That's right, at this time, it was Han Yumian who was browsing the Internet, and suddenly she also saw this photo, and after being very surprised, she took her mobile phone to show Aunt Xue on the side.

"Huh? It's him?

Aunt Xue glanced at it and was stunned, and then she was shocked and bitter.

"yes! I didn't expect that gentleman's status to be so high! Han

Yumian saw the following comment at this time and sighed; The other in the photo is a local billionaire, the chairman of the board of directors of Qualcomm Group!

Aunt Xue looked at Gu Chen in the photo and was shaking hands with the other party, the light and breezy appearance was really extremely handsome, and sighed deeply, this kind of big man is not something they can contact at all.

"Aunt Xue, you said that if we asked him for help before, would he help me?"

Then Han Yumian thought of something, turned his head and asked Aunt Xue curiously.

"Nope! The kind of big people who are not meddling in such small things as ours at all! Aunt Xue came back to her senses, shook her head and said.

Fortunately, Han Yumian didn't ask before, otherwise he would just be humiliated.

"Huh? I think this gentleman is quite talkative! Han Yumian disagreed a little.

Aunt Xue did not tell her that she had looked for each other before.

Aunt Xue smiled, touched Han Yumian's hair and did not speak.

This silly girl! How naïve.

If she wasn't around, it is estimated that such an innocent and cute girl would have been eaten to the point that she didn't even have bone scum.

But she didn't hate the gentleman.

After all, people don't know themselves, so why help themselves?

She has long understood this truth, in this complex society, without benefits, others will not look at themselves.

"But what exactly is this gentleman? No one on the Internet knows!

At this time, Han Yumian was lying on the bed without any image and flipping through the comments, talking to himself very curiously.

The vast number of netizens picked up George's identity all over again, but Gu Chen didn't know anything about it, only knew that he was a handsome guy!

However, after turning to the bottom, she finally found Gu Chen's identity.

A netizen named "Disappearing Cornea" posted a photo of Gu Chen at the Longteng Group press conference before.

"This gentleman's status is not worse than Mr. George's, but higher! This is called Gu Chen, is the chairman of Longteng Group, and the now world-famous Shenzhou model chip is his subsidiary, as well as the Shenzhou operating system! All developed under his umbrella.

"He broke the foreign chip blockade of China, created China's leap from the bottom to the hegemony in the chip industry, and his mobile phones are selling well in Europe and South Asia!"

"According to my inference, this mysterious President Gu came here in cooperation with Qualcomm Group, after all, the Americas is a big market, and it is impossible for President Gu to give up this piece!"

And accompanied by a large paragraph.

Suddenly, the message replies and likes skyrocketed, and soon became the first.

"Wow! It turned out to be the little brother of Huaxia Kingdom!

"Magnificent me, Huaxia! Unexpectedly, he was the chairman of Longteng Group!

"It's also a young age, why is the gap so big!!?"

"What about the stick country? Why don't you talk anymore?

"I've used Shenzhou mobile phones, and the performance is completely Apple!" Don't ask who said it, I said it! All

of a sudden, all kinds of praise came out, with the most international students.

"It turns out that this gentleman's name is Gu Chen, and he is the chairman of Longteng Group!"

Han Yumian is also the boss of Zhang at this time! Incredible exclaim.

"What? Longteng Group?

Aunt Xue was even more surprised than her at this time, but she knew that the current status of Longteng Group in the country was basically pyramidal, and this Mr. Gu was the pyramid of the pyramid.

For a while, the two of them couldn't calm down for a long time, but that's it, where can such a big person be contacted, and the previous accidental encounter can only be said to be their luck.


Then Aunt Xue sighed deeply.

Gu Chen naturally didn't know this.

The next day, Gu Chen held a transnational video conference early in the morning.

After explaining that Longteng Group can now send a team to establish a branch and establish a good cooperative relationship with Qualcomm.

This time, Wang Wei personally led a team to open up the market.

After dealing with some affairs, the time came to the afternoon, and Gu Chen was ready to go to the chaebol group.

And Han Yumian left here disappointed long ago and flew back to China.

However, due to her stalemate with the company, what awaits her is an indefinite snow cache!

"Mr. Gu, please!"

At this time, George personally came to the hotel where Gu Chen stayed and invited Gu Chen.

There are two reasons.

One is that this time he will personally take Gu Chen to see Mr. Hunter, this can only be done by himself, the others cannot.

The other is that now Gu Chen's identity has improved infinitely in his heart, and in order to establish a good relationship with Gu Chen and express goodwill, he naturally has to invite him personally.


Gu Chen didn't say much, nodded and got directly into the car.

This time, George and Gu Chen sat in the same car, and their respective assistant secretaries naturally followed behind.

"I wonder where that Mr. Hunter lives?"

In the car, Gu Chen looked at the car heading for the direction outside the city, and immediately asked curiously.

"Haha! I can't say this, but I'll tell you, my manor is like the difference between a small broken house and a big mansion in front of Mr. Hunter! George shook his head and said very mysteriously.

Gu Chen's eyebrows were raised, a little surprised, to know that Mr. George's manor could already be regarded as very luxurious in his eyes.

"Why don't you believe it?"

George saw that Gu Chen didn't believe it, and immediately said playfully.

Gu Chen shook his head.

"Okay, I'll tell Mr. Gu! Actually, Mr. Hunter's house is a huge castle! George whispered.


Gu Chen was stunned, he thought it was a manor! So even if Mr. Hunter's house was beautiful, it could not have been such a big gap, but now he heard this.

"Hey, hey! Don't believe it! And that's exactly what happened! George shrugged truthfully.

Then Gu Chen also believed George's words, and couldn't help but sigh, these capital societies are luxury, which one dares to build a castle in China?

Even if you have that money, you don't have that life.

Then there was no word, and the convoy was like a dragon winding along the road outside the city.

It was in the other direction of George's house, and farther away than his home, and it took almost an hour to see a tall castle standing in a valley, and in front of the valley was a small town.

"It's finally here!"

George said slowly.

It's really uncomfortable, after all, he is already an old man in his fifties! The various functions of the body are not comparable to Gu Chen, not to mention that Gu Chen has also been transformed by genetic potions.

Gu Chen looked at it from a distance, a castle full of mottled historical charm looked very mysterious under the sun's halo, and Gu Chen faintly saw through the river of time that this castle played a huge role before.

The convoy gradually stopped on the huge parking pad in front of the valley.

The dozens of heavily armed security guards in front of the valley were even more guarded.

"Sam, it's me! George!

George quickly stepped forward with the help of the secretary and communicated with the security guard.

"Sir, the strength of this group of people is very strong!"

Manager Ye behind him came to Gu Chen's side at some point and said in a low voice.

"Oh?" Gu Chen was very curious, to know that Manager Ye had been standing in the Middle East before!

The only place in the world where there is still a war, and the experience of war is naturally more powerful than Manager Mei's people.

"Sir, look at their positions, they are all carefully calculated! You can find a safe position the first time and then quickly fight back! Manager Ye explained in a low voice.

Gu Chen looked at it and found that this was indeed the case.

"The momentum on their bodies is also the temperament of an elite, and they are definitely masters who have survived the trials of life and death many times! Especially the one at the head, his eyes are like eagle eyes, and he is definitely a difficult opponent! Manager Ye continued.

Perhaps when he was observing during his introduction, suddenly the captain also found that someone was peeping, and his eyes suddenly swept over.

Gu Chen met his gaze and found that his eyes were full of cold, bloody, and indifferent!

Then Mr. George came over.

"Mr. Gu, they said it's okay to go in, but all these entourages of yours have to stay here!"

"Sir, this is too dangerous!"

Manager Ye disagreed at the first time.

Gu Chen naturally would not agree, after all, his own little life must be in his own hands.

"Call Mr. Hunter!" Gu Chen thought about it and said.

George was helpless, he knew that Mr. Gu was very vigilant.

After George got through, he said a few words and handed the phone to Sam, the captain of the security team.

"Mr. Gu, you can bring people in, but the number can't be too much!" George continued.

Gu Chen was still able to accept this request, so he ordered Manager Ye to select a few people and enter him.

The last few men walked past the security team.

"Manager Ye, how many people in Tiandun can take down this captain?" After walking a distance, Gu Chen asked curiously.

"Sir, now the few I brought can take him! There are also several out there that can be won! Hearing this, Manager Ye said very confidently.

After all, the tasks he brought with him this time are basically masters.

"This way!"

Gu Chen was relieved.

Then walk through the town to the castle gate.

The iron gate that was several feet wide was full of mottled rust, and Hunter, who had already received the news at the door, naturally sent a butler.

"A few people here, please!" The butler nodded at George, then looked at everyone and said.

Gu Chen naturally stepped directly in, the simple floor tiles, bright wall paintings all show a taste full of history.

Classical, mysterious, noble, eternal.

Walk through the long passage to the huge hall with an ornate chandelier that combines history and modern technology.

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