Shen Yue was very excited in his heart.

He knew that if Gu Chen hadn't given him the opportunity to get to know the top circle of Los Angeles, who would have known him as a yellow person?

"It's okay!"

Gu Chen waved his hand, all this is also related to himself, if he does not have this ability, even if he helps, he will not have this opportunity.

"Okay, anyway, you two are responsible for this side of the United States! I'll be gone tomorrow! Gu Chen continued.

As soon as the words fell, the two were stunned.

"How? Still won't let me go?

Gu Chen looked at the expressions of the two and quipped; I have been here for a few days, and it is estimated that the documents on the group side have been pressed a lot, rest assured! If there is anything you can ask Mr. George, he will help you!

"Understood!" The two nodded in reply.

Then Gu Chen chatted with them, and did not disperse until they returned to the hotel.

For Gu Chen, this trip to the United States greatly exceeded his imagination and could be said to be a very perfect itinerary.

So as soon as I returned to the hotel, I called Gu's mother Chu Xinyi and told them that they would come back tomorrow, and then went to bed.

At this time, the moon and stars on this side of the United States are rare, the whole land falls into endless eternal night, and everything is quiet.

On the other side of the ocean, Huahai in the east of the sunrise had already entered the daylight at this time, and she was in a very happy mood after learning the news of her son's return today.

After all, in the United States, where there are gun battles and riots from time to time, she has always been worried, but now that she knows the news that her son is about to return, the whole person exudes a happy atmosphere.

In addition, Gu's father has long returned to Gan Province, his niece is not around, and his prospective daughter-in-law is also on a business trip abroad, she is extremely bored, and her huge family is lonely.

So she plans to go to the nearby market to buy vegetables and prepare a hearty lunch for her son.

After walking around the wet market, she was like a victorious king, successfully bargaining from the vegetable market aunts.

Walking out of the vegetable market with a full of vegetables in her hands, walking on the road suddenly a bicycle rushed over, she couldn't hide with something in her hand, and she was stunned there.


Gu Mu immediately closed her eyes in fright, and suddenly her body seemed to spin in the sky.

"Auntie, are you all right?"

Suddenly, a pleasant voice entered Gu's mother's ears.

Gu's mother suddenly opened her eyes and found that she was fine, and then came back to her senses, as if she had been pulled over by someone else.

It was found that it was a long-haired woman wearing a mask, looking at herself with a worried face.

"Thank you! Thank you! I'm fine!

Gu's mother immediately breathed a sigh of relief after the disaster, and then thanked her with a smile.

"That's good!"

Han Yumian was also relieved, she had been hidden by the company since returning to China, and she had no exposure, so she could only stay at home.

So she was about to go out for a walk, but suddenly found that a bicycle seemed to be out of control, and there was an aunt in front of her, which startled her, so she quickly pulled it at the moment of crashing.

"I'm sorry, Auntie, are you all right?"

At this time, the guy riding the bicycle also quickly ran over and apologized apologetically.

"You boy, how do you ride a bicycle? Didn't you see anyone in front of you? Gu Mu said after glaring at her.

I saw that the young man has been apologizing, it seems that he often meets some grandpas and aunts touching porcelain on the Internet, and now he almost bumped into an aunt, so isn't he going to face huge compensation?

Thinking of this, his face turned white with fright.

One by one, apologizing.

After Gu's mother criticized a few words, she didn't say anything when she saw the young man's pale face, after all, she didn't have anything to do.

"Okay, pay attention to cycling in the future!"


The young man was stunned and immediately reacted, and said with great joy: "Thank you Auntie, thank you Auntie!"

Then the young man quickly slipped away, and Han Yumian on the side did not speak, and a pair of beautiful eyes that were exposed quietly watched all this.

"Auntie, if you're okay, then I'll leave too."

Then Han Yumian also planned to leave.

"Uh-huh! Thank you little girl! How about we add a WeChat message? Mother Gu thought about it and asked.

She is full of gratitude for this little girl who saved herself.


And Han Yumian was a little hesitant, after all, her identity was a little sensitive.

When I wanted to refuse, I suddenly agreed to it.

"Okay! Aunt! Then

he took out his phone and scanned the code.

"Good, good, good! What's your name girl? Why do you still wear a mask? Then Gu Mu asked with a smile.

"My surname is Han."

Han Yumian said his last name.

"Auntie, this is the dish you bought?" Then Han Yumian saw what Gu Mu was carrying in her hand and asked curiously.

"Yes! Son is back today! When

Gu Mu heard this, the smile on her face increased.

"Auntie, you are so good to your son!" Han Yumian said enviously.

My heart suddenly became sad.

She has lost her parents since she was a child, and her entire childhood memories are gray and painful, and now hearing this strange aunt like this, naturally a sense of sadness comes from her heart.

Suddenly he was very envious of his aunt's son who had "never met".

Naturally, there was no mood to relax, so I planned to go back.

However, she saw Gu's mother with bags full of hands in her hands, so she wanted to ask, "Auntie, where is your home?" How about I send you back?" When

Gu's mother heard this, she quickly refused: "How embarrassing this is!" Forget it, my home is in the community not far away. "

Mother Gu is old and refined, and naturally she felt Han Yumian's mood change for the first time.

Although she didn't know what happened to this woman with a good temperament, she could feel that it would not be a good thing, so it was not convenient to disturb her.

"Auntie, your family won't be in Tomson Yipin, right?"

Hearing this, Han Yumian's heart moved.

As far as she knows, there is only one community nearby, that is, Tomson Yipin.

So she looked at Gu's mother without showing a trace, and found that the clothes on Gu's mother were not ordinary, and suddenly thought of something.

"Huh? Oh, yes! Miss Han also knows! Mother

Gu directly admitted when she heard this.

"Auntie, I live there too!" Han Yumian suddenly looked surprised and spoke.

"Huh? Such a coincidence!

Gu's mother also had a surprised expression, and then showed a smile.

She also didn't expect that a girl who met Pingshui also lived there, knowing that it was not affordable for ordinary people to live there.

"yes! Auntie, let me help you carry two pieces!

Han Yumian also felt very coincidental, so he offered to help Gu's mother carry a few bags.

Then the two left here with a smile, like a mother and daughter in the eyes of outsiders.

For Han Yumian, Gu's mother was like a long-lost elder, treating people gently and kindly, which added a touch of warmth to her lonely heart and shone into the darkness that had been closed for a long time.

For Gu's mother, she also has a natural sense of intimacy for this newly acquainted girl, and it is inevitable that she is a little distressed by her lonely mind from time to time.

So much so that when the two walked to Tomson Yipin, the two seemed to have known each other for a long time.

"Auntie! In fact, I am an artist, named Han Yumian!

Finally, Han Yumian's worried peach eyebrows gradually stretched, took off his mask, and said to Gu's mother a little embarrassed.

"Huh? You, you, you are the Han Yumian who sang "Light Language"? When Gu's mother saw Han Yumian who took off her mask, she immediately shouted, and then said in surprise.

"Uh-huh! Auntie also heard? Seeing

Gu's mother's very surprised expression, Han Yumian suddenly calmed down his anxious heart, a pair of big eyes bent into a crescent shape, and blushed a little embarrassed.

"That is! I love your song! Mother Gu said happily when she heard this.

She also has an ageless heart, and now a star suddenly appears next to her, she is naturally very happy, although she is not like some brain-dead fans on the Internet.

Gu Chen naturally didn't know anything about what happened here.

East rises and west falls, east descends west out.

The first rays of sunlight cut across the endless landscape, dispelling the night and smog.

Gu Chen naturally got up early and prepared to leave.

Suddenly he thought of his supercar, and for a moment he was in trouble, although he could fly back, but the car could not get on the plane.

There is no way but freight.

Thinking of this, he called his assistant over.

"Mr. Gu, are you looking for me?" The assistant asked in a low voice.

"Hmm! Are there any cargo ships of the remote group docked here? Gu Chen nodded and said.

"Yes! But not here, in another city! The assistant thought about it and said.

Since Taiyu Group has directly reached cooperation with the world's raw material suppliers, the territory of the remote group has also become larger and larger, and the cargo ships are basically spread all over the four oceans and seven continents.

"Good! That super car in the parking lot, arrange it for me and ask them to bring me back to Huahai! When Gu Chen heard this, he ordered to his assistant.

"Yes! I'll arrange it with them right away! Then

the assistant went down to communicate with the cargo ship.

After solving this matter, Gu Chen relaxed.

At this time, he immediately wanted to see the reward plane, and I heard that it was always luxurious! Even flight attendants are first-class beauties?

Gu Chen can only suppress his anxious heart, and when the assistant finishes processing, I don't know what the reward will be next time?

Gu Chen tasted the sweetness and began to fantasize about his reward after getting the next car.

"Huh? I remember that Manager Ye has found a super car, why hasn't it moved yet?

Suddenly, Gu Chen remembered something, and immediately reacted, this time he was busy forgetting other things.

So he quickly called Manager Ye.

"Manager Ye, I remember that you said that you had found the diamond rich, I don't know what happened now?"

Seeing Manager Ye coming, Gu Chen couldn't wait to ask.

"Sorry! I forgot to tell Mr. about this! Hearing

Gu Chen ask this, Manager Ye also looked remorseful.

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