Chu Xinyi looked up at Gu Chen when she heard this, and there was a sense of hope in her beautiful pupils.

President Jiang and the other three directors also looked at Gu Chen, they didn't expect Gu Chen to have a plan before.

"What do you think of us Tae-woo?"

Gu Chen did not say his plan, but asked such a sentence.


Although Chu Xinyi didn't know what Gu Chen meant, he thought about it and replied seriously; "As one of China's top ten raw material suppliers, Taiyu Group also has a certain position in the international market, and is a group with very good prospects for development!"

"Good! But this is both its strength and disadvantage!

Gu Chen looked at everyone's puzzled gazes, only Chu Xinyi thoughtfully.

Gu Chen continued; "Since we Taiyu occupy so much market share, why can't we take advantage of this advantage ourselves? For example, we have our own processing plant, and our own products.

With Gu Chen's voice, several people in the office suddenly brightened, but President Jiang and the others dimmed again.

"Gu Dong, in fact, we thought about it before, but it failed!" President Jiang spoke.

Gu Chen smiled: "I know!" It is that our group does not have mature technology, and complete processing industry! Isn't it? "

Before he came, he had a lot of news about the Taiyu Group.


President Jiang was suddenly shocked when he heard this, he didn't expect Gu Chen to know the reason.

Although the other three shareholders did not participate in the management, their eyes were also very vicious, and they did not expect Gu Chen to know on the first day.

Immediately, he became more confident in Gu Chen Management Group.

"Not bad, since Gu Dong knows, do you already have a way?"

You must know that once their group solves this difficulty, it will develop rapidly, and then the group's assets will double, and as a shareholder, his value will also rise.


At this time, Gu Chen looked at Chu Xinyi, and he believed that Chu Xinyi had guessed his plan.

Chu Xinyi's inner thoughts were extremely chaotic at this time, and she was as smart as she naturally saw Gu Chen's purpose, which was to acquire her Chu family.

She agreed with this idea very much, after all, their Chu family was still too small.

Although we have technology, we have no foundation, and this incident is an example of this.

Losing the raw material, it was instantly punched into the prototype.

However, she is still a little reluctant, you must know that the company is owned by her father and her, that is, the entire company belongs to their Chu family.

Therefore, she didn't want their Chu Group to disappear like this.

And she didn't know what her father, the current helmsman of the Chu clan, thought.

"How is Classmate Chu?"

Gu Chen looked at Chu Xinyi's constantly changing face, and knew that she was also moved, after all, her business sensitivity was very powerful.

"I'll have to think about it!"

Chu Xinyi was at a loss at this time.

"Gu Dong, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Jiang was always puzzled.

He didn't know the riddle the two played.

The other three shareholders don't know either.

"Mr. Jiang, our group lacks technology, products, industrial chain, and rich experience, is there no shortage of Mr. Chu?" Gu Chen said with a smile.


Gu Chen's words suddenly made President Jiang suddenly open.

"Yes! We Taiyu don't have it, but the Chu family does! And now the Chu family is in trouble, and it is the best time for us to acquire them!

When Mr. Jiang thought of this, he was immediately very excited.

I didn't expect them Gu Dong to be so powerful.

Before, he thought that Gu Dong was sad that the beauty was closed, but he didn't expect Gu Dong to think that he was buying people and robbing them while they were hot.

"High! It's really high! At

this time, President Jiang admired Gu Chen, like a gushing river!

For the benefit of the group, he didn't even want beauty.

He could never reach such a realm.

"President Chu? What do you think? You must know that our Taiyu is just able to fill the shortcomings of your Chu clan!

President Jiang looked at Chu Xinyi's hesitant look at this time, and immediately persuaded.

At this time, there was silence in the general manager's office.

Gu Chen sat there quietly, sitting firmly on the fishing platform, while President Jiang and the other four shareholders stopped talking to Chu Xinyi.

"Gu... Gu Dong, President Jiang, I don't know what your conditions are? Chu Xinyi suddenly asked.

Hearing this, several people were happy for a while, indicating that her heart began to loosen.

"President Chu, let's talk about your requirements first!" At this time, President Jiang saw that Gu Chen did not speak, so he spoke up.

"Shares! I want to buy shares! Chu

Xinyi looked at Gu Chen, then looked at President Jiang and said firmly;

As soon as these words came out, President Jiang and the others quieted down, obviously this request was unexpected to them.

"President Chu, you need to know that our Taiyu has a market value of tens of billions, and your Chu family has a maximum of more than one billion, I'm afraid..." President Jiang frowned slightly.

"I know! But our Chu family's technology is very mature, you should be clear about the value of our Chu family, it is definitely what you Taiyu need!" Chu

Xinyi also responded humbly, after all, at this time, there was a conflict of interests.


Of course, President Jiang knows what is most important now? Nature is technology!

If it weren't for the Chu family facing this dilemma, they Taiyu might not have been able to take it.

But they didn't want to pay the shares in their hands, so they could only watch Gu Chen for help.

Gu Chen saw everyone looking at him and spoke, "I wonder how many shares Chu always wants?" "


"Impossible!" Gu Chen indifferently refused; "President Chu, although what you said is reasonable, you should know that we Taiyu do not have to ask you Chu Clan!"

Gu Chen directly refused, what kind of joke, 15% of the shares, that is white flowers of silver, are worth two or three Chu groups!

"Yes, yes, President Chu, aren't you joking?"

President Jiang also seconded at this time.

"So how much do you say!"

Chu Xinyi was not angry when she heard this.


" "Gu Dong, you should be clear about the technology in our Chu family's hands!"

Chu Xinyi's face changed when she heard Gu Chen's words, and she stared at Gu Chen for four or five seconds before saying.

She didn't expect Gu Chen to cut so hard.

In the end, the two reached an agreement after some negotiations, and the Chu Group was wholly merged into Taiyu Group, accounting for 10%, and Gu Chen and other four shareholders gave 2% to Chu.

However, the Chu family will take out 250 million yuan to Gu Chen's five shareholders.

Of course, this is only a verbal agreement, specifically waiting for the respective lawyer to print the contract.

"Good! Today, even if President Chu joins our Taiyu family! Or get together in the evening! President Jiang suggested with a smile at this time.



Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi looked at each other, and then smiled.

"I think it's better to wait for us to officially sign the contract tomorrow, how about it?" Gu Chen proposed.


Then it was unified.

Chu Xinyi did not expect that she originally came to seek cooperation, but she did not expect that the world was impermanent, and finally joined Taiyu.

She knew that the reason for all this was because of Gu Chen.

If it weren't for Gu Chen, it was estimated that he wouldn't have seen President Jiang today.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but thank Gu Chen a little.

Gu Chen noticed her gaze and nodded with a smile, making her face blush.

After that, several people chatted for a long time before they left separately.

The next day, Sheraton Grand Hotel, inside the luxury box.

The two sides are clearly distinguished.

One side is mainly Gu Chen, but the other side is a middle-aged man over half a hundred years old, and next to him sits a stunning beauty, it is Chu Xinyi.

"I didn't expect the mysterious chairman of Taiyu Group to be so young, what a hero out of a young man!"

At this time, the middle-aged man was also surprised in his heart when he looked at Gu Chen.

"Wherever, President Chu is the one that the kid admires!"

Gu Chen was polite.

Subsequently, after each party introduced it separately, the contract was taken out, and only after the lawyer authenticated it did the two parties sign it.

At this point, Chu became the second largest shareholder of Taiyu Group, accounting for 10% of the shares, the first shareholder was naturally Gu Chen, holding 58% of the shares, and President Jiang and other four people each held 8%.

And Gu Chen and the others also had 50 million more on their accounts.

Gu Chen took the time to look at it, and his heart suddenly burst into flames, making Chu Xinyi next to him look sideways repeatedly.

This location was naturally arranged by President Jiang.

"Now we are all the first gathering of Taiyu Group shareholders! I propose, everyone toast!

President Jiang saw that the contract was signed, and said with a smile at this time.


Gu Chen and the others stood up, picked up the wine glass in front of the table, touched it lightly, and drank it all.

"Guys, the old man has long retired, so the affairs of the group will depend on you!"

After some scrutiny, Chu Tiancheng, former chairman of the Chu Group and current director of the Taiyu Group, suddenly stood up and said.

Gu Chen and the others had long known this situation, and they were no exception at all.

After that, they left separately, they all had their own special seats, except for Gu Chen, they did not expect that the chairman of the ten-billion group was so poor that he couldn't even afford a car.

"What's that called?"

There was a large group before, but now only Gu Chen was left standing at the door messy.

Just as he was about to take a taxi to leave, suddenly a voice sounded.

"Gu Chen?"

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