"It's good to hear it from Mr. Gu's mouth! It seems that I am also very honored! George

was very happy at this time, and he was in a very good mood.

"This is a cooperation contract, can Mr. George take a look?" Then Gu Chen took a document from the assistant and handed it to George, and said slowly.

George took it and looked at it carefully, and Gu Chen couldn't help but take a sip of tea, and his eyebrows suddenly stretched.

Somewhat surprised by this tea, not bad.

Although he has no research on tea, he has always drunk good tea, so that his taste has been nourished a lot, and he can naturally distinguish the quality of tea.

At this time, George just finished reading it, handed the document to the lawyer behind him and asked him to check whether there were loopholes and bad regulations for him, and then he saw Gu Chen's expression.

"How? Mr. Gu, this tea is not bad, right? Suddenly asked with a smile.

At the same time, he also took the teacup and took a sip, his face was very enjoyed.

"Good! Does Mr George also like tea? Gu Chen nodded, and then asked curiously.

He was surprised, because it seemed to him that foreigners preferred coffee to tea.

"Naturally! I discovered tea when I was young when I visited your country, and I had such memories that I fell in love with it.

George put down the teacup and slowly recalled.

"It turns out that Mr. George has also been to my country!" Gu Chen suddenly realized.

"No problem, sir!"

At this time, several lawyers behind George also checked several times and found no problem, so they returned it to him.


Then George did not talk nonsense, directly signed his name, and then stamped it.

Gu Chen was the same, and established a cooperative relationship under the witness of everyone.

"Hope we have a good cooperation!" George looked at Gu Chen and said easily.

"Don't worry! Yes! Gu Chen nodded and said with a smile.

"By the way, about Mr. Gu's new energy vehicle yesterday! Unexpectedly, Mr. Gu has come to the forefront of the times! I really admire it! At this time, George looked at Gu Chen with an admiring expression and said slowly.

Yesterday, as soon as Gu Chen left, he ordered his men to go down to find news, which was once circulated internationally at that time, and he was shocked to learn more about it without much effort.

He did not expect that the technology in the world that had not made the slightest progress for a long time would be solved in the hands of that young Chinese man.

So he immediately decided to cooperate with that Mr. Gu, which is a huge market benefit!

With the help of this east wind, maybe they Qualcomm can occupy part of the automotive market, and when the time comes to face Intel and Google joining forces, they will definitely not fall behind.

So after knowing the news that someone wanted to do something to Gu Chen, he directly ordered them to be extinguished.

"Where, where! It seems that Mr. George's news is quite well-informed!

Gu Chen was a little surprised, but he didn't expect the other party to understand last night.

"Haha! Or Mr. Gu caused too much sensation. George said with a smile and shaking his head.

"Then I wonder if Mr. George is interested in cooperating?" Gu Chen smiled slightly and continued to ask.

"Yes! Of course there is! Just don't know how to work together? George said directly when he heard this.

Very decisive.

"I can hand over all the agency rights in the Americas to Qualcomm Group to operate, but every year I want your sales amount to be no less than ten percent of the first year!"

Gu Chen said the wording that had been prepared a long time ago.

George thought about it when he heard this, and then discussed with the shareholders behind him for a while before turning his head.

"No problem!"

George agreed directly.

They are also very optimistic about the market for new energy vehicles, plus this can gain a huge reputation, as well as the recognition of people from international organizations.

"But the time is not now." Gu Chen then thought about it and said.

After all, the domestic shelf has just been built, and the domestic market has not yet been occupied, so he naturally will not give in to take too big a step.


George naturally agreed, after all, he knew that not long after the new energy vehicle came out, Gu Chen was definitely not ready, plus he could also look at the situation behind the new energy vehicle, and Gu Chen's condition was exactly what he wanted.

Therefore, the two parties did not sign a formal contract.

After that, everyone ate another lunch before leaving.

On the way back, Gu Chen instructed his assistant: "I heard that there is a Sibel of the top ten famous cars here, you help me check it!" "


The assistant was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded back.

He didn't expect that this boss was really persistent about supercars!

After returning to the hotel, the assistant began to investigate.

Gu Chen, on the other hand, began to admire this globally famous city, and tourists from all over the world came here every day.

Because this is Hollywood with a global dream factory.

Churches full of classics, as well as eye-catching ancient buildings, busy cars, bustling tourists, all kinds of food mixed with mouth-watering aromas, gathered together, let Gu Chen really see enough of the scenery of foreign lands.

Hollywood, also known as Hollywood and Flower World, is located on the west coast of the United States outside Los Angeles, California, and is a world-famous film center.

At this time, the place where countless global superstars have been cultivated here has once again gathered everyone's attention.

The world's first director began the global casting, this director known for his rigor, this time intends to make a global documentary, the influence, scope, and strong funds, so that stars from all over the world are looking for connections and want to play a role in it.

Stars from all over the world have fought for a supporting role, tearing each other, which is simply an annual blockbuster, so that netizens are really full of melons.

As a country with huge box office potential, Huaxia has three places selected this time, so major stars have squeezed their heads to want a place.

After all, this is an opportunity to show their faces in countries around the world, which can greatly enhance their influence and coffee position.

Therefore, recently, various revelations on the Internet and various scandals have flown all over the world, so that the last fig leaf in the entertainment industry has been trampled.

And as the only film and television diva who has not scandal and has recently become the most famous film and television song, Han Yumian naturally wants to go further in this grand event and go directly to the world.

But the number of places is limited, and all the seniors and newcomers have broken their scalps to have a place, so she who originally had a chance was squeezed out.

The boss of the company behind just hinted that she could regain a place in a moment, and everyone is an adult and understands everything!

But Han Yumian directly refused, if not for her current influence, it is estimated that she would be hidden by the snow, but this also caused the boss to be embarrassed and angry, and directly deprived her of many resources.

"Mr. David, can you give us a chance? You must know that the influence of my family in Huaxia is very huge.

At this time, in a not too small conference room, a middle-aged man sat peacefully on the side, listening to a pleading woman on the opposite side.

"Ms. Yang, I admit that you are right, but I am still very sorry! This time we are only casting from the list recommended by each country! The

man named David looked at the information in his hand and said with a regretful expression.

Obviously, he was very satisfied with the artists in the data, but there was no way.

That's right, this artist is Han Yumian, and the woman who is begging is her agent Aunt Xue.

She hadn't whispered so quietly for a long time since Han Yumian succeeded, but no way, her identity here could no longer be ordinary.

"Mr. David, I know you have a way? I think you guys want to finish this documentary perfectly, right? Aunt Xue continued when she heard this.

At this time, she had no hope in her heart, but she still wanted to fight for it again.

It's a pity that luck is not on her side.

"Sorry! Ms. Yang, I can't do anything about this, everything is according to the rules, I don't think Mr. Cameron will agree! Hearing

this, Aunt Xue knew that this matter was no longer possible.

"Excuse me, sir!"

Aunt Xue left here disappointed, and Han Yumian, who was standing outside, originally had an expectant expression, but after seeing Aunt Xue's expression, she knew the result, and her heart was very bitter.

"Sleep, I'm sorry! I tried my best!

"It's okay! Aunt Xue, I didn't expect anything before I came here! Han

Yumian immediately comforted when she saw Aunt Xue's expression.

The two left here with lost souls, the two are not exceptional, and stars who come here to try their luck abound.

"Oh, isn't this our Han Da star? Why did you come here too? When

Aunt Xue and the two were about to leave here after going downstairs, a surprised and mocking voice suddenly came.

Han Yumian and the two suddenly stopped, turned around with a cold face, and an actress who was much inferior to her suddenly walked over mockingly.

"Wei Meng!!"

The enemy's eyes were red when they met, and Han Yumian gritted his teeth and shouted.

That's right, the place that originally belonged to her was robbed by Wei Meng.

"Is Han Da Star unwilling?"

Wei Meng saw Han Yumian's expression and immediately felt comfortable, and looked at her with a high toe and said.

As a newcomer, Han Yumian stole a lot of her resources, which made her angry all the time.

But the owner of the company has always been very partial to protect her, so that she dare not make any moves, after all, there are more coffee places than her, so she has never dared to say anything, and can only hide her grievances in her heart.

But just a while ago, Han Yumian, who had been spending her honeymoon with the company, suddenly fell out with the company, which made her stunned, and then her mind became active.

She slept all the way and successfully got this place, so she is now a powerful person, and she is proud of the spring breeze in front of Han Yumian's eyes.


Han Yumian looked at it in disgust and then planned to leave.

She had heard many rumors in the company before, and she was disgusted by rumors about what was physically superior and sleeping all over the company.

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