At this time, Chu Xinyi was also very nervous, and she knew that this was her last chance.

As the time passed, the other end of the phone was silent.

Chu Xinyi's heart gradually fell into despair at this time.

"Xu Ru, do you know that you violated the system? President Jiang won't know if he doesn't see guests today, right? A cold voice came over the other end of the phone.

To the front desk's frightened pale, she remembered that today it was the chairman of their group who came to visit, and she had also seen the young chairman who did not speak.


the front desk didn't know what to say at this point.

And Chu Xinyi looked at the front desk with an apologetic face, she knew that it was because of her own people.

"However, the chairman praised you a lot before!"

Just when the front desk didn't know what to do, another voice came from the other end of the phone.


The front desk was immediately stunned, what did she hear?

And Chu Xinyi was stunned, and she also heard the other party's voice.

Before she came, she had already known about Taiyu Group.

The head of Taiyu Group is Jiangdong Qiangjiang.

The mysterious chairman of their group never seemed to have appeared, so much so that the outside world believed that Taiyu Group did not have a chairman at all.

"So, I'll help you this time, but it's not something I can predict if President Jiang will see you!" The other end of the phone suddenly laughed.

"Huh? Thank you Assistant Yan! The front desk was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately thanked him.

Although she didn't know why Gu Chen praised her, she was still very happy to hear that Assistant Yan was willing to help.

Then she looked at Chu Xinyi with a satisfied expression, although Chu Xinyi was puzzled in her heart, she was very happy to hear this, after all, she had another chance.

"Who wants to see President Jiang?"

"Chu Xinyi, general manager of Chu Group!"

"So it was her!"

Assistant Yan was stunned when she heard this, and instantly understood the other party's intentions, but she didn't think that President Jiang would agree to cooperate with her.

As the assistant to the general manager, she knows a lot of insider information.

Then Assistant Yan hung up the phone, came to the general manager's office, faintly heard the pleasant voice inside, pursed his lips, and knocked on the door.

"Knock knock!"

Hearing the voice inside, Qi Qi turned his head to look, and President Jiang frowned at this time.


"Chairman, Mr. Jiang, several directors, I'm sorry to disturb you, I just received a call from the front desk of the hall below, saying that there is a person who wants to see Mr. Jiang!" Assistant Yan reported truthfully.

"Huh? Didn't I say that? No visitors today! President Jiang was stunned when he heard this, and then said unhappily.

He looked at his assistant who had been with him for several years, wanting to hear an explanation from her, and he believed that the other party would not be such a person who did not understand timing.

"I said it, but the front desk at the lobby insisted that the guest came in cooperation with President Jiang!"

Assistant Yan looked at Gu Chen after speaking.

If she hadn't praised the front desk before Gu Chen, how could she have taken such a big risk?


Now Gu Chen was interested, he had known the front desk before, her personality would not be so tough at all, how could it be this time...

"Who wants to see me?"

President Jiang frowned when he heard this.

If it weren't for Gu Chen's praise of the front desk before, he would have scolded out loud.

"It's Chu Xinyi, the general manager of the Chu Group!"

Assistant Yan did not hesitate and directly said the name.

"It's her!"

The four people in the office were all stunned, but their minds were different.

"You tell her that we Taiyu can't help her with the crisis of the Chu Group!" When President Jiang heard this, he instantly understood, shook his head and said to Assistant Yan.


Assistant Yan had long known that this was the result, and then turned around and walked outside.


Suddenly, Gu Chen's voice sounded in the office.

He didn't expect to meet Chu Xinyi here, and it sounded like she was in trouble!

"Gu Dong, what's wrong?" Mr. Jiang asked curiously.

Assistant Yan also stopped moving and looked at Gu Chen.

"See you! That Chu Xinyi is my alumnus. Gu Chen said directly.


This news surprised others present.

"I didn't expect Gu Dong to be a high-achieving student!"

It was President Jiang who was the first to react, and it was another.

"Yes, yes, yes! I didn't expect that our Gu Dong was still a student of Huahai University, and he was really intelligent!

"Yes, since it is Gu Dong's alumnus, let's meet you!"

Several other shareholders cooperated.

"Yes! I'll do it right away!

Assistant Yan didn't expect such a coincidence, and then withdrew.

"President Jiang, you just said that even you can't help her, what is the matter? Even we Taewoo can't do anything?

Gu Chen was a little curious at this time.

"Gu Dong, this matter is a long story, it's not that we can't do anything, it's like this, this matter also starts with the Chu family..."

Then President Jiang told Gu Chen all the sources of the matter.

"So that's it!"

Gu Chen suddenly realized, and then he remembered the call that Chu Xinyi received yesterday morning, which was probably related to this.

"I'm really sorry, Gu Dong, we didn't know he was an alumnus relationship with you before!"

At this time, President Jiang apologized.

"It's okay! Everything is in the interests of the group! You guys are doing the right thing! "

He knows that shopping malls are all about profit.

However, he also wanted to help Chu Xinyi, after all, he saved him once last night.

But it won't help without anything in return.

On the other side, at the lobby.

At this time, Chu Xinyi watched the time pass little by little, and she no longer had any expectations in her heart.

In fact, she knew that the other party's chance of helping her was infinitely close to zero, but as long as there was still a chance, she didn't want to give up.

Unless there is a miracle! Otherwise, they may not be able to get by with the Chu family this time.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel sad.

The front desk next to him didn't know how to comfort Chu Xinyi.

She also did not expect that her idol was actually very stressed.

That's when her cell phone rang.

It instantly attracted the attention of the two.

"Hello? How is Assistant Yan? The front desk asked hurriedly.

"Okay, you call Miss Chu to come to the fifteenth floor! I'm waiting for her at the elevator! Assistant Yan said in a gentle tone.

"Ah! It's true! "

The front desk was very happy to hear this.

And Chu Xinyi naturally heard it, although she knew that the possibility of President Jiang agreeing to help was very small, but she still wanted to try it herself.

"Okay, okay! Thank you Assistant Yan! The front desk immediately thanked him.

Then he asked Chu Xinyi to go to the fifteenth floor.

"Miss Chu, you have to rely on yourself next, I hope you can get your wish!" The front desk blessed.

"Thank you, Xu Ru!"

Chu Xinyi was very grateful.

If it weren't for the other party, she would definitely not have this opportunity.

Then she got on the elevator with a nervous heart, and after a while, she rose to the fifteenth floor.

The elevator door opened, and a delicate woman wearing a professional suit appeared in front of Chu Xinyi, looking at the identity tag on her chest, she knew that she was on the phone in time.

"Thank you Assistant Yan!" Chu Xinyi took the lead in thanking him.

Generally, among the same sex, no one obeys anyone, but after Assistant Yan saw Chu Xinyi today, she was jealous of the other party's appearance and skin.

"Don't thank me, let's go! What are the chairman and President Jiang waiting? Then

he turned and walked away.

Chu Xinyi hurriedly followed.

At the same time, I was even more curious about the chairman of their group.

"Knock knock!"

The two stopped outside the door of the general manager's office.

"Come in!"

I only heard the sound of entering the door from inside.

"Please, Miss Chu!" Assistant Yan said.

"Thank you!"

Chu Xinyi thanked and walked in.

Five men inside appeared in her eyes.

Jiang Dongqiang she had seen, and the remaining four she looked at one by one, and did not know.

Until she saw the last figure, she was taken aback.

"Gu Chen? Why are you here? He suddenly shouted in a lost voice.

"How? Can't I just be here? Gu Chen suddenly said with a smile.

"Miss Chu, this is the chairman of our group? Where else could he be if he wasn't here?

At this time, President Jiang glanced at Chu Xinyi, his eyes were still amazing, and every time he saw Chu Xinyi, he would have such thoughts.

At this time, he somewhat understood Gu Chen's thoughts.

Their chairman is also young and handsome, isn't this just the same match as Chu Xinyi?

"What? You, you are the chairman of Taewoo?

At this moment, Chu Xinyi's good-looking cherry little mouth opened wide, and her face was full of disbelief.

"That's right!"

Gu Chen nodded directly, and he felt extremely comfortable when he saw Chu Xinyi's expression.

Hearing Gu Chen's personal admission, she was still a little unbelievable.

Just like a friend next to you, he suddenly tells you that he is actually the son of Ma Daddy, you know the mood at this time.

"By the way, you came..." Gu Chen asked funny at this time.

"Oh! That's right! President Jiang, the purpose of my coming

this time..." Hearing Gu Chen's question, Chu Xinyi only put away her thoughts at this time and said to President Jiang, but before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by President Jiang.

"President Chu, I know your intentions, but I can't do anything, our Taiyu's raw materials have long been bought by Tianhe, and they are still 30% higher than the market price!" So there's nothing we can do about it either! "

Once in the working state, President Jiang calls the other party's position.

"I'm really sorry, if President Chu had said before that he knew our chairman, I would definitely cooperate with you!" President Jiang looked regretful.

Chu Xinyi's face darkened when she heard this, although she knew that this would be the result, but hearing it with her own ears was another matter.

She wanted to look for Gu Chen again, but when the words came to her lips, she stopped.

Her pride made her not allow her to ask others, and when facing Gu Chen, she always had a special feeling and did not want to be weak in front of him.

"Student Chu!"

At this time, Gu Chen suddenly spoke up.

"Although I am the chairman of the group, you also know that I can't harm the interests of the group, so I can't do anything about it!"

Hearing this, Chu Xinyi was stunned, and then nodded, but her heart was full of misery.

Although she understands it, women have always been emotional animals.

"However, I have another plan here, I wonder if you are interested in learning about it?"

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