite Mr. Gu to America!"

Then Bauer thought about it and invited seriously.

"No problem! I also want to meet the famous Mr. George!

Gu Chen had long guessed that the other party would invite him to go, so he directly agreed.

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