Even if George didn't come in person, how could he have Bauer, who had seen Gu Chen before, but now he sent only one manager, this is not looking down on people, isn't it?

"Mr. Gu, this... They're too much, too! Sukeki said thoughtfully.

"Get off the horse!"

Gu Chen's eyes were calm, and he naturally knew what that George thought.

I know that I know, but when it comes to him, it can't.

As soon as the assistant thought about it, he understood that this was their territory, and he was naturally arrogant.

"So what now?"


"Wait?" The assistant lengthened his voice.

"They'll send someone! Now they are in a hurry than us! Gu Chen said lightly.

The assistant kept silent as soon as he thought about it, and as the time passed, the assistant looked at Gu Chen's calm expression and felt ashamed of himself.

Then his cell phone rang.

"What has arrived!"

When the assistant heard this, he stood up directly.

"Mr. Gu, Qualcomm is here again! Or our acquaintance Bauer! Then he reported to Gu Chen.


Gu Chen didn't lift his head and still played with the mobile phone in his hand.

"Eh?" The assistant was stunned, I don't know what Gu Chen means!

"Let's just say I'm not feeling well and need to rest, and no one will see me!"


Although he didn't understand, the assistant still honestly preached.

Then hung up the phone, and he gradually understood what President Gu meant.

At this time, on the first floor of the hotel, Bauer listened to the beeping sound of the mobile phone, and was stunned, but then reacted and was very anxious.

Eagerly talked to Manager Ye on the first floor, but Manager Ye was stunned and did not bird him, but he did not dare to break in.

After all, this is a famous fox in the underground world!

Now he is even leaning on that Mr. Gu, it is simply like a fish in water, dead wood in spring!

There was no way, he had to report to Mr. George first.

He didn't agree to do this before, after all, he had seen this Mr. Gu, and the group of old things on the board insisted on giving Gu Chen a disgrace.

"Sir, Mr. Gu doesn't see me..."

Bauer stepped aside to make a call.


Gu Chen played with his mobile phone, and the assistant stood on the side silently, forming a quiet picture.

Suddenly, Gu Chen's mobile phone rang directly.

Gu Chen couldn't help but smile when he saw that it was the number of the United States.

He blindly guessed that it was George!

I waited for half a minute and then connected.


Gu Chen pretended not to know and asked.

"Mr. Gu is really humorous! Hello! I'm George! After

hearing the silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, there was a burst of pure pronunciation.

"It turned out to be Mr. George! Hello! Hisaku Daimyo! Seeing this, Gu Chen shrugged his shoulders and replied lightly.

"Mr. Gu is really embarrassed, it was a joke by his subordinates before, I'm sorry, and I ask Mr. Gu's forgiveness." George is a smart guy and straight to the point.

"Is it? Then I will tell Mr. George now that I intend to return home! Gu Chen said.


George was suddenly shocked, and the heart that was originally extremely deep in the city was instantly anxious at this time.

"Haha! Mr. George is really sorry, just made a joke for you!

Then Gu Chen suddenly laughed.


George's heart was galloping at this time!

"It's okay, it's okay! Mr. Gu is really humorous! I really want to see Mr. Gu more and more! But

he still pretended not to care.

"Is it! Me too!

Gu Chen raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but sigh that these people's faces were really thick and boundless.

Then the two went on to say a few other things, without mentioning a word about the previous one.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Bauer immediately called the assistant, and this time Gu Chen let him come up.

"Mr. Gu is really sorry for what happened before!"

Bauer apologized as soon as he came up.

"Mr. Bauer is serious." Gu Chen waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Mr. George sincerely invites Mr. Gu to visit his manor! I don't know Mr. Gu..." then Bauer asked cautiously.

"I can't ask for it!" Gu Chen bowed his head slightly.

"Please!" Bauer was overjoyed, and then respectfully invited.

Only then did Gu Chen get up and walk down.


Manager Ye in the hall stepped forward to greet Gu Chen after seeing him.

"Let's go!"

Gu Chen nodded, and then Manager Ye led a team of subordinates to follow Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, this..." Seeing this

, Bauer's eyelids jumped.

"They are all my bodyguards!"

Gu Chen said with a smile and walked straight out, and the assistant, Manager Ye and the others who followed Bauer in turn looked at Bauer.

"Let's go!"

In such a situation, he could only agree.

Then dozens of cars drove out of the city.

For a while, the local media and YouTube reported the situation, which caused a lot of news in the local area.

As the helm of Qualcomm, the resources and wealth needless to say, George directly built a huge and extravagant estate in a village outside the city.

After passing through the city gates, the car drove along the endless plain road, and after half an hour, it saw a village, and next to another road, was George's estate.

There were bodyguards standing guard on the side, and the first car in front said a few words and let go of the railing across the road, and the car suddenly flowed unimpeded.

The environment inside the manor is much more beautiful than on the Gobi Desert outside.

Driving in a straight line along the wide road, you will soon see a manor house full of history, classical and exquisite.

At this time, dozens of people were standing outside.

After Gu Chen got out of the car, Bauer hurried to his side.

"Mr. Gu has arrived! Over here please! Bauer stretched out his hand.


Gu Chen glanced around, then nodded and walked towards the front.

Manager Ye and the others carefully observed the surroundings as soon as they got off the car, and immediately tried a few glances at a few of their subordinates, who were very good at understanding and changed positions a few times.

This allows you to quickly protect Gu Chen in case of any accidents.

Gu Chen naturally found out, but there was no instruction.

Everyone walked to the gate of the manor and was stopped by a white man who looked like a butler.

Bauer quickly stepped forward a few steps and explained in a low voice.

"Mr. Gu, butler William said that these bodyguards of yours can't go in." Then Bauer came to Gu Chen's side with a nervous look and whispered.

Gu Chen glanced at him and nodded to Manager Ye, and then went directly in.

Manager Ye and the others were very vigilant around them.

Passing through the gate, at this time, an old man with a flashing spirit was standing in the hall waiting for Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, it's such a pleasure to see you!" George suddenly piled up a smiling face and walked to meet Gu Chen, very happy.

"Mr. George! Hisaku Daimyo!

Gu Chen nodded, and a smile pulled out at the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, I didn't expect Mr. Gu to be younger than in the photo, what a hero out of a young man!" George praised after looking at Gu Chen.

"Where, where! Mr. George is the senior! Gu Chen replied.

After a wave of commercial praise, the strangeness between the two was much diluted.

"What does Mr. Gu think of my manor?"

George looked at Gu Chen proudly.

"Big! Very exquisite! Gu Chen said praisefully after looking around.

"Haha! Not bad! My manor took me a lot of effort to build! The guests who came to me were full of praise! George said happily when he heard this.

Gu Chen nodded, looking at everything in this with his eyes was true, the owner must have spent a huge amount of thought.

"I wonder why Mr. George invited me here?" Finally, Gu Chen asked directly.

"Haha! Naturally, I wanted to meet my partner, and now it seems that my partner is very satisfied!

George heard the truth and told the truth.

"I asked Mr. Bauer to tell Mr. George all of my requests!" Gu Chen couldn't deny what he said, and then asked.

"Of course!"

George took two wine glasses from a wall cabinet at this time, poured two glasses from the wine bottle that had been awakened a long time ago, and handed them to Gu Chen in his hand.

"Mr. Gu taste, this is the wine made by my estate himself!"

"Thank you!"

Gu Chen immediately thanked him after taking it, looking at the purple-red liquid on his hand, which rippled on the wine glass, and looked crystal clear under the classical chandelier.


Then he touched his glass with George, making a crisp ethereal sound.

The corner of his mouth took a small sip, and the liquid full of wine swirled in his mouth and flowed down his throat into his body.

There was a hint of bitterness when he first entered the mouth, and then there was a burst of sweetness and sourness on the tip of his tongue, like two heavens of ice and fire, which made people want to stop.

After that, it flows into the body with a soft and smooth flow.

The taste buds in the mouth are still stuck in the previous at this time, giving people an endless space for reverie.

"Good wine!"

I don't know how long has passed, Gu Chen opened his eyes and praised.

"Haha! That's nature!

George also opened his eyes at this time, and when he heard Gu Chen's praise, his face flushed a little, I don't know if it was caused by drunkenness or excitement and pride.

"I don't know what Mr. George thinks!"

Gu Chen gently shook the wine glass, and the purple-red liquid slowly rotated clockwise, looking brilliant and colorful under the illumination of the light.

"I look forward to cooperating with Mr. Gu!"

George didn't sell either, and after speaking, he drank the wine in the glass in one sip.

"Me too!"

Gu Chen heard this and drank it gently.

The soft light hit Gu Chen's side face, and the purple-red liquid flowed into the body through the rolling throat, which looked extremely sexy and charming.

Everything speaks for itself in the wine!

"Mr. George, I got the news a few days ago that a group of unknown forces came to your territory, I don't know how you plan to deal with it!"

Then Gu Chen remembered something and asked with a chuckle.

"Mr. Gu, please rest assured! No one in Los Angeles has been able to do anything to my friend yet!

George thought about it carefully when he heard this, and said in a confident and domineering tone.


Gu Chen was completely relieved now.

Then George took Gu Chen to visit his manor, and Gu Chen was also very relaxed as a play.

The manor full of American culture brought Gu Chen a different feeling.

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