Suddenly, I heard someone call his name, and turned my head to look, but a sense of familiarity came.

A young man in a suit just walked out of the gate, just saw Gu Chen's back a little familiar, and when he was thinking about who it was, he saw Gu Chen's side face turned around, and couldn't help but blurt out.

Unexpectedly, the person actually turned around.

"Is it really you? Gu Chen! Seeing

that it matched the appearance in his memory, he was overjoyed and hurried to Gu Chen's side.

"Ding Rui?"

Gu Chen also recognized the other party at this time.

"Why are you here?" Ding Rui stepped forward two steps, obviously the other party was happy to meet Gu Chen here.

"Just finished eating? What about you? "

I... Hey, it's hard to say enough! By the way, are you free? Two drinks to go? Ding Rui smiled bitterly when he heard this.


Then Gu Chen followed Ding Rui to a barbecue stall.

"You didn't come to take the graduation photos, and you withdrew from the class group, and everyone speculated whether something happened to you?"

Ding Rui nagged.

The two chatted while the food was served.

"Something happened! But fortunately, it has been solved! Gu Chen smiled and said.

The person in front of him is his college classmate, the relationship is not bad, I haven't seen it for a year, and I find that the classmates who were in high spirits at that time have long lost their sharpness.

He understands very well that something happened to his family during the year, and he was used to seeing the warmth and coldness of the society when he ran takeout.

"By the way, I just heard from you, it seems that something happened?" Gu Chen asked curiously.

Ding Rui drank a glass of beer and said slowly; "Xie Kai remember!"


Gu Chen nodded.

Xie Kai is also their classmate, but also the class leader of their class!

Huahai natives have always looked down on outsiders, and I heard that their family runs a company!

"I just invited him here for dinner today! He's really not a thing! Ding Rui said indignantly.

Then Gu Chen finished listening to what happened.

It turned out that Ding Rui also worked in a certain company and also did product processing.

It's just not as good as the Chu family.

Because Tianhe Group previously acquired most of the raw materials in Huahai City.

The impact of this is not only Chu's, but also companies related to processing.

So their company sent Ding Rui to contact various raw material suppliers.

But how long has Ding Rui been out, where there are so many connections.

Later, he inquired and learned that their squad leader Xie Kai's family had something to do with the Tianhe Group, so he invited Xie Kai to invite him here for dinner, wanting him to help.

After all, the relationship between several people in school before was not bad.

As a result, he didn't say, but Gu Chen also guessed it, it must be that Xie Kai didn't help.

"Hey! When I came out, I realized that society is much more complicated than school! Ding

Rui drank a few cups at this time and sighed.


Gu Chen nodded.

He deeply realized that if he hadn't mutated in Taobao a few days ago, it was estimated that he would be worse than Ding Rui, after all, he was still in huge debt.

"Don't say it! I haven't seen you for a long time, let's drink one today. Ding

Rui waved his hand and picked up the beer.


Later, the two talked about many interesting things that happened in college.

Then Ding Rui seemed to remember something, and said to Gu Chen; "That's right, Dust! There was a class reunion in the class group in the last two days, which was initiated by Xie Kai's grandson, do you want to go? "

Class reunion?"

Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, and recalled the scene in college, he was still a popular figure in the school, and he had a good relationship with the rest of the class.

After something happened at home, he left directly, and he didn't even go to the graduation photo, and the graduation certificate was still sent to him by courier.

"Go! You haven't seen each other for a year!

"yes! Although it was initiated by Xie Kai, everyone was very interested and said that they wanted to participate, if you let everyone know that you are coming, it will definitely be crazy! Ding

Rui was also in a much better mood at this time.

This is true, Gu Chen, the school grass of their school, at that time he shot and was atmospheric, from time to time invited the whole class to drink milk tea and so on, and the girls in the class had a good impression of Gu Chen.

And the boys, Gu Chen's playing skills are good, and the natural relationship is very good.

"Call me then!" Gu Chen should bear it.

"Good! I gotta surprise them!

"By the way, what are you going to do with your work?"

"I don't know! Let's run a few more tomorrow! I don't believe that all the raw materials in Huahai City have been acquired by Tianhe Group!

Ding Rui said after thinking about it.

"By the way, you can go to Taiyu to try it, there must be raw materials there."

Gu Chen knew the situation, and the raw materials in Huahai City were really acquired by Tianhe Group.

"Eh? Dust! You're not kidding! Taiyu Group is a large national group, where can you see a small company like us!

Gu Chen smiled and said; I know a director of Taiyu Group, you should contact him then! "

Huh? Didn't you see the dust? Do you even know the heads of large groups? Ding

Rui was stunned when he heard Gu Chen's words, and then looked at Gu Chen a few times with wide eyes.

"I met by chance!"

Gu Chen said lightly, he did not say that he was the chairman of Taiyu Group, after all, this was suspected of pretending.

Ding Rui said happily; "Yours, Dust! You said that if I had met you earlier, where would I have to go to Xie Kai's grandson!

After all, Gu Chen's words made him really put his heart down.

"You still have to thank people, or else you can meet me?"

"Eh! Also! Ha ha!

After that, the two drank a lot, and Gu Chen stopped drinking, he didn't forget the previous lesson.

"All right! Drink it later! Aren't you going to work tomorrow? "

Uh-huh! That's it! If my mission is completed, I must treat you to a drink!

Ding Rui stood up before and wanted to go to the checkout.

"I'm married!"

Then the two parted at the intersection.

"Dust! Thank you! Ding Rui said sincerely while sitting in the taxi.

"Little things! Come home and report safety! "

It's just a phone call thing for him, after all.

Watching the car go away, a fresh breeze blew, which made Gu Chen sober up a little.

Recalling Ding Rui, he couldn't help but shake his head, looked at the time on his wrist, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and he planned to leave.

So he stood at the intersection and waited left and right, but there were no taxis.

It turned out that it was already a lot of luck to meet that taxi before.

Gu Chen smiled bitterly.

"It seems that I really have to buy a vehicle, it's really inconvenient at all!"

Now he has money, the fifty million transferred by the Chu Group before!

Thinking of this, he quickly transferred 10 million to his family.

If others knew that the chairman of the ten-billion-dollar group owed money and did not pay it back, it would be a big joke.

It is estimated that it can be a hot search.

"The chairman of a certain group is worth tens of billions of dollars, owes millions of debts and does not pay back, and becomes a debt boss!"

It is estimated that he will become famous in an instant!

And sent a text message to my mother to reassure her.

After waiting for a long time and no news came, he knew that his family must have slept long ago.

When he was about to put away his mobile phone, he suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have received today's special sale today.

He was disappointed that he received only one bottle of red wine last night.

"Ding! Congratulations to this user for the Aston Martin ONE-77!

Suddenly, a piece of news came, instantly blinding his eyes.

"I lean! Really fake!

Gu Chen couldn't help but burst into foul language.

Really let him kill a car in seconds, no matter how much he expected it before, he couldn't choose it, but he didn't think about it, and today he really hit the second kill.

It's just that he doesn't seem to be able to drive, which makes him very depressed because he drinks.

At this time, he suddenly had something more in his pocket, and he knew that this should be the key.

Take it out and take a look, it's really cool, the whole miniature version of the supercar, smooth lines, is completely the perfect embodiment of technology.

"Can't you show up sooner?"

At this time, the phone vibrate, he opened it, and it turned out to be a message.

"Dear Mr. Gu! Your supercar is parked in the Sheraton Hotel Underground Parking Lot! Seeing

this, Gu Chen resisted the desire to go over and take a look, after all, if he saw it at that time, he couldn't open it, and he would be even more depressed.

Of course, he can also hire a substitute driver, but he doesn't want his supercar to be broken by himself for the first time.

So I still have to take a taxi back and wait until tomorrow to pick up the car.

At this time, a taxi just came, and Gu Chen quickly stopped it.

However, there seemed to be a passenger in the car, and Gu Chen was disappointed, and when he thought that he had to continue to wait, the car actually stopped in front of him.

"Handsome guy, where to go?"

"Over there on Bingjiang Road!"

"Exactly, I just passed there, go? Handsome guy! The taxi brother laughed when he heard this.

Gu Chen hesitated for a second and then turned on the co-pilot.

It's very difficult to get a taxi in this damn place.

As soon as he entered, he smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

Looking back, sure enough, a drunken girl was sitting in the back seat against the window.

"Hey, I don't know what's wrong, I drank like this!" Seeing Gu Chen's gaze, the taxi brother explained with a smile.

Gu Chen was silent, and the taxi brother no longer spoke, because he also smelled the alcohol on Gu Chensheng's body, but very little.

The car drove in their silence, looking out the window at the neon lights, colorful and shining in the dark night.

It looked extremely beautiful

, and at this time, a voice sounded.

"Master! Do you believe in love?

Suddenly, a sound like a mountain kingfisher sounded from the back seat of the car.

Gu Chen didn't expect the girl behind her to have such a pleasant voice.

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