The assistant explained the previous things in general.

"Can't find it?"

After listening, Gu Chen was silent for a long time, and the assistant did not continue to speak.

"Manager Ye, when you investigated before, did you find that there were no other forces in Los Angeles?"

Then Gu Chen suddenly asked Manager Ye.


Manager Ye thought for a moment and shook his head and said, "Sir, I'll investigate again!" Then

he walked down with Gu Chen's consent.

After thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone and dialed George's number.

If anyone could hide, only George might know.

"Hey, Mr. Gu, good afternoon! Is there something going on with calling me? "

Good afternoon Mr. George! There is indeed something I would like to ask. Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Oh? My friend, what's the matter with you? George said boldly.

"I want to ask if there is a group of people in Los Angeles that we don't know about?" Gu Chen asked directly.

"Huh? What does Mr. Gu mean? George was stunned and asked puzzled.

"I asked Mr. George's assistant to help me investigate something, but I couldn't find it, so is there anything in Los Angeles that Mr. George can't find?" Gu Chen continued.

In a study room of the manor, George was originally reading, and suddenly received a call from Gu Chen, and his face changed after saying a few words.

Hearing the silent voice on the mobile phone, Gu Chen's eyes flashed a fine light, is there really one?

He was also in no hurry, waiting for George's voice.

"What is Mr. Gu looking for?" After a long time, George suddenly asked.

"A supercar!"


Hearing that George's face was full of black lines, he thought that Gu Chen was in conflict with that side, but he didn't expect this.

"To be precise, it is a Siebel supercar, one of the world's top ten famous cars!"

Gu Chen explained lightly.

"Eh? Why would Mr. Gu want to find that supercar? How about I send another supercar to Mr. Gu? George was stunned for a moment, then said.

"Naturally, I like that supercar! Mr. George was polite. Gu Chen smiled, and then said indifferently.

"It seems that Mr. George knows something?" Then Gu Chen turned his head and asked lightly.

George thought about it, then sighed and said, "Since Mr. Gu wants to know, then I will talk to Mr. Gu and say, I only hope that Mr. Gu will not spread the word!"

Gu Chen didn't say anything, still listening.

"Mr. Gu may not know that the nature of our country is that the chaebols are in power! But they are not known to the world, they have always been hidden in the secret, except for a few people at the top!

"They are the main controllers of the economy, we are just their representatives on the surface, Mr. Gu should know the strength of my Qualcomm Group, right?"

When Gu Chen heard this, he said that he knew.

"Then Mr. Gu knows that those chaebol groups have dozens of groups like me in their hands!"


Gu Chen's pupils contracted instantly.

"As far as I know, there are ten chaebol groups in the United States, they control and cover various industries separately, they are everywhere, as for whether there are deeper ones, I don't know!" As far as I know, the sphere of influence belongs to Los Angeles, and the wealth is one of the top ten, the California Group consortium!

George continued.

"The California Consortium?" Gu Chen muttered.

"Yes! They are a large conglomerate emerging after World War II, and their strength may not be as strong as the old consortium, but their strength cannot be underestimated.

Gu Chen nodded, he was still a little surprised to hear him at first, after all, these are all big guys hidden in the shadows.

"So, Mr. Gu, since the car can't be found, then the biggest probability is that it fell into their hands, I think Mr. Gu should change one!" George advised.

No way, he and Mr. Gu have already signed a contract before, and they have become partners, so he naturally wants to pull Gu Chen.

Gu Chen is not afraid of the other party's consortium, after all, he is in Huaxia, no matter how strong the strength of the consortium is, it will definitely not reach the country, and even if he stretches out, he Gu Chen is not afraid, you must know that now he can also be called a consortium!

Maybe the strength is not as good as others, but it should be similar.

Perhaps his financial strength is not bad, but the difference is only influence and strength.

After all, financial power is supreme in capital countries, but not in China, so Gu Chen is naturally not comparable to others.

"Since Mr. George knows, there should also be a way to contact the other party, right?" Gu Chen asked directly.

It is impossible to give up, plus he is also more interested in this consortium and wants to meet it in person.

At the same time, I also knew the reason why Manager Ye couldn't investigate before.

What kind of joke, on people's territory, you still want to investigate people, how is it possible?


George choked.

Dare to love before he said all in vain?

"Mr. George

, I know what you mean, but I still want to meet each other!" Gu Chen understood what the other party meant, and interrupted with a smile.

He still had some affection for the old man George, although the other party persuaded him so much because he had just signed a partnership with him.

"This... All right! George was silent for a long time, then agreed.

"But I can't guarantee that the other party will see you!"

"I know! Thank you!

Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and thanked him.

He has absolute certainty that the other party will meet him after hearing his name.

Because the other party's news and intelligence are definitely much better than George's, his own intelligence is estimated to have already reached the helm of the major wealth groups.

George then hung up and went to contact the other party.

Gu Chen put down his mobile phone at this time and looked at the assistant standing on the side.

"Okay, you don't need to investigate this matter." said with a smile.

"Yes!" The assistant nodded when he heard this, indicating that he understood.

Then he went down to deal with business.

Only if he can't do the main things in major matters, he will hand them over to Gu Chen, and the rest of him and the assistant group can handle by themselves.

On the other side, George, who put down the phone, thought about it, but picked up another satellite phone in the drawer.

"Hello? Is it Mr. Hunt? I'm George!

After connecting, he asked with a very respectful expression.

"Oh? Do you have something going on?

A majestic voice came out.

At his level, even if he does nothing, he will exude great power, after all, his position in ancient times was the powerful minister of the country.

"That's right! One of my partners would like to meet you, sir!

George suddenly breathed, he could feel the majesty through the phone, but now, he could only say it truthfully.


When he heard this, a word suddenly came, which made his heart tighten.

"That one is Gu Chen, the chairman of Longteng Group from the Huaxia Kingdom!"

"It's him!"

A surprised voice came over the phone, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Hunter knows him?"

Then his heart also rippled, he didn't expect that even Mr. Hunter had heard of Gu Chen.

"Uh-huh, a very capable, very mysterious guy!"

Mr. Hunter did not skimp on his voice this time and said a word.

"Then I wonder if Mr. Hunter will see him?"

George's heart was already turbulent at this time, he didn't expect the other party to give Gu Chen such an evaluation, but he couldn't help but ask.

"Is he in Los Angeles right now?"


"See you then! You invite him over! "


Finally hung up the phone, George breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't expect that Gu Chen was so famous, maybe he didn't know his identity.

But then he was very excited, knowing that now he is the partner of that Mr. Gu, the higher the status of Mr. Gu, the greater the benefits he will get.

So he directly and excitedly called Gu Chen's phone.

"Mr. Gu, you are hiding from me so miserably!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he laughed and made a joke.

"Huh?" Gu Chen raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

"Mr. Hunter promised to see you!" Then George said directly without nonsense.

"Oh?" Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, as expected.

"I wonder if Mr. Gu has time tomorrow?"

Hearing that Gu Chen was not surprised at all, he was stunned for a moment and then continued.

My heart is more determined, and I still have many secrets that I don't know.


Gu Chen nodded.

Originally, according to his plan, he would return to China tomorrow, but the plan could never catch up with the change, so he could only postpone it.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Hunter invites you to dinner tomorrow!" Then George solemnly invited.

"It's a great honor!"

Gu Chen replied with a smile.

Then Gu Chen called home again and said that he would not come back in a few days, so naturally he was concerned for a while.

"Don't worry! Mom, I'll take care of myself! Gu Chen replied with a smile.

At this time in Los Angeles, a photo suddenly went viral on the Internet.

"Oh Ma Ka! This is the little brother of that country in the East! How handsome!

"This is the Oppa of my universe country!"

"Upstairs stick country, are you thinking about fart eating!!"

"Only I noticed the identity of the big guy opposite the handsome guy?"

"Oh my God! Is that Mr. George, chairman of the board of directors of Qualcomm Group?

"What exactly is the identity of the little brother? What a reception for Mr. George to be! Suddenly

netizens on the Internet began to discuss hotly, one is Gu Chen's appearance, which is more handsome than the star, plus he has been exercising, and the masculinity on his body makes him more charming.

The other is identity, and the other in the photo is the chairman of the local conglomerate Qualcomm, which made the photo quickly go viral.

Local residents, international students, and tourists from all over the world enthusiastically participated in the discussion.

"Huh! It's him! Aunt Xue, look! At

this time, in a high-end hotel, in a luxurious room, a beautiful face suddenly exclaimed in surprise, and then quickly said.

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