Gu Chen Meizhi hung up the phone, lay on the bed, looked at the two documents, and couldn't help but sigh that Bai had a supercar and an airplane.

After putting them away, I went to sleep happily.

The purpose of coming to the United States this time has been completed, and it is time to return to China.

The bright white moonlight shone on Gu Chen's face through the bright floor-to-ceiling windows, appearing very peaceful, and there was a smile on his mouth, as if he had encountered something happy in his dream.

The next day, Gu Chen woke up early in the morning.

Because he was in a foreign country, he did not go out for a morning run, but went to the hotel's special gym.

When he went in, Gu Chen found that Manager Ye and the others had already exercised inside.


As soon as Gu Chen came in, he attracted everyone's attention, stopped the movement in his hand, and shouted in unison.

"Everyone, early! Keep leaving me alone!

Gu Chen nodded, said hello to everyone, and walked to a treadmill and started running.

I don't know how long time passed, but Gu Chen finally stopped.

"Sir's physique is really not as good as me!"

Manager Ye didn't know when he came to Gu Chen's side, saw Gu Chen running for so long, but his face was slightly pale, and he quickly handed the towel over, and then sighed.

"Manager Ye is not bad!" Gu Chen wiped his face and glanced at the back of the road.

Suddenly, he saw a group of people on the right forming a circle, and two people were fighting.

"This is when the brothers are bored and fight each other."

Manager Ye saw Gu Chen's gaze and explained with a smile.

Gu Chen nodded and looked over carefully.

One of the people who compete inside is thin and the other is fat.

The two had a fight back and forth, it seemed that the fat man had the upper hand, and his body not only did not drag him down, but became his help, and his hands fought in unison.

Gu Chen's gaze froze, just when he felt that the thin man was about to lose, the thin man made a move to retreat into advance, and the chaos made the fat man busy, directly defeating into victory, and losing in one move.

Suddenly, there was a wave of boos all around.

Gu Chen is also quite interesting to watch, if it weren't for the fat man underestimating the enemy, he wouldn't have been defeated.

Gu Chen continued to watch for a while before going back to his room to wash.

Just after breakfast, the assistant came over.

"Mr. Gu, a housekeeper came outside, saying that he was following Mr. Hunter to send you the car!"


Gu Chen was stunned, and then reacted.

"Go, go out and see!"

Gu Chen suddenly walked outside the hotel.

Sure enough, a large trailer truck stopped in front of the hotel, and a man with gray hair stood on the side.

It was the housekeeper I met in the castle last night.

"Hello Mr. Gu! Mr. Hunter told me to bring you a car! Seeing Gu Chen coming, the butler saluted slightly and said respectfully.


Gu Chen nodded, and after saying a word, he looked at the blue-purple Sibel above! It looks like it's still brand new and has never been opened.

Gu Chen fell in love with it at a glance, and the other pedestrians around him turned back three times in one step.

"Help me get it to the parking lot first!" After admiring it, he said to the butler.

"No problem!"

Then he said to the trailer driver, who started the car and drove to the parking lot.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Hunter also invited you to the upper floor party in Los Angeles tonight!" Then the butler turned around and said respectfully.


Gu Chen looked at him.

"Yes, most of the business, political and entertainment industry people in Los Angeles will participate!" The butler explained.

Gu Chen did not answer immediately, but thought for a moment and agreed.


Originally, he planned to go back today, but after thinking about it, he might need this for his company's affairs in the future, so he agreed.

Then the housekeeper handed the invitation to Gu Chen and announced his leave.

Gu Chen looked at the streamlined goose feather English characters and exquisite patterns, and sighed: "This invitation is better than what I received in China before!"

"Inform the airport, don't go back today." Gu Chen suddenly ordered the assistant next to him.

"Yes! I'll notify you right away! The

assistant took out his cell phone and dialed a call.

Gu Chen went back to the hotel room without incident.

At noon, he suddenly received a call from Wang Wei of Longteng Group, saying that he had arrived at the Los Angeles airport and was rushing to the hotel.

Half an hour later, he saw Wang Wei and his group in the conference room.

"President Gu!"

"Hmm! Good work everyone!

Gu Chen nodded and comforted everyone looking at their tired appearance.

"The rooms are ready, let's go rest first! Manager Wang stays! "


Then the group left the conference room without objection under the guidance of the assistant.

"Who do you plan to arrange as the person in charge of the United States!"

Gu Chen asked after motioning for him to sit down.

"Mr. Gu, I plan to arrange Shen Yue, the vice president of the group, as the person in charge of the branch in the United States, firstly, he has rich experience, and secondly, he has the experience of studying and working in the United States, which is very suitable."

Wang Wei heard Gu Chen ask about work, so he reported seriously.

When Gu Chen heard this, Shen Yue's figure automatically appeared in his mind, and he remembered the information about him.


Nodded approvingly.

Hearing that President Gu was satisfied, Wang Wei was also relieved, he thought about this person for a long time before thinking of Shen Yue, and when he saw that President Gu was satisfied, he finally let go of his heart.

Then Gu Chen asked many more questions, and Wang Weidu answered them one by one, and Gu Chen was very satisfied with Wang Wei's work attitude.

After thinking about it, he said: "By the way, there is a party in Los Angeles in the evening, you and he will go with me to see it!" Just to boost your reputation!

Wang Wei's eyes showed curiosity when he heard this, and he didn't understand why President Gu had just been here for a few days, and he had a ticket to enter the upper circle of Los Angeles.

After all, this is not in the country, thinking of the xenophobia of the upper class abroad, the admiration for Gu Chen in my heart is a little more.

"Yes!" Immediately quickly agreed.

When the time flickered to night, Gu Chen saw Shen Yue, who was medium in height and ordinary in appearance, but those eyes were very shrewd.

When I saw Gu Chen, I was still a little restrained.

"Let's go!"

Gu Chen nodded, and then directly got into the car provided by the hotel.

This party was located in a mansion in the center of the city, and as night had just fallen, the place for the party had begun to come alive.

All kinds of luxury cars are everywhere, and men and women dressed up brightly dressed also begin to appear.

Gu Chen also walked directly in with his assistant and Wang Wei Shenyue at this time.

An invitation can bring two or three people in.

Entering the hall, Gu Chen said to Wang Wei and the two.

"Separate yourselves and communicate! Whether you can live better here in the future depends on your own efforts tonight! "


Then Wang Wei and Shen Yue dispersed separately, especially Shen Yue, after all, he will be stationed here in the future, so naturally he knows a little more people.

And Gu Chen has always been indifferent to this kind of party, if he didn't think that he might have to use it in the future, he would already be lying at home at this time!

At this time, a big man came in from the inner door, and the rest of the party crowded over.

Gu Chen also glanced at it, it was Mr. Hunter who he saw yesterday.

I saw him greeting everyone with a smile on his face, like when the leader appeared, but his identity was not a leader but much higher than a leader.

Perhaps his facial features were sensitive, and he saw Gu Chen in the corner at a glance.

He nodded with a smile, and Gu Chen was naturally the same.

In the end, I don't know what he said, and everyone slowly dispersed and went straight to Gu Chen.

"Why is Mr. Gu sitting here alone?"

Sitting next to Gu Chen, Hunter looked at Gu Chen with a smile.

"Clean!" Gu Chen replied.

It's just that although everyone dispersed, they still paid attention to Hunter all the time.

Finding that he was suddenly talking enthusiastically with a strange young man, he was suddenly incredulous.

Then one order after another came out, wanting to find Gu Chen's news, but he was destined to be disappointed.

"I didn't expect Mr. Gu to be so low-key at a young age." Mr. Hunter sighed.

"Let's go! Mr. Gu, let me take you to meet a few people! Your company will be a little better here in the future! Then he saw a figure and said to Gu Chen.

"Then thank you!"

Gu Chen nodded, then got up and followed the other party.

"Mr. Hunter!"

Walking to a circle with the smallest number of people, Gu Chen heard several people shouting very respectfully at Hunter.

"Hello everyone!"

Hente nodded and said hello to several people.

"This is Mr. Gu."

Then he introduced Gu Chen to everyone,

"Hello Mr. Gu!"

Several people greeted one after another, and they had already discovered that Hunter seemed to be uncommon to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen also knew their identities, one was the mayor of Los Angeles, the other was the head of the military department, and there were several old family tycoons, and there was a director.

The last Gu Chen looked at it for a long time, and he was very curious about this.

You know, although the director may be very high in the eyes of ordinary people outside, but here, it should be the lowest, right?

Perhaps Hunter saw Gu Chen's doubts and explained with a smile.

"Mecalon is my friend's son."

Hearing this, Gu Chen suddenly realized, no wonder!

Who is Hunter?

Can ordinary people be friends with him?

"Hello, Mr. Gu, you are very handsome, if you want to be a star in the future, you can find me!"

Mecalon had long been signaled by Hunter, and he was showing favor to Gu Chen.

"Haha! Then thank you Mr. Mecalon!

Gu Chen laughed when he heard this.

Then a few people chatted a few more words, and on the way, he also called Shen Yue over and mixed with everyone.

After that, Gu Chen didn't care about him, just glanced at him halfway and found that there was already a large circle around him, so he let go of his heart.

After ten o'clock in the evening, the party ended, and Gu Chen and his party resigned and left.

"President Shen seems to have become the focus of the audience tonight!" On the way, Wang Wei joked with a smile.

"This is still thanks to President Gu!"

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