After nearly six hours of high-altitude flight, tired of seeing the endless deep sea, suddenly a large piece of land appeared in the distance, and Gu Chen knew that it was almost there.

Since this is a new aircraft, the captain has already contacted the airport in Huahai before the flight, otherwise it is estimated that it has not been close to the East China Sea, and it is estimated that it will be disintegrated.

After a while of communication, the plane gradually began to lower its altitude, and the scenery outside became clearer and clearer.

Suddenly there was a tremor, and Gu Chen knew that the plane had landed.

It made a red friction sound, and gradually stopped at the designated position under the guidance of the tower.

"Whew! Finally back! Gu Chen stood at the hatch and sighed.

At this time, Hua Hai was already near six o'clock in the afternoon, watching the sky gradually darken. The neon lights in the distance are also slowly turned on.


Then Gu Chen asked the assistant and the others with a smile.

"Mr. Gu, it's so comfortable! It's a luxury landline! When the assistant heard this, he remembered his previous experience and sighed.

"That is! Do well in the future!

Gu Chen patted the assistant's shoulder and said.

Hearing this, the assistant was immediately very excited, could it be...

"There will be a chance to sit in the future!"

Gu Chen looked at the excited assistant with great satisfaction, and thought that he understood what he meant.

Then he took the lead and left.


Leave the stunned assistant.

"That's it?"

He also thought that President Gu would say, "Do a good job in the future, and reward you with a good job!" "The result? That's it???

Then he followed with endless disappointment and bitter heart.

Naturally, there is more than one plane at the airport, and there are planes taking off or landing at every hour of the day.

At this time, a plane not far from Gu Chen came down many foreign friends with different skin colors.

They looked around curiously, with a thick shock and incredulity on their faces.

They were visiting this ancient country for the first time, and in their impression it was synonymous with poverty and backwardness, so they were extremely reluctant before coming.

But now what do they see? The magnificent and atmospheric airport is not so luxurious in their country!

For a moment, they couldn't accept it or understand it, and they were all stunned there.

"What kind of plane is that?"

Suddenly, an exclamation woke them up from their disappointment, and looking at the source of the sound, there was a different plane diagonally behind them.

"How handsome!"

"What type of aircraft is that so good-looking?" Much smaller than the one we rode on!

Suddenly, a burst of discussion temporarily replaced the shock and ignorance in their hearts.

"I remember that it seemed to be the latest model in the Gulfstream series?"

The last blue-haired and white-skinned young man suddenly remembered something, opened his mouth and said in shock.


When everyone heard this, they were all stunned.

Immediately overjoyed.

"Good! I've seen other Gulfstream series aircraft, and what they all have in common is a handsome fuselage.

"I remember that Huaxia never had one, right?"

"That's right! Gulfstream, which represents a symbol of status and status, has always been a means of travel for nobles in our country, and it is definitely not something that Chinese people can have!

"Exactly! How could Huaxia, a backward country, have this plane! It must be the plane of our big man in the United States! Suddenly

everyone was talking.

It seems that he wants to take revenge for all the shame he received before.

For a while, they regained their self-confidence from this plane, and once again became high-spirited and invincible.

The quarrel here naturally attracted Gu Chen's gaze, but he only glanced at it and left again.

Walking into the hall, suddenly a man dressed in the clothes of high-ranking airport personnel walked over with several men.

"Are you Mr. Gu Chengu?" Came to Gu Chen's side and asked with a kind face.

"I'm Gu Chen." Gu Chen nodded.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I am one of the people in charge of the airport, Hou Yuan." The man's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he introduced himself respectfully.

At his level, although he didn't know Gu Chen's specific identity, he also knew a trace of rumors, that is, the background was heavenly.

"Hello!" Gu Chen looked at each other puzzled.

At this time, the foreign friends from before also walked in.

"On behalf of us, China Eastern Airlines, I want to cooperate with Mr. Gu!" Hou Yuan was straight to the point.


Now it was Gu Chen's turn to be surprised, he didn't know what it meant, one of the four major civil aviation groups in China, actually wanted to cooperate with him?

"If Mr. Gu cooperates, Mr. Gu's Gulfstream G650ER is fully maintained at our airport, no matter which airport it is in, as long as it is an airport where my Eastern Airlines aircraft can land, Mr. Gu will be able to land." Seeing that Gu Chen was unmoved, Hou Yuan hurriedly said.


Gu Chen's eyes lit up when he heard this, which was a huge good news for him, after all, China Eastern Airlines is a giant with business contacts in airports all over the world.


Not only was Gu Chen surprised, but some people in the team of foreign friends who had just come in lost their voices and said in shock;

He was the blue-haired white man who had previously recognized the Gulfstream plane.

"Peter, what's wrong with you?" The others were shocked when they saw Peter's face, and they all asked curiously.

"The Gulfstream G650ER we just saw at the airport belongs to the young gentleman!" Peter looked straight at Gu Chen at this time, and explained without concentration.


The others were also stunned, and then said in shock;

"Peter? Are you mistaken?

"How is it possible! How could a backward Chinese have a car of an aristocracy!

"Exactly! Peter, are you crazy? Then

several companions were incredulous.

"That's right! The middle-aged man was wearing the clothes of the senior manager of the airport, he just said it himself! Peter explained.

He was also the only one among several who could speak Chinese.

Hearing Peter's explanation, they stopped talking, they all looked very ugly, and their faces were even more embarrassed and embarrassed, and they all lowered their heads and stopped speaking, and quietly left.

No longer dared to say anything big, the conceited and unsightly heart was inadvertently shattered by Gu Chen today.

However, Gu Chen naturally didn't know this, and now his heart was full of doubts.

"You can find me again in two days about this! I just came back and now need a break! So, after thinking about it, he said.

There was neither a refusal nor a promise.

"Sorry! Then don't bother Mr. Gu! I'll visit again in two days! Hou

Yuan showed a touch of disappointment when he heard this, and immediately apologized and left.

Then Gu Chen did not block here, and quickly left.

"Investigate for me what's going on!"

Halfway to the assistant directly ordered.


When the assistant heard this, his face straightened, and the other party came to the door, and they didn't know what was going on, which was his dereliction of duty, a serious dereliction of duty.

Then he quietly left among the people who picked him up.

Peter's foreign friends saw this scene again while waiting for the car, and more than a dozen luxury cars drove into the lane and disappeared into the traffic.

At this moment, they no longer suspected that the plane was not Gu Chen's.

They looked at each other.

"Did we meet the nobles of Huaxia?" After a long time, a little fat man whispered.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Because it was night, he naturally went back to each house and found his mother, and Gu Chen also went home directly.

"Mom! I am back! Gu Chen dragged two boxes into the walk and said excitedly.

"How did you come back?"

Mother Gu got up from the sofa in surprise when she heard the voice, and quickly hugged her son.

"Something to deal with!"

Gu Chen explained with a smile.

"Hungry! Wait, I'll go warm up the dish!

Then Gu's mother went to the kitchen to make hot dishes.

After Gu Chen put all his clothes away, he saw his mother's busy body, and at this moment, he felt really good.

Where there is a mother, it is home!

"Mom, I brought you a lot of American specialties, wait for you to get it yourself!"

Gu Chen looked at the table full of colorful and fragrant dishes, and suddenly his stomach screamed, and he quickly started to eat.

In the United States, due to different customs and habits, although there are also local Chinese food, but the taste is simply not comparable, not to mention that it is made by my mother.

"Good! Mom, your craft has improved again! Gu Chen praised while eating.

The smile on Gu's mother's face did not stop.

What could be happier than making your son happy with your own dishes!

"Of course!" Mother Gu said proudly.

Afterwards, Gu Chen said a lot of customs and interesting things about the United States at the table.

Gu's mother kept laughing, and the whole family was filled with laughter.

Gu's mother naturally also said about her for a while, but did not mention today's car accident, so as not to worry her son, anyway, she has nothing to do, but she met a big star.

But she didn't say, after all, her son now has a Xinyi girl, she is also very satisfied and pity, satisfaction is to Chu Xinyi, but unfortunately can only marry one person today, otherwise her son is so good, marrying three is not too much!

Fortunately, Gu Chen didn't know what was going on in his mother's heart, otherwise he would be stunned.

He called the good guys! If there is any best mother in the country, it is estimated that his mother is definitely the first prize!

Finally, after talking with Gu's mother in the living room for a while, he was pushed by Gu's mother to rest.

Although the Tatsuko plane was very comfortable, he was still a little tired and soon fell into a dream.

I don't know if he was too tired or very relaxed at home, so he had a beautiful dream.

In his dream, he became the most influential person in the world, with groups all over the world, products flowing into the hands of humans everywhere, and he became the uncrowned king of the underground world.

Coupled with the mutated Taobao, the technology developed by his research institute has led the world for hundreds of years, and the aviation rocket he developed at his own expense has successfully landed on Mars.

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