I remember that there was a boring reporter who interviewed the buyer, and he clearly remembered the black tycoon saying: "I don't like this car, but I think he fits my identity!" "

Listen, is this what people say?

There are many car fans who hate this local tycoon very much, because since this car was auctioned by him, he has not driven it once, and directly let it enter the parking lot to eat ashes, so that many people can't forget it, calling it a violent thing!

Thinking of this, Gu Chen also hit him with the idea, after all, he couldn't get around this if he wanted to complete the side quest.

After thinking about how to get the car back from the South African tycoon, I found that there was no clue, if it was in China, then everything was easy to say.

"Forget it! Go to the United States and ask the fox!

Finally, Gu Chen went to sleep.

The first rays of sunlight appeared the next morning, the earth was revived, and everything was full of life and vitality.

The so-called plan of the day lies in the morning, and Gu Chen has long developed good habits.

Before his family could get up, he ran out wearing a running suit.

Looking at his parents' closed door, Gu Chen sighed for a while, time really erodes everything, even the earliest mother is now up late.

Of course, this night is relative, but when he used to run in his hometown, his mother had already been up for a long time.

After suppressing these thoughts, he took the elevator downstairs, but he felt that it was a good change.

Tomson Yipin will naturally have a venue for the owner to prepare exercises.

This is a standard 400-meter runway, and many exercise equipment in the middle are available, which is worthy of being the most produced real estate!

Gu Chen sighed.

At this time, dozens of men, women and children were already exercising separately.

"It's a little late today!"

At this time, Gu Chen had just stepped onto the runway, and a man with an even breath ran side by side with Gu Chen, and asked with a smile.

"Brother Wang is still as punctual as ever! Waking up a bit late today! Gu Chen turned his head and immediately explained with a smile.

As long as he was in Tomson Yipin, he would come here every day to run, so he also met a few neighbors over time.

If you can live here, your status is basically relatively high, so you can talk about it for a while.

This Wang Cheng! According to him, he is a well-known executive of a foreign company, a truly successful person, with an annual salary of 10 million!

"Ahem! Young people should pay attention to moderation! When

Wang Cheng heard this, he immediately squeezed his eyes and said with an expression that he understood.

"Brother Wang thinks too much!"

After hearing this, Gu Chen glanced at it with contempt, then quickened his pace and opened the distance.

Then he started running at his own pace.

Half an hour later, Gu Chen stopped.

After walking around, he came to Wang Cheng's side.

"Your boy's physical fitness is really perverted!"

Wang Cheng saw that Gu Chen's face was only slightly pale, and he immediately sighed.

The first time he saw Gu Chen running for half an hour before was still so relaxed, his mouth fell to the ground.

When I see it now, I still feel that Gu Chen's physique is very terrifying.

"Weak chicken!"

Gu Chen just glanced at it and mocked.

The relationship between the two is not bad, and they usually talk more casually.

"Gu Chen, look quickly, there is another beautiful woman!"

At this time, when Wang Cheng was about to refute, he saw a beautiful scenery on the runway, and immediately pulled Gu Chen excitedly and said.

When Gu Chen heard this, he was suddenly slightly surprised, looking at a tall woman with a hot figure on the runway, wearing a tight suit and running at a constant speed.

"Isn't that Han Yumian?"

Immediately, Gu Chen heard an excited call next to him.

"Huh? Han Yumian?

Although Gu Chen doesn't care about that circle, Han Yumian still understands that Huaxia's most mysterious and popular film and television song three-star at present.

A true national goddess! I didn't expect to see it here.

In fact, as long as he releases his words, it is estimated that this person will be sent to his bed that night, but for him, there is no difference between stars and ordinary people in his eyes.

The star is nothing more than an extra layer of exposure on his body, which is unattainable in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Ah! Gu Chen, Han Yumian should have moved over recently! Then Wang Cheng asked.

Gu Chen nodded when he thought about it, after all, the two ran every morning, and they hadn't seen each other before, and they only saw each other today, so it only made sense if they just moved in.

"Can you please show up a little! And foreign company executives! If it gets out, it's a shame!

Gu Chen said after a disdainful glance.

"Hmph! Han Yumian is my goddess! You know what!

Wang Cheng didn't care at all, looking at Han Yumian's running body and said obsessively.

Gu Chen suddenly shivered when he looked at his pig brother statue, and then took a few steps back to exercise the rest.

Wang Cheng, on the other hand, stopped exercising and looked at each other.

In the distance, Han Yumian seemed to have found someone peeping, and looked over according to his intuition.

I saw her angelic face, with a sadness that could not be dissolved between her eyebrows, and her watery eyes looked over, which made Wang Chengxin nervously quickly lower his head and did not dare to look directly.

Then she didn't pay much attention and continued running.

"Haha! Unpromising! Gu Chen suddenly glanced at it with disdain and quipped.

Wang Cheng surprisingly did not refute, at this time, his face was full of idiots, and his mind was full of pictures of Han Yumian just turning his head.

"She just looked at me!"

"But he seems to have something unhappy?"

"Can I help her?"

If Gu Chen knew what he was thinking in his heart, he would immediately send her two words "lick the dog!"

"Brother Wang is gone!"

Finally, after Gu Chen finished exercising, he saw that Wang Cheng was still watching there, said hello and left directly.

Seeing that the other party didn't react, he couldn't help shaking his head, very puzzled by his thoughts, isn't it a star? With your worth, you can't sleep on the first line, and the third line still doesn't sleep casually?

Slowly walked out of the playground and slowly walked home along the forest path, smelling the fragrance of flowers and faint grass on both sides, and the fatigue on Gu Chen's body dissipated a lot.

In the middle, I met an aunt who was familiar with my mother, and after just chatting a few words, Gu Chen planned to run away.

After all, this aunt either wanted to introduce his daughter to herself, or she wanted to introduce someone to him, and although he said that he had a girlfriend, people still said that it was okay.

"Whew! Chatting with my aunt for three minutes is more tired than running for half an hour!

Gu Chen breathed a sigh of relief and sighed.


Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter behind him.

Gu Chen suddenly turned his head to look, and his eyes were straight in an instant, it was really natural to come out of Furong, and he smiled at the city!

Gu Chen was instantly stunned, observing this dream goddess star of countless people up close, Gu Chen found that it was really good-looking.

No wonder Wang Cheng is haunted!

"Han Yumian?" Gu Chen quickly reacted and said with questions.

After all, there are more good-looking girls around him, and his aesthetics and vision have improved more than once.


Han Yumian looked at Gu Chen and reacted quickly, and there was no excitement on his face, and there was a burst of curiosity in his heart.

You know, she knows her charm.

"It's okay!"

Gu Chen waved his hand, and then turned away, Han Yumian's attraction had no effect on him at all.

Han Yumian looked at Gu Chen's back and became more and more interested, and the worry between his eyebrows became a lot lighter.

Then he also followed Gu Chen.

Don't get me wrong, this trail only has one way through.

A few minutes later, he walked out of the path and entered the wide square, and for a while, many people's eyes were behind Gu Chen, and he knew that they were all watching Han Yumian.

However, those who can live here are either rich or expensive, and although they are very excited, they have not done anything.

Gu Chen directly sat on the elevator of Block A under the kind service of customer service.

"Hello Miss Han!"

At this time, Han Yumian also followed up, and the customer service suddenly shouted excitedly.

The little eyes in the eyes are bubbling with stars.

"Well, hello!"

Han Yumian smiled back after seeing the closed elevator.

"Block A? No wonder! "

I thought in my heart that those who can live in Block A are far from what they can compare, although stars can live here, but they are basically rented in Block D, unless big stars who have debuted for a long time are likely to buy Block C.

However, Han Yumian walked directly to Block B! I thought about Gu Chen's identity.

Gu Chen naturally didn't know that he had aroused the curiosity of the star, and after he returned home to take a bath, he found that Gu's mother had already got up to prepare breakfast.

At the dining table, Gu Chen and Xu Shishi sat on one side, and Gu's father and mother sat on the side.

"By the way, where are you on a business trip?"

Halfway through eating, Gu's mother suddenly asked.

As soon as these words came out, the others also looked at Gu Chen.

"Mikokuo! Partner companies invite me to inspect their company! Gu Chen said with a smile.

"So far?"

Gu Mu suddenly frowned, although she didn't care about it last night, it was just a joke.

"It's fine! Will be back in two days! Gu Chen's heart was warm, and he said with a smile.

"Be safe outside yourself! I heard that there is a lot of chaos abroad, you are so rich now, be careful of others hitting you! Gu's mother instructed.

"Hmm! Rest assured! I forgot to tell you that I acquired a security company before, so don't worry this time! I brought dozens of people with me!

Gu Chen assured with a smile.

"That's good!"

Mother Gu was really relieved when she heard this!

After eating, he personally packed up for Gu Chen.

At this time, the assistant had long been waiting at the entrance of the community.

Seeing Gu Chen carrying the suitcase, the assistant ran over with great insight and took the suitcase.

"Is it arranged?"

Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"Mr. Gu, please rest assured! I have already contacted Manager Ye! The assistant said quickly when he heard this.

After Gu Chen told Manager Ye's news to the assistant before, he was stunned for a long time, and then he was very happy, after all, the boss's identity is different from the past, and it is very dangerous if there is no one to protect it.

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