The surrounding walls are clinging to the fine ancient wall tiles, and all kinds of modern homes do not affect the incompatibility of the castle, and in the middle is a classical sofa, and an old man full of majesty and fierceness sits elegantly in the middle.

"Mr. Hunter!"

George soon greeted him as if he were an audience.

Heng Tei nodded, and then looked at Gu Chen behind him.

A stone-shattering momentum erupted towards Gu Chen, and Manager Ye and several bodyguards behind him suddenly turned pale, and a voice from the heart told them that this momentum was unstoppable.

Gu Chen immediately felt very familiar when he saw this scene, isn't this the same as before in Europe?

It's just that the castle is more classical and majestic, and the momentum is more powerful.

Gu Chen did not have the slightest fear.

He smiled slightly, and the whole person was like a peerless fierce sword out of its sheath! Directly resisted the momentum of the other party, and also rushed over.

Hunter was stunned suddenly, although he had long known that this Mr. Gu was not simple, but he did not expect that the other party's momentum was so powerful that even he could not suppress it.

"Presumably this is Mr. Gu! What a juvenile dragon! Then he could only dissolve this momentum, and suddenly spoke.

"Prize after prize! This must be the famous Mr. Hunter!

Gu Chen's momentum suddenly retracted, and the whole person changed back to the handsome and masculine appearance of the neighbor before.

"Please sit!"

A flash of appreciation flashed in Hunter's eyes, and he quickly got up and invited.

Gave Gu Chen enough face.

"Thank you!"

Gu Chen was also not polite and sat directly opposite him.

George on the side was already frightened and stupid at this time.

He did not expect that this Mr. Gu was so bold and did not fear Mr. Hunter in the slightest.

"I wonder what happened to Mr. Gu looking for this old man of mine?"

Then Hunter was straight to the point.

"If you come here and don't see the owner, you can't say anything, if you are told that you don't understand etiquette later, it's not good!"

Gu Chen smiled and joked.

"Haha! It is interesting for young people to speak, but Mr. Gu is wrong about it, this is not my territory! Spread it, I'm afraid the FBI will take the old man! Hunter's old eyes narrowed and he said with a big smile.

"Haha, who else can take Mr. Hunter in this land?"

"Mr. Gu, don't make fun of the old man, I know that Mr. Gu is a popular man in the country in Huaxia!" O patriotic entrepreneur! Hunt

naturally fought back.

"Haha, I didn't expect Mr. Hunter to even know this!"

Gu Chen's surprised expression flashed.

However, I was shocked in my heart, and I must know that this news is very secretive.

Then the two foxes, one old and one young, began their own trials, and all kinds of dumb riddles were heard by everyone.

"No wonder Mr. Gu can achieve such achievements at a young age, if the old man is dozens of years younger, it is estimated that he will become a best friend with you!" Hunter sighed.

"Haha! It was a real pleasure! Gu Chen said with a smile.

"By the way, I will introduce you to two people, they are both my juniors, you are both young people, you should have communication."

Then after Hunter said something to Gu Chen, he called two young people, a man and a woman, to come out.



After the two came over, they looked at Gu Chen curiously and said respectfully.


Hente nodded and introduced Gu Chen: "He is James, her name is Alice!" "


Gu Chen nodded and said.

"He is a friend of grandpa, you can call him Mr. Gu." Then Hunter said to his grandchildren.

"Hello Mr. Gu!"

When Alice heard this, she looked at Gu Chen curiously and shouted sweetly.

James, on the other hand, looked at Gu Chen very proudly and had no words.

With his identity as the heir of one of the top ten chaebols in the United States, it is naturally enough to look down on anyone, of course, it is only superficially proud, in fact, he is more shocked in his heart, after all, this young man in front of him who looks about the same age as himself is actually on an equal footing with his grandfather! This alone was enough to shock his heart.

Gu Chen didn't say anything, and he was not affected in the slightest.

Hunter's face sank: "James, what are you doing?"

"Hello Mr. Gu!"

James's face turned red when he was stared at by his grandfather, and he quickly shouted at Gu Chen and turned away.

Put away the apparent pride, deep in the depths of my heart, I was more and more shocked, I didn't expect my grandfather to pay so much attention to the young man in front of him.

"Sorry! Mr. Gu, it's my lax tutoring that makes you laugh!

Hunter looked at Gu Chen a little embarrassed, originally he wanted to let his grandson know Gu Chen, but he didn't expect this result.

"It's okay!"

Gu Chen smiled lightly, unaffected in the slightest.

Only Alice on the side looked at Gu Chen curiously with big blue eyes.

In her impression, no one could talk to her grandfather like this, let alone such a young and handsome oriental man, and she couldn't help but look foolish for a while.

Hunter then beckoned to the butler, who suddenly came over with a box.

After taking it, he put it in front of Gu Chen.

"The first time we met, Mr. Gu and I chatted very happily, and we hated to see each other late, so a small gift is not a respect!" Stretched out his hand and smiled at Gu Chen.

"Mr. Hunter is gracious!"

Gu Chen was stunned and did not accept it.

"I remember that there is an old saying in Huaxia, the elder does not dare to resign! How? Didn't Mr. Gu put me in his eyes? Hunter shook his head and quoted scriptures.

"This... Thank you Mr. Hunt!

Gu Chen didn't know what the other party meant, and he inexplicably wanted to send something to himself.

He opened it and saw that it was a car key and related documents, and when he opened it, it was the transfer certificate of a supercar.

He recognized it immediately, it was the Siebel supercar he was looking for.

At this time, he clearly felt the vibration of the mobile phone.

"Mr. Hunter, this..."

Then looked up at the smiling Hunter.

He glanced at George on the side, who had a somewhat evasive look in his eyes.

"Hey, isn't this a car in my brother's garage?"

At this time, Alice, who was like a Barbie doll in a fairy tale, also stretched out her neck and was surprised when she saw the contents of the box.

Gu Chen suddenly looked at Hunter in surprise, and at the same time he understood why that kid was so hostile to him.

"Mr. Hunter, this is too precious!"

Gu Chen was a little embarrassed, he was like a bad uncle who robbed other people's toys.

He didn't want to accept people's kindness for no reason, and his original plan was to spend money to buy it.

"I know the purpose of Mr. Gu's coming to me, so I prepared it in advance, besides, with your and my worth, what is a car?" Hunter said directly.

In the end, Gu Chen was not pretentious, and he would just return him something of the same value in the future.

"Then thank you Mr. Hunter for it!"

Gu Chen nodded and accepted the things.

In the end, the two talked a lot again, but this time with Alice joining, the style of conversation gradually shifted a little.

After Gu Chen had dinner here again, he announced his leave.

"Mr. Hunter, then we'll see you next time!"

Gu Chen nodded, and gradually disappeared under Hunter's gaze.

"Grandpa, why are you so polite to this Mr. Gu!"

Seeing Gu Chen leaving, Alice asked a little puzzled.

"This Mr. Gu is not an ordinary person." Hunter touched his granddaughter's hair dotingly and said with a smile.

The worry that flashed in his eyes flashed away, and no one saw it.

On the road.

"Mr. George is really unrighteous!" Gu Chen looked at George and said with a smile.

"Mr. Gu is sorry, Mr. Hunter asked me, how dare I not say it!"

George was apologetic and a little embarrassed at this time.

After seeing Hunter's attitude towards Gu Chen, his change towards Gu Chen is also very obvious now.

Befriend Gu Chen, and never offend Gu Chen.

"Forget it! This time, I would like to thank Mr. George! Gu

Chen didn't mean to blame the other party, he just wanted to knock it.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu!"

Then the car fell into silence, and an hour later, Gu Chen returned to his room, took out his mobile phone and saw that it was sent by Taobao.


"Congratulations to this user for completing a progress in the side quest, the world's top ten famous cars: 2/10."


Congratulations to this user for getting a luxury private jet of the Gulfstream G650ER!" The certificate has been delivered to the user, and the plane is parked in the nearby XX airport!

Suddenly, a series of prompts sounded.

Gu Chen was directly stunned, he didn't expect the rewards for completing the task to be so rich.

"Private jet?" Gu Chen muttered happily.

The Gulfstream G650ER is the world's most advanced, luxurious, comfortable, safest and smallest private jet, once the aircraft of choice for the world's richest people.

It is said that the orders were scheduled for three years, and he was very sorry that he could only choose other aircraft, but he did not expect the surprise to be here.

Then he found that there was an additional document next to the box, that is, about the right to use and purchase the plane.

Costing nearly $100 million, it has a state-of-the-art cockpit and passenger cabin that can accommodate eighteen people, and the interior is luxuriously decorated with leather, fine wood, and handmade items.

And equipped with a variety of advanced electronic equipment, you can very comfortably work in the air, rest, play and so on.

The corners of Gu Chen's mouth opened with a grin, and then his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Gu Chen picked it up and saw that it was a special number, and he connected it after thinking about it.


"Is it Mr. Gu?"


"Our side is Los Angeles International Airport, and you just parked a private jet type G650ER here, I want to ask you what are your plans?"

Sure enough, when he heard this, Gu Chen guessed correctly.

"Stop over there first! I will contact you when needed! Gu Chen thought about it and ordered.

"Okay! Disturb Mr. Gu!

Then the staff at the airport hung up the phone respectfully.

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