"What's wrong? Did something happen to me? Gu

Chen had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Sir, the Minister of Department D personally asked the rich man before, but unfortunately, the supercar was snatched by the local rebels a year ago!"

Manager Ye knows that his husband has an unspeakable obsession with the top ten famous cars, and he also has deep regret for his disadvantage.

Looking at Manager Ye, who looked self-blamed, Gu Chen smiled and patted the other party's shoulder: "It's okay!" Just know where the car is!

"Don't worry, sir, I will definitely send you the car!" Hearing this, Manager Ye said with firm assurance.

"Hmm! There is no rush! Tell the brothers to stay safe! Gu

Chen naturally would not give up that supercar, either to complete the task, or that time the reward made him very moved.

The current daily draw is not a personal item or some chicken thing, which is completely useless compared to his current status.

So he hit the idea on the reward.

"Yes! I will definitely tell them! Manager Ye was very moved to assure.

"Uh-huh! That's it! I'm going back home too, how about you? Do you want to follow me back to your home country or stay abroad? Gu Chen nodded, and then suddenly asked.


Manager Ye suddenly hesitated.

"No rush! You think slowly.

Then Gu Chen walked out of the conference room.

I originally planned to leave in the morning, but now I still need to transport his supercar back to China, and it takes a little time, so I went down to deal with Wang Wei's affairs.

Manager Ye is standing in the conference room and it is difficult to decide, they all say that the fallen leaves return to their roots, he has been adrift for more than 20 years, and naturally wants to go back to see.

Although the memory of his hometown in his mind is blurred, for him it is the place he is most looking forward to and fearing the most.

Before, his identity doomed him to be impossible to go back, but now, Gu Chen has helped him whitewash his identity, plus Gu Chen's influence in the country, as long as he obeys the law, he can obtain a most basic identity.

So he naturally wanted to go back, but he couldn't worry about the matter of Tiandun.

After all, there is no convenience at home and abroad, and after thinking twice, he still decided to stay and help Gu Chen better develop Tiandun, at the very least, he also helped Tiandun train a general manager.

At that time, he can leave with confidence, otherwise he will be sorry for Gu Chen's trust in him, and besides, as long as he follows Gu Chen, he can naturally go back if he wants to go back in the future.

After figuring it out, his gaze became firm, and from now on, there was one more belief in his fox's eyes, that is, the belief to go home.

I believe that this force can help him better develop Tiandun.

By noon, the assistant had returned.

"President Gu, it's already been dealt with!" The assistant reported to Gu Chen.

"Good! Get ready, wait and go! "


When the assistant heard this, he was also in good spirits, and he couldn't compare with the country here.

Looking at the assistant's elated back, Manager Ye was also with a strong envy, and suddenly had an urge to immediately agree to Gu Chen.

But in the end, he still pressed down fiercely.

"What about you? Manager Ye, how did you think about it? Gu Chen suddenly asked.

"Sir, I've thought about it and stay here." Manager Ye said in a deep voice.


Gu Chen was stunned, he thought that the other party would agree.

"Sir, I am still needed here, domestic is not more than abroad, sometimes it is impossible to grasp the information more accurately, so it is much better for me to stay abroad than at home!" Manager Ye explained.

"Alright! But when you want to come back, tell me and I'll have someone pick you up! When

Gu Chen heard this, he looked at Manager Ye and then turned his head to leave, and the voice came along with the sound of footsteps.

"Yes! Thank you sir!

Manager Ye straightened up and assured loudly.

The parting is a little sad, after all, everyone got along well during this time, but in the face of the joy of going home, it was diluted a little.

"Goodbye, brothers!"

Inside the airport, Gu Chen looked at the people led by Manager Ye and said sincerely.

"Safe journey, sir!" Everyone said in unison.

Attracted the attention of everyone at the airport, fortunately this is a separated area, otherwise everyone would still think that some terrorist organization is brainwashing!

Then Gu Chen walked into the airport.

Be respectfully led by the airport manager to the previously rewarded aircraft dock.

"President Gu, isn't this right?"

The assistant on the side suddenly looked at the plane in front of him that was not the one he was on before he came, and asked in a low voice.

"What's wrong?" Gu Chen said lightly after glancing at it.


The assistant heard the words and stopped talking.

"Mr. Gu, according to your instructions, we have helped you carefully check the condition of the machine, and there is no problem!" At this time, the person in charge of the airport respectfully introduced by Gu Chen's side.

He knew that the dignity of that plane was definitely not something that ordinary people could buy, so he naturally respected Gu Chen very much.

"Thank you! All the cost of the aircraft is attached to the remote group! Gu Chen Yuguang said lightly after glancing at it.

Since the long-range group has owned passenger and cargo aircraft, it has established cooperative relationships at major airports around the world, establishing routes and grounding relationships.

Naturally, there is also a partnership with the airport here.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gu!"

The person in charge nodded when he heard this.

Finally, I came to an airplane that was one size smaller than other aircraft, and looked at the advanced styling and the reasons why the construction materials were advanced compared to other aircraft, and it looked full of money;

"Mr. Gu, this is the plane you parked here before!" The person in charge introduced slowly.

"Hmm! There is work! Gu

Chen was very satisfied.


The assistant group and bodyguard team behind him were completely stunned.

What did they just hear? This is Mr. Gu's plane?

Everyone looked at each other, no one knew when Mr. Gu bought it, they had no news at all, especially the assistant, he didn't have any news, and looked at Gu Chen in disbelief.

You must know that he basically follows President Gu step by step!

Then the cabin in the belly slowly opened, and a folding elevator rose from the bottom.

Four long-legged flight attendants in uniform came down.

Instantly attracted everyone's attention, beautiful figure, good looks, plus the temptation of uniforms, everyone swallowed.

"Let's go!"

Then Gu Chen took the lead in coming to his senses and walked directly towards it.

"Welcome Mr. Gu aboard the Gulfstream G650ER."

Seeing Gu Chen come up, the four beauties all brightened their eyes, and then showed a sweet smile, bending down in unison and respectfully.

"You know me?" Gu Chen asked with some curiosity.

"We are the flight attendant distributed by the headquarters for Mr. Gu, and we have Mr. Gu's information!" One of the more mature women on the right suddenly spoke.


Gu Chen suddenly realized, and at a glance, it was that mutated Taobao did it.

Then Gu Chen climbed the stairs surrounded by several flight attendants.

When the few people below saw this, they immediately followed Gu Chen on the plane, they naturally also wanted to let a few beautiful flight attendants serve, but they thought too much, and several flight attendants directly followed Gu Chen and walked directly in.

The plane is not as big as other planes, and can only seat eighteen people, fortunately, Gu Chen's group does not have eighteen people, otherwise he really can't sit down.

The aircraft is divided into four zones.

The nose is the cockpit, followed by the cabin, supplies, and survival cabin.

The cabin is divided into three parts, one is the rest area of flight attendants and others, the other is Gu Chen's personal luxury area, and the other is a large seating cabin, which is the seating area of assistants and others.

The various high-tech inside opened everyone's eyes, everyone touched here and looked there, like people who fled the desert and rushed to see the world.

Seeing this, Gu Chen was a little embarrassed, and he was also his concubine! How can you be so unseen in the world!

So Gu Chen went directly to his personal cabin.

At this time, the beautiful flight attendant who had spoken before followed in and introduced many things to Gu Chen.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I am the acting crew leader of this plane, Lili." Beautiful flight attendant Lily introduced herself.

"Hmm! Hello! From now on, you will be in charge of the big and small affairs of this aircraft!

Gu Chen nodded, after a short time together, Gu Chen already knew that Lili was indeed very experienced, so he directly gave her power.

"Thank you Mr. Gu, I wonder what Mr. Gu is going to name the plane?" Lily suddenly smiled beautifully and asked.

"I take? Don't have a name? Gu Chen was stunned and asked a little puzzled.

"That's right! Generally, after purchasing an aircraft, the owner will re-name himself and report it to the local aviation administration, and that name will be the code name of the aircraft, which is also equivalent to an ID card. Lily nodded and explained.

"This way!"

Gu Chen nodded, and then thought about what name to come up with.

"Let's call it Tatsuko!"

It was really not his forte to choose a name, so after thinking about it, he chose his own name.

Anyway, the plane generally flies above the nine heavens, which is very close to the vast stars, and the Tatsuko is also more appropriate!

"Okay! Mr. Gu, I will report this to the Authority! Lily

nodded when she heard this, she couldn't interfere in the slightest about what name she wanted.

Then went down, this time after the communication with the airport was completed, Gu Chen felt that the plane began to taxie at the airport, the speed was getting faster and faster, and suddenly a feeling of weightlessness came, and he knew that it should be the plane climbing.

Finally, I don't know how long has passed, but it has gradually stabilized.

He found that it was much more comfortable than the previous ride, basically without a trace of vibration, lying on a comfortable bench, looking at the touch screen interface in front of him, on the right hand side is a small refrigerator wine cabinet, worthy of the existence of a penny!

Subsequently, Gu Chen spent the boring life in the air perfectly under Lili's service.

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