Now, with such a large security group to protect, he is very relieved.

After all, he had carefully studied Tiandun security before, this is the most popular organization in the world, and it was the boss's, which surprised him.

Thinking of this, he looked at Gu Chen in front of him and couldn't help but sigh, how many companies the boss still hadn't said to him!

At this time, a woman driving a pink Rolls-Royce behind Gu Chen had a trace of interest after seeing Gu Chen.

Looking at the five or six Bentleys parked outside, I became more and more curious about the identity of the man I saw in the morning.

Then the luxury car convoy went on the road, and what made her curious was how the convoy in front of her had always been on the same road as her, and the previous forks had not deviated.

"Aunt Xue, where are you going all the way to this road?"

At this time, Han Yumian curiously asked a middle-aged woman in the co-pilot.


The middle-aged woman opened her eyes at this time, and said after taking a look.


Han Yumian was suddenly surprised.

"Sleep, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Han Yumian's appearance, Aunt Xue asked strangely.

How did she think that today's Han Yumian was a little strange!

"Huh? Nothing, I didn't sleep well yesterday! Han Yumian quickly reacted and asked a little nervously.

"Wait until you get on the plane and take a good rest, the day after tomorrow in Hollywood, you have to cheer up!" Aunt Xue hurriedly instructed.


Hearing this, Han Yumian's interest suddenly disappeared, and he lowered his head and hummed.

"Sleep, alas... Never mind. Seeing

this, Aunt Xue also sighed, shook her head, and said no more.

After about an hour, the car arrives at the international airport.

Han Yumian saw Gu Chen as expected, and was a little surprised.

Because she saw some four or five assistants dressed behind Gu Chen, and more than ten bodyguards.

The sexy cherry little mouth opened a little boss: "What is his identity?" Due

to her professional relationship, she also often comes into contact with bodyguards, but she can feel that these bodyguards are definitely much more powerful than the bodyguards she has seen before!

Aunt Xue also heard Han Yumian's voice, and looked over, more than a dozen bodyguards surrounded Gu Chen, and she was stunned.

"It is estimated that it is a big man in China!"

Explained, turned his head to look at Han Yumian: "Do you know?"

Han Yumian shook his head: "They also came out of Tomson Yipin!"

Aunt Xue suddenly looked over again in surprise.

However, Gu Chen had already left at this time.

"Let's go! Not something we can recognize! Aunt

Xue was very self-aware, and after giving an order, she walked towards the VIP room with her long legs.

"President Gu, the plane has been arranged!" At this time, the assistant whispered.

"Hmm! Then let's go!

Gu Chen nodded and walked towards the boarding area.

Gu Chen had previously acquired several passenger aircraft through the remote group.

After communicating with the airport, Gu Chen and his party quickly boarded the steel machine parked at the airport.

"It's still a little uncomfortable to get on this plane!" After sitting up, Gu Chen shook his head in a feeling.

When to buy one of the most luxurious private jets in the world.

After all, he has not forgotten his identity now, the richest man, then he must have the richest man's card!

The plane soared into the sky and quickly disappeared to the ground, gradually leaving only a black spot.

At this time, Han Yumian was still waiting for the plane in the VIP room.

After a period of turbulence, the plane flew smoothly in the stratosphere.

Gu Chen looked at the clouds of different sizes and shapes in the sky, as if he was in a fairyland.

About five hours later, the plane arrived at its destination, Los Angeles.

After communicating with the local airport, it was quickly lowered at the airport.

In a foreign country, everything is so strange.

"Mr. Gu!"

After Gu Chen got off the plane, he soon saw the fox who had been waiting here, Manager Ye of the Tiandun Security Group.


Gu Chen nodded.

Then he followed Manager Ye to the hotel that had been prepared a long time ago to adjust the time difference.

However, Gu Chen's physical fitness was completely unproblematic, but he nodded after looking at the pale faces of the assistants and several executives who followed.

The huge differences caused by unfamiliar buildings, strange kinds, and disconnected cultures made Gu Chen seem a little lonely, but quickly retreated.

It was already noon when they returned to the hotel, and everyone else went to the rest area, leaving only Manager Ye to follow Gu Chen to the conference room of the hotel.

"President Gu!"

"Hmm! Sit!

Gu Chen nodded.

After seeing the other person sitting down.

"Tell me about the situation on your side!"

Gu Chen continued to ask;

"Mr. Gu, the sphere of influence here in Los Angeles is a force called Shuanghua, here, although the strength of the major chaebols is very strong, but it is not as strong as the ground snake, they usually do not invade each other, I visited the boss of Shuanghua before I came, and they promised not to participate in the struggle between us!"

Manager Ye began to report.

"What about Intel's?" Gu Chen nodded and asked after thinking for a while.

Fingers tapped on solid logs.

"They are not strong here, I have clashed with them a few times with a few brothers before, and they now see me like a mouse meets a cat."

Manager Ye explained with a frown; "But yesterday, an unknown force suddenly entered the city, and I didn't find out the identity, it should be Intel's side."

"This way! Okay, I'll ask someone from Qualcomm to help investigate, after all, this is his territory.

Gu Chen nodded to show that he knew, and then ordered.


"By the way, there's one more thing."

"Mr. Gu, please say!" Manager Ye said in a low voice.

He used to call Gu Chen Mr. instead of Boss.

"Does Skyshield have power over there in South Africa?" Gu Chen looked at Manager Ye and asked.

"Yes!" Manager Ye nodded.

"Good! I want you to help me investigate something, there is a diamond dealer in South Africa, he bought a luxury car before, I want you to help me find him, I want to buy the luxury car in his hand! Gu Chen said slowly.

"Understood! I'll investigate right away! In Africa, it is the people of Department D who are in charge!

After Manager Ye finished speaking, he made a direct call.

After a few minutes, he hung up and nodded to Gu Chen to indicate that he had ordered.

"What does this Part D mean?" Gu Chen asked curiously.

"Sir, I have changed the operation mode of the heavenly shield to the beginning of the letter, the stronger the strength, the higher the letter!"

Manager Ye introduced: "Among them, I arranged the A department by Mr. 's side!" "

Gu Chen is very satisfied when he hears this, a young man, you have a promising appearance.

"Now I have brought Department B and Department C over, I believe that I can protect my husband's safety!" Manager Ye continued.

"It's hard for you!" Gu Chen patted the other party's shoulder and said.

Manager Ye was about to say something at this time when his mobile phone rang, and when he was about to turn it off, he saw that it was the previous person in charge of Department D.

"Hello? What the!

After Manager Ye gave Gu Chen an apology, he was stunned for a moment, and his face was very strange.

Finally, after Manager Ye said a few words, he couldn't help but look at Gu Chen with a handsome face.

"What's wrong?" Gu Chen asked puzzled.

"Sir, the South African businessman you told me to look for earlier has found it!"

"What? So fast? Hearing this, Gu Chen was also stunned, and asked incredulously.

Could it be that his own Tiandun Group has already approved it so much? How long has it been since I found someone?

Suddenly there was a burst of excitement in my heart.

"Sir, this is a bit of a coincidence! That merchant just happened to encounter something, so he asked our Tiandun security to protect him! "

Manager Ye will also die, and it feels very coincidental.


Gu Chen couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he heard this, but quickly reacted.

"Is the businessman willing to sell the car?"

"I have already told the Minister of Department D to deal with this matter!"

"Good! Tell him I'm willing to buy it at the original price! Gu Chen raised his eyebrows and ordered.


Then Manager Ye went down, and Gu Chen also felt that all this was very coincidental, and couldn't help but smile.

Before coming, he heard that there was also a top ten famous car in the United States, and he was ready to take it down directly.

After thinking about it, I felt a little tired, so I reported to my family that I was safe and went to rest.

The night was fleeting, Gu Chen also looked at it specifically, the foreign sun is really not rounder than the domestic one.

Gu Chen faintly heard the sound of prayer in the morning.

"Mr. Gu, Qualcomm's people are already waiting under the hotel!" The assistant came to Gu Chen's room to report.

"Hmm! Bring them up! "


The assistant called and asked someone downstairs to bring someone up.

This not small hotel was directly contracted by Manager Ye, and all the security personnel living around were Tiandun.

After a while, several white people walked in.

"Mr. Gu, our chairman invited you to his manor!"

One of them's eyes lit up after seeing Gu Chen, obviously a photo of Gu Chen before.

"Oh? Your Chairman?

Gu Chen's eyelids lifted and said lightly.

"Our chairman is Mr. George of Qualcomm Group!" The white man said quickly.

At this time, his heart trembled, and Gu Chen's glance just now made him almost sit down in fear.

"I wonder what position this gentleman holds at Qualcomm?"

"In Nizhny Mlais, it's Qualcomm's marketing manager!"

The white man continued to answer.

"Hmph! I heard that your country values integrity! Now it seems that this is not enough! Go back and tell Mr. George that I'm unwell today and can't get out!"


The white man was stunned when he heard this, a little puzzled.


Gu Chen's sharp eyes swept over.

"Yes, yes! Mr. Gu rest assured, I will go back immediately! The

white man almost couldn't breathe suddenly, like a drowning tourist, his face suddenly turned pale, and he walked out quickly in embarrassment.

Gu Chen's expression was calm, but the assistant on the side had an ugly face.

This is undoubtedly a slap in the face of his boss, you must know that his boss came in person, if Qualcomm is sincere, that Mr. George should come in person.

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