"Okay! Then I will wait for Mr. Gu's visit! Bauer said cheerfully after getting up.

He was very surprised by Gu Chen's promise, not to mention that he promised so happily.

You must know that as the other party, there is a high probability that you will encounter danger after going.

Then he left and soon only Gu Chen was left.

"Interesting!" Gu Chen stood by the window and looked into the distance and muttered.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, and he found that it was Xia Ning from Yun City who called.

"Mr. Gu, the research has come out! My dad researched it! Once

connected, he heard a burst of excitement.


Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, and then he was short of breath, today is really a day full of surprises.

"Yes! Mr. Gu, today my dad has studied the finished product after detailed research, I specifically compared with the previous ones on the market, and found that none of them are good with this fabric! Xia Ning said excitedly.

"Good! I'll come and see right away! Gu Chen said suddenly.

Then he hung up the phone and rushed to Yunshi with his assistant.

For Gu Chen's reopening of a branded clothing store, only the assistant knows.

So Gu Chen rushed to Yun City in a hurry, and it only took more than two hours to reach the city of Yun City.

Gu Chen directly asked the driver to drive the car to the textile factory.

Xia Ning had been waiting for a long time.

"President Gu."

"Go, look at the fabric first!"

Where can Gu Chen take care of this, he walked directly inside.

All the way through other factories to the innermost and most rigorous factory.

Xia Chun and others are admiring the new fabric.

"Expert Xia!"

Gu Chen said hello with a smile.

Xia Chun was stunned, and then got up and came to Gu Chen's side.

"Mr. Gu, live up to expectations, this is the fabric in the data, comfortable and delicate, transparent and silky, it is simply the best in the fabric!" Xia Chun handed over the fabric in his hand and sighed.


As soon as I started, a soft feeling came over, gently touching, with a slight friction sound, it was really full of touch.


Although I have long known that Taobao origins are absolutely extraordinary, but now after feeling the real thing, I can understand the strength.

"Did you send it for inspection?"

After having enough addiction, Gu Chen looked up and found that everyone was looking at him with blank eyes and asked.

"Uh-huh! It was sent early in the morning, and the data in it was very eye-catching. Xia Ning nodded and said.

Gu Chen was immediately very satisfied.

"How much does it cost?"

After Gu Chen felt it again, he handed it to the assistant and asked with a smile.

"The cost is a third more expensive than ordinary fabrics!" Xia Ning reported.


For this price, Gu Chen is still acceptable.

However, his plan is to take the high-end route and create the first world-famous high-end brand in China.

After that, Gu Chen personally went to see the production process of the fabric, and each step must be very fine, otherwise the fabric made is very ordinary, which greatly increases the confidentiality of the fabric.

Then he went to Zifeng Building, the headquarters of Zhixia Company, and held a high-level meeting again.

"Guys, the company has been established for a month, everyone should have almost run in, and now it's time to show your skills!"

After Gu Chen glanced at it, he saw that everyone was full of spirit, so he said with a smile.

"Mr. Xia, the next task of your design department is to design different work styles, combined with today's explosive styles, and I will see the results in a month!" Gu Chen ordered Xia Ning.

"Yes!" Xia Ning got up and agreed.

Although one month is a bit short, she has already prepared and called the staff of the design department to start designing.

"Minister Liu, for the fabrics of the textile factory, you can also produce them at full strength! I want to stop production! Is there confidence? Then he

looked at a slightly chubby man beside Xia Ning.

"Please rest assured!"


Gu Chen nodded.

"Raw material department, you only need to transport the raw materials to the textile factory, if the garment factory is ready, you can still breathe a sigh of relief now, and after Manager Xia has designed it, you will be full of horsepower to produce clothing!"

"Yes! Please rest assured!

"Yes! Please rest assured!

The two ministers opposite Xia Ning got up and replied.

Then Gu Chen said a lot of words and announced his dissolution.

Xia Ning did not leave, but followed Gu Chen to the office where he had not done business once.

The inside is spotlessly clean, and the things are staggered and pleasing to the eye, and it looks like it was the work of a famous artist.

Gu Chen sat on the chair very satisfied.

"Mr. Gu, I want to ask, I wonder what route we know Xia takes?" Xia Ning asked.

"I plan to go to the middle and high-end, after all, the current low-end clothing has been too widespread in China, coupled with the cost problem, can only give up the low-end market, unless one day the cost of the fabric can fall!"

Gu Chen said the words that had been prepared a long time ago.

"I understand, Mr. Gu!"

Xia Ning nodded when he heard this, indicating that he understood.

In fact, her heart is also biased towards the middle and high-end, after all, if this fabric goes low-end, it is a bit violent and lowers the grade.

Then Gu Chen stayed in Yun City for a while, and it wasn't until Bauer's phone called.

Since he developed the chip and operating system, and the new energy battery, his status has been infinitely improved, and he has become one of the people who are officially protected by secrets, and the loss is a very big loss.

"Xiao Xu, get ready! Fly to the Americas tomorrow!

Gu Chen ordered and went home.

Just walked into the hall and found that it was very lively.

"Huh? How come it's all back!

Gu Chen's eyebrows were raised, and he was immediately surprised.

In his eyes was Father Gu, sitting next to Mother Gu, and Xu Shishi next to him also came over.

"Less yin and yang weird!" Father Gu said indifferently after glancing at it.

"Brother, where have you been these days?" Xu Shishi asked with a smile.

She is now the financial director of the head office, Gu Chen's most trusted person, and the finances she handles every day exceed 100 million, and she is a high authority.

"Went to Cloud City."

Gu Chen didn't care either, and sat directly on another sofa.

"What about Sister Xinyi? Why didn't she come back with you? Xu Shishi suddenly blinked and asked.

"yes! What about Xinyi? Why didn't I come back with her? At this time, Gu's mother also looked at Gu Chen and asked with a frown.

After Gu Chen suddenly glared at Xu Shishi, he said sarcastically: "She is still in Yangcheng!" "

Now his family status is really getting lower and lower, and even Chu Xinyi, who came to the top later, is higher than him, which really makes him sad and indignant.

"How do you let her go to Yangcheng alone? Hurry up and transfer her back! When Gu Mu heard this, her momentum suddenly changed, and she said angrily.


Gu Chen was stunned, and then quickly changed the topic.

"By the way, I'll be on a business trip for a while tomorrow, and I'll talk to you!"

"You don't have to tell me about this kind of thing!"

Who knew that Gu Mu directly waved her hand and said without concern.

Let Gu Chen suddenly choke, and the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

Then he went listlessly and went straight back to the room, don't talk, he wanted to be quiet.

Walking upstairs, he faintly heard that everyone's interest was higher, and his face suddenly turned dark, and he quickened his pace and left this sad place.

He felt that he had received a 10,000-point crit in his heart, and urgently needed the young lady to calm his thin heart, so he directly opened his mobile phone.

Brushed up one video after another, and gradually immersed his mind directly.

Time passed slowly in his long legs, and it wasn't until the alarm clock went off at twelve o'clock that he came back to his senses.

"Young sister is really a cure!" Gu Chen felt a lot better at this time, and couldn't help but turn off the program reluctantly.


"Congratulations to this user for completing the main quest of the richest man in the country! The wealth assets in his hands have reached the first place in the country, and it took four months! Originally

, he wanted to open the Taobao lottery, but he didn't expect two prompts to pop up one after another, and he suddenly opened his mouth after reading it.

"Wouldn't you? No way? I'm now the richest man in the country? He was stunned on the bed, and then ecstatic.


Suddenly, there was an excited voice in the room, and it was not until the old father knocked on the door that he reacted.

However, he is still in a very good mood, and the sadness he received in the hall before is not worth mentioning.

This is the richest man in the country with full gold content! Much richer than what cloud market was the richest before.

He thought about his current industry and took it for granted.

Now his enterprises include the earliest Taiyu Group, Remote Group, Tiansheng Real Estate, and later Longteng Group, Pharmaceutical Group, Grandview Group, and upstart Shenzhou Group, Huatian Hotel Chain, as well as the Tiandun Security Group and Zhixia Brand Group that everyone does not know!

Covering almost every industry, and being the leader in every industry, it is unreasonable to think that it is not the richest man.

Just as he was complacent, there was another vibration from his mobile phone.

He quickly looked down.


"In view of the user's task completion is not active, so this product officially launched the task system version 2.0, this version of the task completion will get a mysterious reward! (Note: The final interpretation right belongs to this product!) "

The latest main quest has been released, you are already the richest man in a country, and the next step is naturally to fish the sea and point to the world."

"Main Quest: The World's Richest Man (1

/10 Completion)" and "Side Quest: Famous Car Collection (1/10)"

After reading it, Gu Chen was stunned.

“2.0? Are you serious? Wordless complained.

Now that there is a reward, I wonder what the mysterious reward is?

Gu Chen now has a strong curiosity, yes, he was not active in doing tasks before, it is estimated that Taobao saw his attitude and had to push it out, and it is estimated that it has not been tested, so it was released.

So he immediately became interested and wanted to test it.

He remembered that a Maybach Exelero, one of the top ten famous cars, seemed to have been pocketed by a local tycoon in South Africa, and it also caused a hot search around the world at that time.

This sky-high price of 220 million suddenly let everyone see what is called a local tyrant?

At that time, he was thinking when he could also own one, isn't the opportunity now?

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