Although it does not have the inclusiveness, atmosphere, subtlety and subtlety of China, it carries a sense of freedom, openness and luxury.

What's more, this is still the helm of a giant company, his status and financial resources are top-notch, and his manor is naturally a pyramid-style manor in the United States.

There is everything in the manor, and Gu Chen even tried to ride a horse on the grassland, experiencing the life experience of many American nobles, and everything was full of curiosity for Gu Chen.

"The evil capital life is really rotten!" At this time, Gu Chen sat in front of a table full of various delicacies, and sighed in his heart.

Although he enjoyed it, he did not agree.

"I wonder what Mr. Gu's next development direction is?"

On the way, George asked Gu Chen curiously.

After all, in his opinion, with Gu Chen's size, it will definitely have a huge impact on the international market, and if he knows early and prepares early, maybe he can still get some profits in this.

"Naturally, it is industrial transfer! Start facing the world, after all, Mr. George should also know that in the current world, if you do not face the world, sooner or later you will be eliminated! Gu Chen said bluntly.

George nodded and agreed that today's economy has long been globalized, and if it does not go global, it will be swallowed up and eliminated sooner or later.

"If Mr. George is interested, I have another cooperation here!" Looking at George's appearance, Gu Chen thought about it and said.

It is better for him to open up the channel by himself and directly give the agency right directly to the other party.

"Oh? Mr. Gu, please say?

Sure enough, George was attracted and looked at Gu Chen curiously.

"I developed a new energy vehicle! I wonder if Mr. George is interested in becoming my agent in the Americas!

Gu Chen elegantly finished the food on the plate and said with a smile.


George was stunned, but he didn't expect that this person had already extended his hand to the energy piece, which he didn't expect.

You must know that the energy sector will definitely occupy a major position in the future.

But now? Due to the problems of technology and technology, it is a pity to abandon it, and the food is tasteless.

Therefore, after hearing that Gu Chen had already laid out this piece, and seemed to have studied something, he was extremely curious, but he was a little hesitant.

"I don't know what Mr. Gu means..."

But he didn't refuse directly, he knew that there was definitely no target for the previous one.

"If Mr. George had paid attention to the news of the automotive industry before, he should have known, so Mr. George himself can find out, if you are interested in cooperation, you can find me, I will not change my mind before leaving the United States!"

Gu Chen shook his head and said mysteriously.

"Good! Thank you Mr. Gu! George was stunned, then thanked him.

"Thank you Mr. George for your hospitality!" Gu Chen waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Mr. Gu is polite!"

Then Gu Chen left this luxurious manor accompanied by George!

The car gradually faded away, and the manor behind him gradually blurred and disappeared.

The dark red sun shone on the wheat field in the distance, which seemed very peaceful, and the weeds on the field swayed with the wind, outlining a taste of tranquility.

"Get ready! Ready to sign a partnership with Qualcomm tomorrow!

Then Gu Chen sighed and suddenly said something in the quiet car.

The assistant did not react, he looked at the natural scenery outside the window for a while, after all, the United States is typically sparsely populated, the outside of the city is basically no man's land, the ecological environment is naturally maintained very well, there is a saying!

Gu Chen shook his head after glancing at it, and said again in a loud voice.

"Understood!" The assistant quickly answered.

Then the car fell silent, only the sound of the car remained.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the city, a high-class hotel is located.

The two women were looking sadly at a deep blue sky.

"Sleep, or... Let's give up, shall we?

After a long time, an older woman asked with a worried look.

"Aunt Xue, I've been preparing for this time for a long time! There were many costs, and no matter what the outcome was, I had to go in person. The

absolutely beautiful woman hesitated for a moment when she heard this, and then gritted her teeth and said firmly.


The older woman was silent for a moment when she heard this, and then agreed.

If Gu Chen is here, he naturally knows him, this is the star Han Yumian he met yesterday morning, and the older one is his agent Aunt Xue.

Then the hotel room fell into silence again, leaving only the last rays of sunlight from the setting sun on the faces of the two, which was very charming.

At night, the city of Los Angeles was divided into two and fell into a polar situation, one side was eroded by the night, leaving only a sporadic glimmer, and the other side was as bright as day, the city lights were red and green, and the night was singing.

Half slums, half rich people, distinct layers.

The city is very dangerous at night, so generally speaking, very few people go out, and at this time in a small alley not far from Gu Chen's hotel.

Suddenly, there was a burst of gunfire and shouts, the scene was extremely chaotic, about half an hour later, the gunshots disappeared, and a group of people carrying the body to the black car on the street, quickly disappeared.

Finally, the police car slowly came.

No matter where it is, police cars are the last to appear.

At this time, Gu Chen in the hotel naturally heard the gunshot, and he was also startled at the beginning, and it was not until shortly after the end that Manager Ye quickly came to Gu Chen's room.

"What happened?" Gu Chen asked with a frown.

In the end, he is still just an ordinary person, at most add the word rich in front of it.

"Don't worry, sir! I just went to check it out, it should be two groups of people fighting, and now it's over. Manager Ye hurriedly reported.

"Find out who it is,"

Gu Chen slowed down, and after returning to normal, he asked calmly.

"One of the groups I suspect is a mysterious person who came here before, and the other group is from the local Double Flower Society!" And it seems that the winner is the double flower party! Manager Ye immediately reported.

"This way!"

Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, and he thought thoughtfully.

For a moment, he thought that he had told George before, so George sent someone to follow the mysterious group.

After all, the other party is a local snake in Los Angeles, and such a big group of people can't hide him.

And when he learned that the mysterious man was going to do something to him, George directly ordered his subordinates to do it directly.

After figuring out the cause and effect, he wanted to call the other party, but after the phone was in his hand, he put it down.

"This matter is hard brothers, tell them all to rest!"

Then he instructed Manager Ye.


Manager Ye then went down, as for rest? How can it be.

Next, he had to probe the surroundings more carefully and protect Gu Chen.

Time was fleeting, and the fierce gunfight that took place last night did not make a single wave the next day, as if last night was just a dream.

Gu Chen got up in the morning and stood under the window to look at the crowd of people, and found that they were not affected a little, so he knew that they had long been used to it, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Free Millikian, happy shootout every day!"

The people who live here have long been trained in their hearts to be extremely powerful.

"Mr. Gu, the representative of Qualcomm is here!"

At this time, the assistant did not know when he arrived at Gu Chen's side and reported softly.

I saw that the dark circles in his eyes were very serious, his face was pale, and he saw that he had not rested well last night.

"How? Bad rest last night! Gu Chen turned his head and asked with a smile.

"President Gu, what happened last night..."

The assistant nodded when he heard this, remembering that he was still a little scared last night, after all, he was just an assistant, where did he go through this battle.

"Haha, don't worry! This matter has passed! Gu Chen patted his shoulder with a smile and said.


The assistant was much relieved to hear Gu Chen's words, and the worry on his face was much less.

"Let's go! Sign a contract with them today.

Then Gu Chen went downstairs.

The assistant shook his head, then hurried to follow.

After that, Gu Chen and his party went to the headquarters building of Qualcomm Group, and because of last night's incident, Manager Ye's security work for Gu Chen became more and more strict, which can be said to be a copper wall and iron wall.

When you come to the commercial center, the steel and concrete buildings rise from the ground in the city center, and the endless flow of vehicles and tourists makes the place full of lively atmosphere.

The motorcade slowly stopped at a huge square, and the building in the middle stood out from the crowd, which was very spectacular and tall.

At the door, George led all his shareholders and executives to stand aside to greet Gu Chen.

Obviously, he had great respect and solemnity for Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu! Welcome to our Qualcomm Group! After

Gu Chen got out of the car, he pulled the folds on his suit, walked to the door with an elegant stride, and George stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Hello! Mr. George!

Gu Chen also stretched out his right hand, the two clasped together, and at the same time the executives behind him applauded and welcomed, and the reporters around him pressed the shutter frantically, wanting to record this wonderful moment.

"Over here, please!"

George leaned sideways, made way for a spot, and invited.

Gu Chen stepped in without hesitation.

Behind George, other executives followed, and those reporters naturally wanted to continue to follow to get bigger news, but the security guard at the door was not vegetarian, and the bodyguards brought by Gu Chen would directly block the impact of the reporter.

After visiting Qualcomm's group all the way, everyone walked all the way to George's office, and the others had long dispersed.

"How? Mr. Gu, are there any good proposals for my company? After George instructed the secretary to serve Gu Chen tea, he asked with a smile.

"Good!" Gu Chen affirmed after shaking his head when he heard this.

Obviously, Qualcomm's employees are in very good spirits, and the working atmosphere is also very good.

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